• [S54] Civil War Regiments. Photo by unknown photographer. Unknown series; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp; unknown file name.
  • [S63] Obituary for Ernie Wagner, unknown location.
  • [S88] Frederick H. Dyer. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion.. Des Moines, Iowa: Dyer Publishing Company, 1908.
  • [S92] Donald H. Wickman. Letters to Vermont from her Civil War Soldier Correspondents to the Home Press. PO Box 137, Bennington, VT 05201: Images from the Past, 1998.
  • [S385] Marlene L. Pearson, letter. 7 Aug 2003, from PO Box 813, Vernon, B. C., Canada V1T 6M8, to Stacy Wagner. Unknown repository; unknown repository address.
  • [S650] RootsWeb.com. Online http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi, Diane Midkiff. e-mail address. Updated as of 2 Jun 2006.
  • [S653] Death Certificate - Thomas Otto Mercer. Online unknown url.
  • [S660] Unknown repository address. 1911 Digital. Unknown repository.
  • [S990] The Oregonian - Obituaries, Portland, Oregon, 28 Jun 1975.
  • [S1990] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 6 Sep 1971.
  • [S1991] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 20 Feb 1954.
  • [S1994] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 8 Sep 1971.
  • [S1996] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 8 Jul 1980.
  • [S2256] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 20 Sep 1991.
  • [S2263] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 21 Dec 1967.
  • [S2264] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 24 Apr 1964.
  • [S2300] The Caledonian, Saint Johnsbury, VT, 28 Oct 1864.
  • [S2302] The New York Tribune, New York, NY, 12 May 1868.
  • [S2303] The Albany Evening Journal, Albany, NY, 3 Jun 1876.
  • [S2304] The Evening Star, Washington, DC, 27 May 1879.
  • [S2305] The New York Herald, New York, NY, 7 Sep 1884.
  • [S2306] The New York Times, New York, NY, 7 Sep 1884.
  • [S2307] The Philadelphia Times, Philadelphia, PA, 7 Sep 1884.
  • [S2308] The New York Tribune, New York, NY, 13 Oct 1885.
  • [S2309] The New York Herald, New York, NY, 26 Jun 1886.
  • [S2310] The New York Tribune, New York, NY, 21 Sep 1888.
  • [S2312] The Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago, IL, 23 May 1879.
  • [S2313] The Cleveland Leader, Cleveland, OH, 21 Aug 1882.
  • [S2314] The Sun, Baltimore, MD, 8 Sep 1884.
  • [S2315] The Muskegon Chronicle, Muskegon, MI, 26 Aug 1885.
  • [S2364] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 24 Oct 1965.
  • [S2365] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 9 Apr 1942.
  • [S2368] The Bellingham Herald, Aberdeen, WA, 5 Jul 1935.
  • [S2369] The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Oct 1948.
  • [S2370] Coast Defense Study Group. Online https://tinyurl.com/mfacxzp
  • [S2377] Director Richard Whitman, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
    ORS 195.300 to ORS 195.336 (Measure 49) Supplemental Review of Measure 37 Claim
    Final Order and Home Site Authorization
    . Salem, OR: Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 14 Apr 2009.
  • [S2378] The Oregonian, McMinnville, OR, 15 Dec 1981.
  • [S2379] The Oregonian, Beaverton, OR, 29 Jul 1980.
  • [S2380] The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Jul 1943.
  • [S2383] The Oregonian, Longview, WA, 14 Jul 1952.
  • [S2645] Denise Wagner "Wagner Family Tree." e-Mail message from e-mail address at e-mail address. 18 Feb 2015.
  • [S2662] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 5 May 1918.
  • [S2663] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 6 Oct 1951.
  • [S2666] The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 5 Nov 1965.
  • [S2678] Valerie Joan Wagner Newman "The Wagner's." e-Mail message from e-mail address at Centralia, WA. 6 Mar 2015.
  • [S3810] The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Apr 1939.
  • [S3811] The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Mar 1939.
  • [S3841] The Twiford Funeral Homes, Elizabeth City, NC, 17 Mar 2011.
  • [S3885] The Daily Astorian, Astoria, OR, 9 May 1974.
  • [S3886] The Daily Astorian, Astoria, OR, 2 Jan 2004.