Every person identified as having served at any time in the United States military
- Abney
- Ackley
- Adcock
Clay Crowder Jr. B: 1933, D: 1992Edward Leslie B: 1930, D: 1992Frank Lucian
B: 1899, D: 1949
William Hercial Jr.B: 1922, D: 2010
- Adkins
B: 1930, D: 2010
- Akin
- Albin
- Lawrence C. B: 1931
- Aldrich
- Aleshire
- Alkire
B: 1935, D: 1971
Michael Elliott B: 1927, D: 1950 - Alkire (cont.)
- Allen
- Amy
- Robert Manuel
B: 1920, D: 1989
- Anderson
Sherman Edward
B: 1922, D: 2016
- Applebaum
- Harry Ray
B: 1889, D: 1965
- Archer
- Nelson
B: 1900, D: 1980
- Armacost
- Armstrong
- William Robert B: 1924, D: 2010
- Arnold
- Ashcraft
- Ashmore
- John Allen
B: 1936, D: 2013
- Ault
- Austin
- Backus
- Bailey
- Bain
- Baker
- John Hardee
B: circa 1930
- Banks
- Barker
- Barlow
- Barnes
- Barnwell
- Barrientos
- Salvador Benjamin
B: 1920, D: 2001
- Barron
- Bartholomew
- Bartlett
- Bartley
- Bass
- Baughman
- Charles Jennings
B: 1916, D: 1952
- Bauman
- Robert Melvin
B: 1924, D: 2011
- Baxter
- Bearden
- Earl
B: 1915, D: 1977
- Bechtel
- John
B: 1930, D: 1950
- Beebe
- Belcher
- Bellinger
- Belt
- Bena
Ralph A.
B: 1938, D: 2007
- Bentley
- Berkley
- Bethel
- Betterton
- Bierward
- Bigelow
- Biko
- Michael Andrew
B: 1927, D: 2012
- Billings
- Bixby
- Ernest L.
B: 1874, D: 1948
PelatiahB: 1731, D: 1822
- Black
- Charles Kenton
B: 1938, D: 2015
Richard WilliamB: 1939, D: 1992
Ronald LeeB: 1941, D: 1985
- Blackburn
- Blackmore
- Blansett
- Blanton
B: 1908, D: 1972
- Bleifuss
- Blood
- Blount
- Bobb
Paul E.
B: 1931, D: 2015
- Boggan
- William Kendall Jr.
B: 1904, D: 1945
- Boies
- Bollinger
- Eugene
B: 1930, D: 2008
- Boor
- William Paul
B: 1896, D: 1963
- Boswell
Robert Lynn
B: 1949, D: 1998
- Bottorff
- Bower
- Earl R.
B: 1891, D: 1974
- Bowers
- Boyce
- Boyd
- Teddy L.
B: 1928, D: 1993
- Bradt
- Johannes
B: 1717, D: 1748
JohnB: 1789
Myndert B: 1758, D: between 1810 and 1817 - Brannon
- Bransford
- Alex Utley
B: 1897, D: 1933
- Breeden
- Bretton
- Leland Leroy
B: 1947, D: 2006
- Bridgman
- Brigham
- Brinkman
- Broadbent
- Brooks
- Brostrom
- Brown
- Brownlee
- Bruce
B: 1888, D: 1963
- Bryan
- Buchacker
- Buchannon
- Buhl
- Bullock
- Bunch
- Bunnell
- Luke
B: 1736, D: 1756
- Burgess
- Burkhart
- Burkholder
- Foster E.
B: 1917, D: 2000
- Bush
- Mann
B: 1937, D: 2003
- Bushnell
- Butts
- Byars
- Cabbage
- Callan
- Camp
- Campbell
- Canfield
- Cantrall
Glen Walter
B: 1929, D: 1952
- Cantrell
Arhtur Dyer
B: 1942, D: 1990
Edwin GradyB: 1899, D: 1977
- Cantrell (cont.)
Franklin Duncan
B: 1933, D: 2009
Gene EarvinB: circa 1943, D: 2009
James HarrisonB: 1930, D: 1958
Jimmy DaleB: 1948, D: 1991
- Cantrell (cont.)
B: 1930, D: 1974
Odes J.B: 1930, D: circa 1950
- Cantrell (cont.)
Rochell William B: 1947, D: 2010
- Cantrell (cont.)
Warren Glenn
B: 1930, D: 2010
Willie GreeneB: 1928, D: 1969
- Cargo
- Daniel N.
B: 1923, D: 1991
- Carnahan
- Carpenter
- Ernest Allen
B: 1948, D: 1995
- Carr
- Carrel
- Carruth
- Carter
- Casada
- Caskey
- Floyd
B: 1896, D: 1985
- Cassel
- Castleberry
William Claude Jr.
B: 1916, D: 1941
- Cates
- Cecil
- Chain
- Chambless
- Lemuel Doyle
B: 1942, D: 1969
- Chenois
- Chilcote
- Childers
- Chrisman
- Christopherson
- Chubb
Nicholas Carroll B: 1922, D: 2008
- Claar
- Clanton
- Clapp
- Clark
Maxwell Adelbert
B: 1909, D: 1979
- Claypool
- Johnie Cooper
B: 1927, D: 2002
- Claywell
- Clinton
- Gerald E.
B: 1933, D: 1986
- Clough
- Cofer
- Coker
- Coleman
- Clyde Bester
B: 1882, D: 1940
- Combs
- Conner
- Joseph H.
B: 1814, D: 1856
- Cook
- Charles Floyd
B: 1934, D: 1950
- Cooley
- Copaus
- Copeland
- LeRoy
B: 1924, D: 2016
- Corbin
- Cornpropst
- Cox
- Merle F.
B: 1914, D: 1964
Vernon RussellB: 1928, D: 2015
- Crain
- Crawford
- Creager
- Jack Stanley
B: 1925, D: 1989
- Creason
- Creekmur
- Dorothy Mae B: 1935, D: 2011John E. B: 1922, D: 2004
- Crispell
- Crittenden
- Cross
- Crouch
- Cultee
- Ira Guy B: 1926, D: 1989
- Cummins
- Cunningham
- Curless
Randy Dale
B: 1950, D: 2003
- Curnutt
- Horace
B: 1926, D: 1997
WilburnB: 1920, D: 2004
William FloydB: 1918, D: 1989
- Currence
- Currie
- Custer
- Dane
- Dauphin
- Davis
Harry Guy
B: 1885, D: 1967
James M. D: 1867 - Dawson
- Day
- De Socio
- Dean
- Deane
- James Adam
B: 1912, D: 1988
- Decker
- Delp
- Denney
- Denny
- Derry
- DeSocio
- DeWolf
- Dial
- Bruce D.
B: 1937, D: 1989
- Dishon
- Dobbins
- Dobson
- Dodson
- Dorsey
- Douglass
- Drace
Louis McCoy
B: 1950, D: 2012
- Drake
- Dreher
- Driver
- Homer
B: 1900, D: 1966
- Drury
- Hugh George
B: circa 1616, D: 1689
- Dunagan
- George N.
B: 1925, D: 2021
- Dunaway
- Duncan
- Duane Dee
B: 1921, D: 2008
- Dunn
- Dutton
- Eager
- Eames
- Charles A. B: 1890, D: 1942
- Eaton
- Eddington
- Edgbert
- Edmonson
- Egan
- Howard
B: 1815, D: 1878
- Eggleston
- Eisenach
- Eller
- Elliott
Paul Lee
B: 1935, D: 1982
- Ellison
- Z.B.
B: 1908, D: 1958
- Empey
Ralph D: before 2008
- Engle
- Byron E.
B: 1899, D: 1978
- Ensign
- Epperson
- Ervin
- Noah Milton
B: 1886, D: 1938
- Eshelman
- Gregory Milton B: 1954, D: 2003Harold Dennis B: 1958, D: 2002
- Esposito
- Estes
Scott Alex
B: 1990, D: 2011
- Estey
- Everhart
- Ezell
- Fair
- Farrar
- Farris
- Farwell
- Fero
- Filler
- Finger
- Finlay
- Finney
- Fisher
- Flanagan
- Ernest L.
B: 1931, D: 2008
- Flaskerud
- Floyd
- Forrest
- Forste
- Fowler
- Dana Edward
B: 1948, D: 1981
- Frady
- Franklin
- Franks
- John Verble
B: 1913, D: 1960
- Frasier
- Chester Elton B: 1920, D: 2009
- Freemeyer
- French
- Frisbie
- Fulkerson
- Fulks
- Fuson
Mason Dixon B: 1938, D: 2005William Wesley B: 1896, D: 1943
- Fuston
- Fyffe
- Gaboriau
- Gammill
- James Russell B: 1948, D: 2019
- Gangwish
- Clifferd Joseph
B: 1919, D: 2007
- Gardner
- James William B: 1932, D: 1974
- Garrett
Jay Clifford Jr.
B: 1944, D: 1983
- Gdisis
- Peter
B: 1923, D: 1972
- Geren
- James Everett
B: 1919, D: 1945
- Gibson
- Cecil Raymond
B: 1939, D: 2004
- Giesing
Kenneth Eugene
B: 1946, D: 2014
- Gifford
- Gile
- Gilliam
- Ivory
B: 1917, D: 2001
- Ginger
- Henry Lewis
B: 1822, D: 1874
- Glenn
- Richard E.
B: 1919, D: 1992
- Glidewell
- Roy
B: 1892, D: 1958
- Glover
- Godfrey
- Goff
- Goldsby
- Goman
- Thomas L.
B: 1919, D: 2009
- Goodwin
- George Washington
B: 1922, D: 1944
- Gould
- Gowen
- Graham
- Granacki
- Grear
- Gredler
- Greenly
- Griffith
- Griffy
- Clarence Sherman
B: 1924
- Griswold
- Groce
- Grove
- Grover
- Guertler
- Gugelchuk
- Joseph Albert B: 1920, D: 2013
- Guinaugh
- Edmund Roy Jr.
B: 1927, D: 2002
- Gunnett
- Hacker
Arthur Frank
B: 1898, D: 1964
- Hahm
- Hainer
- Hale
- Hall
- Edgar
B: 1923, D: 2013
Raymond SpencerB: 1914, D: 1976
Thurman EllisB: 1942, D: 1986
- Hamilton
- Hammock
- Hamnett
- Hancock
- Hankins
- Hanson
- Harris
- Lloyd Harold
B: 1923, D: 2006
- Harvey
- Hassler
- Ralph J. B: 1917, D: 1974
- Hauger
- Hause
- Hayhurst
- Robert Russell B: 1948, D: 2018Russell Jefferson
B: 1925, D: 2018
- Head
- Arthur Leroy
B: 1922, D: 1998
- Hebert
- Heer
- Hefner
- Hehl
- Helber
- Frank K.
B: 1941, D: 2012
- Hennig
- Wellman H.
B: 1919, D: 1991
- Hertel
- Jean-Baptiste de-Rouville
B: 1668, D: 1722
Zacharie de la FresniereB: 1665
- Hester
- Lawrence William
B: 1925, D: 2018
- Hickman
- Cleitus Eugene
B: 1924, D: 2006
Marion BradleyB: 1896, D: 1982
- Hickock
- Hickok
- Hildreth
- Hill
- Hillard
- Donald Rae
B: 1920, D: 2021
- Hiller
- Hillyer
- Hilterbran
- Carey R.
B: 1929, D: 2010
- Hitchcock
- Hodges
- Solomon George
B: 1850, D: 1932
- Hoff
- Hoffman
- James D.
B: 1923, D: 2011
- Holcombe
- Hollingsead
- Howard Dean
B: 1929, D: 2015
- Holman
- Robert R. B: 1939, D: 2021
- Holt
- Horace
B: 1829, D: 1906
- Hooper
- Allen Douglas
B: 1921, D: 1998
- Hope
- Hopkins
- Jesse Jefferson
B: 1906, D: 1998
- Hopper
William L.
B: 1888, D: 1936
- Horn
- Horne
- Horner
- Houghton
- Howard
- Howe
- Hubbard
- Hudson
- Wynton Byron
B: 1919, D: 1995
- Hulbert
- Hull
- Hume
- Hungerford
- Hunnicutt
- Clyde Edwin
B: 1925, D: 1962
- Hunt
- Randall Scott B: 1949, D: 2018Reginald Vee B: 1950, D: 2015Thomas Austin
B: 1886, D: 1964
- Hunter
- David Wilson
B: 1939, D: 2005
James Morgan Jr.B: 1944, D: 2004
- Huston
- Hutchinson
- Jacob Flynn
B: 1816, D: 1867
- Hyde
- Iman
- Ingles
- Irwin
- Jackson
- Glen Edward
B: 1930, D: 2012
- Jenkins
- Ephriam Earl Jr.
B: 1923, D: 2012
- Johns
- Johnson
B: 1829, D: 1898
Ralph Dale B: 1921, D: 1994 - Jones
- Jordan
- Judkins
- Kachel
- Kahnt
- Kellog
- Kellogg
- Kempf
- Douglas Scott B: 1947, D: 1969
- Kendall
- Kennemer
- Kent
George Wesley
B: 1924, D: 2005
- Kersey
- Kilby
- Kilts
- Kimball
- Kimple
- Ettie Z.
B: 1895, D: 1959
- King
- Kinney
Michael Dennis B: 1945, D: 2004
- Kirby
- Charles Alfred
B: 1926, D: 1983
- Kirk
- Kline
- Knisley
- Knous
- Knowles
- Knox
- Kohl
- Delmar Lee B: 1933, D: 2017
- Kons
- Kotrba
- Kreitz
- Herbert E.
B: 1894, D: 1953
- Krieger
- Kroll
- Kuhn
- Kenneth James Jr.
B: 1943, D: 2011
- La Fontaine
- Lange
- Larimer
- Lashuay
- Lawson
- Le Baron
- Ledbetter
- Farley J. B.
B: 1925, D: 2002
Farley J.B.B: 1925, D: 2002
- Ledford
- Harry A.
B: 1930, D: 2011
- Lee
- David Campbell
B: 1893, D: 1943
- LeGore
- LeMaster
Russell E.
B: 1948, D: 2011
- Leporini
- Leppert
- Joanne Margaret
B: 1924, D: 2008
- Lester
- Martin
B: 1890, D: 1968
- Lewis
Oliver D: 1804Phillip Leroy
B: 1949, D: 2010
- Lewis (cont.)
- Libby
- Lierman
- Edward Lee B: 1942, D: 1978
- Liggett
- Lintz
- James Buford
B: 1922, D: 1985
- Lippincott
- Loew
- Long
- Looper
- Lord
- Lottsfeldt
- Love
Donald Thomas
B: 1934, D: 2001
Forest DeanB: 1936, D: 2007
Robert AlvaB: 1924, D: 2006
- Lowman
- Loy
- Richard Cooley B: 1963, D: 2021
- Lucas
- Lukascik
- Stanley J.
B: 1921, D: 2010
- Luna
- Lung
- Luse
- Lushbough
- Lynn
- Macek
- Mackey
- Oscar A. B: 1917, D: 1999
- Macomber
- Maddux
- David Haywood
B: 1915, D: 1993
- Magness
- Magnussen
- Sigurd Clark
B: 1966, D: 2007
- Mallory
- Malone
- Manary
- Mangan
- Manis
- Manuel
- Charles Edward
B: 1930, D: 1991
- Marah
- Markley
- Donald Leroy
B: 1936, D: 2009
- Martin
Johnnie H.
B: 1948, D: 2015
Percy Hugh LeeB: 1918, D: 2001
- Mathewson
- Maynard
- William T.
B: 1921, D: 1993
- McAlvey
- Cloyd
B: 1925, D: 1994
- McCausland
- McClain
- McCloud
- McCollum
- Frank Nelson
B: 1888, D: 1962
- McCord
- McCormick
- McCoy
- McCracken
- McCrory
- McCullough
- McDaniel
- McDargh
- Harry John III
B: 1926, D: 2011
- McGinnis
- McGregor
- McKenzie
- McLaughlin
- McLean
- McLendon
- Bobby Ray B: 1932, D: 2012Charles E. B: 1931, D: 1975
- McLeod
- Lyle Murwin
B: 1925, D: 1973
- McNicol
- McOmber
- McRostie
- Meader
- Emery L.
B: 1884, D: 1955
- Mears
- Mellinger
- Mercer
Charles Edgar
B: 1895, D: 1958
- Merkel
- Merrell
- Billy Dale
B: 1929, D: 2001
- Merriman
- Stoney B: 1943, D: 1995
- Merry
- Merton
- Messenger
- Meyer
- Meyers
- Michael
- Ashby Clark B: 1881, D: 1958Opha Baisl B: 1895, D: 1978Vaughn Jefferson
B: 1909, D: 1962
- Mileham
- Miller
- Calvin Reed
B: 1916, D: 1996
- Mills
- Timothy
B: 1718, D: 1803
- Miner
- Minshew
- Fermon B: 1924, D: 2012
- Mitts
Jerry Dean
B: 1938, D: 1994
- Mix
- Nyle Loyd Randolph
B: 1918, D: 1978
- Mobley
- Moffett
- Mominee
- Montgomery
- Raymond Glen
B: 1930, D: 2005
- Moore
- Albert Fleming
B: 1906, D: 1985
George St. ClairB: 1904, D: 1983
- Moran
- Morgan
- Morphew
- Morris
- Kenneth Oran
B: 1924, D: 1968
Marvin LeeB: 1931, D: 1977
- Morrison
- Morton
- Moshenrose
- Mottet
- Mark Oliver
B: 1926, D: 2003
- Mowitch
- Clifford John
B: 1928, D: 2003
- Muir
- Mullersman
- Munslow
- Murray
- Mustread
- Garry W.
B: 1955, D: 2000
- Myers
- Neal
- Cecil Ruell
B: 1934, D: 1992
- Neergaard
- Neibert
- Nelson
- Newcomb
- Daniel
B: 1741, D: 1794
- Newman
- Newton
- Ney
- Nielsen
- Nix
- William Henry B: 1949, D: 2009
- Nolen
- Nordenholz
- Nowlan
- Nunes
- William Raymond B: 1927, D: 2014
- Nunley
- O'Daniel
- Oberender
- Frank Lee
B: 1924, D: 1945
- Oertel
- Olds
- Osborn
Alexander Perry III
B: 1955, D: 2008
- Oster
- Donald Eugene
B: 1933, D: 2008
- Ousley
- Charles Bland
B: 1877, D: 1972
- Oviatt
- Owens
- Oxford
- Packer
- Palmer
- Pangle
- Pargellis
- Park
- Cecil Craig
B: 1906, D: 1987
- Parris
- Parsons
- Partin
- Clifford James
B: 1924, D: 1993
- Partridge
- Richard Lyman
B: 1928, D: 2016
- Patchett
- Patterson
Chester L.
B: 1923, D: 2009
- Patton
- Paxson
- Peach
- Homer B: 1928, D: 2012
- Pearsall
- Pearson
- Pechal
- Alois William B: 1932, D: 2015
- Peck
- Thorit
B: 1826, D: 1858
- Pelfrey
- William Mason
B: 1931, D: 1988
- Pendleton
- Penn
- Perry
- Pettit
- Phelps
- Phillips
- Piatt
- Pickens
David Stanley
B: 1942, D: 2001
- Pierce
- Piercy
- Watt Henry (Doctor)
B: 1908, D: 1993
- Pilgrim
William Henry
B: 1911, D: 1995
- Pitcher
- Pittman
- Plumb
- Pocus
- Nickie Joe
B: 1952, D: 2006
- Poore
- Porter
- Post
- Potter
- Powell
- Powers
- Pownall
- Prater
- Arthur Pierce
B: 1923, D: 1982
Herman FranklinB: 1920, D: 2001
- Pratt
- Preston
- Prevost
- Price
- Pritzen
- Joseph P.
B: 1907
- Proper
- Provin
- Bruce L. B: 1933, D: 2016Richard E. B: 1931, D: 2010
- Pummill
- Putman
- Qualls
- Quince
- Raines
- John Bunyan
B: 1833, D: 1904
- Ranney
- Rathbun
- Rawlings
- Murl L. B: 1929, D: 2012
- Rea
- Ream
- Troy Elwood
B: 1928, D: 1991
- Redford
- Reed
- Reeder
- Rehm
- John Gilbert
B: 1928, D: 2010
- Rice
Darel L.
B: 1948, D: 2015
- Richards
- Richardson
- Rickard
- Ridout
- Emmet F.
B: 1926, D: 2009
- Rigdon
- Riggs
- Clara Kay
B: 1951, D: 2010
- Righter
- Steve
B: 1922, D: 1991
- Rigsby
- Riley
- Risen
- Larry George B: 1935, D: 2021
- Roberts
- Robinette
- Donald E.
B: 1932, D: 2014
James H.B: 1934, D: 1960
- Robinson
- Robison
- Robley
- Edwin John B: 1951, D: 2005
- Root
- Rose
- Ross
- Roush
- Jeffrey Clark
B: 1951, D: 1991
- Rowland
- Royal
- Royce
- Royer
- Rueckert
- Russell
- Clifford Bradford B: 1919, D: 1944Raeburn Norman
B: 1913, D: 1936
- Rutherford
- Daniel Harris
B: 1929, D: 1950
- Rutledge
- Ryan
- Rybka
- Andrew G.
B: 1911, D: 1982
- Salisbury
- Salyer
- Samuel Winfred B: 1921, D: 1997
- Salyerds
- Sanders
George V.
B: 1910, D: 1951
- Santos
- Pio
B: 1911, D: 1995
- Sapp
Lawrence William
B: 1927, D: 2010
- Sargent
- Earl
B: 1924, D: 2013
- Scales
- George Russell
B: 1922, D: 2013
- Scarborough
- Scissom
- James Alton
B: 1937, D: 2009
- Scott
- Scroggie
- Sears
- Guy Raymond
B: 1892, D: 1956
- Sees
- Seidner
- Sexton
- Shaw
- Shene
- Shepard
- Sherman
- Shinkle
- Ellis Bryan
B: 1898, D: 1973
- Shirk
- Shoemaker
- Short
- Shropshire
- Simmons
Walter Charles
B: 1901, D: 1949
- Sisemore
- Sisson
- Slagle
- Elliott Patterson
B: 1938, D: 2014
- Sloper
- Archie William B: 1897, D: 1970
- Slutz
- William Earl
B: 1888
- Smith
- Arthur B.
B: 1931, D: 1950
Don CarlosB: 1816, D: 1841
John GloverB: 1808, D: 1888
- Snyder
- James D.
B: 1889, D: 1961
- Soper
- Sorenson
- Spangler
- Speed
- Spence
- Spittler
- Spivey
- Sproat
- Spruell
- St. Clair
- Starr
- Stedman
John Babcock Jr.
B: 1813, D: 1889
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Raymond Wilford
B: 1911, D: 1972
- Steuerwald
- Stevens
- Stewart
- Stine
- Stingley
- Stoddard
- Stout
- Frank William
B: 1921, D: 1991
StanleyB: 1948, D: 2013
- Strange
- Stroops
- Stumpff
- Sudbury
- Robert Lee Jr.
B: 1942, D: 2002
- Suiter
- Marion Francis
B: 1916, D: 1976
- Sulenbarger
- Sumarlidason
- Sundeen
- Sundin
- Sweitzer
- Benjamin Karl
B: 1935, D: 2015
- Tanner
- Tarrant
- Tate
- Tausch
- Taylor
- Teem
- Thayer
- Thomas
Herbert Ralph
B: 1917, D: 2004
- Thompson
- Carl Thomas
B: 1922, D: 2010
- Thweatt
- Tibbetts
- Titus
B: 1837, D: 1864
- Todd
- Toland
- Tomol
- John Robert
B: 1928, D: 1973
- Tong
- Townley
- Townsend
- Trawick
- Eddie Carson
B: 1891, D: 1976
- Trexler
- Tribbett
- James Earl Jr.
B: 1919, D: 2012
- Trim
- Tubbs
- Tucker
- Turner
James Clinton
B: 1927, D: 2005
- Tuttle
- Ullman
- Ulrey
- Loyd B.
B: 1924
- Van Alstyne
- Van Camp
- Van Slyck
- Van Slyke
- Van Valkenburg
- Van Valkenburgh
- Van Vleck
- Robert Bernard
B: 1923, D: 2016
- Vanalstine
- Catharina
B: 1770
- Vandeventer
- VanOrden
- Vearrier
- Vincent
- Vinson
- von Roeder
- Wagner
- Walker
- Wallis
- Wang
Willard Palmer
B: 1922, D: 1986
- Warman
- Warren
- Watson
- Watts
- Travis William B: 1910, D: 2004
- Webb
- Weis
- Wells
Vernon Doyle B: 1928, D: 2010
- Welsh
- Welty
- Jack Elwood
B: 1926, D: 1980
- Wheat
- Wheelock
- White
- Whitehead
- Whitehurst
- Terry L. B: 1948, D: 2012
- Wilcox
- Wiley
- Wilkerson
- Wilkinson
- Willes
- Ira Jones
B: 1812, D: 1863
- Willey
- William Wallace
B: 1841, D: 1915
- Williams
Joesph A.
B: 1931, D: 2007
Ora FrancisB: 1926, D: 1998
Shirley DraceB: 1924, D: 2003
- Willman
- Wilson
Everett V.
B: 1919, D: 2013
- Winegar
- Winters
- Wirkkala
- Ernest Richard
B: 1912, D: 2013
- Wise
- Wisecup
- John H.
B: 1879, D: 1949
- Wistor
- Witherell
- Allen Wesley
B: 1916, D: 1993
- Womack
- Roy Franklin
B: 1892, D: 1965
- Wooley
- Woolridge
- Workman
- Robert D.
B: 1933, D: 2016
- Works
- Wright
Jasper Lafayette
B: 1932, D: 1952
- Wyrick
- Yeazel
- Young
Charles Minnice
D: 1983
James FranklinB: 1941, D: 2014
JosephB: 1728/29, D: 1769
- Zander