Olen Ray (Roy?) Alkire1

TMG ID:14101
Relationship:5th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Herbert Chauncey Alkire1 B: 31 Oct 1877, D: 23 Jan 1950
Mother*Caroline Miner1 B: 28 Jul 1843, D: 16 Mar 1935


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Mildred I. Alkire1

TMG ID:14102
Relationship:5th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Herbert Chauncey Alkire1 B: 31 Oct 1877, D: 23 Jan 1950
Mother*Caroline Miner1 B: 28 Jul 1843, D: 16 Mar 1935


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

George Earl Alkire1

TMG ID:14103, (13 Jul 1880 - 14 Oct 1943)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Chauncey Herbert Alkire1 B: 22 Sep 1856, D: 5 May 1915
Mother*Eliza Caroline Keene1 B: c 1856

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageWednesday, 23 Dec 1903, George, age 23 years, 5 months and 10 days, and Frankie McBride were married.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Frankie McBride1

TMG ID:14104


  • Name-Married: on Wednesday, 23 Dec 1903, her married name became Mrs. Alkire (née McBride).


MarriageWednesday, 23 Dec 1903, Frankie and George Earl Alkire, age 23 years, 5 months and 10 days, son of: Chauncey Herbert Alkire and Eliza Caroline Keene, were married.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Harry Lester Alkire1

TMG ID:14105, (6 Dec 1887 - 30 Apr 1947)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Chauncey Herbert Alkire1 B: 22 Sep 1856, D: 5 May 1915
Mother*Eliza Caroline Keene1 B: c 1856

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals

  • Born: Harry Lester Alkire was born in Dec 1886, at MissouriG.3


MarriageTuesday, 2 Jan 1912, Harry, age 24 years and 27 days, and Frances Gertrude Motschenbacher, age 24 years, 10 months and 30 days, daughter of: Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher and Amelia Furst, were married at Adams County, North DakotaG.1

Other Major Events


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S262] World War I Draft Registrations, online . Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Record.
  3. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
Last Edited5 Aug 2022

Frances Gertrude Motschenbacher1

TMG ID:14106, (3 Feb 1887 - 7 Sep 1972)
Father*Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher1 B: 26 May 1858, D: 1 Dec 1924
Mother*Amelia Furst1 B: c 1864, D: 17 Jul 1936

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Monday, 11 Jun 1906, her married name became Mrs. Nicali (née Motschenbacher).
  • Name-Married: on Tuesday, 2 Jan 1912, her married name became Mrs. Alkire (née Motschenbacher).


MarriageMonday, 11 Jun 1906, Frances, age 19 years, 4 months and 8 days, and Albert Nicali were married at Barnesville, Clay County, MinnesotaG.1
MarriageTuesday, 2 Jan 1912, Frances, age 24 years, 10 months and 30 days, and Harry Lester Alkire, age 24 years and 27 days, son of: Chauncey Herbert Alkire and Eliza Caroline Keene, were married at Adams County, North DakotaG.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher1

TMG ID:14107, (26 May 1858 - 1 Dec 1924)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Matsenbocker2
  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Val3
  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "Valentine"2


MarriageWednesday, 27 Dec 1882, Pancratius, age 24 years, 7 months and 1 day, and Amelia Furst, daughter of: Leopold Furst and Margaret (?), were married at Moorehead, Clay County, MinnesotaG.1

Children of: Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher and Amelia Furst


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S628] Minnesota Historical Society - Minnesota Death Certificates, online <http://tinyurl.com/yabrzbf3>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MN Death Certs.
  3. [S283] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/zv8fsvq, Amanda Fehrman (e-mail address), updated as of 20 Feb 2004.
Last Edited26 Aug 2022

Amelia Furst1

TMG ID:14108, (c 1864 - 17 Jul 1936)
Father*Leopold Furst2 B: c 1839
Mother*Margaret (?)2 B: c 1847

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals

  • Born: Amelia Furst was born circa 1868, at WisconsinG.2


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Amalie3
  • Name-Married: on Wednesday, 27 Dec 1882, her married name became Mrs. Motschenbacher (née Furst).


MarriageWednesday, 27 Dec 1882, Amelia and Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher, age 24 years, 7 months and 1 day were married at Moorehead, Clay County, MinnesotaG.1

Children of: Amelia Furst and Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-18801880, Onalaska, La Crosse County, WisconsinGLeopold Furst, Margaret (?), Leopold Furst, Willie Furst and Arthur Furst2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 419C, film number 1255432, Wisconsin 1880 Federal Population Census.
  3. [S283] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/zv8fsvq, Amanda Fehrman (e-mail address), updated as of 20 Feb 2004.
  4. [S628] Minnesota Historical Society - Minnesota Death Certificates, online <http://tinyurl.com/yabrzbf3>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MN Death Certs.
Last Edited26 Aug 2022

Albert Nicali1

TMG ID:14109


MarriageMonday, 11 Jun 1906, Albert and Frances Gertrude Motschenbacher, age 19 years, 4 months and 8 days, daughter of: Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher and Amelia Furst, were married at Barnesville, Clay County, MinnesotaG.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Claude Stanley Alkire1

TMG ID:14110, (13 Sep 1888 - 9 Aug 1941)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Chauncey Herbert Alkire1 B: 22 Sep 1856, D: 5 May 1915
Mother*Eliza Caroline Keene1 B: c 1856

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


MarriageWednesday, 5 Jun 1912, Claude, age 23 years, 8 months and 23 days, and Eva Mary Motschenbacher, age 19 years, 4 months and 21 days, daughter of: Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher and Amelia Furst, were married at Lemmon, Perkins County, South DakotaG.1

Other Major Events


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S262] World War I Draft Registrations, online . Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Record.
  3. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
Last Edited5 Aug 2022

Eva Mary Motschenbacher1

TMG ID:14111, (15 Jan 1893 - 17 May 1992)
Father*Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher1 B: 26 May 1858, D: 1 Dec 1924
Mother*Amelia Furst1 B: c 1864, D: 17 Jul 1936

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Wednesday, 5 Jun 1912, her married name became Mrs. Alkire (née Motschenbacher).


MarriageWednesday, 5 Jun 1912, Eva, age 19 years, 4 months and 21 days, and Claude Stanley Alkire, age 23 years, 8 months and 23 days, son of: Chauncey Herbert Alkire and Eliza Caroline Keene, were married at Lemmon, Perkins County, South DakotaG.1

Known Address(es)


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S85] Social Security Death Index, Master File, Social Security Death Index, Social Security Death Index (http://tinyurl.com/jqkwdlq: RootsWeb, various). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Thomas David Alkire1

TMG ID:14112, (17 Apr 1891 - 16 Mar 1945)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Chauncey Herbert Alkire1 B: 22 Sep 1856, D: 5 May 1915
Mother*Eliza Caroline Keene1 B: c 1856

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageSunday, 28 Mar 1915, Thomas, age 23 years, 11 months and 11 days, and Helen Stowers were married at Stowers, Adams County, North DakotaG.1

Other Major Events


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S262] World War I Draft Registrations, online . Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Record.
  3. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
Last Edited5 Aug 2022

Helen Stowers1

TMG ID:14113


  • Name-Married: on Sunday, 28 Mar 1915, her married name became Mrs. Alkire (née Stowers).


MarriageSunday, 28 Mar 1915, Helen and Thomas David Alkire, age 23 years, 11 months and 11 days, son of: Chauncey Herbert Alkire and Eliza Caroline Keene, were married at Stowers, Adams County, North DakotaG.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Bonnie Marie Alkire1

TMG ID:14114, (9 Oct 1892 - 9 Jun 1952)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Chauncey Herbert Alkire1 B: 22 Sep 1856, D: 5 May 1915
Mother*Eliza Caroline Keene1 B: c 1856

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Wednesday, 20 Apr 1910, her married name became Mrs. Motschenbacher (née Alkire).


MarriageWednesday, 20 Apr 1910, Bonnie, age 17 years, 6 months and 11 days, and Leo Thomas Motschenbacher, age 20 years, 5 months and 7 days, son of: Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher and Amelia Furst, were married at Adams County, North DakotaG.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Leo Thomas Motschenbacher1

TMG ID:14115, (13 Nov 1889 - 9 Jun 1952)
Father*Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher1 B: 26 May 1858, D: 1 Dec 1924
Mother*Amelia Furst1 B: c 1864, D: 17 Jul 1936

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageWednesday, 20 Apr 1910, Leo, age 20 years, 5 months and 7 days, and Bonnie Marie Alkire, age 17 years, 6 months and 11 days, daughter of: Chauncey Herbert Alkire and Eliza Caroline Keene, were married at Adams County, North DakotaG.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Caroline Alkire1

TMG ID:14116, (6 Aug 1894 - 6 Dec 1965)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Chauncey Herbert Alkire1 B: 22 Sep 1856, D: 5 May 1915
Mother*Eliza Caroline Keene1 B: c 1856

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals

  • Born: Caroline Alkire was born in Aug 1893, at MissouriG.2


  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Carrie"1,2

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190016 Jun 1900, White Cloud Twp., Nodaway County, MissouriGChauncey Herbert Alkire, Eliza Caroline Keene, George Earl Alkire, Myrtle Missouri Alkire, Leroy Alkire, Harry Lester Alkire, Claude Stanley Alkire, Pearl Margaret Alkire and Nora Olive Alkire2
Census-19103 Jun 1910, Stowers Twp., Adams County, North DakotaGChauncey Herbert Alkire, Eliza Caroline Keene, Thomas David Alkire, Pearl Margaret Alkire, Nora Olive Alkire and Gladys Lorraine Alkire3
Census-192016 Jan 1920, Whitney, Perkins County, South DakotaGLewis Culp, Vena Estella Alkire and Eliza Caroline Keene4
Census-19301 Apr 1930, Lemmon, Perkins County, South DakotaGEliza Caroline Keene5


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  3. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  4. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  5. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Pearl Margaret Alkire1

TMG ID:14117, (24 Nov 1895 - 27 Aug 1955)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Chauncey Herbert Alkire1 B: 22 Sep 1856, D: 5 May 1915
Mother*Eliza Caroline Keene1 B: c 1856

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Tuesday, 24 Nov 1914, her married name became Mrs. Motschenbacher (née Alkire).


MarriageTuesday, 24 Nov 1914, Pearl, age 19 years, and Joseph Peter Motschenbacher, age 26 years, 8 months and 28 days, son of: Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher and Amelia Furst, were married at Lemmon, Perkins County, South DakotaG.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190016 Jun 1900, White Cloud Twp., Nodaway County, MissouriGChauncey Herbert Alkire, Eliza Caroline Keene, George Earl Alkire, Myrtle Missouri Alkire, Leroy Alkire, Harry Lester Alkire, Claude Stanley Alkire, Caroline Alkire and Nora Olive Alkire2
Census-19103 Jun 1910, Stowers Twp., Adams County, North DakotaGChauncey Herbert Alkire, Eliza Caroline Keene, Thomas David Alkire, Caroline Alkire, Nora Olive Alkire and Gladys Lorraine Alkire3


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  3. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Joseph Peter Motschenbacher1

TMG ID:14118, (27 Feb 1888 - 3 Mar 1974)
Father*Pancratius Valentine Motschenbacher1 B: 26 May 1858, D: 1 Dec 1924
Mother*Amelia Furst1 B: c 1864, D: 17 Jul 1936

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageTuesday, 24 Nov 1914, Joseph, age 26 years, 8 months and 28 days, and Pearl Margaret Alkire, age 19 years, daughter of: Chauncey Herbert Alkire and Eliza Caroline Keene, were married at Lemmon, Perkins County, South DakotaG.1

Known Address(es)


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S85] Social Security Death Index, Master File, Social Security Death Index, Social Security Death Index (http://tinyurl.com/jqkwdlq: RootsWeb, various). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Nora Olive Alkire1

TMG ID:14119, (5 Jun 1898 - 26 Feb 1958)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Chauncey Herbert Alkire1 B: 22 Sep 1856, D: 5 May 1915
Mother*Eliza Caroline Keene1 B: c 1856

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Vreeland (née Alkire).


MarriageNora and Merle Vreeland were married.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190016 Jun 1900, White Cloud Twp., Nodaway County, MissouriGChauncey Herbert Alkire, Eliza Caroline Keene, George Earl Alkire, Myrtle Missouri Alkire, Leroy Alkire, Harry Lester Alkire, Claude Stanley Alkire, Caroline Alkire and Pearl Margaret Alkire2
Census-19103 Jun 1910, Stowers Twp., Adams County, North DakotaGChauncey Herbert Alkire, Eliza Caroline Keene, Thomas David Alkire, Caroline Alkire, Pearl Margaret Alkire and Gladys Lorraine Alkire3


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  3. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Merle Vreeland1

TMG ID:14120


MarriageMerle and Nora Olive Alkire, daughter of: Chauncey Herbert Alkire and Eliza Caroline Keene, were married.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013