Lee Clare Lewis1

TMG ID:8621, (4 Apr 1892 - 30 Jul 1918)
Relationship:Uncle of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Fredrick William Lewis B: 30 Nov 1862, D: 15 Mar 1937
Mother*Ada Ann Jones B: 4 Dec 1870, D: 22 Sep 1952

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

  • An Obituary for Lee Clare Lewis appeared on Friday, 23 Aug 1918, in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington. Lieutenant Lee Lewis
         Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.4
  • An Obituary for Lee Clare Lewis appeared on Friday, 23 Aug 1918, in The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, Washington. Lee C. Lewis Meets Death For Country
         Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Ray Frisbee Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.5
  • An Obituary for Lee Clare Lewis appeared on Monday, 26 Aug 1918, in The Oregonian, Portland, Oregon. Lee Lewis Dies In Battle
         Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.6
  • An Obituary for Lee Clare Lewis appeared on Wednesday, 16 Oct 1918, in The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, Washington. Lee Lewis
         Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.7
  • An Obituary for Lee Clare Lewis appeared on Wednesday, 16 Oct 1918, in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington. Lee Lewis Captain At Time of Death
         Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.8


  • Title: he was also known as Professor Lee Clare Lewis.9
  • Title: he was also known as Captain Lee Clare Lewis.10
  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Lee Clair10


Marriage License Friday, 15 Jun 1917 Lee Clare Lewis at age 25 and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason at age 24 obtained a marriage license at Tacoma, Pierce County, WashingtonG, Social and Personal - A marriage license was issued...11
MarriageSunday, 17 Jun 1917, Lee, age 25 years, 2 months and 13 days, and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, age 24 years, 6 months and 22 days, daughter of: Sumarlidi Sumarlidason and Helga Kristjanson, were married at Plymouth Congregational Church, Tacoma, Pierce County, WashingtonG, Social and Personal - Miss Dora Sumarlidason... & Social and Personal - A marriage license...12,13

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: in Jun 1910, at The Olympus, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Lee Clare Lewis (18 years old) 1910 Olympia High School Yearbook.
  • Anecdote: between 17 Jun 1917 and 30 Jul 1918, Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason Lee and Dora had known each other for many years. When the war broke out in France, Lee left his lucrative and promising job in Walla Walla, Washington and joined the Army. This undoubtedly impacted their decision to move forward any marriage plans that they had. They were married in Tacoma at the Plymouth Congregational church on Sunday, 17 Jun 1917. There was a wedding dinner following the ceremony at a Tacoma hotel.

    The couple met up with Lee's college friend, Roger Morse of Vancouver, who had been married in Sumner the same day to Miss Frances Riggs. The newly married couples then proceeded to Portland and on a two weeks camping trip into the mountains. Upon their return both Lee and Roger were to report to Fort Leavenworth on July 15, where they would receive commissions as second lieutenants in the regular army.

    Apparently plans changed. Lee was formally given his commission on 23 Aug 1917 and departed Olympia for Fort Leavenworth on 3 Sep 1917. They had been married 2 months and 17 days (only 78 dyas total together.)

    Lee was subsequently promoted to 1st Lieutenant in Mar 1918. He was scheduled to sail to France via the RMS Moldavia, a British passenger steamship launched on 28 Mar 1903 and served as a Royal Navy armed merchant cruiser. However, Lee was put on a different ship a couple of days later. The RMS Moldavia was sunk by a single torpedo from a German submarine on 23 May 1918. Fifty-five soldiers on-board lost their lives as a result. Ray arrived in France on 25 May 1918.

    Just thirteen months and thirteen days after their marriage, and only two months and five days after arriving in France, his life and their marriage were abruptly ended. She went on to become a highly regarded college professor, author and held several important positions in both State and Federal education departments. She never remarried.10,14
  • Other: on Thursday, 29 Aug 1918, Lee Clare Lewis on a "World War I Casualties of American Army Overseas" "Late List" Lee is reported as having died of wounds reported on this date.15
  • Bio: at age 27, on Wednesday, 16 Apr 1919, "Over, fellows, the Germans. See, they are beaten." Lee C. Lewis.

    “The company did advance, but it lost the most valiant soldier a company could boast of. He was twice wounded, once while rushing forward, and again before he could be taken off the field.
    There are brave hearts, but it's a brave heart, indeed, that can face a withering fire and charge with what's left of a company whose command has twice been killed or wounded.”

    Excerpted from: The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA 16 Apr 1919. A remarkable first-hand account of the death of Lee Clare Lewis during battle.

    Lee Lewis came from a close-knit family. His father, Fredrick W. Lewis, had attended college in Michigan in the early 1880s at Hillsdale College. Later he attended Michigan Teacher’s Institute. His father later became a school teacher and moved with his family to the frontier in Kansas in 1885. Following the death of his father, Glode D. Lewis, in 1901, Fred W. Lewis moved his family from Kansas to Washington State in 1903. There Fred became active in the politically progressive young Grange movement. Within a short time he made a name for himself and assumed the powerful position of Secretary of the Grange for Washington State. Fred held that position until his death in 1937.

    Lee received a good education and learned the valuable lessons of hard labor. He graduated from the Olympia High School and subsequently studied and graduated from the Washington State College in Pullman, WA in June 1916. Then as he was preparing to embark on his life as an adult, he was swept into the war in Europe which was later dubbed, The Great War or The War to End All Wars. On 15 May 1917 he joined the U.S. Army to fulfill his patriotic duties.

    One year later, on 25 May 1918 he arrived in France with the 4th Division. On 30 July 1918, after his company commander and 2nd in command had been both killed in action, he took up the mantle and led his troops into battle. He died that same day from a shell that exploded. The young Lieutenant was posthumously promoted to Captain.

    Lee had married his college sweetheart, Dora Sumarlidason, on 17 June 1917. They both knew that he would soon be departing for the war. They spent a few weeks together and on 3 September 1917 he left his bride behind and travelled to Fort Leavenworth to begin his military training.

    By all accounts Lee was a conscientious and hardworking individual. He had the luxury of a loving family and loving wife. His ancestors had fought in every major American battle from the Revolutionary War on down to the conflict that ended his life. Clearly there was a strong sense of community and a sincere dedication to helping his fellow man.

    Losing his life at such a young age, 26, cut short a most promising and hopeful future. One can only speculate on the great things that he may have been able to accomplish.

    The words he spoke to his comrades to urge them forward turned out to be prophetic. The War to End All Wars ended on 11 November 1918, just 3 months and 12 days after Lee C. Lewis gave his life.16



8 Jun 1906Graduation: on Friday, 8 Jun 1906, Lee (14 years old), graduated from the Tumwater School, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG. He was awarded an Eigth Grade Diploma.19
3 Jun 1910Graduation: on Friday, 3 Jun 1910, Lee (18 years old), graduated from the Olympia High School, between 12th and 13th Streets on Capitol Way, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. He was awarded a High School Diploma.
     Others who attended: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.20
Sep 1912Lee attended began College at the Washington State College, Pullman, WashingtonG.21
15 Jun 1916Graduation: on Thursday, 15 Jun 1916, Lee (24 years old), graduated from the Washington State College, Pullman, WashingtonG. He was awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture.21

Other Major Events

  • Military: on Tuesday, 15 May 1917, Lee Clare Lewis at age 25, began military service.22,5
  • Military: on Tuesday, 5 Jun 1917, at College Place, Walla Walla County, WashingtonG, Lee Clare Lewis at age 25, registered for the military draft for World War I.23,24
  • Friday, 15 Jun 1917 Lee Clare Lewis at age 25 and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason at age 24 obtained a marriage license at Tacoma, Pierce County, WashingtonG, Social and Personal - A marriage license was issued...11
  • Military: on Sunday, 15 Jul 1917, at Fort Leavenworth, KansasG, Lee Clare Lewis, at age 25, military service, ordered to report this date and be commissioned as a 2nd Lietenant, U.S. Army.14
  • Military: on Thursday, 23 Aug 1917, Lee Clare Lewis, at age 25, military service, appointed 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry.25
  • Military: on Monday, 19 Nov 1917, at Company A, 47th Infrantry, Lee Clare Lewis, at age 25, military service, Assigned to and Joined Company per RSC 116, sd.26
  • Military: from 31 Dec 1917 to 28 Feb 1918, at Company A, 47th Infrantry, Lee Clare Lewis, military service, 2nd Lieutenant.26
  • Military: on Saturday, 25 May 1918, at FranceG, Lee Clare Lewis, at age 26, military service, stationed in France with the 4th Division.22,5
  • Military: on Wednesday, 31 Jul 1918, at Evacuation Hospital #6, Sergy, Ferney-Voltaire, Gex, FranceG, at near, Lee Clare Lewis, at age 26, military service.25
  • Military: in Aug 1918, Lee Clare Lewis, at age 26, military service, awarded Silver Star & Citation for Gallantry in action.25

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-1895 KS1 Mar 1895, Sawlog Twp., Hodgeman County, KansasGFredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Glode Dugar Lewis and Mariah Gifford27
Census-190019 Jun 1900, Sawlog Twp., Hodgeman County, KansasGFredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Ray Frisbee Lewis, Glode Dugar Lewis, Mariah Gifford and Virginia Adeline Jones28
Census-191026 Apr 1910, Belmore Road, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Page 35b, Lines 89, 90, 91, 92 & 93Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Ray Frisbee Lewis and Mariah Gifford25,29

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Lee Clare Lewis was present circa 1909, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones sat for a Lewis family portrait
     Others were: Ray Frisbee Lewis.10
DiaryDiary: from 20 Jun 1932 to 3 Jan 1933, Lee Clare Lewis was mentioned in a personal diary kept by Aletha Maize at Olympia, WashingtonG, the transcribed Diary may be seen here.
     Others mentioned were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Ray Frisbee Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.32

Known Address(es)

Newspaper Items & Articles

  • Sunday, 31 Dec 1905, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Chosen by Grange - Brighton Park Farmers Elect Lee as New Master.34
  • Friday, 1 Jun 1906, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Graduates of Grades.19
  • Wednesday, 6 Jun 1906, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Program for Tumwater Eighth Grade Commencement.35
  • Sunday, 22 Jul 1906, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brevities.36
  • Tuesday, 21 Aug 1906, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Trip a-Wheel.37
  • Sunday, 21 Oct 1906, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title.38
  • Friday, 28 Dec 1906, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Bush Prairie Grange - George Lawrence Gives an Acre for a Hall.39
  • Friday, 28 Dec 1906, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Grange Elects Officers.40
  • Thursday, 22 Aug 1907, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social - Lee Lewis and Arthur West...41
  • Sunday, 20 Oct 1907, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal.42
  • Thursday, 2 Jan 1908, an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Lee Clare (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social - The Chambers prairie grange...43
  • Wednesday, 18 Mar 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: New Hall for Brighton Park.44
  • Wednesday, 18 Mar 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park Grange Planning New Hall.45
  • Saturday, 30 May 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lost Lads Are Found Three Boys None the Worse for Night in Woods.46
  • Thursday, 4 Jun 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: South Union Endeavorers.47
  • Friday, 7 Aug 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Grange Picnic This Fall.48
  • Thursday, 27 Aug 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social News at Brighton Park.17
  • Saturday, 10 Oct 1908, an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Lee Clare (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park Grange Holds Interesting Debate.49
  • Saturday, 10 Oct 1908, an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Lee Clare (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title.50
  • Saturday, 10 Oct 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social.51
  • Saturday, 10 Oct 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society.52
  • Sunday, 11 Oct 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park News
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.53
  • Monday, 12 Oct 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park Notes
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.54
  • Saturday, 24 Oct 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia Students in State Debate Tryout.55
  • Thursday, 26 Nov 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Pie Question Is Settled.56
  • Thursday, 26 Nov 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Debaters Determine the Pie Question.57
  • Sunday, 17 Jan 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society & Personal - Pomona Grange No. 8.58
  • Monday, 18 Jan 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Grange Wants More Road Districts.59
  • Saturday, 27 Feb 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social.60
  • Saturday, 27 Mar 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: O. H. S. to Have Crack Team.61
  • Friday, 16 Apr 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Seniors Victors in Class Track Meet.62
  • Friday, 16 Apr 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Seniors Win Out - Upper Class Lands Track Championship
    Gaston and Stocking Are Star Performers In High School Meet
    ...Lee Lewis of the junior class won the mile run and th 880-yard run with Isensee a close second...63
  • Thursday, 22 Apr 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis Wins Medal.64
  • Thursday, 22 Apr 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis Wins W. C. T. U. Medal.65
  • Friday, 23 Apr 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Burrett Hopkins Wins Oratorical Contest
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.66
  • Tuesday, 27 Apr 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Contest Closes - Raymond Abbott Wins Silver Medal
    W.C.T.U. Oratorical Events over --- Miss Begg Is Honored
    ...On Tuesday evening the first medal went to Lee Lewis in the contest at Tumwater...67
  • Tuesday, 27 Apr 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Raymond Abbot Wins the Closing Contest.68
  • Thursday, 6 May 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Juniors Give Big Affair for Seniors.69
  • Thursday, 6 May 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brilliant Reception for Seniors.70
  • Friday, 28 May 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Big W. C. T. U. County Meet Here next Week.71
  • Friday, 28 May 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: County Temperance Workers To Meet Here - ...Wednesday Evening
    8:00 - Gold Medal Contest - Loyd Currey, Burritt Hopkins, Lulu Begg, Raymond Abbott, Lee Lewis, Robin Partridge...72
  • Thursday, 24 Jun 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: House Passes Palmer's Bill to Abolish State Insurance Office 56-34 - Pages, Arthur Green and Lee Lewis...73
  • Wednesday, 21 Jul 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Grange Social is Big Success.74
  • Wednesday, 21 Jul 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park Grange Social Big Success.75
  • Sunday, 15 Aug 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Ruth Scored in Resolution Passed at Grange Meeting - Farmers Against President of Senate.76
  • Monday, 16 Aug 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: County Grange Scores Senator A. S. Ruth.77
  • Thursday, 19 Aug 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Grange Adopts Resolution of Sympathy for Williams.78
  • Tuesday, 7 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Seattle Wins Game - Interesting Sports.79
  • Tuesday, 7 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: "Labor Asks No Sympathy" Says Sen. George Cotterill - Olympia Workers Turn out in Force.80
  • Wednesday, 8 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Interesting Program at High School Yesterday.81
  • Wednesday, 8 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social - ...The presentation speech was made by Clyde Petterson, of the class of '09 and the statuary was accepted on behalf of the school by Lee Lewis of the Class of '10...82
  • Saturday, 11 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Freshmen Beat Sophs in First Cane Rush.83
  • Saturday, 11 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Freshies Win Cane Rush in Hard Battle.84
  • Thursday, 16 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Senior Elect Officers.85
  • Wednesday, 22 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Students Prepare for Big Debate - Olympia Put in Group with Southwest High Schools - Tryout to Be Held Here Tuesday Afternoon.86
  • Saturday, 25 Sep 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: High School Goes to Play Seattle - ...The meeting was opened by Yell Master Lee Lewis...87
  • Thursday, 7 Oct 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Prepare for Lincoln High - Students to Have Torchlight Parade Friday--Season Opens Saturday.88
  • Saturday, 9 Oct 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Students Stir up Football Enthusiasm Hay Addresses Rally.89
  • Thursday, 14 Oct 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title.90
  • Thursday, 21 Oct 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia Will Invade Tacoma - Local High School Eleven Meets Strong Tiger Aggregation Saturday.91
  • Thursday, 21 Oct 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia to Tackle Tigers Saturday.92
  • Friday, 22 Oct 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia Team to Make Tacoma Go Some.93
  • Friday, 5 Nov 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Two Games on for Saturday - High School Students to Hold Big Rally Around Bon Fire Tonight.94
  • Friday, 5 Nov 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Big Rally Tonight Two Games Tomorrow.95
  • Saturday, 13 Nov 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: High School Glee Club Organized.96
  • Saturday, 13 Nov 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Glee Club at High School - Musicial Lads of Olympia Plan to Entertain Their Friends.97
  • Sunday, 28 Nov 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal - ...Frank Robers and Lee Lewis.98
  • Monday, 29 Nov 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title.99
  • Saturday, 11 Dec 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Christmas Season Enlivens Society
    Wild Rose Dancing Club.100
  • Saturday, 11 Dec 1909, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title.101
  • Monday, 24 Jan 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Pomona Grange in Flourishing Condition.102
  • Saturday, 29 Jan 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia Team to Play Seattle Tonight.103
  • Saturday, 29 Jan 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Locals Expect to Win Tonight.104
  • Tuesday, 15 Feb 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Gov. Hay Offers Cash Prize to Help Bring Y. M. C. A. Lunch Crowds.105
  • Tuesday, 15 Feb 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: One Day Sees $1,090 Raised.106
  • Thursday, 17 Feb 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Fredrick William (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Y. M. C. A. Fund Workers Deplore Apathy - To Make House to House Canvass - Grangers Y.M.C.A. Picnic
    Pre Subscription Scheme.107
  • Friday, 18 Feb 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Encouraging Reports in Y. M. C. A. Campaign-Small Boys Enthusiastic over House Canvass.108
  • Friday, 18 Feb 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis' Idea Wins "Skimmer."109
  • Friday, 25 Feb 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Interesting Program For Farmers' Picnic.110
  • Friday, 25 Feb 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Double Header Ends Basketball Tonight - Aberdeen Fast Team.111
  • Sunday, 6 Mar 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Track Men Are Busy - High School Boys Go into Training.112
  • Tuesday, 8 Mar 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: High School Begins Track Athletics.113
  • Thursday, 10 Mar 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Track Team Is Out For Practice.114
  • Thursday, 10 Mar 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: High School Teams Training at Park.115
  • Saturday, 19 Mar 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social.116
  • Wednesday, 30 Mar 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis to Run Two Miles Against Relays.117
  • Tuesday, 5 Apr 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Seniors Win Meet. Lewis Loses out in Relay Race.118
  • Thursday, 14 Apr 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Class Meet Is Postponed Week - Chehalis Lands District Meet - Local Athletes May Clash.119
  • Thursday, 14 Apr 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Interclass Meet Put Over Until April 25.120
  • Thursday, 21 Apr 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Young Athletes Ready for Fray - High School Pupils to Hold Interclass Meet Monday.121
  • Wednesday, 11 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Local Athletes Ready for Meet.122
  • Wednesday, 11 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: High Team Crippled but Game for Meet.123
  • Saturday, 14 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia Lands Second in Chehalis Meet.124
  • Tuesday, 17 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Class of 40 To Graduate.20
  • Wednesday, 18 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social.125
  • Wednesday, 18 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Students Work on Class Play.126
  • Saturday, 21 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Local Athletes in Seattle Meet Today.127
  • Tuesday, 24 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Cast of Characters for Senior Class Play.128
  • Tuesday, 24 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Ready for Big Show - Seniors Hold Dress Rehearsal
    Ticket Sale Opens and Rush for Seats Is On.129
  • Thursday, 26 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Successful Senior Play to be Repeated.130
  • Thursday, 26 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Play Big Success - Seniors Present "Hicks at College."131
  • Sunday, 29 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Twenty-Four High School Graduates to Attend College; Seven Will Go to State "U" - Students Who Will Leave Olympia High School Decide Upon Vocations.132
  • Monday, 30 May 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Two Dozen Graduates to Continue Studies -- 15 Born in This City - Lee Clare Lewis born in Jetmore.133
  • Saturday, 4 Jun 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Flowers and Praise for Fine Graduating Class - Sen. Cotterill Speaks.134
  • Saturday, 4 Jun 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Forty Graduate Given Diplomas - Cotterill Talks to Class
    Big Crowds Attend Commencement Exercises
    Program Is Good
    Cotterill Favors Equal Suffrage In Talk On "School Day Ideals."135
  • Saturday, 11 Jun 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: The Church Services - Congregational church -
    Male quartet.."Beautiful Threads of Gold," Raymond Abbott, Harold Edmonds, Linus Brewer, Lee Lewis.136
  • Sunday, 12 Jun 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: In the Churches - Places of Worship and Hours of Service Today
    Congregational church -
    Male quartet.."Beautiful Threads of Gold," Raymond Abbott, Harold Edmonds, Linus Brewer, Lee Lewis.137
  • Monday, 25 Jul 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: County Grange Plans Big Picnic This Fall.138
  • Thursday, 11 Aug 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social - Lee Lewis...139
  • Thursday, 8 Sep 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Local Teachers Are Awarded Certificates.140
  • Thursday, 8 Sep 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Certificates for New Thurston Teachers.141
  • Monday, 12 Sep 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: School Opens with Gains and Enthusiasm - ...The presentation address was then made.142
  • Tuesday, 13 Sep 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Presentation of Statue to School.143
  • Friday, 30 Sep 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Grades Debate at McKinley School.144
  • Tuesday, 25 Oct 1910, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park Grange Initiation and Spread.145
  • Saturday, 18 Feb 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: The Church Services.146
  • Monday, 6 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Entertainment at Belmore School.30
  • Thursday, 9 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park Grange Has Enjoyable Session.147
  • Thursday, 9 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - ...The Grange paper, edited by Lee Lewis
    Mrs. Thos. Garstang of the Eastside and Mrs. Fred. Lewis of Tumwater, went to Tacoma yesterday afternoon, called by the death of a friend of the former. They expect to return this evening on the Greyhound.148
  • Thursday, 16 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore Keen for Honors on Track.149
  • Thursday, 16 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore Scholars Active in Athletics.150
  • Sunday, 19 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: In the Churches - Places of Worship and Hours of Service Today
    Congregational church.151
  • Friday, 24 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - At the Tumwater school house...152
  • Friday, 24 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brevities - At the Tumwater school house...153
  • Saturday, 25 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore School Play is Success.154
  • Monday, 10 Apr 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore School to Hold Interclass Meet.9
  • Saturday, 15 Apr 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brevities - Lee Lewis is a visitor in the city today from Belmore where he is principal of the grammar school.
    Ellis Johnson, one of the stars on the track, has been elected captain of the Belmore grammar school track team and is aiding the Coach Lee Lewis in lining his boys for the big county meet at which time they intend to make a strong bid for the county championship.31
  • Saturday, 22 Apr 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brevities - Lee Lewis...155
  • Saturday, 6 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title.156
  • Sunday, 7 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore is Winner - Wins County Track Meet.157
  • Monday, 8 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore Schools Wins County Track Meet.158
  • Friday, 12 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - Lee Lewis...159
  • Friday, 12 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - Lee Lewis...160
  • Wednesday, 17 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - The Belmore School, Lee Lewis...161
  • Saturday, 20 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society School and Social Affairs Active - Farewell Party in Honor of Lee Lewis.162
  • Monday, 22 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Olive Wilson (née Briggs) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Twenty-Two in County Pass as Teachers.163
  • Monday, 29 May 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis Reporter on Vancouver Columbian.164
  • Thursday, 6 Jul 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis Shows Real Ingenuity.165
  • Sunday, 6 Aug 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Mrs. Fred W. Lewis left yesterday...166
  • Monday, 7 Aug 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - Mrs. Fred W. Lewis left yesterday...167
  • Friday, 1 Sep 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Lee Lewis who has spent the past summer...168
  • Friday, 1 Sep 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - Lee Lewis who has spent the past summer...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.169
  • Wednesday, 6 Sep 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Lee Lewis left Monday...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.170
  • Wednesday, 6 Sep 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Lee Lewis left Monday...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.171
  • Saturday, 23 Dec 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Lee Lewis who is teaching school...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.172
  • Saturday, 23 Dec 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - Lee Lewis who is teaching school...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.173
  • Wednesday, 27 Dec 1911, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals.174
  • Saturday, 30 Dec 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Washougal Road Topic for Poetry
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.175
  • Sunday, 31 Dec 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.176
  • Monday, 1 Jan 1912, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - Lee Lewis left today...177
  • Saturday, 22 Jun 1912, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis to Return Tonight for Visit Home
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.178
  • Monday, 24 Jun 1912, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.179
  • Saturday, 31 Aug 1912, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title.180
  • Tuesday, 3 Sep 1912, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.181
  • Monday, 16 Sep 1912, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Oregonian, at Portland, Oregon. Headline: Vancouver Students Off - Oregon and Washington Colleges to Claim Members Younger Set.182
  • Tuesday, 10 Jun 1913, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal.183
  • Friday, 13 Jun 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.184
  • Friday, 13 Jun 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.185
  • Tuesday, 24 Jun 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - Lee Lewis entertained several...186
  • Tuesday, 24 Jun 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Lee Lewis entertained several...
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.187
  • Sunday, 13 Jul 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park - Lee Lewis left Sunday...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.188
  • Monday, 14 Jul 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park - Lee Lewis left Sunday...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.189
  • Saturday, 2 Aug 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis Wrestling with the New Mown Hay
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.190
  • Sunday, 3 Aug 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.191
  • Friday, 5 Sep 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis Plays In Numerous Roles
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.192
  • Friday, 5 Sep 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title.193
  • Sunday, 16 Nov 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis Get Toe Mashed in Machine
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.194
  • Monday, 17 Nov 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis Gets Toe Smashed
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.18
  • Friday, 12 Dec 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Thurston Has 15 Students in State College, Pullman.195
  • Saturday, 13 Dec 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Thurston Has 15 Students in State College, Pullman.196
  • Sunday, 21 Dec 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society.197
  • Monday, 22 Dec 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - Lee Lewis, Leo Goulter, Albert Van Eaton...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.198
  • Tuesday, 23 Dec 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Roger Morris of Vancouver, Wash...199
  • Tuesday, 23 Dec 1913, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - A number of young folks called upon Lee Lewis...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, William Lewis Muir, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Ray Frisbee Lewis.200
  • Sunday, 20 Dec 1914, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Pullman Students Are Home For Holidays.201
  • Monday, 21 Dec 1914, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Pullman Students Are Home for Holidays.202
  • Saturday, 26 Dec 1914, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society.203
  • Tuesday, 29 Dec 1914, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Many Olympia School Graduates Continue Higher Studies.204
  • Saturday, 2 Jan 1915, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.205
  • Sunday, 3 Jan 1915, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.206
  • Monday, 4 Jan 1915, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal.207
  • Monday, 5 Jul 1915, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Thumb-Nail Sketches Prominent Olympians - Fred. W. Lewis
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones and Ray Frisbee Lewis.208
  • Saturday, 13 Nov 1915, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Form Thurston Club at State College - Former Students from This County Organize to Promote Fellowship and Boost School.209
  • Sunday, 14 Nov 1915, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Form Thurston Club at State College - Former Students from This County Organize to Promote Fellowship and Boost School.210
  • Sunday, 12 Dec 1915, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal Mention - Lee C. Lewis, who has been...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.211
  • Thursday, 15 Jun 1916, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Tumwater Boy to Get W. S. C. Diploma - Lee Clare Lewis Makes Fine Record at State College.212
  • Thursday, 15 Jun 1916, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lee Lewis to Graduate - Tumwater Youth Leaves State College This Year.213
  • Wednesday, 20 Dec 1916, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal Mention - Lee C. Lewis...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.214
  • Wednesday, 20 Dec 1916, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Lee C. Lewis...215
  • Friday, 22 Dec 1916, Lee was mentioned in an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - A gathering of some of the Olympia...
         Also mentioned in the article: Franklin Sumarlidason, Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.216
  • Saturday, 16 Jun 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - A marriage license was issued...217
  • Sunday, 17 Jun 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - A marriage license was issued...11
  • Tuesday, 19 Jun 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Miss Dora Sumarlidason...218
  • Friday, 22 Jun 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Chums Marry; Camp and Will Enlist Together - Local Couple Join College Friends on Honeymoon in Mountains.
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Ray Frisbee Lewis, Julia Ann Cantrall, Karl F. Frederickson, Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason, Arni S. Sumarlidason, Gudrun Johannson and Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason.14
  • Monday, 9 Jul 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lewis...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Sumarlidi Sumarlidason and Helga Kristjanson.219
  • Monday, 16 Jul 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Lewis...220
  • Tuesday, 17 Jul 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Twelve Names Shown on Church "Roll of Honor" - United Churches Hold Services in Honor Of The Enlisted Men.221
  • Thursday, 19 Jul 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: South Union.222
  • Friday, 20 Jul 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: South Union.223
  • Friday, 27 Jul 1917, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News Of Your Friends And Neighbors - Bush Prairie
         Also mentioned in the article: Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Julia Ann Cantrall and Ray Frisbee Lewis.224
  • Wednesday, 15 Aug 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: South Union - A party was given by the boys' club...225
  • Thursday, 16 Aug 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: South Union - A party was given by the boys' club...226
  • Sunday, 2 Sep 1917, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Raised Boy to Do Duty, Father of Soldier Says - Fred W. Lewis Glad That Son Is Going Into United States Army
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.227
  • Monday, 3 Sep 1917, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lieut. Lewis Goes To Ft. Leavenworth - Olympia Boy Gets Orders From War Department Father Proud of Son Who Will Fight With American Army in France; Lewis is O. H. S. Graduate
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.228
  • Thursday, 17 Jan 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: 100 Olympia High Boys Are Now in the Service.229
  • Wednesday, 20 Feb 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Members in Service Honored by Church.230
  • Wednesday, 20 Feb 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Members in Service Honored by Church.231
  • Sunday, 31 Mar 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: No Title
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.232
  • Thursday, 30 May 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lieutenant Lewis in France
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.233
  • Thursday, 30 May 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lieutenant Lewis in France
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.234
  • Wednesday, 5 Jun 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Pullman Service List Boasts 8 Olympia Men.235
  • Friday, 2 Aug 1918, Lee was mentioned in an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Ray Lewis Reports for Duty.
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.236
  • Saturday, 3 Aug 1918, Lee was mentioned in an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Another Lewis is Called to Colors
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.237
  • Saturday, 3 Aug 1918, Lee was mentioned in an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Another Lewis Is Called to Colors
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.238
  • Friday, 9 Aug 1918, Lee was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lewis Family Holds 100 Per Cent Record
         Also mentioned in the article: Ray Frisbee Lewis, Ella Relief Lewis, William Hill Muir, Orlen Arza Lewis, Jennie Estella Foote, Glode Dugar Lewis, Mariah Gifford, Arthur Chubb Lewis, William Lewis Muir, John David Muir and Leslie Elmer Lewis.239
  • Saturday, 24 Aug 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Spokesman-Review, at Spokane, Washington. Headline:
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Ray Frisbee Lewis.240
  • Monday, 30 Sep 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Teuton Shell Killed Lewis
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.241
  • Tuesday, 1 Oct 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Teuton Shell Killed Lewis
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.242
  • Monday, 7 Oct 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Hold Services for Lee Lewis
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.243
  • Tuesday, 8 Oct 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Grange to Hold Lewis Memorial
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.244
  • Friday, 1 Nov 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Captain Describes Sergy Battle, Where Lewis Fell
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.245
  • Saturday, 2 Nov 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Captain Describes Sergy Battle, Where Capt. Lee Lewis Fell
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis.246
  • Wednesday, 20 Nov 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Memorial Services for Captain Lewis.247
  • Wednesday, 20 Nov 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Memorial Services for Captain Lewis.248
  • Sunday, 15 Dec 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Thurston County - ...Captain Lee Clarke Lewis, son
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.249
  • Monday, 16 Dec 1918, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Thurston County Heroes Wounded on Battlefield Cared for by Red Cross - ...Captain Lee Clarke Lewis, son
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.250
  • Thursday, 30 Jan 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Six Gold Stars for Heroes from O. H. S.251
  • Thursday, 30 Jan 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Six Gold Stars for Heroes from O. H. S.252
  • Wednesday, 16 Apr 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Comrade Tells How Olympian Met Death
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.253
  • Wednesday, 16 Apr 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Comrade Tells How Olympian Met Death - Member of Captain Lee Lewis' Company Writes of Heroism in Battle of Sergy
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.254
  • Thursday, 12 Jun 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Official Photograph Showing Capt. Lewis' Burial in France.255
  • Thursday, 12 Jun 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympian Esteemed by Superior Officer & Photos here.
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.256
  • Friday, 13 Jun 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympian Esteemed by Superior Officer
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.257
  • Monday, 27 Oct 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: To Honor Men Who Gave Lives During The War - Memorial Services Will be Held by Local Post of American Legion November 9; List Of Men Is Wanted By Committee.258
  • Tuesday, 28 Oct 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: To Honor Men Who Gave Lives During The War - Memorial Services Will be Held by Local Post of American Legion November 9; List Of Men Is Wanted By Committee.259
  • Monday, 10 Nov 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Tribute Paid to Thurston, County Men Who Died in Service of Their Country.260
  • Tuesday, 11 Nov 1919, an article about Lee Clare Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Tribute Paid to Thurston County Men Who Died in Service of Their Country.261
  • Sunday, 23 Jan 1921, Lee was mentioned in an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Mrs. Fred W. Lewis and son...262
  • Thursday, 23 Feb 1922, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Former Olympian Given Posthumous Star for Bravery.263
  • Wednesday, 21 Jun 1922, Lee was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Learns That Son Killed in Action is Cited as Hero.264


  1. [S262] World War I Draft Registrations, online . Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Record.
  2. [S1106] American Battle Monuments Commission, online <http://www.abmc.gov/home.php>. Hereinafter cited as American Battle Monuments.
  3. [S1319] Article: Mrs. Fred W. Lewis, Gold Star Mother, is Honored, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Jun 1922, Page One, Volume: XXI Issue: 37. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  4. [S1591] Fred W. Lewis Receives Word That Son Met Death in France as Result of Serious Injuries, Obituary for Lee Clare Lewis, Olympia, WA, 23 Aug 1918, One, Volume: 27 Issue: 135. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  5. [S1381] Article: Lee C. Lewis Meets Death For Country, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Aug 1918, Page Four, Volume: XVII Issue: 91. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  6. [S1377] Article: Lee Lewis Dies In Battle, The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 26 Aug 1918, Page Seven, Volume: LVIII Issue: 18020. Hereinafter cited as Oregonian.
  7. [S1600] Article: Lee Lewis Captain At Time Of Death, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Oct 1918, Page Two, Volume: XVII Issue: 137. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  8. [S1376] Article: Lee Lewis Captain At Time of Death, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Oct 1918, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 180. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  9. [S1520] Article: Belmore School to Hold Interclass Meet, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 10 Apr 1911, Page Three, Volume: IX Issue: 285. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  10. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  11. [S1244] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: 27 Issue: 82. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  12. [S1246] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Jun 1917, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  13. [S1244] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Jun 1917, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  14. [S4425] Article: Community Club Holds Meeting., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1917, Page Five, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  15. [S593] GenealogyBuff.com, online <https://tinyurl.com/yc45rhou>. Hereinafter cited as GenealogyBuff.com.
  16. [S1610] Article: Comrade Tells How Olympian Met Death, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Apr 1919, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  17. [S1401] Article: Social News at Brighton Park, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Aug 1908, Page One, Volume: 18 Issue: 141. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  18. [S1383] Article: Lee Lewis Gets Toe Smashed, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 17 Nov 1913, Page Two, Volume: XII Issue: 163. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  19. [S1386] Article: Graduates of Grades, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Jun 1906, Page One, Volume: 18 Issue: 64. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  20. [S1478] Article: Class of 40 to Graduate, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 17 May 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 233. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  21. [S608] Lawrence R. Stark, "Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, Washington," e-Mail message from <e-mail address> (e-mail address) to Terrance Wagner, 1 Nov 2005. Hereinafter cited as "WSU Library - Pullman, WA."
  22. [S90] Obituary, The Jetmore Republican, Jetmore, Kansas, 16 Jan 1914, Jetmore Republican, 6 Sep 1918. Hereinafter cited as Jetmore Republican.
  23. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW I Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  24. [S263] FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization, online <https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a>, United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Hereinafter cited as FamilySearch.
  25. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <http://tinyurl.com/5lj7u>. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  26. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, United States, Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939.
  27. [S657] Various, 1895 Digital, Kansas, Ancestry.com, unknown repository unknown repository address.
  28. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  29. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  30. [S1501] Article: Entertainment at Belmore School, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 Mar 1911, Page One, Volume: IX Issue: 255. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  31. [S1521] Article: Brevities, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 15 Apr 1911, Page Four, Volume: IX Issue: 290. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  32. [S3847] "Diary of Aletha Maize (Mercer) Lewis Brostrom Love," (MS, 1932 - 1933; Olympia, WA); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Diary of Lee Lewis."
  33. [S90] Obituary, The Jetmore Republican, Jetmore, Kansas, 16 Jan 1914. Hereinafter cited as Jetmore Republican.
  34. [S1286] Article: Chosen by Grange - Brighton Park Farmers Elect Lee as New Master, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Dec 1905, Page One, Volume: 17 Issue: 184. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  35. [S1387] Article: Program for Tumwater Eighth Grade Commencement, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 Jun 1906, Page One, Volume: V Issue: 21. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  36. [S1298] Article: Brevities, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Jul 1906, Page Six, Volume: 19 Issue: 108. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  37. [S1388] Article: Trip a-Wheel, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Aug 1906, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 133. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  38. [S1389] Article: No Title, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Oct 1906, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 189. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  39. [S1391] Article: Bush Prairie Grange, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Dec 1906, Page Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 238. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  40. [S1390] Article: Grange Elects Officers, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 28 Dec 1906, Page Three, Volume: V Issue: 198. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  41. [S1392] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Aug 1907, Page Three, Volume: 17 Issue: 126. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  42. [S1394] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Oct 1907, Page Five, Volume: 17 Issue: 176. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  43. [S1395] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Jan 1908, Page Three, Volume: 17 Issue: 240. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  44. [S1397] Article: New Hall for Brighton Park, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Mar 1908, Page Four, Volume: 18 Issue: 3. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  45. [S1396] Article: Brighton Park Grange Planning New Hall, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 18 Mar 1908, Page Four, Volume: VI Issue: 264. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  46. [S1398] Article: New Hall for Brighton Park, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 May 1908, Page Four, Volume: 18 Issue: 66. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  47. [S1399] Article: South Union Endeavorers, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Jun 1908, Page One, Volume: 18 Issue: 70. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  48. [S1400] Article: Grange Picnic This Fall, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 7 Aug 1908, Page One, Volume: 18 Issue: 124. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  49. [S1405] Article: Brighton Park Grange Holds Interesting Debate, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1908, Page One, Volume: VII Issue: 130. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  50. [S1404] Article: No Title, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1908, Page One, Volume: 18 Issue: 178. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  51. [S1403] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1908, Page Three, Volume: 18 Issue: 178. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  52. [S1402] Article: Society, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1908, Page Three, Volume: VII Issue: 130. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  53. [S1406] Article: Brighton Park News, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Oct 1908, Page Four and Five, Volume: 18 Issue: 179. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  54. [S1407] Article: Brighton Park Notes, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 Oct 1908, Page Two, Volume: VII Issue: 131. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  55. [S1408] Article: Olympia Students in State Debate Tryout, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 Oct 1908, Page One, Volume: VII Issue: 142. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  56. [S1410] Article: Pie Question Is Settled, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Nov 1908, Page One, Volume: 18 Issue: 218. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  57. [S1409] Article: Debaters Determine the Pie Question, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 26 Nov 1908, Page One, Volume: VII Issue: 142. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  58. [S2987] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Jan 1909, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  59. [S1411] Article: Grange Wants More Road Districts, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 18 Jan 1909, Page Three, Volume: VII Issue: 185. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  60. [S1412] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Feb 1909, Page Three, Volume: 18 Issue: 298. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  61. [S1413] Article: O. H. S. to Have Crack Team, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Mar 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 11. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  62. [S1414] Article: Seniors Victors in Class Track Meet, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Apr 1909, Page Four, Volume: VII Issue: 259. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  63. [S1415] Article: Seniors Win Out, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Apr 1909, Page Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 27. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  64. [S1379] Article: Lee Lewis Wins Medal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 32. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  65. [S1378] Article: Lee Lewis Wins W. C. T. U. Medal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1909, Page Four, Volume: VII Issue: 264. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  66. [S1416] Article: Burrett Hopkins Wins Oratorical Contest, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Apr 1909, Page One, Volume: VII Issue: 265. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  67. [S1418] Article: Contest Closes, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Apr 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 36. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  68. [S1420] Article: Raymond Abbot Wins the Closing Contest, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Apr 1909, Page Four, Volume: VII Issue: 268. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  69. [S1422] Article: Juniors Give Big Affair for Seniors, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 May 1909, Page Four, Volume: VII Issue: 275. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  70. [S1423] Article: Brilliant Reception for Seniors, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 May 1909, Page One & Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 44. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  71. [S1421] Article: Big W. C. T. U. County Meet Here next Week, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 28 May 1909, Page Four, Volume: VII Issue: 295. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  72. [S1419] Article: County Temperance Workers To Meet Here, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 May 1909, Page Three, Volume: 19 Issue: 63. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  73. [S1417] Article: House Passes Palmer's Bill to Abolish State Insurance Office 56-34, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 24 Jun 1909, Page One, Volume: VII Issue: 318. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  74. [S1425] Article: Grange Social is Big Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Jul 1909, Page Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 109. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  75. [S1424] Article: Brighton Park Grange Social Big Success, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 21 Jul 1909, Page Four, Volume: VII Issue: 341. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  76. [S1426] Article: Ruth Scored in Resolution Passed at Grange Meeting, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Aug 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 131. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  77. [S1427] Article: County Grange Scores Senator A. S. Ruth, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Aug 1909, Page Four, Volume: VII Issue: 363. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  78. [S1428] Article: Grange Adopts Resolution of Sympathy for Williams, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Aug 1909, Page Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 134. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  79. [S1430] Article: Seattle Wins Game - Interesting Sports, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 7 Sep 1909, Page Six, Volume: VIII Issue: 17. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  80. [S1429] Article: "Labor Asks No Sympathy" Says Sen. George Cotterill, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 7 Sep 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 150. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  81. [S1432] Article: Interesting Program at High School Yesterday, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 8 Sep 1909, Page Three, Volume: VIII Issue: 18. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  82. [S1431] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Sep 1909, Page Five, Volume: 19 Issue: 151. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  83. [S1434] Article: Freshmen Beat Sophs in First Cane Rush, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 11 Sep 1909, Page Five, Volume: VIII Issue: 21. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  84. [S1433] Article: Freshies Win Cane Rush in Hard Battle, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Sep 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 154. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  85. [S1435] Article: Senior Elect Officers, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Sep 1909, Page Three, Volume: VIII Issue: 25. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  86. [S1436] Article: Students Prepare for Big Debate, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Sep 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 163. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  87. [S1437] Article: High School Goes to Play Seattle, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1909, Page Five, Volume: VIII Issue: 33. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  88. [S1438] Article: Prepare for Lincoln High, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 7 Oct 1909, Page Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 175. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  89. [S1439] Article: Students Stir up Football Enthusiasm Hay Addresses Rally, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 9 Oct 1909, Page Four, Volume: VIII Issue: 45. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  90. [S1440] Article: No Title, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Oct 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 181. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  91. [S1442] Article: Olympia Will Invade Tacoma, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Oct 1909, Page Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 187. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  92. [S1441] Article: Olympia to Tackle Tigers Saturday, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 21 Oct 1909, Page Five, Volume: VIII Issue: 55. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  93. [S1443] Article: Olympia Team to Make Tacoma Go Some, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Oct 1909, Page Six, Volume: VIII Issue: 56. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  94. [S1445] Article: Two Games on for Saturday, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Nov 1909, Page Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 200. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  95. [S1444] Article: Big Rally Tonight Two Games Tomorrow, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 5 Nov 1909, Page Five, Volume: VIII Issue: 68. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  96. [S1447] Article: High School Glee Club Organized, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 13 Nov 1909, Page Five, Volume: VIII Issue: 75. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  97. [S1446] Article: Glee Club at High School, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Nov 1909, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 207. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  98. [S1448] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Nov 1909, Page Five, Volume: 19 Issue: 220. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  99. [S1449] Article: No Title, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 29 Nov 1909, Page Two, Volume: VIII Issue: 88. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  100. [S1451] Article: Society, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 11 Dec 1909, Page Four, Volume: VIII Issue: 99. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  101. [S1450] Article: No Title, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Dec 1909, Page Four, Volume: 19 Issue: 231. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  102. [S1452] Article: Pomona Grange in Flourishing Condition, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 24 Jan 1910, Page Five, Volume: VIII Issue: 136. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  103. [S1453] Article: Olympia Team to Play Seattle Tonight, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 29 Jan 1910, Page Two, Volume: VIII Issue: 141. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  104. [S1454] Article: Locals Expect to Win Tonight, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Jan 1910, Page Six, Volume: 19 Issue: 273. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  105. [S1456] Article: Gov. Hay Offers Cash Prize to Help Bring Y. M. C. A. Lunch Crowds, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 15 Feb 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 155. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  106. [S1455] Article: One Day Sees $1,090 Raised, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Feb 1910, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 287. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  107. [S1457] Article: Y. M. C. A. Fund Workers Deplore Apathy - To Make House to House Canvass, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 17 Feb 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 157. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  108. [S1459] Article: Encouraging Reports in Y. M. C. A. Campaign-Small Boys Enthusiastic over House Canvass, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 18 Feb 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 158. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  109. [S1458] Article: Lee Lewis' Idea Wins "Skimmer", The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Feb 1910, Page Six, Volume: 19 Issue: 290. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  110. [S1461] Article: Interesting Program For Farmers' Picnic, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 25 Feb 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 164. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  111. [S1460] Article: Double Header Ends Basketball Tonight - Aberdeen Fast Team, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 25 Feb 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 164. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  112. [S1462] Article: Track Men Are Busy - High School Boys Go into Training, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Mar 1910, Page Three, Volume: 19 Issue: 304. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  113. [S1463] Article: High School Begins Track Athletics, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 8 Mar 1910, Page Five, Volume: VIII Issue: 173. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  114. [S1465] Article: Track Team is out for Practice, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Mar 1910, Page One, Volume: 19 Issue: 307. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  115. [S1464] Article: High School Teams Training at Park, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 10 Mar 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 175. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  116. [S1466] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Mar 1910, Page Five, Volume: 20 Issue: 5. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  117. [S1385] Article: Lee Lewis to Run Two Miles Against Relays, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 Mar 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 192. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  118. [S1467] Article: Seniors Win Meet. Lewis Loses out in Relay Race, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Apr 1910, Page One, Volume: 20 Issue: 19. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  119. [S1468] Article: Class Meet is Postponed Week, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Apr 1910, Page Four, Volume: 20 Issue: 27. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  120. [S1469] Article: Interclass Meet Put Over Until April 25, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 14 Apr 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 205. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  121. [S1470] Article: Young Athletes Ready For Fray, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Apr 1910, Page Four, Volume: 20 Issue: 33. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  122. [S1475] Article: Local Athletes Ready for Meet, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 May 1910, Page Two, Volume: 20 Issue: 50. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  123. [S1476] Article: High Team Crippled but Game for Meet, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 11 May 1910, Page Four, Volume: VIII Issue: 228. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  124. [S1477] Article: Olympia Lands Second in Chehalis Meet, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 14 May 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 231. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  125. [S1479] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 May 1910, Page Three, Volume: 20 Issue: 56. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  126. [S1480] Article: Students Work on Class Play, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 May 1910, Page Four, Volume: 20 Issue: 56. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  127. [S1481] Article: No Local Athletes in Seattle Meet Today, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 21 May 1910, Page Four, Volume: VIII Issue: 237. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  128. [S1483] Article: Cast of Characters for Senior Class Play, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 24 May 1910, Page Three, Volume: VIII Issue: 239. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  129. [S1482] Article: Ready for Big Show, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 May 1910, Page One, Volume: 20 Issue: 61. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  130. [S1484] Article: Successful Senior Play to be Repeated, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 26 May 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 241. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  131. [S1485] Article: Play Big Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 May 1910, Page One, Volume: 20 Issue: 63. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  132. [S1486] Article: Twenty-Four High School Graduates to Attend College; Seven Will Go to State "U", The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 May 1910, Page One, Volume: 20 Issue: 66. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  133. [S1487] Article: Two Dozen Graduates to Continue Studies - 15 Born in This City, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 May 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 244. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  134. [S1489] Article: Flowers and Praise for Fine Graduating Class - Sen. Cotterill Speaks, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 4 Jun 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 249. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  135. [S1488] Article: Forty Graduate Given Diplomas, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Jun 1910, Page One, Volume: 20 Issue: 71. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  136. [S1490] Article: The Church Services, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 11 Jun 1910, Page Five, Volume: VIII Issue: 255. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  137. [S1491] Article: In the Churches, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Jun 1910, Page Three, Volume: 20 Issue: 78. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  138. [S1492] Article: County Grange Plans Big Picnic This Fall, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 25 Jul 1910, Page Three, Volume: VIII Issue: 292. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  139. [S1493] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Aug 1910, Page Three, Volume: 20 Issue: 129. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  140. [S1495] Article: Local Teachers Are Awarded Certificates, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Sep 1910, Page One, Volume: 20 Issue: 153. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  141. [S1494] Article: Certificates for New Thurston Teachers, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 8 Sep 1910, Page Three, Volume: VIII Issue: 331. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  142. [S1496] Article: School Opens with Gains and Enthusiasm, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 Sep 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 334. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  143. [S1497] Article: Presentation of Statue to School, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Sep 1910, Page One and Four, Volume: 20 Issue: 157. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  144. [S1498] Article: Grades Debate at McKinley School, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 Sep 1910, Page Three, Volume: VIII Issue: 350. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  145. [S1499] Article: Brighton Park Grange Initiation and Spread, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 25 Oct 1910, Page One, Volume: VIII Issue: 371. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  146. [S1500] Article: The Church Services, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 18 Feb 1911, Page Three, Volume: IX Issue: 242. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  147. [S1502] Article: Brighton Park Grange Has Enjoyable Session, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 9 Mar 1911, Page Three, Volume: IX Issue: 258. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  148. [S1503] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Mar 1911, Page Three, Volume: 20 Issue: 308. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  149. [S1515] Article: Belmore Keen for Honors on Track, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Mar 1911, Page Four, Volume: 20 Issue: 314. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  150. [S1514] Article: Belmore Scholars Active in Athletics, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Mar 1911, Page Three, Volume: IX Issue: 264. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  151. [S1516] Article: In the Churches, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Mar 1911, Page Five, Volume: 20 Issue: 317. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  152. [S1517] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Mar 1911, Page Three, Volume: 20 Issue: 321. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  153. [S1518] Article: Brevities, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 24 Mar 1911, Page Four, Volume: IX Issue: 271. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  154. [S1519] Article: Belmore School Play is Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Mar 1911, Page Four, Volume: 20 Issue: 322. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  155. [S1522] Article: Brevities, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1911, Page Four, Volume: IX Issue: 296. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  156. [S1523] Article: No Title, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 May 1911, Page Four, Volume: 21 Issue: 47. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  157. [S1524] Article: Belmore is Winner, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 7 May 1911, Page One and Six, Volume: 21 Issue: 48. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  158. [S1525] Article: Belmore Schools Wins County Track Meet, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 8 May 1911, Page Six, Volume: IX Issue: 209. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  159. [S1527] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 May 1911, Page Three, Volume: 21 Issue: 52. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  160. [S1526] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 May 1911, Page Three, Volume: X Issue: 1. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  161. [S1528] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 May 1911, Page Three, Volume: 21 Issue: 56. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  162. [S1529] Article: Society School and Social Affairs Active, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 May 1911, Page Three and Four, Volume: X Issue: 8. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  163. [S1530] Article: Twenty-Two in County Pass as Teachers, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 May 1911, Page Two, Volume: X Issue: 9. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  164. [S1531] Article: Lee Lewis Reporter on Vancouver Columbian, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 29 May 1911, Page Four, Volume: X Issue: 15. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  165. [S1380] Article: Lee Lewis Shows Real Ingenuity, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 06 Jul 1911, Page One, Volume: 21 Issue: 94. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  166. [S1532] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Aug 1911, Page Three and Four, Volume: 21 Issue: 121. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  167. [S1533] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 7 Aug 1911, Page Three, Volume: X Issue: 75. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  168. [S1535] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Sep 1911, Page Three, Volume: 21 Issue: 143. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  169. [S1534] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 1 Sep 1911, Page Three, Volume: X Issue: 87. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  170. [S1537] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 Sep 1911, Page Three, Volume: X Issue: 91. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  171. [S1536] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Sep 1911, Page Three, Volume: 21 Issue: 147. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  172. [S1539] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Dec 1911, Page Three, Volume: 21 Issue: 240. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  173. [S1538] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Dec 1911, Page Five, Volume: XX Issue: 184. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  174. [S1540] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Dec 1911, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 187. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  175. [S1541] Article: Washougal Road Topic for Poetry, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Dec 1911, Page Four, Volume: 21 Issue: 246. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  176. [S1542] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Dec 1911, Page Three, Volume: 21 Issue: 247. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  177. [S1375] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 01 Jan 1912, Page Five, Volume: XX Issue: 191. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  178. [S1373] Article: Lee Lewis to Return Tonight for Visit Home, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Jun 1912, Page One, Volume: XI Issue: 35. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  179. [S1360] Article: No Title, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 24 Jun 1912, Page One, Volume: XI Issue: 37. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  180. [S1372] Article: No Title, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 31 Aug 1912, Page One, Volume: XI Issue: 96. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  181. [S1878] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Sep 1912, Page Three, Volume: XI Issue: 98. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  182. [S1374] Article: Vancouver Students Off, The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 16 Sep 1912, Page Five, Volume: LII Issue: 16165. Hereinafter cited as Oregonian.
  183. [S1543] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Jun 1913, Page Three, Volume: 23 Issue: 64. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  184. [S1545] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 13 Jun 1913, Page Five, Volume: XI Issue: 249. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  185. [S1544] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Jun 1913, Page Four, Volume: 23 Issue: 67. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  186. [S1547] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 24 Jun 1913, Page Three, Volume: XI Issue: 258. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  187. [S1546] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Jun 1913, Page Three, Volume: 23 Issue: 76. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  188. [S1139] Article: No Title, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 13 Jul 1913, Page Five, Volume: 23 Issue: 104. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  189. [S1140] Article: Brighton Park, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 14 Jul 1913, Page Three, Volume: 23 Issue: 104. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  190. [S1548] Article: Lee Lewis Wrestling with the New Mown Hay, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 2 Aug 1913, Page One, Volume: XI Issue: 262. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  191. [S1357] Article: No Title, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Aug 1913, Page One, Volume: 23 Issue: 122. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  192. [S1384] Article: Lee Lewis Plays In Numberous Roles, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Sep 1913, Page One, Volume: 23 Issue: 150. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  193. [S1329] Article: No Title, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 5 Sep 1913, Page Four, Volume: XI Issue: 291. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  194. [S1549] Article: Lee Lewis Get Toe Mashed in Machine, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Nov 1913, Page One, Volume: 23 Issue: 211. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  195. [S1551] Article: Thurston Has 15 Students in State College, Pullman, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 Dec 1913, Page One, Volume: XII Issue: 185. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  196. [S1552] Article: Thurston Has 15 Students in State College, Pullman, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Dec 1913, Page Two, Volume: 23 Issue: 232. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  197. [S1553] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Dec 1913, Page Five and Six, Volume: 23 Issue: 237. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  198. [S1554] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Dec 1913, Page Three, Volume: XII Issue: 193. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  199. [S1556] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Dec 1913, Page Three and Four, Volume: 23 Issue: 238. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  200. [S1555] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Dec 1913, Page Three, Volume: XII Issue: 194. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  201. [S1147] Article: Pullman Students Are Home For Holidays, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Dec 1914, Page One, Volume: 24 Issue: 241. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  202. [S1557] Article: Pullman Students Are Home for Holidays, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 21 Dec 1914, Page Three, Volume: XIII Issue: 191. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  203. [S1558] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Dec 1914, Page Three, Volume: 24 Issue: 246. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  204. [S1559] Article: Many Olympia School Graduates Continue Higher Studies, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 29 Dec 1914, Page Four, Volume: XIII Issue: 198. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  205. [S1560] Article: Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 2 Jan 1915, Page Three, Volume: XIII Issue: 202. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  206. [S1561] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Jan 1915, Page Three, Volume: 24 Issue: 253. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  207. [S1562] Article: Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 4 Jan 1915, Page Three, Volume: XIII Issue: 203. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  208. [S1563] Article: Thumb-Nail Sketches Prominent Olympians, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 5 Jul 1915, Page One, Volume: XIV Issue: 47. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  209. [S1564] Article: Form Thurston Club at State College, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 13 Nov 1915, Page One, Volume: XIV Issue: 160. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  210. [S1565] Article: Form Thurston Club at State College. Former Students from This County Organize to Promote Fellowship and Boost School, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Nov 1915, Page Three, Volume: 25 Issue: 207. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  211. [S1566] Article: Society and Personal Mention, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Dec 1915, Page Five, Volume: 25 Issue: 231. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  212. [S1567] Article: Tumwater Boy to Get W. S. C. Diploma, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Jun 1916, Page Four, Volume: 26 Issue: 80. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  213. [S1382] Article: Lee Lewis to Graduate, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 15 Jun 1916, Page Four, Volume: XV Issue: 31. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  214. [S1568] Article: Society and Personal Mention, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Dec 1916, Page Three, Volume: 26 Issue: 241. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  215. [S1569] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Dec 1916, Page Three, Volume: XV Issue: 192. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  216. [S1570] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Dec 1916, Page Three, Volume: XV Issue: 194. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  217. [S1245] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 32. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  218. [S1246] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 34. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  219. [S1571] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 51. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  220. [S1572] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Jul 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 57. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  221. [S1573] Article: Twelve Names Shown on Church "Roll of Honor", The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Jul 1917, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 107. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  222. [S1574] Article: South Union, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Jul 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 60. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  223. [S1575] Article: South Union, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Jul 1917, Page Three, Volume: 27 Issue: 110. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  224. [S4425] Article: Community Club Holds Meeting., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1917, Page Five, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  225. [S1576] Article: South Union, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 15 Aug 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 83. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  226. [S1577] Article: South Union, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Aug 1917, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 133. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  227. [S1320] Article: Raised Boy to Do Duty, Father of Soldier Says Fred W. Lewis Glad That Son Is Going Into United States Army, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Jun 1917, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 147. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  228. [S1578] Article: Lieut. Lewis Goes To Ft. Leavenworth, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Sep 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 99. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  229. [S1580] Article: Social Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Jan 1918, Page One, Volume: 28 Issue: 260. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  230. [S1581] Article: Members in Service Honored by Church, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Feb 1918, Page Four, Volume: XVI Issue: 245. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  231. [S1582] Article: Members in Service Honored by Church, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Feb 1918, Page One, Volume: 28 Issue: 289. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  232. [S1585] Article: No Title, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Mar 1918, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 15. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  233. [S1587] Article: Lieutenant Lewis in France, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 May 1918, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 66. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  234. [S1586] Article: Lieutenant Lewis in France, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 May 1918, Page Two, Volume: XVII Issue: 17. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  235. [S1588] Article: Pullman Service List Boasts 8 Olympia Men, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 5 Jun 1918, Page One, Volume: XVII Issue: 22. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  236. [S4417] Article: Lewis Family Holds 100 Per Cent Record, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1918, Page One, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  237. [S1590] Article: Another Lewis is Called to Colors, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Aug 1918, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 118. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  238. [S1589] Article: Another Lewis Is Called to Colors, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Aug 1918, Page Three, Volume: XVII Issue: 74. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  239. [S4417] Article: Lewis Family Holds 100 Per Cent Record, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1918, Page One, Volume: LVIII No. 22. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  240. [S4418] Article: Death Comes as Shock, The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA, 24 Aug 1918, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Spokesman-Review.
  241. [S1596] Article: Teuton Shell Killed Lewis, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 Sep 1918, Page One, Volume: XVII Issue: 123. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  242. [S1597] Article: Teuton Shell Killed Lewis, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Oct 1918, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 168. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  243. [S1598] Article: Hold Services for Lee Lewis, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 7 Oct 1918, Page Four, Volume: XVII Issue: 129. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  244. [S1599] Article: Brighton Grange to Hold Lewis Memorial, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Oct 1918, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 174. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  245. [S1601] Article: Captain Describes Sergy Battle, Where Lewis Fell, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Nov 1918, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 194. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  246. [S1602] Article: Captain Describes Sergy Battle Where Capt. Lee Lewis Fell, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 2 Nov 1918, Page Four, Volume: XVII Issue: 152. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  247. [S1603] Article: Memorial Services for Captain Lewis, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Nov 1918, Page Two, Volume: XVII Issue: 167. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  248. [S1604] Article: Memorial Services for Captain Lewis, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Nov 1918, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 208. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  249. [S1605] Article: Thurston County Heroes Wounded on Battlefield Cared for by Red Cross, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Dec 1918, Page One and Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 229. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  250. [S1606] Article: Thurston County Heroes Wounded on Battlefield Cared for by Red Cross, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Dec 1918, Page Three and Four, Volume: XVII Issue: 189. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  251. [S1607] Article: Six Gold Stars for Heroes from O. H. S., The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 Jan 1919, Page One, Volume: XVII Issue: 229. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  252. [S1608] Article: Six Gold Stars for Heroes from O. H. S., The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Jan 1919, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 275. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  253. [S1610] Article: Comrade Tells How Olympian Met Death, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Apr 1919, Page Three, Volume: XVII Issue: 294. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  254. [S1609] Article: Comrade Tells How Olympian Met Death, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Apr 1919, Page Four, Volume: 28 Issue: 28. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  255. [S1612] Article: Official Photograph Showing Capt. Lewis' Burial in France, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 Jun 1919, Page One, Volume: XVIII Issue: 30. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  256. [S1611] Article: Olympian Esteemed by Superior Officer, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 Jun 1919, Page One, Volume: XVIII Issue: 30. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  257. [S1613] Article: Olympian Esteemed by Superior Officer, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Jun 1919, Page Three, Volume: 28 Issue: 78. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  258. [S1473] Article: To Honor Men Who Gave Lives During The War, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Oct 1919, Page One, Volume: XVIII Issue: 150. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  259. [S1474] Article: To Honor Men Who Gave Lives During The War, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Oct 1919, Page One, Volume: 28 Issue: 195. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  260. [S1472] Article: Tribute Paid to Thurston, County Men Who Died in Service of Their Country, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 10 Nov 1919, Page One, Volume: XVIII Issue: 156. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  261. [S1471] Article: Tribute Paid to Thurston County Men Who Died in Service of Their Country, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Nov 1919, Page Four, Volume: 28 Issue: 207. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  262. [S1795] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Jan 1921, Page Three, Volume: 29 Issue: 270. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  263. [S1725] Article: Former Olympian Given Posthumous Star for Bravery, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1922, Page One, Volume: 30 Issue: 294. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  264. [S1724] Article: Learns That Son Killed in Action is Cited as Hero, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Jun 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 84. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
Last Edited29 Sep 2024

Ray Frisbee Lewis

TMG ID:8622, (1 Apr 1897 - 20 Feb 1928)
Relationship:Father of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Fredrick William Lewis B: 30 Nov 1862, D: 15 Mar 1937
Mother*Ada Ann Jones B: 4 Dec 1870, D: 22 Sep 1952

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Ray Frisbie4


MarriageWednesday, 9 Apr 1924, Ray, age 27 years and 8 days, and Aletha Maize Mercer, age 18 years, 11 months and 10 days, daughter of: Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison, were married at Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG, witnesses were the couple's close friends: Criss Hoyt and Phyllis Pitman
     Other celebrants were: Julia Ann Cantrall, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer and Alfred Rexford Mercer.5,6,7,8

Children of: Ray Frisbee Lewis and Aletha Maize Mercer

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: in 1903, at the Christian Church, Cleveland, Pawnee County, OklahomaG. Ray took this photograph in 1919 of the Christian Church in Cleveland, OK and noted that his father, Fred Lewis, had helped to paint the Church in 1903.9
  • Anecdote: on Tuesday, 8 Feb 1910, at Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Ray Frisbee Lewis (12 years old) received a post card from Howard Sayers with picture of Fannie Paddock Hospital in Tacoma, WA.10
  • Anecdote: in Jun 1916, at Olympia High School, between 12th and 13th Streets on Capitol Way, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Ray Frisbee Lewis (19 years old) excerpts from the 1916 year book, Olympus, for the graduating class of Olympia High School:

    Senior Class Prophecy [written as if it were 10 years later]
    by Merle Morford

    Ray Lewis, after completing a trip around the world, is touring the United States, lecturing on “What Makes the Chinese Language So Hard.”

    Ray Lewis
    “Most blameless is he.”
    Class Day Committee.
  • Anecdote: on Tuesday, 6 Jun 1916, at The Olympus, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Ray Frisbee Lewis (19 years old) In an article in the Olympia Daily Recorder dated 6 June 1917, 37 girls and 24 boys were set to receive High School diplomas. The article also reviews the Commencement edition of the School yearbook, Olympus. From that article:

    "One of the oustanding attainments of the issue is a compilation made by Ray Lewis of ail men who ever wore the “0.” The article is headed “Wearers of the "O.” It runs back to 1902 which is as far as the records are available. This feature is expected to prove a hit with the alumni."

    The compilation made by Ray Lewis may be seen here: https://tinyurl.com/2rtmkvz4.11
  • Anecdote: in Mar 1917, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Ray Frisbee Lewis (19 years old) The Opera, Priscilla, was written by Abbie Gerrish-Jones in 1887. It was considered the first complete opera with libretto and sccore to be written by an American woman.12
  • Anecdote: in May 1919, at Three Forks, Gallatin County, MontanaG, Ray Frisbee Lewis (22 years old) Ray is enroute from Tumwater, WA to Peoria, IL to attend the Bradley Polytechnic Institute. He took some pictures along the way.9
  • Anecdote: in Oct 1919, at Snoqualmie Pass, King County, WashingtonG, Ray Frisbee Lewis (22 years old) Ray noted that the Milwaukee Railroad train that he was on was about to enter the tunnel at the top of the Snoqualmie Pass. He also notes that the tunnel is 2¼ miles long and it took 5½ minutes to transit the tunnel. As an after note he has a picture showing smoke still coming out of the tunnel for 2 minutes after the train exited.9
  • Anecdote: on Friday, 8 Apr 1921, at Pawnee, Pawnee County, OklahomaG, Ray Frisbee Lewis (24 years old.)9


  • Health: circa Oct 1927, at Seattle, King County, WashingtonG. Ray Frisbee was operated on to remove the cancer and it was determined that it had spread too far and they just closed him and sent him home to die.3,13,14


5 Jun 1912Graduation: on Wednesday, 5 Jun 1912, Ray (15 years old), graduated from the Brighton Park School, Thurston County, WashingtonG. He was awarded an Eighth Grade Diploma.15
9 Jun 1916Graduation: on Friday, 9 Jun 1916, Ray (19 years old), graduated from the Olympia High School, between 12th and 13th Streets on Capitol Way, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. He was awarded a High School Diploma.
     Others who attended: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.16
from May 1919 to Sep 1919Raystudied jewelry and watch making from May 1919 to Sep 1919 at the Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Peoria County, IllinoisG.17

Other Major Events

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190019 Jun 1900, Sawlog Twp., Hodgeman County, KansasGFredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Lee Clare Lewis, Glode Dugar Lewis, Mariah Gifford and Virginia Adeline Jones20
Census-191026 Apr 1910, Belmore Road, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Page 35b, Lines 89, 90, 91, 92 & 93Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Lee Clare Lewis and Mariah Gifford21,22
Census-192015 Jan 1920, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Census enumerator was Sybil Rutledge (#8946)Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Julia Ann Cantrall23


Sep 1919Bradley Polytechnic College, Peoria, Peoria County, IllinoisGlearned jeweler's trade18,24
circa Jan 1920Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonGjeweler23

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Ray Frisbee Lewis was present circa 1909, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones sat for a Lewis family portrait
     Others were: Lee Clare Lewis.13
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 23 Aug 1918, Ray Frisbee Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Lee Clare Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.25
HistoryHistory: Ray Frisbee Lewis between 1922 and 1950 at Wildwood Park, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, witnessed (an unknown value) Other witnesses: Ada Ann Jones, Fredrick William Lewis, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39
Deed Deed: Ray Frisbee Lewis witnessed on Wednesday, 15 Apr 1925, the transfer of the deed at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. From Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (neé Jones) Lewis (with the concurrance of her husband, Fred) transferred tract number 43, approximately .93 acres, located in the Wildwood Park addition of Olympia, WA to her son, Ray Lewis. The property equates to 4 addresses; 2310 Otis Street, 2320 Otis Street and 2321 Buker Street.

Ray and Lee subsequently built their house at 2321 Buker Street with lumber provided by Otto and Rose Mercer, Lee's parents.

The property was considered part of the Lewis' wedding gift to Ray and Lee Lewis. The lumber was considered part of the Mercer's wedding gift to the newly married couple. Other parties were: Aletha Maize Mercer.40
DiaryDiary: from 20 Jun 1932 to 3 Jan 1933, Ray Frisbee Lewis was mentioned in a personal diary kept by Aletha Maize at Olympia, WashingtonG, the transcribed Diary may be seen here.
     Others mentioned were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Lee Clare Lewis.41

Known Address(es)

Newspaper Items & Articles

  • Wednesday, 1 Apr 1908, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brevities - Mrs. Fred Lewis and son Ray...
         Also mentioned in the article: Mrs. Julia Ann Jones (née Cantrall).44
  • Saturday, 4 Apr 1908, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Additional Society - Mrs. Fred Lewis and son Ray...45
  • Saturday, 29 Aug 1908, Ray was mentioned in an article about John David Muir in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal & Social - Little Johnnie Muir...46
  • Sunday, 11 Oct 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park News
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.47
  • Monday, 12 Oct 1908, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park Notes
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.48
  • Sunday, 8 Nov 1908, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park News - Ray Lewis, son of...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.49
  • Saturday, 25 Mar 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore School Play is Success.50
  • Monday, 10 Apr 1911, an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore School to Hold Interclass Meet.51
  • Saturday, 22 Apr 1911, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Belmore Eighth Graders Victors.52
  • Thursday, 2 Nov 1911, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and William Lewis (née Muir) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.53
  • Thursday, 1 Feb 1912, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Pearl Anna (née Rutledge) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Fifteen Eighth Grade Students Are Successful - All Will Not Get Diplomas before They Complete Course.54
  • Wednesday, 27 Mar 1912, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal Items
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.55
  • Tuesday, 2 Apr 1912, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Delightful Party Given By Ray Lewis
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.56
  • Friday, 14 Feb 1913, Ray was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Franklin Sumarlidason, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Eugene Oliver Twiss and Ina Hazel Jones.57
  • Tuesday, 18 Nov 1913, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Entertains for Newly Arrived Relatives
         Also mentioned in the article: William Carl Newman Jr., Virginia Adeline Jones, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Ina Hazel Jones, William Garfield Kinney, Frank H. Newman, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Glen Ella Newman, Ralph Amiel Newman, Lee Clare Newman, Vernon Lewis, Orville Lavann Kinney, Harold Alva Kinney and Preston Garfield Kinney.58
  • Friday, 21 Nov 1913, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Around The County - Relatives who have just recently arrived...
         Also mentioned in the article: William Carl Newman Jr., Virginia Adeline Jones, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Ina Hazel Jones, William Carl Newman, Amelia A. (?), William Garfield Kinney, Frank H. Newman, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Vernon Lewis, Vena Mae Warren, Lee Clare Newman, Ralph Amiel Newman, Glen Ella Newman, Orville Lavan Kinney, Harold Alva Kinney and Preston Garfield Kinney.59
  • Tuesday, 23 Dec 1913, Ray was mentioned in an article about Lee Clare Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personals - A number of young folks called upon Lee Lewis...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, William Lewis Muir and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.60
  • Friday, 3 Jul 1914, Ray was mentioned in an article about Julia Ann Cantrall in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Additional County News - South Union
         Also mentioned in the article: Engeltie Van Slyke, Ada Ann Jones, Eugene Oliver Twiss and Ina Hazel Jones.61
  • Tuesday, 4 Aug 1914, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: F. W. Lewis Family in Buggy Accident
         Also mentioned in the article: Mrs. Julia Ann Jones (née Cantrall).62
  • Monday, 28 Sep 1914, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Jolly Masquerade at Tumwater Home
         Also mentioned in the article: William Lewis Muir and John David Muir.63
  • Thursday, 29 Oct 1914, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Fred Lewis Goes to Distribute Grange Prizes.64
  • Saturday, 28 Nov 1914, Ray was mentioned in an article about Ross Miller Jones and Charlotte Iola (née Diamond) Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society
         Also mentioned in the article: Julia Ann Cantrall, Edward Diamond, Dora Lenora Thornton, George Edward Diamond, Edward J. Diamond, Walter T. Diamond, Dora May Diamond, Harold A. Diamond, Vena Mae Warren, LaVerne Kenneth Twiss, Glen Ella Newman, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Ralph Amiel Newman, Lee Clare Newman, Wanda Irene Newman, Orville Lavan Kinney, Harold Alva Kinney and Preston Garfield Kinney.65
  • Saturday, 5 Dec 1914, Ray was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: The Week in Society - Enjoyable Surprise Party On Mrs. Fred Lewis
         Also mentioned in the article: Julia Ann Cantrall, Fredrick William Lewis, Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, Virginia Adeline Jones, William Carl Newman Jr., Glen Ella Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Ralph Amiel Newman, Lee Clare Newman, Wanda Irene Newman, William Garfield Kinney, Orville Lavann Kinney, Harold Alva Kinney, Preston Garfield Kinney, Ina Hazel Jones, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Vena Mae Warren and LaVerne Kenneth Twiss.66
  • Sunday, 25 Apr 1915, an article about Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Sumarlidason appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Junior Boys.67
  • Monday, 26 Apr 1915, an article about Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Sumarlidason appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Junior Prom. Proves Delightful Success - Junior Boys.68
  • Friday, 14 May 1915, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Fine Work By Boys and Girls' Clubs.69
  • Sunday, 13 Jun 1915, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society Items - An enjoyable social party.70
  • Friday, 2 Jul 1915, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News Of Your Friends And Neighbors - Brighton Park.71
  • Monday, 5 Jul 1915, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Thumb-Nail Sketches Prominent Olympians - Fred. W. Lewis
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones and Lee Clare Lewis.72
  • Friday, 25 Feb 1916, Ray was mentioned in an article about Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News Of Your Friends And Neighbors - Bush Prairie
         Also mentioned in the article: Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason.73
  • Sunday, 2 Apr 1916, Ray was mentioned in an article about Eugene Oliver Twiss in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal Mention
         Also mentioned in the article: Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Vena Mae Warren, John David Muir, Lee Clare Newman, LaVerne Kenneth Twiss, Franklin Sumarlidason, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, William Lewis Muir, Glen Ella Newman and Orville Lavann Kinney.74
  • Friday, 7 Apr 1916, Ray was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News Of Your Friends And Neighbors - Pleasant Glade.73
  • Sunday, 7 May 1916, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Personal
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.75
  • Friday, 19 May 1916, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Some Notes of the City
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.76
  • Friday, 26 May 1916, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Additional County News - Brighton Park.77
  • Saturday, 3 Jun 1916, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Benjamin Franklin (née Sumarlidason) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: 57 Grads Get High Diplomas - Girls Outnumber the Boys More than Two to One in Senior Class
    44 Will Take College Work.16
  • Friday, 22 Dec 1916, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - A gathering of some of the Olympia...
         Also mentioned in the article: Franklin Sumarlidason, Lee Clare Lewis, Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.78
  • Sunday, 18 Feb 1917, Ray was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal.79
  • Friday, 23 Feb 1917, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Community Club Holds Meeting.80
  • Friday, 9 Mar 1917, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Operetta Planned by High Students - "Priscilla" Will be Staged Last of Month
    Affair Will Be Given Under Direction of Miss Gertrude Nelson - Gerwick to Lead Orchestra.81
  • Saturday, 31 Mar 1917, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: High School Players Make Big Hit with Light Operetta.82
  • Wednesday, 6 Jun 1917, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Sixty-One Graduates of Olympia High School - Seniors Will Get Diplomas
    Exercises To Be Held Tomorrow Evening
    Girls Out Number Boys
    Ceremonies Will Be Simple; Graduation Number of Olympus Replete With New Features; All "O" Wearers Are Officially Listed.11
  • Friday, 8 Jun 1917, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News Of Your Friends And Neighbors - Brighton Park.83
  • Friday, 22 Jun 1917, Ray was mentioned in an article about Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur (née Sumarlidason) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Chums Marry; Camp and Will Enlist Together - Local Couple Join College Friends on Honeymoon in Mountains.
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Julia Ann Cantrall, Karl F. Frederickson, Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason, Arni S. Sumarlidason, Gudrun Johannson and Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason.84
  • Friday, 27 Jul 1917, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News Of Your Friends And Neighbors - Bush Prairie
         Also mentioned in the article: Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Lee Clare Lewis and Julia Ann Cantrall.83
  • Friday, 2 Aug 1918, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Ray Lewis Reports for Duty.
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.85
  • Saturday, 3 Aug 1918, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Another Lewis is Called to Colors
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Lee Clare Lewis.86
  • Saturday, 3 Aug 1918, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Another Lewis Is Called to Colors
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Lee Clare Lewis.87
  • Friday, 9 Aug 1918, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lewis Family Holds 100 Per Cent Record
         Also mentioned in the article: Lee Clare Lewis, Ella Relief Lewis, William Hill Muir, Orlen Arza Lewis, Jennie Estella Foote, Glode Dugar Lewis, Mariah Gifford, Arthur Chubb Lewis, William Lewis Muir, John David Muir and Leslie Elmer Lewis.88
  • Saturday, 24 Aug 1918, Ray was mentioned in an article about Lee Clare Lewis in The Spokesman-Review at Spokane, Washington. Headline:
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.89
  • Tuesday, 27 Aug 1918, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social-Personal - Ray F. Lewis, son...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.90
  • Wednesday, 28 Aug 1918, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social-Personal - Ray F. Lewis, son...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.91
  • Wednesday, 6 Nov 1918, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Returns to Seattle...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.92
  • Friday, 4 Apr 1919, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Local Happenings - Twenty-four relatives and friends.93
  • Wednesday, 30 Apr 1919, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Ray Lewis leaves today...17
  • Monday, 27 Oct 1919, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Ray T. Lewis of Olympia...94
  • Friday, 31 Oct 1919, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Local Happenings.95
  • Tuesday, 4 Nov 1919, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social -- Personal.96
  • Tuesday, 20 Jan 1920, an article about William Lewis Muir and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Muir appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal - The Let's Go Club was entertained...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Hazel L. Conn, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Golden Muriel Spears, Franklin Sumarlidason, John David Muir, Orville Lavann Kinney and Mrs. Julia Ann Jones (née Cantrall).97
  • Tuesday, 20 Jan 1920, an article about William Lewis Muir and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Muir appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - The Let's Go Club was entertained...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Hazel L. Conn, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Golden Muriel Spears, Franklin Sumarlidason, John David Muir, Orville Lavann Kinney and Mrs. Julia Ann Jones (née Cantrall).98
  • Sunday, 25 Jan 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal - Ray F. Lewis entertained...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Mrs. Julia Ann Jones (née Cantrall) and William Lewis Muir.99
  • Thursday, 20 May 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society and Personal.100
  • Friday, 18 Jun 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: County Pomona Meets With Rainier Grange
         Also mentioned in the article: George Edwin Conn and Hazel Lawrence.101
  • Friday, 2 Jul 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia Legion Plans Big Show.102
  • Friday, 2 Jul 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Unlucky For Blues, Or Any Of Its Family.103
  • Saturday, 3 Jul 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Veterans to Dance Tomorrow Evening.104
  • Tuesday, 6 Jul 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Amateur Musical Show Under Auspices of Legion.105
  • Tuesday, 13 Jul 1920, an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Harold Alva Kinney, Irene Hattie Arters, Virginia Adeline Jones, Hazel Pauline Newman, Julia Amelia Newman and Julia Ann Cantrall.106
  • Tuesday, 20 Jul 1920, an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park.107
  • Thursday, 29 Jul 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Legion Delegates to State Meeting.108
  • Friday, 30 Jul 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason, Julia Ann Cantrall, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and William Garfield Kinney.109
  • Tuesday, 3 Aug 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: County News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Julia Ann Cantrall, Ina Hazel Jones, Vena Mae Warren and LaVerne Kenneth Twiss.110
  • Friday, 13 Aug 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones and Fredrick William (née Lewis) Jones in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: [BOLD:Neighborhood News - Brighton Park Five Adas were present
         Also mentioned in the article: Virginia Adeline Jones, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Wanda Irene Newman, Vena Mae Warren, Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Ina Hazel Jones.111
  • Friday, 20 Aug 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Thurston County Grange Picnic Grand Success (Continued from Page One.)112
  • Tuesday, 7 Sep 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: County News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Julia Ann Cantrall, Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, Virginia Adeline Jones, Hazel Pauline Newman and Julia Amelia Newman.113
  • Friday, 17 Sep 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason, Virginia Adeline Jones and Irene Hattie Arters.114
  • Tuesday, 21 Sep 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Sumarlidi Sumarlidason, Helga Kristjanson, Julia Ann Cantrall and Virginia Adeline Jones.115
  • Friday, 24 Sep 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Margaret Valentine Hessel, William Carl Newman Jr., Ross Miller Jones and Charlotte Iola Diamond.116
  • Friday, 8 Oct 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Julia Ann Cantrall, George Edwin Conn, Margaret Valentine Hessel, Hazel Lawrence, Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, Virginia Adeline Jones and William Carl Newman Jr.117
  • Sunday, 10 Oct 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Pomona Grange Helps Make Park More Homelike.118
  • Tuesday, 12 Oct 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Park Piano and Flag Need Rejuvenation.119
  • Friday, 15 Oct 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Virginia Adeline Jones, Julia Amelia Newman, Julia Ann Cantrall, William Garfield Kinney and William Carl Newman Jr.120
  • Friday, 22 Oct 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Committee Work. Dances.121
  • Thursday, 28 Oct 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - B. Verne Miller, of Peoria, Ill...122
  • Tuesday, 2 Nov 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Local Happenings.123
  • Friday, 5 Nov 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: City News - B. Verne Miller arrived...124
  • Wednesday, 10 Nov 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.125
  • Friday, 12 Nov 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Jolly Masquerade Dance Scintillates At Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.126
  • Tuesday, 16 Nov 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Ina Hazel Jones, Glen Ella Newman, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, William Garfield Kinney and Orville Lavan Kinney.127
  • Tuesday, 30 Nov 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Arni Leonard Sumarlidason, Gudrun Johannson, Karl F. Frederickson, Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason, Richard K. Frederick, Philip Mark Frederick, Sumarlidi Sumarlidason, Helga Kristjanson, William Carl Newman Jr., Virginia Adeline Jones, Glen Ella Newman, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Ralph Amiel Newman, Lee Clare Newman, Wanda Irene Newman, Julia Amelia Newman, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Ina Hazel Jones, Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, William Garfield Kinney, Julia Ann Cantrall, Orville Lavan Kinney and Howard Allen Jones.128
  • Monday, 6 Dec 1920, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Fredrick William (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal.129
  • Friday, 10 Dec 1920, an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: G.A.R. Ladies Have Box Social. & State College Club Elects.
         Also mentioned in the article: Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.130
  • Tuesday, 14 Dec 1920, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Ina Hazel Jones, Julia Ann Cantrall and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.131
  • Friday, 21 Jan 1921, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Hazel Pauline Newman, LaVerne Kenneth Twiss, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Ina Hazel Jones and Hazel Lawrence.132
  • Sunday, 23 Jan 1921, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Mrs. Fred W. Lewis and son...
         Also mentioned in the article: Lee Clare Lewis.133
  • Tuesday, 25 Jan 1921, an article about Ada Ann Jones and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Jones appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Local Happenings
         Also mentioned in the article: Bernice Aletha Sapp.134
  • Friday, 20 May 1921, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Washington Standard at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: William Carl Newman Jr., Julia Ann Cantrall, Ina Hazel Jones, Virginia Adeline Jones, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason and Ross Miller Jones.135
  • Sunday, 3 Jul 1921, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Thirtieth Anniversary
         Also mentioned in the article: William Carl Newman Jr., Virginia Adeline Jones, William Everett Long, Eva Pearl Blakely, George Edwin Conn, Margaret Valentine Hessel, Mrs. Ina Hazel Twiss (née Jones), Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Jessie Vedera Long, Vena Mae Twiss, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Wanda Irene Newman, Julia Amelia Newman, Hazel L. Conn, William Garfield Kinney, Ross Miller Jones, Preston Harding Long, Verne Twiss, Ralph Amiel Newman, Lee Clare Newman, William Lewis Muir, Orville Lavann Kinney, Harold Alva Kinney, Preston Garfield Kinney and Julia Ann Cantrall.136
  • Sunday, 3 Jul 1921, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Miss Royce Crane, Walter Winters...137
  • Friday, 8 Jul 1921, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Local Happenings - Thirtieth Wedding Anniversary.138
  • Friday, 8 Jul 1921, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.139
  • Wednesday, 27 Jul 1921, Ray was mentioned in an article about Ross Miller Jones in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - A surprise party celebrating
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Virginia Adeline Jones, William Garfield Kinney, Glen Ella Newman, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Ralph Amiel Newman, Lee Clare Newman, Wanda Irene Newman, Julia Amelia Newman, Edward Diamond, Dora Lenora Thornton, George Edward Diamond, Edward J. Diamond, Walter T. Diamond, Dora May Diamond, Harold A. Diamond, Charlotte Iola Diamond and Howard Allen Jones.140
  • Friday, 9 Sep 1921, an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ray Frisbee (née Lewis) Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal.141
  • Monday, 19 Sep 1921, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Fred Lewis Gets Badly Cut Leg in Smashup of Auto.142
  • Tuesday, 20 Sep 1921, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Fred Lewis Gets Badly Cut Leg in Smashup of Auto.143
  • Wednesday, 9 Nov 1921, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Legion All Set for Big Things Armistice Day - Observance of Hour of Prayer at Noon to be Followed by Parade and Amusements; Dance to Close Day of Festivity.144
  • Monday, 21 Nov 1921, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Legion Elects Tomorrow Eve.145
  • Wednesday, 23 Nov 1921, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Legion Elects 1922 Officers Reports Heard.146
  • Tuesday, 29 Nov 1921, Ray was mentioned in an article about Julia Ann Cantrall in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - The children of Mrs. Julia A. Jones...
         Also mentioned in the article: Ina Hazel Jones, Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, Howard Allen Jones, Virginia Adeline Jones, William Garfield Kinney, Glen Ella Newman, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Ralph Amiel Newman, Lee Clare Newman, Wanda Irene Newman, Julia Amelia Newman, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, William Carl Newman Jr., Vena Mae Warren, LaVerne Kenneth Twiss, Orville Lavan Kinney, Harold Alva Kinney and Preston Garfield Kinney.147
  • Wednesday, 11 Jan 1922, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Social and Personal - Legion Fun Makers Society Is Formed.148
  • Friday, 26 May 1922, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Ray S. Lewis of Brighton Park...149
  • Saturday, 3 Jun 1922, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lawrence Mills on Trial for Drunken Driving, as Aftermath Ingle Accident.150
  • Tuesday, 22 Aug 1922, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Additional Society.151
  • Wednesday, 27 Sep 1922, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Motor to Bayne.152
  • Saturday, 28 Oct 1922, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society
         Also mentioned in the article: Julia Ann Cantrall.153
  • Wednesday, 29 Nov 1922, Ray was mentioned in an article about Julia Ann Cantrall in The Olympia Daily Recorder at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - In celebration of the seventy-fifth birthday...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Virginia Adeline Jones, William Carl Newman Jr., Ina Hazel Jones, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, Howard Allen Jones, Vena Mae Warren, LaVerne Kenneth Twiss, Wanda Irene Newman, Julia Amelia Newman, Gilbert Jones Newman, William Garfield Kinney, Harold Alva Kinney and Preston Garfield Kinney.154
  • Wednesday, 29 Nov 1922, Ray was mentioned in an article about Julia Ann Cantrall in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - November Birthday Party
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Virginia Adeline Jones, William Carl Newman Jr., Ina Hazel Jones, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, Howard Allen Jones, Vena Mae Warren, LaVerne Kenneth Twiss, Wanda Irene Newman, Julia Amelia Newman, Gilbert Jones Newman, William Garfield Kinney, Harold Alva Kinney and Preston Garfield Kinney.154
  • Sunday, 24 Dec 1922, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Advertisement - Information Garage Service Station
    Coast Tires.155
  • Sunday, 13 Apr 1924, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Are Married in Maytown -
    At the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Mercer...
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer and Julia Ann Cantrall.7
  • Tuesday, 16 Mar 1926, Ray was mentioned in an article about Elva May Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer and Aletha Maize Mercer.156
  • Saturday, 31 Jul 1926, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Drive to Mountain -
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Helga Kristjanson.157
  • Saturday, 18 Nov 1933, Ray was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Do You Remember?
         Also mentioned in the article: Orville Lavan Kinney, William Carl Newman Jr., Virginia Adeline Jones, Eugene Oliver Twiss, Ina Hazel Jones, William Carl Newman, Amelia A. (?), William Garfield Kinney, Frank H. Newman, Hazel Pauline Newman, Ada Lucille Newman, Glen Ella Newman, Ralph Amiel Newman, Lee Clare Newman, Vernon Lewis, Gearold William Kinney and Preston Garfield Kinney.158


  1. [S90] Obituary, The Jetmore Republican, Jetmore, Kansas, 16 Jan 1914, Ada Jones Lewis. Hereinafter cited as Jetmore Republican.
  2. [S112] Jerri McCoy, Olympia Genealogical Society Cemetery Listing (n.p.: RootsWeb, 7 May 1998), Masonic Memorial Park, Tumwater. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Cemeteries.
  3. [S245] Interview and notes with Elva May Mercer (Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  4. [S263] FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization, online <https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a>, Death certificates (Washington (State), 1907-1960 ; Index to death certificates, 1907-1979. Hereinafter cited as FamilySearch.
  5. [S261] "Genealogy Notebook by Aletha Maize Mercer," Undated; Civil War Trunk; Repository Reference #1, Glode Dugar Lewis; Olympia, Thurston County, Washington. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy Notebook by Lee Mercer."
  6. [S727] Our Wedding Souvenir: Wedding guests who signed, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Wedding Book.
  7. [S2087] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Apr 1924, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  8. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Records, 1803-2010, Thurston, Marriage returns 1923-1925 vol 9, no 6328-7374, page 640.
  9. [S4213] Interview and notes with Ray Frisbee Lewis (8622) (Tumwater, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, ca 1919. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  10. [S342] Interview and notes with Darlene Mae Hacker (Maytown, WA), by Terrance Wagner, May 2003. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  11. [S1781] Article: Sixty-One Graduates of Olympia High School, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 23. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  12. [S4416] Wikipedia, online <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEhttps://en.wikipedia.org/…>. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
  13. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  14. [S219] Interview and notes with Zoa Lee Lewis (2810 Starr Street, Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Sep 2001. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  15. [S1201] Article: Sixty Three Are Given Eighth Grade Diplomas, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Jun 1912, Page One, Volume: 22 Issue: 71. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  16. [S1778] Article: 57 Grads Get High Diplomas, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Jun 1916, Page One and Six, Volume: XV Issue: 21. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  17. [S1784] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 Apr 1919, Page Three, Volume: XVII Issue: 306. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  18. [S91] Obituary, The Daily Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Jan 2003, C2, 23 Mar 1928. Hereinafter cited as Daily Olympian.
  19. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington Voting Records, 1876-1940.
  20. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  21. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <http://tinyurl.com/5lj7u>. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  22. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  23. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  24. [S1784] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 Apr 1919, Page Three, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  25. [S1381] Article: Lee C. Lewis Meets Death For Country, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Aug 1918, Page Four, Volume: XVII Issue: 91. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  26. [S4157] Article: Resolution No. 425, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Sep 1926, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  27. [S4158] Article: Legal Notices: Wildwood Park Addition, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 May 1924, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  28. [S4159] Article: Request Made, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 01 Sep 1926, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  29. [S4155] Article: Realty Transfers - Saturday, March 3, 1923, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Mar 1923, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  30. [S4160] Article: L.I.D. No. 425 Notice Of Original Assessment, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1927, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  31. [S4161] Article: Open Letter - Paid Advertisement, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Mar 1924, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  32. [S4162] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Sep 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30, Issue: 163. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  33. [S4163] Article: Met With Great Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 May 1894, Page Four, Volume: 5, Issue: 326. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  34. [S4169] Article: Brevities of the Day, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Jul 1896, Page Three, Volume: 6, Issue: 104. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  35. [S4166] Article: Obit - Mary A. Buker, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 01 Jan 1904, Page Four, Volume: XLIV. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  36. [S4170] Article: City News in Brief, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 11 Oct 1901, Page Four, Volume: XLI. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  37. [S4156] Article: New Building To Rise Soon On Capitol Way, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Apr 1925, Page One and Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  38. [S4165] Article: To Owners Of Lawnmowers., The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 06 Jun 1906, Page Four, Volume: 18, Issue: 68. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  39. [S4168] Article: John T. Otis Stroke Victim, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Aug 1944, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  40. [S3108] Interview and notes with Darlene Mae Hacker Edwards (8780) (Maytown, WA), by Terrance Wagner, 23 Dec 2016. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  41. [S3847] "Diary of Aletha Maize (Mercer) Lewis Brostrom Love," (MS, 1932 - 1933; Olympia, WA); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Diary of Lee Lewis."
  42. [S90] Obituary, The Jetmore Republican, Jetmore, Kansas, 16 Jan 1914. Hereinafter cited as Jetmore Republican.
  43. [S561]
    Thurston County, Washington, online <http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/auditor/>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Thurston Cty, WA.
  44. [S1765] Article: Brevities, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 1 Apr 1908, Page Four, Volume: VI Issue: 276. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  45. [S1931] Article: Additional Society, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 4 Apr 1908, Page Six, Volume: VI Issue: 279. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  46. [S1766] Article: Personal & Social, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Aug 1908, Page Three, Volume: 18 Issue: 143. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  47. [S1406] Article: Brighton Park News, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Oct 1908, Page Four and Five, Volume: 18 Issue: 179. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  48. [S1407] Article: Brighton Park Notes, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 Oct 1908, Page Two, Volume: VII Issue: 131. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  49. [S1767] Article: Brighton Park News, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Nov 1908, Page Three, Volume: 18 Issue: 203. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  50. [S1519] Article: Belmore School Play is Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Mar 1911, Page Four, Volume: 20 Issue: 322. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  51. [S1520] Article: Belmore School to Hold Interclass Meet, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 10 Apr 1911, Page Three, Volume: IX Issue: 285. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  52. [S1768] Article: Belmore Eighth Graders Victors, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1911, Page Four, Volume: 21 Issue: 35. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  53. [S1769] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 2 Nov 1911, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 140. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  54. [S1770] Article: Fifteen Eighth Grade Students Are Successful, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Feb 1912, Page One, Volume: 21 Issue: 274. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  55. [S1771] Article: Personal Items, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Mar 1912, Page Three, Volume: X Issue: 262. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  56. [S1251] Article: Delightful Party Given by Ray Lewis, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Apr 1912, Page Four, Volume: 22 Issue: 16. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  57. [S1772] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Feb 1913, Page Five, Volume: 22 Issue: 288. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  58. [S1550] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Nov 1913, Page Three, Volume: 23 Issue: 212. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  59. [S4421] Article: Around The County - Relatives, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 21 Nov 1913, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  60. [S1555] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Dec 1913, Page Three, Volume: XII Issue: 194. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  61. [S4422] Article: Additional County News - South Union, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 3 Jul 1914, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  62. [S1774] Article: F. W. Lewis Family in Buggy Accident, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Aug 1914, Page Four, Volume: 24 Issue: 122. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  63. [S1775] Article: Jolly Masquerade at Tumwater Home, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 28 Sep 1914, Page Four, Volume: XIII Issue: 120. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  64. [S1325] Article: Fred Lewis Goes to Distribute Grange Prizes, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 29 Oct 1914, Page One, Volume: XIII Issue: 146. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  65. [S1703] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Nov 1914, Page Three, Volume: 24 Issue: 222. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  66. [S1705] Article: The Week in Society, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 5 Dec 1914, Page Four, Volume: XIII Issue: 178. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  67. [S1235] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Apr 1915, Page Three, Volume: 25 Issue: 36. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  68. [S1236] Article: Junior Prom. Proves Delightful Success, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 26 Apr 1915, Page Two, Volume: XIII Issue: 299. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  69. [S4423] Article: Fine Work By Boys and Girls' Clubs, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 14 May 1915, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  70. [S1776] Article: Society Items, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Jun 1915, Page Four, Volume: 25 Issue: 78. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  71. [S4423] Article: Fine Work By Boys and Girls' Clubs, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 14 May 1915, Page Three, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  72. [S1563] Article: Thumb-Nail Sketches Prominent Olympians, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 5 Jul 1915, Page One, Volume: XIV Issue: 47. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  73. [S4424] Article: News of Your Friends and Neighbors - Bush Prairie, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 25 Feb 1916, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  74. [S1706] Article: Society and Personal Mention, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 02 Apr 1916, Page Three, Volume: 26 Issue: 17. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  75. [S1777] Article: Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 7 May 1916, Page Four, Volume: 26 Issue: 47. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  76. [S4424] Article: News of Your Friends and Neighbors - Bush Prairie, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 25 Feb 1916, Page Four, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  77. [S4424] Article: News of Your Friends and Neighbors - Bush Prairie, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 25 Feb 1916, Page Four, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  78. [S1570] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Dec 1916, Page Three, Volume: XV Issue: 194. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  79. [S2931] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Feb 1917, Page Three, Volume: 26 Issue: 293 Page: Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  80. [S4425] Article: Community Club Holds Meeting., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1917, Page Five, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  81. [S1779] Article: Operetta Planned by High Students, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 9 Mar 1917, Page Two, Volume: XV Issue: 260. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  82. [S1780] Article: High School Players Make Big Hit with Light Operetta, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Mar 1917, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 15. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  83. [S4425] Article: Community Club Holds Meeting., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1917, Page Five, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  84. [S4425] Article: Community Club Holds Meeting., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1917, Page Five, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  85. [S4417] Article: Lewis Family Holds 100 Per Cent Record, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1918, Page One, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  86. [S1590] Article: Another Lewis is Called to Colors, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Aug 1918, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 118. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  87. [S1589] Article: Another Lewis Is Called to Colors, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Aug 1918, Page Three, Volume: XVII Issue: 74. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  88. [S4417] Article: Lewis Family Holds 100 Per Cent Record, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1918, Page One, Volume: LVIII No. 22. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  89. [S4418] Article: Death Comes as Shock, The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA, 24 Aug 1918, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Spokesman-Review.
  90. [S1507] Article: Social - Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Aug 1918, Page Four, Volume: XVII Issue: 94. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  91. [S1508] Article: Social Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Aug 1918, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 139. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  92. [S1783] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 Nov 1918, Page Three, Volume: XVII Issue: 155. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  93. [S4420] Article: Local Happenings - Twenty-four relatives and friends, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 4 Apr 1919, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  94. [S1785] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Oct 1919, Page Three, Volume: XVIII Issue: 150. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  95. [S4426] Article: Local Happenings, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 31 Oct 1919, Page Twelve, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  96. [S1786] Article: Social -- Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Nov 1919, Page Four, Volume: 28 Issue: 201. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  97. [S1511] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Jan 1920, Page Three, Volume: 28 Issue: 267. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  98. [S1510] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Jan 1920, Page Three, Volume: XVIII Issue: 217. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  99. [S1512] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Jan 1920, Page Five, Volume: 28 Issue: 272. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  100. [S1787] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 May 1920, Page Three, Volume: 29 Issue: 57. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  101. [S4427] Article: County Pomona Meets With Rainier Grange, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 18 Jun 1920, Page Five, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  102. [S1788] Article: Olympia Legion Plans Big Show, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 2 Jul 1920, Page One, Volume: XVIIII Issue: 46. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  103. [S4419] Article: Mr. B. Verne Miller, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 2 Nov 1920, Page Eight, Vol. LX, No. 34. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  104. [S1789] Article: Veterans to Dance Tomorrow Evening, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Jul 1920, Page One, Volume: 29 Issue: 95. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  105. [S4429] Article: Amateur Musical Show Under Auspices of Legion, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 6 Jul 1920, Page One, Vol. LX No. 35, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  106. [S4428] Article: Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 13 Jul 1920, Page Four, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  107. [S4430] Article: Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 20 Jul 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  108. [S1790] Article: Legion Delegates to State Meeting, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 29 Jul 1920, Page One, Volume: XVIIII Issue: 69. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  109. [S4431] Article: Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 30 Jul 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  110. [S4432] Article: County News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 3 Aug 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  111. [S4433] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 13 Aug 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  112. [S4434] Article: Thurston County Grange Picnic Grand Success, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 20 Aug 1920, Page Five, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  113. [S4435] Article: County News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 7 Sep 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  114. [S4436] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 17 Sep 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  115. [S4437] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 21 Sep 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  116. [S4438] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 24 Sep 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  117. [S4439] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 8 Oct 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  118. [S1791] Article: Pomona Grange Helps Make Park More Homelike, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1920, Page One, Volume: 29 Issue: 180. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  119. [S4440] Article: Park Piano and Flag Need Rejuvenation, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 12 Oct 1920, Page One, Vol. LX. No. 63, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  120. [S4441] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 15 Oct 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  121. [S4419] Article: Mr. B. Verne Miller, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 2 Nov 1920, Page Eight, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  122. [S1792] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 28 Oct 1920, Page Seven, Volume: XVIIII Issue: 147. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  123. [S4419] Article: Mr. B. Verne Miller, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 2 Nov 1920, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  124. [S4442] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 5 Nov 1920, Page Four and Six, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  125. [S1793] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Nov 1920, Page Two, Volume: 29 Issue: 206. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  126. [S4443] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 12 Nov 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  127. [S4444] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 16 Nov 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  128. [S4445] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 30 Nov 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  129. [S1794] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 Dec 1920, Page Three, Volume: XVIIII Issue: 180. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  130. [S4446] Article: Local Happenings - G.A.R. Ladies Have Box Social & State College Club Elects., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 10 Dec 1920, Page Eight, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  131. [S4447] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 14 Dec 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  132. [S4448] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 21 Jan 1921, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  133. [S1795] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Jan 1921, Page Three, Volume: 29 Issue: 270. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  134. [S4449] Article: Local Happenings, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 25 Jan 1921, Page Eight, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  135. [S4449] Article: Local Happenings, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 25 Jan 1921, Page Eight, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  136. [S1796] Article: Thirtieth Anniversary, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Jul 1921, Page Four, Volume: 30 Issue: 95. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  137. [S1797] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Jul 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30 Issue: 95. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  138. [S4074] Article: Local Happenings - Entertain For Daughter, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 20 May 1921, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  139. [S4450] Article: Local Happenings, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 8 Jul 1921, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  140. [S1711] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Jul 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 68. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  141. [S1799] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 9 Sep 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 106. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  142. [S1366] Article: Fred Lewis Gets Badly Cut Leg in Smashup of Auto, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Sep 1921, Page One, Volume: XX Issue: 114. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  143. [S1367] Article: Fred Lewis Gets Badly Cut Leg in Smashup of Auto, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Sep 1921, Page One, Volume: 30 Issue: 161. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  144. [S1800] Article: Legion All Set for Big Things Armistice Day, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Nov 1921, Page One, Volume: 30 Issue: 203. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  145. [S1801] Article: Legion Elects Tomorrow Eve, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 21 Nov 1921, Page One, Volume: XX Issue: 168. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  146. [S1802] Article: Legion Elects 1922 Officers Reports Heard, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Nov 1921, Page Two, Volume: XX Issue: 170. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  147. [S1712] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 29 Nov 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 175. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  148. [S1803] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 11 Jan 1922, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 212. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  149. [S1804] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 May 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 62. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  150. [S1805] Article: Lawrence Mills on Trial for Drunken Driving, as Aftermath Ingle Accident, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Jun 1922, Page One, Volume: XXI Issue: 23. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  151. [S1806] Article: Additional Society, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Aug 1922, Page Six, Volume: XXI Issue: 91. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  152. [S1807] Article: Motor to Bayne, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Sep 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 167. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  153. [S1808] Article: Society, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 28 Oct 1922, Page Three, Volume: XXI Issue: 149. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  154. [S1692] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Nov 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 220. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  155. [S1809] Article: Advertisement, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Dec 1922, Page Two, Volume: 31 Issue: 239. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  156. [S3922] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Mar 1926, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  157. [S2094] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Jul 1926, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  158. [S2194] Article: Do You Remember?, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Nov 1933, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  159. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Birth Registers, 1873-1965.
Last Edited11 Oct 2024

Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason1,2

TMG ID:8623, (26 Nov 1892 - 5 Aug 1982)
Father*Sumarlidi Sumarlidason B: Feb 1834, D: 29 Mar 1926
Mother*Helga Kristjanson B: 22 Aug 1856, D: 18 Aug 1948

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Dora S."6
  • Name-Married: on Sunday, 17 Jun 1917, her married name became Mrs. Lewis (née Sumarlidason).


Marriage License Friday, 15 Jun 1917 Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason at age 24 and Lee Clare Lewis at age 25 obtained a marriage license at Tacoma, Pierce County, WashingtonG, Social and Personal - A marriage license was issued...7
MarriageSunday, 17 Jun 1917, Haldora, age 24 years, 6 months and 22 days, and Lee Clare Lewis, age 25 years, 2 months and 13 days, son of: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones, were married at Plymouth Congregational Church, Tacoma, Pierce County, WashingtonG, Social and Personal - Miss Dora Sumarlidason... & Social and Personal - A marriage license...8,9

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Bio: is here .4
  • Anecdote: between 17 Jun 1917 and 30 Jul 1918, Lee Clare Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason Lee and Dora had known each other for many years. When the war broke out in France, Lee left his lucrative and promising job in Walla Walla, Washington and joined the Army. This undoubtedly impacted their decision to move forward any marriage plans that they had. They were married in Tacoma at the Plymouth Congregational church on Sunday, 17 Jun 1917. There was a wedding dinner following the ceremony at a Tacoma hotel.

    The couple met up with Lee's college friend, Roger Morse of Vancouver, who had been married in Sumner the same day to Miss Frances Riggs. The newly married couples then proceeded to Portland and on a two weeks camping trip into the mountains. Upon their return both Lee and Roger were to report to Fort Leavenworth on July 15, where they would receive commissions as second lieutenants in the regular army.

    Apparently plans changed. Lee was formally given his commission on 23 Aug 1917 and departed Olympia for Fort Leavenworth on 3 Sep 1917. They had been married 2 months and 17 days (only 78 dyas total together.)

    Lee was subsequently promoted to 1st Lieutenant in Mar 1918. He was scheduled to sail to France via the RMS Moldavia, a British passenger steamship launched on 28 Mar 1903 and served as a Royal Navy armed merchant cruiser. However, Lee was put on a different ship a couple of days later. The RMS Moldavia was sunk by a single torpedo from a German submarine on 23 May 1918. Fifty-five soldiers on-board lost their lives as a result. Ray arrived in France on 25 May 1918.

    Just thirteen months and thirteen days after their marriage, and only two months and five days after arriving in France, his life and their marriage were abruptly ended. She went on to become a highly regarded college professor, author and held several important positions in both State and Federal education departments. She never remarried.6,10
  • Anecdote: circa 1929, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Zoa Lee Lewis Dodi received a Christmas card with a gift included from her Auntie Dora.11
  • Haldora Hjalmfridur was in a relationship with Jean O. Burns circa Apr 1940.12
  • Anecdote: from 3 Oct 1944 to 5 Oct 1944, at White House, Washington, District of ColumbiaG, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.13
  • Anecdote: on Wednesday, 11 Nov 1953, at Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, New YorkG, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason (60 years old) Dora is shown as attending Women In World Affairs luncheon in honor of Madame Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, an Indian diplomat and politician in her own right and the sister of Jawaharlal Nehru, the aunt of Indira Gandhi and the grand-aunt of Rajiv Gandhi, each of whom served as Prime Minister of India. Helen Keller was also an attendee. Here is the List of Attendees.14


16 Jun 1910Graduation: on Thursday, 16 Jun 1910, Haldora (17 years old), graduated from the Broadway High School, Seattle, King County, WashingtonG. She was awarded a High School Diploma. She was also distinguished to write the class essay titled: "The Dignity of Service." Here is an article about her class graduation: Ballard Senior Class To Receive Diplomas.15
10 Jun 1920Graduation: on Thursday, 10 Jun 1920, Haldora (27 years old), graduated from the Washington State College, Pullman, WashingtonG. She was awarded a Bachelor Degree.16,17
1926Haldora attended Columbia Directory at the Columbia University, New York City (Manhattan), New York County, New YorkG.
1926Haldora attended University layout at the Columbia University, New York City (Manhattan), New York County, New YorkG.
1 Jun 1926Graduation: on Tuesday, 1 Jun 1926, Haldora (33 years old), graduated from the Columbia University, New York City, New YorkG. She was awarded a Master of Arts, Adviser of Women and Girls. Directory of Students for 1925/1926 & Here for 1926/1927.18,19

Other Major Events

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190015 Jun 1900, East Alma Twp., Cavalier County, North DakotaG, includes one boarder, Gudrun Johanson, 63, from IcelandSumarlidi Sumarlidason, Helga Kristjanson, Arni S. Sumarlidason, Sumarlidi Brans Sumarlidason, Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason, Kristen R. Sumarlidason, Christian M. Sumarlidason, Julius Adolph Sumarlidason, Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason and Alfred M. Sumarlidason1
Census-191015 Apr 1910, 1424 62nd Street West, Seattle, King County, WashingtonGSumarlidi Sumarlidason, Helga Kristjanson, Sarah Sumarlidason, Arni S. Sumarlidason, Sumarlidi Brans Sumarlidason and Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason21
Census-193016 Apr 1930, 2826 W 72nd Street, Seattle, King County, WashingtonGHelga Kristjanson22
Census-194011 Apr 1940, 28 East 10th Street, New York City, New York City, New YorkGJean O. Burns21


circa Nov 1913Brighton Park School, Thurston County, WashingtonGteacher23
circa Aug 1915Bush Prairie School, Thurston County, WashingtonGteacher24
Sep 1917Bush Prairie School, Thurston County, WashingtonGteacher25
1 Sep 1921Cheney Normal School, Cheney, Spokane County, WashingtonGhead of department of Home Economics26,27
circa Oct 1927University of Hawai'i, Honolulu, Honolulu County, HawaiiGDean of Women28
1930Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonGSupervisor Home Economics Education29
circa Apr 1930Seattle, King County, WashingtonGSup Advisor Home Economic22
6 Dec 1937Seattle School District, Seattle, King County, WashingtonGDirector of Home Economics Education30
circa Apr 1940New York University, 70 Washington Square S, New York City, New York City, New YorkGprofessor12
between 1944 and 1946Washington, District of ColumbiaGPresident of the American Home Economics Association31
from 3 Oct 1944 to 5 Oct 1944The White House, Washington, District of ColumbiaGThe White House Conference On Rural Education32
1946Co-authored: It's Your Home; A Student Guide To Homemaking33
1951Co-authored a home economics textbook; Family Meals and Hospitality34
1953Co-authored a text book; Housing and Home Management35
1955Co-authored a home economics textbook; Clothing Construction and Wardrobe Planning36
1960Co-authored a home economics textbook; Tomorrow's Homemaker37
Sep 1964Soroptimist International Association, Lusanne, Canton of Vaud, SwitzerlandGinstalled as president4
1970Co-authored a home economics textbook; Teen Horizons - At Home and School31
1974Co-authored: Clothes and Your Personality38

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Marriage Saturday, 25 Jun 1910, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason attended the marriage of Karl F. Frederickson and Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason at Zion Lutheran Church, Seattle, King County, WashingtonG.
     Other celebrants were: Arni S. Sumarlidason.39,40,41
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 23 Aug 1918, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Lee Clare Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Ray Frisbee Lewis.42
ObituaryObituary: on Wednesday, 16 Oct 1918, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Lee Clare Lewis in The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis.43
ObituaryObituary: on Wednesday, 16 Oct 1918, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Lee Clare Lewis in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Fredrick William Lewis.44
ObituaryObituary: on Monday, 11 Sep 1922, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason in The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Sumarlidi Sumarlidason and Helga Kristjanson.45
ObituaryObituary: on Tuesday, 12 Sep 1922, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Sumarlidi Sumarlidason and Helga Kristjanson.46
ObituaryObituary: on Tuesday, 24 Feb 1925, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Sarah Sumarlidason in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Sumarlidi Sumarlidason, Helga Kristjanson, Benjamin Franklin Sumarlidason, Alfred M. Sumarlidason and Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason.47,48
ObituaryObituary: on Wednesday, 31 Mar 1926, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Sumarlidi Sumarlidason in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Helga Kristjanson, Arni S. Sumarlidason, Sumarlidi Brans Sumarlidason and Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason.49
ObituaryObituary: on Monday, 17 Oct 1927, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Sumarlidi Brans Sumarlidason in The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Helga Kristjanson, Arni S. Sumarlidason and Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason.28
DiaryDiary: from 20 Jun 1932 to 3 Jan 1933, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in a personal diary kept by Aletha Maize at Olympia, WashingtonG, the transcribed Diary may be seen here.
     Others mentioned were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Ray Frisbee Lewis and Lee Clare Lewis.50
ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 19 Aug 1948, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Helga Kristjanson in The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason and Arni S. Sumarlidason.39
ObituaryObituary: on Monday, 24 Jul 1950, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Arni S. Sumarlidason in The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Arni Leonard Sumarlidason and Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason.51
ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 19 Nov 1953, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason was mentioned in the obituary of Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason
     Others mentioned: Philip Mark Frederick, Richard K. Frederick and Elaine Margaret Frederick.52

Known Address(es)

Newspaper Items & Articles


  1. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  2. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  3. [S85] Social Security Death Index, Master File, Social Security Death Index, Social Security Death Index (http://tinyurl.com/jqkwdlq: RootsWeb, various). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
  4. [S599] Obituaries, The La Jolla Light, La Jolla, CA, 2 Sep 1982, C - 8. Hereinafter cited as La Jolla Light.
  5. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  6. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  7. [S1244] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: 27 Issue: 82. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  8. [S1246] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Jun 1917, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  9. [S1244] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Jun 1917, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  10. [S4425] Article: Community Club Holds Meeting., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1917, Page Five, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  11. [S3108] Interview and notes with Darlene Mae Hacker Edwards (8780) (Maytown, WA), by Terrance Wagner, 23 Dec 2016. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), courtesy of Darlene Hacker Edwards.
  12. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  13. [S3891] Article: National Education Association, The White House Conference on Rural Education, Washington, DC, 3 - 5 Oct 1944, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as WH Conf on Rural Educ.
  14. [S3855] Women In World Affairs, Inc. Luncheon, Nella Braddy Henney Collection, Box 11, New York, NY, 11 Nov 1953, 309, page 308. Hereinafter cited as Nella Braddy Henney Collection.
  15. [S1222] Article: Ballard Senior Class To Receive Diplomas, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 16 Jun 1910, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  16. [S1756] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 May 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30 Issue: 53. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  17. [S1746] Article: Dora Lewis Wins High State College Honor, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Jun 1920, Page Four, Volume: 29 Issue: 77. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  18. [S3854] Directory of Students, Columbia University Catlogue, New York, NY, 1926/1927, 350 and 377, pages 350 and 377. Hereinafter cited as Columbia Univ. Catlogue.
  19. [S3882] Article: Society - Mrs. Lewis Returns, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Jun 1926, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  20. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, World War 1 veteran's compensation fund application records.
  21. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  22. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  23. [S1229] Article: Dictionary and a Lock Are Stolen, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Nov 1913, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  24. [S1239] Article: Ten Schools Will Open on next Monday. Names of Teachers outside of Olympia, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 28 Aug 1915, Page One and Four. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  25. [S1739] Article: 115 Teachers in 59 Districts Assigned, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Aug 1917, Page One and Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 141. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  26. [S1762] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 13 Jul 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 56. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  27. [S1737] Article: Olympia, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 24 Jul 1921, Page Twenty-eight. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  28. [S1166] Article: S. Branz Sumarlidason, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 17 Oct 1927, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  29. [S3863] Patterson, Patterson's American Educational Directory, XXVII (Not Given: Patterson's American Educational Directory, 1930), Volume: 158 No. 1. Hereinafter cited as Patterson's Directory.
  30. [S1666] Article: Bids For School Coal Held Up, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 4 Dec 1937, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  31. [S1247] Anna K. Banks, Marie Banks Dora S. Lewis, Teen Horizons at Home and School (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1970), about the authors. Hereinafter cited as Teen Horizons.
  32. [S3853] Conference, The White House Conference on Rural Education, Washington, DC, 3 - 5 Oct 1944, Five, page 5. Hereinafter cited as Columbia Univ. Catlogue.
  33. [S3860] Anna K. Banks, Marie Banks, Gertrude Borgeson & Gladys Peckham Dora S. Lewis, It's Your Home; A Student Guide To Homemaking (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1960). Hereinafter cited as It's Your Home; A Student Guide.
  34. [S1249] Gladys Citek Peckham, Helen Stone Hovey Dora S. Lewis, Family Meals and Hospitality (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1951, 1955, 1960). Hereinafter cited as Family Meals.
  35. [S3852] Jean O. Burns & Esther F. Segner Dora S. Lewis, Housing and Home Management (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1953). Hereinafter cited as Housing and Home Management.
  36. [S1250] Mabel Goode Bowers, Marietta Kettunen Dora S. Lewis, Clothing Construction and Wardrobe Planning (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1955). Hereinafter cited as Clothing Const.
  37. [S1248] Anna K. Banks, Marie Banks, Adele G. Columbia Dora S. Lewis, Tomorrow's Homemaker (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1960). Hereinafter cited as Tomorrow's Homemaker.
  38. [S3861] Mabel G. Bowers & Marietta Kettunen Dora S. Lewis, Clothes and Your Personality (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1974). Hereinafter cited as Clothes and Your Personality.
  39. [S1111] Obituaries, Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 19 Aug 1948, 40. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  40. [S1167] Article: You Wouldn't Know City Today, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 11 Jun 1944, Page Thirty One. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  41. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <http://tinyurl.com/5lj7u>. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  42. [S1381] Article: Lee C. Lewis Meets Death For Country, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Aug 1918, Page Four, Volume: XVII Issue: 91. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  43. [S1600] Article: Lee Lewis Captain At Time Of Death, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Oct 1918, Page Two, Volume: XVII Issue: 137. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  44. [S1376] Article: Lee Lewis Captain At Time of Death, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Oct 1918, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 180. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  45. [S1721] Olympia Man Dies in New Mexico, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 11 Sep 1922, One, Paper: Olympia Daily Recorder (Olympia, WA) Volume: XXI Issue: 108 Page: One. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  46. [S1107] Former Olympia Man Dies in New Mexico, Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Sep 1922. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  47. [S3879] Article: Society - Visits Parents, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Jun 1924, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  48. [S3880] Article: Bush Prairie Woman Dies At Hospital, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Feb 1925, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  49. [S3881] Article: Prairie Resident Dies, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Mar 1926, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  50. [S3847] "Diary of Aletha Maize (Mercer) Lewis Brostrom Love," (MS, 1932 - 1933; Olympia, WA); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Diary of Lee Lewis."
  51. [S1110] Death Takes A. S. Sumarlidason, Ex-Contractor, Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 24 Jul 1950, 11. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  52. [S2034] Mrs. Karl F. Frederick, Seattle Daily Times, http://tinyurl.com/pjdvtuv, 19 Nov 1953, Thirty-three. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Times.
  53. [S3848] Directory of Students, Columbia University Catlogue, New York, NY, 1925/1926, 126. Hereinafter cited as Columbia Univ. Catlogue.
  54. [S1220] Article: Ballard Pupils Rehearsing Play, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 5 Jun 1910, Page Twenty-Two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  55. [S1221] Article: High School Seniors Give Comedy Tonight, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 10 Jun 1910, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  56. [S1224] Article: Social And Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Jul 1911, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  57. [S1113] Article: Brevities, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Oct 1911, Page Four, Volume: X Issue: 114. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  58. [S1225] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 5 Dec 1911, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 168. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  59. [S1226] Article: Social And Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Dec 1911, Page Three, Volume: 21 Issue: 224. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  60. [S1136] Article: No Title, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 9 Dec 1912, Page One, Volume: XI Issue: 182. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  61. [S1772] Article: Social and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Feb 1913, Page Five, Volume: 22 Issue: 288. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  62. [S1114] Article: No Title, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Jul 1913, Page One, Volume: 23 Issue: 106. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  63. [S1229] Article: Dictionary and a Lock Are Stolen, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Nov 1913, Page One, Volume: 23 Issue: 202. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  64. [S1146] Article: Thieves Rob Brighton Park School House, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 Nov 1913, Page Four, Volume: XII Issue: 154. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  65. [S1555] Article: Personals, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Dec 1913, Page Three, Volume: XII Issue: 194. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  66. [S1230] Article: Ceremony for Library Corner Stone on May 6, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 May 1914, Page One and Four, Volume: 24 Issue: 42. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  67. [S1164] Article: Thurston County Farmer Honored, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 May 1914, Page Four, Volume: 24 Issue: 42. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  68. [S1702] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Jun 1914, Page Five and Six, Volume: 24 Issue: 84. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  69. [S1165] Article: Mrs. Lewis Entertains, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Sep 1914, Page One, Volume: 24 Issue: 157. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  70. [S1147] Article: Pullman Students Are Home For Holidays, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Dec 1914, Page One, Volume: 24 Issue: 241. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  71. [S1557] Article: Pullman Students Are Home for Holidays, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 21 Dec 1914, Page Three, Volume: XIII Issue: 191. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  72. [S1239] Article: Ten Schools Will Open on next Monday. Names of Teachers outside of Olympia, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 28 Aug 1915, Page One and Four, Volume: XIV Issue: 94. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  73. [S1240] Article: Ten Schools Will Open for Fall Term Tomorrow, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Aug 1915, Page Four, Volume: 25 Issue: 14. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  74. [S1241] Article: Bush Prairie, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Sep 1915, Page Three, Volume: 25 Issue: 145. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  75. [S1148] Article: Bush Prairie, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Sep 1915, Page Three, Volume: 25 Issue: 163. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  76. [S1243] Article: County Teachers to Gather for Institute - Meet at Olympia High School Three Days Next Week, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Oct 1915, Page Four, Volume: 25 Issue: 176. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  77. [S3858] Article: Tumwater Notes, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 25 Nov 1915, Page Four, Volume: XIV Issue: 170. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  78. [S1149] Article: Bush Prairie, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Dec 1915, Page Three, Volume: 25 Issue: 229. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  79. [S4424] Article: News of Your Friends and Neighbors - Bush Prairie, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 25 Feb 1916, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  80. [S1150] Article: Bush Prairie Notes, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 May 1916, Page Two, Volume: 26 Issue: 54. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  81. [S1151] Article: Tumwater, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 8 Jun 1916, Page Four, Volume: XV Issue: 25. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  82. [S1152] Article: Tumwater, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Jun 1916, Page Three, Volume: 26 Issue: 75. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  83. [S1153] Article: Bush Prairie, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 13 Jun 1916, Page Four, Volume: XV Issue: 29. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  84. [S1154] Article: Bush Prairie, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Jun 1916, Page Two, Volume: 26 Issue: 79. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  85. [S1155] Article: Bush Prairie, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 21 Jul 1916, Page Three, Volume: XV Issue: 62. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  86. [S1156] Article: Bush Prairie, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Jul 1916, Page Three, Volume: 26 Issue: 112. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  87. [S1157] Article: Tumwater, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Aug 1916, Page Three, Volume: 26 Issue: 122. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  88. [S1158] Article: Bush Prairie, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 26 Oct 1916, Page Five, Volume: XV Issue: 145. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  89. [S1159] Article: Bush Prairie, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Oct 1916, Page Three, Volume: 26 Issue: 194. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  90. [S1160] Article: Tumwater, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Dec 1916, Page Three, Volume: 26 Issue: 248. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  91. [S1138] Article: Bush Prairie, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 10 Mar 1917, Page Three, Volume: XV Issue: 261. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  92. [S1161] Article: Eight Teachers Pass In Exams, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Apr 1917, Page Two, Volume: XV Issue: 281. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  93. [S1162] Article: Bush Prairie, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Apr 1917, Page Two, Volume: XV Issue: 296. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  94. [S1245] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 32. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  95. [S1246] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 34. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  96. [S1571] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Jun 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 51. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  97. [S1572] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Jul 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 57. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  98. [S1574] Article: South Union, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Jul 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 60. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  99. [S1575] Article: South Union, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Jul 1917, Page Three, Volume: 27 Issue: 110. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  100. [S4425] Article: Community Club Holds Meeting., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1917, Page Five, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  101. [S1576] Article: South Union, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 15 Aug 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 83. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  102. [S1577] Article: South Union, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Aug 1917, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 133. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  103. [S1578] Article: Lieut. Lewis Goes To Ft. Leavenworth, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Sep 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 99. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  104. [S1579] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Sep 1917, Page Three, Volume: XVI Issue: 99. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  105. [S1740] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Dec 1917, Page Three, Volume: 27 Issue: 231. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  106. [S4417] Article: Lewis Family Holds 100 Per Cent Record, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1918, Page One, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  107. [S4418] Article: Death Comes as Shock, The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA, 24 Aug 1918, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Spokesman-Review.
  108. [S1507] Article: Social - Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Aug 1918, Page Four, Volume: XVII Issue: 94. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  109. [S1593] Article: Social Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Aug 1918, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 139. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  110. [S1508] Article: Social Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Aug 1918, Page Four, Volume: 27 Issue: 139. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  111. [S1595] Article: Junior Red Cross Drive for Belgium Relief Work, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Sep 1918, Page One, Volume: 27 Issue: 156. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  112. [S1594] Article: Junior Red Cross Drive for Belgium Relief Work, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 17 Sep 1918, Page One, Volume: XVII Issue: 112. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  113. [S1611] Article: Olympian Esteemed by Superior Officer, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 12 Jun 1919, Page One, Volume: XVIII Issue: 30. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  114. [S1613] Article: Olympian Esteemed by Superior Officer, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Jun 1919, Page Three, Volume: 28 Issue: 78. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  115. [S1614] Article: Social-Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 16 Jun 1919, Page Three, Volume: XVIII Issue: 33. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  116. [S1615] Article: Society and Personals, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Jun 1919, Page Three, Volume: 28 Issue: 81. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  117. [S1741] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Aug 1919, Page Three, Volume: XVIII Issue: 87. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  118. [S1742] Article: Number of Students from Olympia Preparing for College Unusually Large, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 30 Aug 1919, Page One, Volume: XVIII Issue: 97. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  119. [S1743] Article: County Delegation at W. S. C. Meets, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 6 Oct 1919, Page Three, Volume: XVIII Issue: 127. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  120. [S1744] Article: Mrs. Dora S. Lewis Wins Student Honor, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Apr 1920, Page One, Volume: 29 Issue: 36. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  121. [S1745] Article: Olympians Work for Careers at Pullman, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Jun 1920, Page One, Volume: 29 Issue: 76. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  122. [S4431] Article: Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 30 Jul 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  123. [S4433] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 13 Aug 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  124. [S4436] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 17 Sep 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  125. [S4439] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 8 Oct 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  126. [S1747] Article: Society and Personal, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Nov 1920, Page Three, Volume: 29 Issue: 201. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  127. [S4442] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 5 Nov 1920, Page Four and Six, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  128. [S4444] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 16 Nov 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  129. [S1748] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 1 Dec 1920, Page Five, Volume: XVIIII Issue: 176. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  130. [S4446] Article: Local Happenings - G.A.R. Ladies Have Box Social & State College Club Elects., The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 10 Dec 1920, Page Eight, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  131. [S4447] Article: Neighborhood News - Brighton Park, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 14 Dec 1920, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  132. [S1749] Article: European Fund for Relief is $1,801 in City, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Jan 1921, Page Four, Volume: 29 Issue: 254. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  133. [S1750] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 27 Jan 1921, Page Three, Volume: XIX Issue: 225. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  134. [S1751] Article: Women's Auxiliary to American Legion Elects Convention Delegates, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Feb 1921, Page One, Volume: 29 Issue: 286. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  135. [S1752] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 11 Mar 1921, Page Three, Volume: XIX Issue: 262. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  136. [S1753] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 15 Mar 1921, Page Five, Volume: XIX Issue: 265. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  137. [S1754] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 9 Apr 1921, Page Three, Volume: XIX Issue: 287. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  138. [S1755] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Apr 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30 Issue: 35. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  139. [S1757] Article: Legion Building Fund Jumps $2,000 First Day after Olympia Women Go into Action, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 May 1921, Page One, Volume: 30 Issue: 57. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  140. [S4449] Article: Local Happenings, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 25 Jan 1921, Page Eight, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  141. [S1758] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 24 May 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 13. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  142. [S1759] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 29 Jun 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 44. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  143. [S1760] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 1 Jul 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 46. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  144. [S1796] Article: Thirtieth Anniversary, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Jul 1921, Page Four, Volume: 30 Issue: 95. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  145. [S4450] Article: Local Happenings, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 8 Jul 1921, Page Four, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  146. [S1763] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 22 Jul 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 64. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  147. [S1764] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 23 Jul 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 65. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  148. [S1736] Article: No Title, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 25 Jul 1921, Page One, Volume: XX Issue: 66. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  149. [S1735] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Aug 1921, Page Two, Volume: 30 Issue: 127. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  150. [S3888] Article: Social and Personal - The Woman's Auxillary, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Aug 1921. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  151. [S1733] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 19 Aug 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 88. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  152. [S1732] Article: No Title, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 24 Aug 1921, Page Six, Volume: XX Issue: 92. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  153. [S1798] Article: Social and Personal, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 26 Aug 1921, Page Three, Volume: XX Issue: 94. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  154. [S1731] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Aug 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30 Issue: 140. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  155. [S1730] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Aug 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30 Issue: 141. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  156. [S1729] Article: Don't Attack Problems Foreign Born Right, Says, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 9 Sep 1921, Page One and Six, Volume: XX Issue: 106. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  157. [S1324] Article: Mrs. Fred Lewis Elected, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Sep 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30 Issue: 165. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  158. [S1727] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Dec 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30 Issue: 242. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  159. [S1726] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Dec 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30 Issue: 248. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  160. [S1725] Article: Former Olympian Given Posthumous Star for Bravery, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1922, Page One, Volume: 30 Issue: 294. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  161. [S1319] Article: Mrs. Fred W. Lewis, Gold Star Mother, is Honored, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Jun 1922, Page One, Volume: XXI Issue: 37. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  162. [S1724] Article: Learns That Son Killed in Action is Cited as Hero, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Jun 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 84. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  163. [S1723] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Aug 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 135. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  164. [S1722] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Aug 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 142. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  165. [S1719] Article: Returns from Motor Trip, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 3 Oct 1922, Page Five, Volume: XXI Issue: 127. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  166. [S1720] Article: Returns Here from Southern Auto Trip, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Oct 1922, Page One, Volume: 31 Issue: 172. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  167. [S1863] Article: Society, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Oct 1922, Page Three and Six, Volume: XXI Issue: 142. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  168. [S1717] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Oct 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 187. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  169. [S1716] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Oct 1922, Page Two, Volume: 31 Issue: 193. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  170. [S1715] Article: Legion Bazaar Proves to be Big Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Nov 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 199. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  171. [S1714] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Nov 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 214. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  172. [S1692] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Nov 1922, Page Three, Volume: 31 Issue: 220. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  173. [S1691] Article: Bright Children Held Back In Education, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 26 Oct 1923, Page One and Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  174. [S3878] Article: Society - Called Home, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1924, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  175. [S2094] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Jul 1926, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  176. [S3884] Article: Building Permits, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 6 May 1928, Page Sixty-nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  177. [S1690] Article: Seattle Well Represented In Hawaii, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 2 Jun 1929, Page Fifty. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  178. [S1689] Article: Hawaiian Letter Tells Of Island University Classes, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 7 Jul 1929, Page Forty-three. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  179. [S1688] Article: Mothers Of State Listed For Sea Trip, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 23 Feb 1930, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  180. [S1687] Article: County Democrats To Picnic August 2 At Woodland Park, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 27 Jul 1930, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  181. [S1686] Article: Centralia To Be Host Next Week For Educators, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 18 Oct 1930, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  182. [S1685] Article: Federation Head Names Assistants, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 28 Jun 1931, Page Eighteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  183. [S1684] Article: Miss Baylor Is Seattle Visitor, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 24 Jul 1931, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  184. [S1683] Article: Progress Of Group Watched, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 26 Jul 1931, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  185. [S1682] Article: Big Business Said to Admit Dependence on Homemakers, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 27 Jul 1931, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  186. [S1681] Article: Conference To Hear Talk By Hotchkiss, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 8 Sep 1931, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  187. [S1680] Article: Welfare Program Started, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 22 Nov 1931, Page Sixteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  188. [S1679] Article: Women's Program Is Made, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 7 Feb 1932, Page Sixteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  189. [S1678] Article: Pullman Meeting Called, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 14 Feb 1932, Page Seventeen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  190. [S1677] Article: Opening Program of Biennial, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 29 May 1932, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  191. [S1676] Article: 'White Plague' Crusaders Close Annual Sessions, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 8 Jun 1932, Page Twenty-one. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  192. [S1675] Article: Buzzing Around With Bill Curry, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 3 Jul 1932, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  193. [S1674] Article: State Club Head Names Chairmen, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 11 Sep 1932, Page Fifteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  194. [S1673] Article: Open House at University, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 21 Apr 1933, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  195. [S1672] Article: Delegates to Club Federation Rally Leave Tomorrow, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 18 Jun 1933, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  196. [S1671] Article: Parent-Teacher's Calendar, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 3 Sep 1933, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  197. [S1670] Article: Congress Of P. T. A. Names Its Chairmen, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 15 Jul 1934, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  198. [S1669] Article: Icelander Will Conduct Celebration, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 2 Aug 1934, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  199. [S1668] Article: Sunset Hill Unit To Hold Meeting, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 7 Jan 1935, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  200. [S1667] Article: Parent - Teacher Committee Ends Convention Plans, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 21 Jan 1935, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  201. [S1665] Article: School Girls to Be Taught How to Become Ideal Wives, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 10 Dec 1937, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  202. [S1664] Article: Teachers Hear W.P.A. Official, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 28 Dec 1937, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  203. [S1663] Article: P. T. A. Calendar, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 2 Jan 1938, Page Thirty-four. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  204. [S1662] Article: Prof. Froula Honored By His Pupils, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 13 Jan 1938, Page Sixteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  205. [S1661] Article: Demonstration Will Present Thrifty Ideas For the Cook, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 15 Jan 1938, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  206. [S1660] Article: Club Federation Plans Thrift Week Program, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 16 Jan 1938, Page Thirty-nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  207. [S1659] Article: Thrift Week Program Will Be Held Thursday, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 17 Jan 1938, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  208. [S1658] Article: Thrift 'Class' Thursday To Help Women Buy Wisely, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 18 Jan 1938, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  209. [S1657] Article: Seattle Thrift Week Program To Aid Housewives, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 19 Jan 1938, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  210. [S1656] Article: Classes For Job-Seeking Girls Planned, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 5 Feb 1938, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  211. [S1655] Article: Who Rules The Home? Forum To Hear Answer, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 20 Feb 1938, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  212. [S1654] Article: Public Forums To Cover Wide Range of Topics, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 27 Feb 1938, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  213. [S2062] Article: "Little Grange Mother" Returns, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Feb 1938, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  214. [S1653] Article: Forum to Discuss Family Spending, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 2 Mar 1938, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  215. [S1652] Article: King County P. T. A. To Convene Saturday, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 3 Apr 1938, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  216. [S1651] Article: P. T. Congress Pre-Session Meeting Set For Tomorrow, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 1 May 1938, Page Forty-two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  217. [S1650] Article: State P. T. A. Convention Is Opened At Everett, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 3 May 1938, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  218. [S1649] Article: Public School Aides to Teach At Universities, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 16 Jun 1938, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  219. [S1648] Article: Federation Of Women's Clubs Will End Season, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 26 Jun 1938, Page Thrity-seven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  220. [S1647] Article: What The Clubwomen Are Doing, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 28 Jun 1938, Page Sixteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  221. [S1646] Article: P. T. A. Head Announces Committees For Year, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 17 Jul 1938, Page Thirty-nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  222. [S1644] Article: County P. T. A. To Open Classes To All Interested, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 28 Aug 1938, Page Forty. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  223. [S1645] Article: 2,000 Teachers Assigned To Schools, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 28 Aug 1938, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  224. [S1643] Article: Council Of P. T. A. Plans Annual Fall Conference, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 11 Sep 1938, Page Forty-two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  225. [S1642] Article: Welfare Unit Of Federation Names Aides, Lists Sessions, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 18 Sep 1938, Page Forty-three. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  226. [S1641] Article: Lecture Series At Plymouth To Open Oct. 10, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 25 Sep 1938, Page Forty-four. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  227. [S2070] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1938, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  228. [S1640] Article: Soroptimists To Celebrate Anniversary Of Founding, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 5 Oct 1938, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  229. [S1639] Article: Seattle Council Of P. T. A. to Hold Monthly Meeting, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 9 Oct 1938, Page Forty-two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  230. [S1638] Article: P. T. A. Places Section Leaders On Committee, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 12 Oct 1938, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  231. [S1637] Article: Educators And P.-T. A. To Join For Conference, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 24 Oct 1938, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  232. [S1636] Article: What The Clubwomen Are Doing, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 1 Nov 1938, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  233. [S1635] Article: P. T. Council Will Hear Reports On Activities, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 6 Nov 1938, Page Forty-five. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  234. [S1634] Article: Pi Lambda Theta Will Celebrate Founders' Day, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 19 Nov 1938, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  235. [S1633] Article: Federation Home Group Will Meet Tomorrow, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 20 Nov 1938, Page Forty-five. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  236. [S1632] Article: P.-T. A. Council To Hear Address By Governor, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 12 Dec 1938, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  237. [S1631] Article: Federation Of Clubs Will Hear Music, Symposium, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 18 Dec 1938, Page Forty-six. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  238. [S1630] Article: P.-T. A. Meeting, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 17 Jan 1939, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  239. [S1629] Article: Two Professors Discuss World Events at Dinner, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 20 Jan 1939, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  240. [S1628] Article: Willis Uhls Will Be Hosts At Annual Tea, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 12 Feb 1939, Page Thirty-five. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  241. [S1627] Article: Federation Of Women's Clubs Lists Activities, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 19 Feb 1939, Page Forty-one. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  242. [S1626] Article: 3 Patriotic Speakers On Federation's Tea Program, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 26 Feb 1939, Page Forty-two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  243. [S1624] Article: 3 Federation Departments Plan Sessions, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 19 Mar 1939, Page Forty-one. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  244. [S1625] Article: Music, Art Unit to See 'Dinner at 8', The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 19 Mar 1939, Page Forty-one. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  245. [S1623] Article: Federation Luncheon To Be April 17, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 29 Mar 1939, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  246. [S1622] Article: Women's Club Federation To Fete Founding, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 9 Apr 1939, Page Forty-two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  247. [S1621] Article: What The Club Women Are Doing, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 18 Apr 1939, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  248. [S1620] Article: Club Women Hostess For Model Homes, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 11 May 1939, Page Twenty-three. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  249. [S1619] Article: Women In The News, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 28 May 1939, Page Thirty-eight. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  250. [S1618] Article: U. Home Economist To Attend Sessions, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 16 Jun 1939, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  251. [S1617] Article: Miss Martin Is Named For School Post, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 1 Jul 1939, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  252. [S1616] Article: City's Schools To Open Sept. 6, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 27 Aug 1939, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  253. [S1163] Article: Economists Hear Talk By Mrs. Lewis, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 3 Sep 1943, Page Thirteen, Volume: XV Issue: 296. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  254. [S1145] Article: In Faraway Iceland, Talk Is of Seattle, The Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 11 Jun 1944, Page Thirty. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  255. [S3862] Article: Bob Gessner's Educ'l Film Confab at NYU, Variety, Olympia, WA, 14 Mar 1945, Page Five, Volume: 158 No. 1. Hereinafter cited as Variety.
  256. [S2737] Article: Bridal Shower Compliments Zoa Brostrom, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1945, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  257. [S3851] Article: Home Economics Head Is Delegate To Chicago Meet, The Y News of the Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, 30 Jul 1946, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Y News.
Last Edited29 Sep 2024

Aletha Maize Mercer

TMG ID:8624, (30 Apr 1905 - 20 Apr 1976)
Relationship:Mother of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Otto Mercer B: 26 Apr 1880, D: 29 May 1959
Mother*Rose May Robison B: 21 Nov 1882, D: 20 Jun 1976

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

  • An Obituary for Aletha Maize Mercer appeared on Tuesday, 27 Apr 1976, in The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia. Aletha M. Love.5

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Lee"
  • Name-Married: on Wednesday, 9 Apr 1924, her married name became Mrs. Lewis (née Mercer).
  • Name-Married: on Thursday, 19 Sep 1929, her married name became Mrs. Brostrom (née Mercer).1
  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Letha M.L. Brostrom circa Sep 1930 this is how her name appeared on the 1930 census7
  • Name-Married: on Saturday, 29 Jul 1950, her married name became Mrs. Love (née Mercer).


MarriageWednesday, 9 Apr 1924, Aletha, age 18 years, 11 months and 10 days, and Ray Frisbee Lewis, age 27 years and 8 days, son of: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones, were married at Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG, witnesses were the couple's close friends: Criss Hoyt and Phyllis Pitman
     Other celebrants were: Julia Ann Cantrall, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer and Alfred Rexford Mercer.1,8,9,10
MarriageThursday, 19 Sep 1929, Aletha, age 24 years, 4 months and 20 days, and Adolph Norman Brostrom, age 22 years, 4 months and 1 day, son of: Olof Brostrom and Ellen Sundeen, were married at Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG, 09:00 PM by Frank E. Carlson
     Other celebrants were: Elva May Mercer.1
DivorceFriday, 16 Jun 1950, on this date, the divorce between Aletha Maize (neé Mercer) Brostrom and Adolph Norman Brostrom at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.1
MarriageSaturday, 29 Jul 1950, Aletha, age 45 years, 2 months and 29 days, and Robert Alva Love, age 26 years, 2 months and 2 days, son of: Perry A. Love and Dobie C. Taylor, were married at Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG.

Children of: Aletha Maize Mercer and Ray Frisbee Lewis

Children of: Aletha Maize Mercer and Adolph Norman Brostrom

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: on Thursday, 19 Apr 1906, at Mount Pleasant, Isabella County, MichiganG, Aletha Maize Mercer and Rose May Robison (23 years old) made the arduous journey from Mount Pleasant, MI to join Otto in Drain, OR. Rose and her infant daughter, Aletha, moved West in April 1906 to reunite with Otto. They traveled by train from Mount Pleasant, Ohio to Sacramento, California, a distance of nearly 2,500 miles. They arrived in Sacramento on the day after the great earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco.

    Afterwards, Rose spoke of the utter confusion in Sacramento. People were trying to get trains to the East. Rose and Aletha did not have any trouble finding a train north to Drain, Oregon. Rose and Aletha arrived in Drain two days later on 21 Apr 1906 where just nine days later, Aletha would celebrate her 1st birthday.

    Meanwhile, Otto had found a place to live in a hotel in Drain, Oregon. The small family lived together in the hotel for nearly a year. Subsequently they lived in various places in Oregon and finally moved to Hillsboro.

    Six years later in 1912, Otto found work at a mill in Maytown, Washington.The family moved once again. In 1935, after the mill at Maytown burned, they moved once more back to Oregon. This time they settled in Medford. They returned to Washington in 1944 and resided in South Tumwater.11
  • Anecdote: on Wednesday, 7 Dec 1921, at Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Aletha Maize Mercer (16 years old) was issued a special permit to "operate a motor vehicle for the transportation of persons for hire." Lee needed a commercial driver license in order to drive a school bus from Maytown to the Olympia High School. She had a very strong desire to attend (the much more urban) Olympia High School instead of the much closer (and much more rural) Tenino High School. She related stories about driving that old school bus that did not even have a windshield defroster. She said that during the winter she had to suck on pennies and get them warm enough to then place them on the windshield to thaw a very small portion for her to look out. She was a determined young woman.
         Others were: Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.12
  • Diary: from 20 Jun 1932 to 3 Jan 1933, Aletha Maize Mercer kept a personal diary at Olympia, WashingtonG, the transcribed Diary may be seen here.
         Others mentioned were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Ray Frisbee Lewis, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Lee Clare Lewis.13
  • Anecdote: circa Apr 1947, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Aletha Maize Mercer had her picture taken with two of her daughters, just prior to the birth of Elsie's first child, Terrance Wagner
         Others were: Elsie Dora Lewis.14
  • Other: on Tuesday, 27 May 1952, at Port of Seattle, USNS General Simon B. Buckner (TAP-123), Seattle, King County, WashingtonG. Aletha Maize Mercer departed by USNS General Simon B. Buckner from Seattle to Japan..
         Other parties: Theodore Mercer Brostrom.2,15
  • Other: on Friday, 6 Jun 1952, at Yokohama, JapanG. Aletha Maize Mercer arrived aboard USNS General Simon B. Buckner from Seattle to Japan..
         Other parties: Theodore Mercer Brostrom.2,15
  • Other: on Tuesday, 16 Mar 1954, at USNS General Simon B. Buckner (TAP-123), Yokohama, JapanG. Aletha Maize Mercer departed from Yokohama, Japan for Seatle, Washington.
         Other parties: Theodore Mercer Brostrom.16
  • Other: on Friday, 26 Mar 1954, at Port of Seattle, USNS General Simon B. Buckner (TAP-123), Seattle, King County, WashingtonG. Aletha Maize Mercer arrived from Yokohama, Japan.
         Other parties: Theodore Mercer Brostrom.16
  • Anecdote: in May 1958, at Medford, Jackson County, OregonG, Robert Alva Love and Aletha Maize Mercer (53 years old) Lee, Rosie and Ted returned from Germany for a family reunion at Grandma Rose's
         Others were: Theodore Mercer Brostrom.14


between Aug 1931 and Jun 1932 between Aug 1931 and Jun 1932, Aletha Maize Mercer witnessed the education of Elsie Dora Lewis at Maytown School, Maytown, WashingtonG, she attended the 1st grade at the Maytown school while living with her grandparents, Otto and Rose Mercer.14
between 5 Sep 1933 and 1 Jun 1934 between 5 Sep 1933 and 1 Jun 1934, Aletha Maize Mercer witnessed the education of Zoa Lee Lewis at Lincoln School, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, First Grade.17
8 Jun 1939Graduation: Aletha Maize proudly attended the graduation of Elsie Dora Lewis on Thursday, 8 Jun 1939, at Tumwater Grade School, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG, where Elsie Dora was awarded an Eighth Grade Diploma. In celebration she received many gifts including a watch and a ring Others who attended were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.14

Other Major Events

  • Driver-License: on Wednesday, 7 Sep 1921, Aletha Maize at age 16 was issued a Motor Vehicle Operator's License. It was mailed to her at Rochester, Thurston County, WashingtonG. License #187691 was issued to Miss Aletha Mercer by J.T. Endicott, Chief of Police. The license was set to expire when she either received her license or received notice that her application for license had been rejected Others who witnessed: Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.14
  • Driver-License: on Monday, 12 Sep 1921, Aletha Maize at age 16 was issued a Motor Vehicle Operator's License. It was mailed to her at Rochester, Thurston County, WashingtonG. License #187691 was issued to Miss Aletha Mercer by the Washington Department of Licenses. The license was set to expire on 23 Jul 1923 Others who witnessed: Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.14
  • Driver-License: on Wednesday, 7 Dec 1921, Aletha Maize at age 16 was issued a Motor Vehicle Operator's License. It was mailed to her at Rochester, Thurston County, WashingtonG. The special commercial Driver's License was issued to Miss Eletha [sic] M. Mercer by R. Franklin Hart, Supt. M.V. Division, Department of licenses. Lee had to get a drivers license and a special permit to drive a school bus so that she could attend Olympia High School. She drove the bus from their home in Maytown to downtown Olympia to the high school Others who witnessed: Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.14
  • Friday, 16 Jun 1950, on this date, the divorce between Aletha Maize (neé Mercer) Brostrom and Adolph Norman Brostrom at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-191019 Apr 1910, Viola Precinct, Clackamas County, OregonGThomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer18
Census-192022 Jan 1920, Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonGThomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer and Frances Emma Mercer19
Census-193010 Apr 1930, 2321 Buker Street, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonGAdolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis and Zoa Lee Lewis7
Census-194025 Apr 1940, Chambers Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Arthur Bondeson, age 20, from Minnesota is listed as boarderAdolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom20
Census-195010 Apr 1950, Lathrop Road traveling north from intersection with Tilly Road, Thurston County, WashingtonGRudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom21

Witnessed Events & Occasions

BirthBorn: Aletha Maize Mercer was present at the birth of Alfred Rexford Mercer on Thursday, 25 Dec 1913, at Deer Island, Columbia County, OregonG.11,1
HistoryHistory: Aletha Maize Mercer between 1922 and 1950 at Wildwood Park, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, witnessed (an unknown value) Other witnesses: Ray Frisbee Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Fredrick William Lewis, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35
Deed Deed: Aletha Maize Mercer witnessed on Wednesday, 15 Apr 1925, the transfer of the deed at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. From Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (neé Jones) Lewis (with the concurrance of her husband, Fred) transferred tract number 43, approximately .93 acres, located in the Wildwood Park addition of Olympia, WA to her son, Ray Lewis. The property equates to 4 addresses; 2310 Otis Street, 2320 Otis Street and 2321 Buker Street.

Ray and Lee subsequently built their house at 2321 Buker Street with lumber provided by Otto and Rose Mercer, Lee's parents.

The property was considered part of the Lewis' wedding gift to Ray and Lee Lewis. The lumber was considered part of the Mercer's wedding gift to the newly married couple. Other parties were: Ray Frisbee Lewis.36
Anecdote Anecdote: Aletha Maize Mercer was present circa 1935, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Elsie Dora Lewis and Lillie Edna Hause Elsie recalled that she received her first permanent by a fledgling new hairdresser who was setting up her own beauty salon. That hairdresser was Edna Martin. Edna and her daughter, Ruby went on to operate successful beauty salons over the next several decades. Edna was known by her grandchildren as Nana. One of Nana's granddaughters, Ruby M. Granacki, married the son of Elsie Wagner in 1968.
     Others were: Ada Ann Jones and Ruby Evelyn Martin.14
Milit-Draft Military: on Wednesday, 16 Oct 1940 Aletha Maize Mercer was listed as the person who will always know Adolph Norman Brostrom's address.37
Gold AnnivGolden Anniversary: on Tuesday, 14 Aug 1951 Aletha Maize Mercer celebrated with numerous family and friends the 50th wedding anniversary of Thomas Otto Mercer at age 71and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer at age 68 at Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG.
     Others celebrating were: Robert Alva Love, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Elva May Mercer, Vivien Earl Cook, Lavon Elaine Durst, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker, Clyde Earnest Mercer, Mabel Melvina Stingley, Robert Ellis Hudson and Leonard Clyde Hudson.38
Anecdote Anecdote: Aletha Maize Mercer was present circa May 1952, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Frances Emma Mercer wrote this letter to her sister, Lee
     Others were: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison and Earl Cornelius Sheehan.14
Anecdote Anecdote: Aletha Maize Mercer was present circa Jun 1952, when Frances Emma Mercer wrote this letter to her sister, Lee
     Others were: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Earl Cornelius Sheehan and Elsie Dora Lewis.14
ObituaryObituary: on Monday, 29 Jun 1953, Aletha Maize Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Frances Emma Mercer in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Alfred Rexford Mercer and Elva May Mercer.39
ObituaryObituary: on Sunday, 31 May 1959, Aletha Maize Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Thomas Otto Mercer in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Rose May Robison, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Elva May Mercer, Clyde Earnest Mercer, Elza Edward Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer.40
Anecdote Anecdote: Aletha Maize Mercer was present circa 1975, at Medford, Jackson County, OregonG, when Rose May Robison L to R: Elva (Mercer) Cook, Al Mercer, Lee (Mercer) Lewis Brostrom Love

Seated: Rose (Robison) Mercer
     Others were: Elva May Mercer and Alfred Rexford Mercer.11

Known Address(es)

Newspaper Items & Articles

  • Friday, 20 May 1921, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Washington Standard, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Local Happenings - Entertain For Daughter.43
  • Saturday, 20 Aug 1921, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Olympia Daily Recorder, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: High Students to Enroll Within Next Two Weeks.44
  • Sunday, 13 Apr 1924, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Are Married in Maytown -
    At the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Mercer...
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer and Julia Ann Cantrall.9
  • Tuesday, 16 Mar 1926, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Elva May Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer and Ray Frisbee Lewis.45
  • Saturday, 31 Jul 1926, an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Drive to Mountain -
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Helga Kristjanson.46
  • Sunday, 26 Feb 1928, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Cards Of Thanks
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis and Zoa Lee Lewis.47
  • Tuesday, 15 Jul 1930, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of the Olympic Empire - Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Ellen Sundeen and Alice Virginia Brostrom.48
  • Thursday, 31 Jul 1930, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Rexford Mercer and Frances Emma Mercer.49
  • Sunday, 28 Sep 1930, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of the Olympic Empire - Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis and Zoa Lee Lewis.50
  • Friday, 21 Nov 1930, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis and Zoa Lee Lewis.51
  • Wednesday, 28 Jan 1931, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis and Donald Edward Brostrom.52
  • Saturday, 5 Jan 1935, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.53
  • Friday, 14 Jun 1935, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News Of Thurston County - Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elva May Mercer, Nettie Rose Cook and Frances Emma Mercer.54
  • Saturday, 22 May 1937, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Virginia Adeline Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of Thurston County - Brighton Park
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.55
  • Monday, 28 Feb 1938, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: "Little Grange Mother" Returns
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.56
  • Saturday, 19 Mar 1938, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.42
  • Thursday, 5 May 1938, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Ross Miller Jones, Charlotte Iola Diamond, Barbara Jones, William Garfield Kinney, Virginia Adeline Jones, Lovina May Kinney, Gearold William Kinney, William Lewis Muir, Emma B. Maschner, William Arthur Muir and Stanley Richard Muir.57
  • Friday, 27 May 1938, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.58
  • Friday, 5 Aug 1938, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.59
  • Friday, 19 Aug 1938, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.60
  • Sunday, 25 Sep 1938, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.61
  • Tuesday, 11 Oct 1938, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: John David Muir, Golden Muriel Spears, William Lewis Muir, Emma B. Maschner and Ada Ann Jones.62
  • Thursday, 1 Dec 1938, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Ada Ann Jones.63
  • Friday, 16 Dec 1938, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.64
  • Thursday, 19 Jan 1939, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.65
  • Thursday, 26 Jan 1939, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones.66
  • Thursday, 9 Mar 1939, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.67
  • Thursday, 30 Mar 1939, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.68
  • Monday, 1 May 1939, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Traffic Violation Hits Wreck Visitor
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.69
  • Friday, 14 Jul 1939, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.70
  • Wednesday, 19 Jul 1939, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Ivan William Bartle and Frances Emma (née Mercer) Bartle in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.71
  • Tuesday, 3 Oct 1939, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison and Alfred Rexford Mercer.72
  • Wednesday, 11 Oct 1939, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: Plumb Station, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer and Ada Ann Jones.73
  • Thursday, 30 Nov 1939, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.74
  • Wednesday, 31 Jan 1940, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer.75
  • Thursday, 22 Feb 1940, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Ada Ann Jones, William Lewis Muir, Emma B. Maschner, William Arthur Muir and Stanley Richard Muir.76
  • Thursday, 25 Apr 1940, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.77
  • Wednesday, 17 Jul 1940, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Ellen Sundeen and Alice Virginia Brostrom.78
  • Thursday, 10 Oct 1940, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station - Visit at Tumwater.79
  • Thursday, 23 Jan 1941, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station - Sunday Guests
         Also mentioned in the article: Emma B. Maschner, William Lewis Muir and Stanley Richard Muir.80
  • Thursday, 6 Mar 1941, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.81
  • Thursday, 18 Sep 1941, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: William Lewis Muir and Emma B. Maschner.82
  • Friday, 3 Jul 1942, an article about Aletha Maize Mercer appeared in: The Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia Pilot Dies In Burning Ship Off Highway; Hit Wires - [mentioned in the diary of Elsie Brostrom]
         Also mentioned in the article: Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom and Elsie Dora Lewis.83
  • Tuesday, 8 Jun 1943, Aletha was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Miss Lewis Is Married
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Estella Marie Young, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Mary Lucile Wagner, Zoa Lee Lewis and William Henry Wagner.84
  • Tuesday, 4 Jan 1944, Aletha was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Many Brides Holding Line On Home Front - Lucky Ones Manage To Spend Christmas With Their Husbands
         Also mentioned in the article: Stacey Elmer Wagner and Estella Marie Young.85
  • Thursday, 26 Oct 1944, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Frances Emma Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.86
  • Friday, 24 Nov 1944, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown - Social Club
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.87
  • Monday, 18 Dec 1944, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Frances Emma Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom.88
  • Thursday, 9 Aug 1945, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Zoa Lee Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Bridal Shower Compliments Zoa Brostrom
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Estella Marie Young, Mary Lucile Wagner, Francis Wayne Hacker, Virginia Adeline Jones, Ada Ann Jones, John Phillip Wagner, Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.89
  • Sunday, 19 Aug 1945, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Hacker Wed In Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Michael Roy Hacker, Florence Mae Patchett, Mary Lucile Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis and John Phillip Wagner.90
  • Friday, 30 Nov 1945, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom.91
  • Sunday, 6 Jan 1946, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elsie Dora Lewis, John Phillip Wagner and Frances Emma Mercer.92
  • Tuesday, 9 Sep 1947, an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Francis Wayne Hacker, Zoa Lee Lewis, Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom and Nettie Rose Cook.93
  • Tuesday, 26 Jul 1949, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Donald Edward Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympiana - Home
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom.94
  • Sunday, 2 Sep 1951, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Observe Golden Wedding
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Alva Love, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee Lewis.95
  • Thursday, 27 Sep 1951, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Jacob Hacker, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Michael Roy Hacker, Florence Mae Patchett and Lillian Mae Johnston.96
  • Sunday, 16 Dec 1951, Aletha was mentioned in an article about Rose May Robison in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.97
  • Friday, 9 Jul 1954, Aletha was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: South Union Snapshots
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Alva Love and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.98
  • Monday, 24 Jan 1955, Aletha was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Zoa Lee Lewis and Francis Wayne Hacker.99
  • Tuesday, 8 Feb 1955, an article about Robert Alva Love and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Love appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.100


  1. [S261] "Genealogy Notebook by Aletha Maize Mercer," Undated; Civil War Trunk; Repository Reference #1, Glode Dugar Lewis; Olympia, Thurston County, Washington. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy Notebook by Lee Mercer."
  2. [S529] Interview and notes with Rhoda Roselin Brostrom (unknown informant address), by Terrance Wagner, 24 Sep 2004. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  3. [S695] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=5426, State of Georgia (unknown location), updated as of 1919 - 1998.
  4. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  5. [S4410] Interview and notes with Thomas Edward Brostrom (e-mail address), by Terrance Wagner, 20 May 2024. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  6. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Georgia Deaths, 1919-98.
  7. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  8. [S727] Our Wedding Souvenir: Wedding guests who signed, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Wedding Book.
  9. [S2087] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Apr 1924, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  10. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Records, 1803-2010, Thurston, Marriage returns 1923-1925 vol 9, no 6328-7374, page 640.
  11. [S245] Interview and notes with Elva May Mercer (Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  12. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), Special permit.
  13. [S3847] "Diary of Aletha Maize (Mercer) Lewis Brostrom Love," (MS, 1932 - 1933; Olympia, WA); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Diary of Lee Lewis."
  14. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  15. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Seattle and Tacoma, Washington, Passenger and Crew Lists of Airplane Departures, 1947-1957.
  16. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Seattle Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1957.
  17. [S219] Interview and notes with Zoa Lee Lewis (2810 Starr Street, Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Sep 2001. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  18. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  19. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  20. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  21. [S3506] 3 Apr 1950, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, N/A Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  22. [S4157] Article: Resolution No. 425, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Sep 1926, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  23. [S4158] Article: Legal Notices: Wildwood Park Addition, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 May 1924, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  24. [S4159] Article: Request Made, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 01 Sep 1926, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  25. [S4155] Article: Realty Transfers - Saturday, March 3, 1923, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Mar 1923, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  26. [S4160] Article: L.I.D. No. 425 Notice Of Original Assessment, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1927, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  27. [S4161] Article: Open Letter - Paid Advertisement, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Mar 1924, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  28. [S4162] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Sep 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30, Issue: 163. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  29. [S4163] Article: Met With Great Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 May 1894, Page Four, Volume: 5, Issue: 326. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  30. [S4169] Article: Brevities of the Day, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Jul 1896, Page Three, Volume: 6, Issue: 104. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  31. [S4166] Article: Obit - Mary A. Buker, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 01 Jan 1904, Page Four, Volume: XLIV. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  32. [S4170] Article: City News in Brief, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 11 Oct 1901, Page Four, Volume: XLI. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  33. [S4156] Article: New Building To Rise Soon On Capitol Way, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Apr 1925, Page One and Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  34. [S4165] Article: To Owners Of Lawnmowers., The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 06 Jun 1906, Page Four, Volume: 18, Issue: 68. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  35. [S4168] Article: John T. Otis Stroke Victim, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Aug 1944, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  36. [S3108] Interview and notes with Darlene Mae Hacker Edwards (8780) (Maytown, WA), by Terrance Wagner, 23 Dec 2016. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  37. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW II Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  38. [S1170] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  39. [S3918] Article: Deaths & Burials - Frances Emma Sheehan, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Jun 1953, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  40. [S3919] Article: Deaths - Funerals - Thomas Otto Mercer, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 May 1959, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  41. [S561]
    Thurston County, Washington, online <http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/auditor/>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Thurston Cty, WA.
  42. [S3991] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Mar 1938, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  43. [S4074] Article: Local Happenings - Entertain For Daughter, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 20 May 1921, Page Nine, Volume: LXI. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  44. [S4073] Article: High Students to Enroll Within Next Two Weeks, The Olympia Daily Recorder, Olympia, WA, 20 Aug 1921, Page One, Volume: XX Issue: 89. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Daily Recorder.
  45. [S3922] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Mar 1926, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  46. [S2094] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Jul 1926, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  47. [S3883] Article: Cards Of Thanks, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Feb 1928, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  48. [S2042] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Jul 1930, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  49. [S2058] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Jul 1930, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  50. [S2041] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Sep 1930, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  51. [S2078] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Nov 1930, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  52. [S2059] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Jan 1931, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  53. [S2048] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Jan 1935, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  54. [S2065] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Jun 1935, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  55. [S3281] Article: News of Thurston County - Brighton Park, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 May 1937, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  56. [S2062] Article: "Little Grange Mother" Returns, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Feb 1938, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  57. [S2039] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 May 1938, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  58. [S2053] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 May 1938, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  59. [S2072] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1938, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  60. [S2056] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Aug 1938, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  61. [S2070] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1938, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  62. [S2076] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Oct 1938, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  63. [S2074] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Dec 1938, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  64. [S2060] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Dec 1938, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  65. [S2064] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Jan 1939, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  66. [S2046] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Jan 1939, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  67. [S2066] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Mar 1939, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  68. [S2073] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Mar 1939, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  69. [S3865] Article: Traffic Violation Hits Wreck Visitor, The Daily Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 May 1939, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Daily Olympian.
  70. [S2040] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Jul 1939, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  71. [S2108] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Jul 1939, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  72. [S2061] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Oct 1939, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  73. [S2037] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Oct 1939, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  74. [S2063] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Nov 1939, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  75. [S2045] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Jan 1940, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  76. [S2071] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Feb 1940, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  77. [S2069] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1940, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  78. [S2052] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1940, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  79. [S2049] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1940, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  80. [S2038] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Jan 1941, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  81. [S2044] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Mar 1941, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  82. [S2055] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Mar 1941, Page Sixteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  83. [S3494] Article: Olympia Pilot Dies In Burning Ship Off Highway; Hit Wires, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Jul 1942. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  84. [S2734] Article: Miss Lewis Is Married, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Jun 1943, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  85. [S3783] Article: Many Brides Holding Line On Home Front - Lucky Ones Manage To Spend Christmas With Their Husbands, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Jan 1944, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  86. [S2093] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Oct 1944, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  87. [S3966] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Nov 1944, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  88. [S3929] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Dec 1944, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  89. [S2737] Article: Bridal Shower Compliments Zoa Brostrom, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1945, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  90. [S2766] Article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Hacker Wed In Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Aug 1945, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  91. [S2769] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Nov 1945, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  92. [S2770] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Jan 1946, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  93. [S3844] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Sep 1947, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  94. [S3284] Article: Olympiana - Home, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Jul 1949, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  95. [S3823] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  96. [S3915] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Sep 1951, Page Twenty-two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  97. [S3917] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Dec 1951, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  98. [S3824] Article: South Union Snapshots, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Jul 1954, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  99. [S4112] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Jan 1955, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  100. [S4113] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Feb 1955, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  101. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Birth Registers, 1873-1965.
Last Edited22 May 2024

Elsie Dora Lewis1,2

TMG ID:8625, (15 Jan 1925 - )
Father*Ray Frisbee Lewis1,2 B: 1 Apr 1897, D: 20 Feb 1928
Mother*Aletha Maize Mercer2 B: 30 Apr 1905, D: 20 Apr 1976
Step-fatherAdolph Norman Brostrom1 B: 18 May 1907, D: 15 Jan 1970
Step-fatherRobert Alva Love1 B: 27 May 1924, D: 30 Dec 2006

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: At her birth, she was named "Elsie Dora." Her first name, Elsie, was in honor of her father's brother, Lee Clare Lewis. He was a war hero and a very popular young man in the community. His family and friends frequently referred to him by his nickname (which was comprised of his initials), "LC." Thus Elsie was named after her Uncle Lee Clare using his nickname. Her middle name came from Lee Clare's wife, Dora. Lee Clare's widow's birth name was Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason. Her Icelandic name was very difficult for most Americans to pronounce therefore she used her nickname, Dora. So, technically Elsie's first name is the phoenetic nickname for her Uncle and her middle name is the nickname for her Aunt. Although her Uncle, Lee Clare Lewis, died nearly 6½ years before she was born, her Aunt, Dora (née Sumarlidason) Lewis was a continual positive influence in Elsie's life for the remainder of Dora's life.1
  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Doa" her little sister, as a young child, could not pronounce Elsie Dora so she resorted to this shortened version and it stuck for much of Elsie's childhood.1
  • Name-Variation: as of Thursday, 19 Sep 1929, she used the surname of Brostrom. She continued to use the surname Brostrom until she was married on 6 Jun 1943.1
  • Name-Married: on Sunday, 6 Jun 1943, her married name became Mrs. Wagner (née Lewis).


Engagement Engagement: on Sunday, 14 Feb 1943 Elsie, at age 18, and John, at age 23, became engaged to be married, at Olympia, WashingtonG. John gave Elsie her diamond engagement ring. Thus formally began their 66+ year journey through life together.1
Marriage License Tuesday, 4 May 1943 Elsie Dora Lewis at age 18 and John Phillip Wagner at age 23 obtained a marriage license at Thurston County Court House, 1110 Capitol Way S, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.4
MarriageSunday, 6 Jun 1943, Elsie, age 18 years, 4 months and 22 days, and John Phillip Wagner, age 23 years, 8 months and 13 days, son of: Stacey Elmer Wagner and Estella Marie Young, were married at her grandmother Ada's home (the approximate present-day location of), 631 Israel Road SW, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG, 02:00 PM, witnesses were: William H. Wagner and Zoa Lee Brostrom Click here to view a wedding picture of the couple.
The ceremony took place in front of the fireplace at her Grandmother Ada Lewis' home in Bush Prairie per this newspaper article
     Other celebrants were: Virginia Adeline Jones, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Zoa Lee Lewis, Mary Lucile Wagner, Elmer Stacey Wagner, Laverna Mildred Bailey, James Lewis Wagner, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Donald Edward Brostrom, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Clarence Clifford Young, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Estella Marie Young, Lovina May Kinney and Ada Ann Jones.1,4

Child of: Elsie Dora Lewis and John Phillip Wagner

Memorable Moments & Stories



between Aug 1931 and Jun 1932Elsie attended she attended the 1st grade at the Maytown school while living with her grandparents, Otto and Rose Mercer at the Maytown School, Maytown, WashingtonG.1
from Sep 1932 to Jun 1937Elsie attended she completed the 2nd through 6th grades at Lincoln at the Lincoln School, Olympia, WashingtonG.1
between 5 Sep 1933 and 1 Jun 1934 between 5 Sep 1933 and 1 Jun 1934, Elsie Dora Lewis witnessed the education of Zoa Lee Lewis at Lincoln School, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, First Grade.8
between Sep 1937 and Jun 1939Elsie attended she completed the 7th and 8th grades at Tumwater at the Tumwater Grade School, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG.1
8 Jun 1939Graduation: on Thursday, 8 Jun 1939, Elsie (14 years old), graduated from the Tumwater Grade School, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG. She was awarded an Eighth Grade Diploma. In celebration she received many gifts including a watch and a ring.
     Others who attended: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.1
between Sep 1939 and Jun 1943Elsie attended she completed the 9th and 12th grades at Olympia High at the Olympia High School, between 12th and 13th Streets on Capitol Way, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.1
28 May 1943Graduation: on Friday, 28 May 1943, Elsie (18 years old), graduated from the Olympia High School, between 12th and 13th Streets on Capitol Way, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. She was awarded a High School Diploma.
     Others who attended: Adolph Norman Brostrom and Ada Ann Jones.1
between 17 Aug 1957 and Nov 1957 between 17 Aug 1957 and Nov 1957, Elsie Dora Lewis witnessed the education of John Phillip Wagner at National FBI Academy, Washington, District of ColumbiaG.9,10

Other Major Events

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19303 Apr 1930, 3643 Morgan Street, Seattle, King County, WashingtonGFredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones15
Census-193010 Apr 1930, 2321 Buker Street, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonGAdolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer and Zoa Lee Lewis15
Census-194025 Apr 1940, Chambers Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Arthur Bondeson, age 20, from Minnesota is listed as boarderAdolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom16
Census-19507 Apr 1950, 1219 N Puget Street, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Terrance's name was listed as John Terrance WagnerJohn Phillip Wagner17

Witnessed Events & Occasions

HistoryHistory: Elsie Dora Lewis between 1922 and 1950 at Wildwood Park, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, witnessed (an unknown value) Other witnesses: Ray Frisbee Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Fredrick William Lewis, Aletha Maize Mercer, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31
DiaryDiary: from 20 Jun 1932 to 3 Jan 1933, Elsie Dora Lewis was mentioned in a personal diary kept by Aletha Maize at Olympia, WashingtonG, the transcribed Diary may be seen here.
     Others mentioned were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Ray Frisbee Lewis, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Lee Clare Lewis.32
Anecdote Anecdote: Elsie Dora Lewis was present circa 1937, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Adolph Norman Brostrom and the Happy Brostrom Family (absent Mother Lee)
     Others were: Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.1
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 19 Mar 1937, Elsie Dora Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Fredrick William Lewis in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Ada Ann Jones, Zoa Lee Lewis and Orlen Arza Lewis.33
Anecdote Anecdote: Elsie Dora Lewis was present on Saturday, 12 Sep 1942, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Donald Edward Brostrom were involved in a prank that went awry. A note from their sister, Elsie, on the attached Christmas card commemorated this date as the day that Donny handcuffed Rudy using John Wagner's handcuffs. Unfortunately for Rudy, John's handcuff key broke and he had to call another deputy to come out and release Rudy from the handcuffs!
     Others were: John Phillip Wagner.1
Marriage Thursday, 1 Oct 1942, Elsie Dora Lewis attended the marriage of William Henry Wagner and Rosemary Dorothy Bender at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.
     Other celebrants were: Stacey Elmer Wagner, Estella Marie Young, John Phillip Wagner and Mary Lucile Wagner.34,35
Anecdote Anecdote: Elsie Dora Lewis was present circa Apr 1947, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Aletha Maize Mercer had her picture taken with two of her daughters, just prior to the birth of Elsie's first child, Terrance Wagner.1
Gold AnnivGolden Anniversary: on Tuesday, 14 Aug 1951 Elsie Dora Lewis celebrated with numerous family and friends the 50th wedding anniversary of Thomas Otto Mercer at age 71and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer at age 68 at Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG.
     Others celebrating were: Aletha Maize Mercer, Robert Alva Love, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Elva May Mercer, Vivien Earl Cook, Lavon Elaine Durst, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, John Phillip Wagner, Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker, Clyde Earnest Mercer, Mabel Melvina Stingley, Robert Ellis Hudson and Leonard Clyde Hudson.36
Anecdote Anecdote: Elsie Dora Lewis was present circa Jun 1952, when Frances Emma Mercer wrote this letter to her sister, Lee
     Others were: Aletha Maize Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison and Earl Cornelius Sheehan.1
Marriage Friday, 22 Apr 1955, Elsie Dora Lewis attended the marriage of Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Maxine May Guertler at Baltimore City, MarylandG.3,37
BurialInterred Elsie Dora Lewis attended the internment of Stacey Elmer Wagner on Saturday, 7 Dec 1957 at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.
     Other attendees included: Elmer Stacey Wagner, Laverna Mildred Bailey, Ernest Howard Wagner, Dorothy Irene Conn, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, John Phillip Wagner, Mary Lucile Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Elmer Stacy Wagner Jr., James Lewis Wagner, Ronald Stephen Wagner, Robert Keith Wagner, Nancy Anne Rutledge and Margaret Arlene Wagner.38,39
ObituaryObituary: on Sunday, 25 Jan 1970, Elsie Dora Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Adolph Norman Brostrom in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom and Robert Keith Wagner.40
DeathElsie Dora Lewis was a witness to the death of Aletha Maize Mercer.41,42
BurialInterred Elsie Dora Lewis attended the internment of Mary Lucile Wagner on Saturday, 1 Oct 1983 at Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG.
     Other attendees included: John Phillip Wagner, Robert Keith Wagner, Nancy Anne Rutledge and Dale Rutledge.1
ObituaryObituary: on Wednesday, 2 Oct 2002, Elsie Dora Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Donald Edward Brostrom in The Havre Daily News, Havre, Montana.
     Others mentioned: Beverly Joyce Larson, Thomas Michael Farnham, Franklin Lee Springer, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, John Phillip Wagner and Zoa Lee Lewis.43
ObituaryObituary: on Monday, 2 Aug 2004, Elsie Dora Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Robert Keith Wagner in The Daily Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: John Phillip Wagner.44
BurialInterred Elsie Dora Lewis attended the internment of Robert Keith Wagner on Saturday, 7 Aug 2004 at Masonic Memorial Park Cemetery, 521 North Street SE, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG. He is buried next to his maternal: grandfather, great uncle and great grandparents.
     Other attendees included: John Phillip Wagner and Randy Allan Sapp.44
DeathElsie Dora Lewis was a witness to the death of John Phillip Wagner.45
ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 3 Dec 2009, Elsie Dora Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of John Phillip Wagner in The Daily Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Robert Keith Wagner, Randy Allan Sapp, Dale Rutledge and Mary Lucile Wagner.46
BurialInterred Elsie Dora Lewis attended the internment of John Phillip Wagner on Saturday, 12 Dec 2009 at Odd Fellows Cemetery, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.
     Other attendees included: Randy Allan Sapp.47
ObituaryObituary: on Wednesday, 2 May 2012, Elsie Dora Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Theodore Mercer Brostrom in The Huntsville Times, Huntsville, Alabama.
     Others mentioned: Zoa Lee Lewis and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.48
BurialInterred Elsie Dora Lewis attended the internment of Dale Rutledge on Friday, 21 Jun 2013 at Odd Fellows Memorial Park, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG. Buried next to his beloved wife, Mary.
     Other attendees included: Louise Rutledge, Nancy Anne Rutledge and Randy Allan Sapp.49
BurialInterred Elsie Dora Lewis attended the internment of Randy Allan Sapp on Friday, 22 Nov 2019 at Mills & Mills Funeral Home & Memorial Park, 5725 Littlerock Road SW, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG.50

Known Address(es)

Newspaper Items & Articles

  • Sunday, 26 Feb 1928, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Cards Of Thanks
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer and Zoa Lee Lewis.54
  • Sunday, 28 Sep 1930, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of the Olympic Empire - Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer and Zoa Lee Lewis.55
  • Friday, 21 Nov 1930, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer and Zoa Lee Lewis.56
  • Wednesday, 28 Jan 1931, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Zoa Lee Lewis and Donald Edward Brostrom.57
  • Monday, 28 Feb 1938, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: "Little Grange Mother" Returns
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Zoa Lee Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.58
  • Saturday, 19 Mar 1938, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.51
  • Friday, 27 May 1938, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.59
  • Sunday, 25 Sep 1938, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.60
  • Thursday, 1 Dec 1938, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Ada Ann Jones.61
  • Thursday, 30 Mar 1939, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Aletha Maize Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.62
  • Friday, 28 Apr 1939, an article about Elsie Dora Lewis appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Sudden Death Snaps Three Victims at Railroad Crossing & Page 10.63
  • Monday, 1 May 1939, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Aletha Maize Mercer in The Daily Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Traffic Violation Hits Wreck Visitor
         Also mentioned in the article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.64
  • Wednesday, 19 Jul 1939, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Ivan William Bartle and Frances Emma (née Mercer) Bartle in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.65
  • Thursday, 30 Nov 1939, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Aletha Maize Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.66
  • Thursday, 22 Feb 1940, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Ada Ann Jones, William Lewis Muir, Emma B. Maschner, William Arthur Muir and Stanley Richard Muir.67
  • Thursday, 25 Apr 1940, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.68
  • Wednesday, 20 Nov 1940, an article about Elsie Dora Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Deaths Burials Virginia Sears This death notice does not mention Elsie. Virginia Carol Sears ("Searsie" as Elsie referred to her) was a classmate and friend of Elsie's. Virginia was cremated and her remains were interred at the Odd Fellows Memorial Park and Mausoleum, Tumwater, WA. She is resting next to her parents, Elinore and Fenton Sears in Niche 7.69
  • Friday, 3 Jul 1942, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Aletha Maize Mercer in The Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympia Pilot Dies In Burning Ship Off Highway; Hit Wires - [mentioned in the diary of Elsie Brostrom]
         Also mentioned in the article: Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.70
  • Wednesday, 26 May 1943, an article about Elsie Dora Lewis appeared in: The Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Miss Elsie Lewis Is Entertained
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Elmer Stacey Wagner, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Estella Marie Young, Adolph Norman Brostrom, John Phillip Wagner, Laverna Mildred Bailey, Pearl Marie Strasser, Anna Matilda Swanson, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender and Mary Lucile Wagner.71
  • Tuesday, 8 Jun 1943, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Miss Lewis Is Married
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Estella Marie Young, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Mary Lucile Wagner, Zoa Lee Lewis and William Henry Wagner.72
  • Tuesday, 4 Jan 1944, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Many Brides Holding Line On Home Front - Lucky Ones Manage To Spend Christmas With Their Husbands
         Also mentioned in the article: Stacey Elmer Wagner, Estella Marie Young and Aletha Maize Mercer.73
  • Sunday, 11 Jun 1944, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Fun-In-Law - County Force Gives Birthday Party.74
  • Thursday, 9 Aug 1945, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Zoa Lee Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Bridal Shower Compliments Zoa Brostrom
         Also mentioned in the article: Estella Marie Young, Mary Lucile Wagner, Francis Wayne Hacker, Virginia Adeline Jones, Ada Ann Jones, Aletha Maize Mercer, John Phillip Wagner, Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.75
  • Sunday, 19 Aug 1945, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Hacker Wed In Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Michael Roy Hacker, Florence Mae Patchett, Mary Lucile Wagner and John Phillip Wagner.76
  • Sunday, 6 Jan 1946, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Rose May Robison, John Phillip Wagner and Frances Emma Mercer.77
  • Sunday, 10 Mar 1946, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Dale Rutledge and Mary Lucile (née Wagner) Rutledge in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Mary Wagner Married In Lovely Ceremony - (Page 7) & Their Wedding Photo (Page 6)
         Also mentioned in the article: Stacey Elmer Wagner, Estella Marie Young, John Phillip Wagner and Dorothy Irene Conn.78
  • Sunday, 16 Feb 1947, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Seattle Daily Times, at Seattle, Washington. Headline: Coast Guard Keeps Eye On Beached Ship - (the 2 couples visited this shipwreck along with close friends, John and Sophie West.)
         Also mentioned in the article: Charles Wesley Wagner and Patricia Irene Curtarelli.79
  • Friday, 25 Jul 1947, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Olympiana - New Arrival .80
  • Tuesday, 9 Sep 1947, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Daily Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: John Phillip Wagner, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Francis Wayne Hacker, Zoa Lee Lewis, Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom and Nettie Rose Cook.81
  • Thursday, 21 Oct 1948, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Stacey Elmer Wagner and Estella Marie (née Young) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: S.E. Wagners Mark Wedding Anniversary With Family Reunion
         Also mentioned in the article: Elmer Stacey Wagner, Laverna Mildred Bailey, Ernest Howard Wagner, Dorothy Irene Conn, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, John Phillip Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Elmer Stacy Wagner Jr., James Lewis Wagner, Francis J. Benes, Donald Ray Wagner, Ronald Stephen Wagner and Nancy Anne Rutledge.82
  • Monday, 28 Mar 1949, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown.83
  • Sunday, 16 Apr 1950, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Four New Houses Are To Be Built, Permits Indicate .84
  • Sunday, 1 Jul 1951, an article about Elsie Dora Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Stork Shower Held For Mrs. J. Wagner
         Also mentioned in the article: Estella Marie Young, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Frances Emma Mercer, Zoa Lee Lewis, Rosemary Dorothy Bender and Mary Lucile Wagner.85
  • Sunday, 2 Sep 1951, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Observe Golden Wedding
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Alva Love, Aletha Maize Mercer, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, John Phillip Wagner, Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee Lewis.86
  • Sunday, 2 Sep 1951, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Vivien Earl Cook, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Zoa Lee Lewis, John Phillip Wagner, Thomas Otto Mercer and Francis Wayne Hacker.87
  • Sunday, 23 Sep 1951, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Newcomers - August.88
  • Friday, 6 Mar 1953, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Estella Marie Young in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Card Of Thanks
         Also mentioned in the article: Stacey Elmer Wagner, Elmer Stacey Wagner, Laverna Mildred Bailey, Ernest Howard Wagner, Dorothy Irene Conn, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, John Phillip Wagner, Mary Lucile Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Charles Wesley Wagner and Patricia Irene Curtarelli.89
  • Friday, 9 Jul 1954, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: South Union Snapshots
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Alva Love, Aletha Maize Mercer and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.90
  • Monday, 24 Jan 1955, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Zoa Lee Lewis and Francis Wayne Hacker.91
  • Tuesday, 8 Feb 1955, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Robert Alva Love and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Love in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.92
  • Sunday, 24 Apr 1955, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Zoa Lee Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline.93
  • Sunday, 8 May 1955, an article about Elsie Dora Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Maxine May Guertler.94
  • Tuesday, 2 Aug 1955, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: County Report: Harbor Boat Problem Told.95
  • Tuesday, 2 Aug 1955, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Newcomers - Births at St. Peter Hospital
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.95
  • Friday, 12 Aug 1955, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.96
  • Thursday, 18 Aug 1955, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker, Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.97
  • Sunday, 28 Aug 1955, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Stacey Elmer Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: John Phillip Wagner and Robert Keith Wagner.98
  • Monday, 5 Sep 1955, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, Stacey Elmer Wagner and Nancy Anne Rutledge.99
  • Sunday, 25 Sep 1955, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Stacey Elmer Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station News
         Also mentioned in the article: John Phillip Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Robert Keith Wagner, Nancy Anne Rutledge and Margaret Arlene Wagner.100
  • Monday, 9 Jan 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Entertain Holiday Guests; Grangers Install
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Stacey Elmer Wagner and Margaret Arlene Wagner.101
  • Monday, 23 Jan 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Stitch And Chatter Club Meets; Guests Visit
         Also mentioned in the article: Ernest Howard Wagner, Dorothy Irene Conn and Robert Keith Wagner.102
  • Tuesday, 27 Mar 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Telephone Association Holds Meet
         Also mentioned in the article: Stacey Elmer Wagner, Mary Lucile Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Robert Keith Wagner and Nancy Anne Rutledge.103
  • Sunday, 8 Apr 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Visits Are Order Of Day
         Also mentioned in the article: Stacey Elmer Wagner and Robert Keith Wagner.104
  • Sunday, 20 May 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Church Teen-Agers Gather, Tour Juvenile Home Here
         Also mentioned in the article: William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison and Ronald Stephen Wagner.105
  • Wednesday, 13 Jun 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Tacoma Family Spends Time At DesChutes Summer Camp
         Also mentioned in the article: Donald Edward Brostrom, Beverly Joyce Larson and Nettie Rose Cook.106
  • Thursday, 2 Aug 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Brother And Sister Visit Mrs. Moulton
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Ernest Howard Wagner and Dorothy Irene Conn.107
  • Thursday, 27 Sep 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Birthday Honored; Guests Visit, Are Entertained
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Ronald Stephen Wagner and Nancy Anne Rutledge.108
  • Monday, 3 Dec 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Lutherans Present Martin Luther Film .109
  • Sunday, 30 Dec 1956, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Entertain Christmas Visitors
         Also mentioned in the article: Stacey Elmer Wagner, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Donald Edward Brostrom and Beverly Joyce Larson.110
  • Tuesday, 1 Jan 1957, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Stacey Elmer Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Littlerock: Sunday School Presents Program; 4-H Club Meets
         Also mentioned in the article: William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, John Phillip Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, Ronald Stephen Wagner, Robert Keith Wagner, Margaret Arlene Wagner, Nancy Anne Rutledge, Thomas Albert Rutledge, Olive Wilson Briggs, Louise Rutledge, Ray Jensen and Suzanne Louise Gladwin.111
  • Tuesday, 29 Jan 1957, an article about Elsie Dora Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Guest Returns To Her Home
         Also mentioned in the article: Elva May Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison and Zoa Lee Lewis.112
  • Sunday, 17 Feb 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Receive Visit From Airman .113
  • Friday, 22 Feb 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Group Aids 4-Hers By Giving Proceeds
         Also mentioned in the article: Francis Wayne Hacker, Zoa Lee Lewis and Stanley Richard Muir.114
  • Friday, 8 Mar 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Man In Auto Accident
         Also mentioned in the article: Ernest Howard Wagner, Dorothy Irene Conn, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Ronald Earl Brinkman, Julia Ann Young, Mary Lucile Wagner, Dale Rutledge, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Robert Keith Wagner, Nancy Anne Rutledge and Ronald Stephen Wagner.115
  • Friday, 15 Mar 1957, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Stacey Elmer Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Little Rock: Relatives Join In Honoring Couple
         Also mentioned in the article: Ronald Earl Brinkman, Julia Ann Young, Mary Lucile Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Ernest Howard Wagner, Dorothy Irene Conn, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, John Phillip Wagner, Thomas Albert Rutledge, Olive Wilson Briggs, Nancy Anne Rutledge, Ronald Stephen Wagner, Robert Keith Wagner, Nora Maud Wagner and Suzanne Louise Gladwin.116
  • Friday, 15 Mar 1957, an article about Elsie Dora Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Lumber Industry Attracts Locals .117
  • Sunday, 31 Mar 1957, an article about Robert Keith Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Pair Visits In Rainier
         Also mentioned in the article: Donald Edward Brostrom, Beverly Joyce Larson and John Phillip Wagner.118
  • Tuesday, 4 Jun 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Grange Awards Presented To Fifty-Year Members
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Vivien Earl Cook and Elva May Mercer.119
  • Thursday, 13 Jun 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Ninety-Fourth Birthday Is Marked At Gathering
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Mary Lucile Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Nancy Anne Rutledge and Stacey Elmer Wagner.120
  • Monday, 5 Aug 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Gust Nelson Is Surprised.121
  • Monday, 19 Aug 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: 4-H Club Holds Its Meeting In Wickland Home At Lake
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.122
  • Monday, 26 Aug 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Millersylvania State Park Reunion Scene
         Also mentioned in the article: William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Robert Keith Wagner, Ronald Stephen Wagner, Nancy Anne Rutledge and Margaret Arlene Wagner.123
  • Tuesday, 27 Aug 1957, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Stacey Elmer Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Littlerock: Family Gathers For Picnic; Schoolmates Hold Reunion
         Also mentioned in the article: Roy Orval Brandon, Norman Harold Jacobson, Norman Henry Hamnett, Hershal Fredrick Smith, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, John Phillip Wagner, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Nora Maud Wagner, Mildred Cora Brandon, Bernice Helen Nelson, Dorothy Burnice Brandon, Flora Louise Martin, Hershall Joseph Wagner, Maxine Wilson, Otto Carl Smith, Florence Willmetta Wagner, Henry George Weimer, Nancy Anne Rutledge, Margaret Arlene Wagner, Robert Keith Wagner and Ronald Stephen Wagner.124
  • Tuesday, 10 Dec 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Grange Youth Enjoy Party; Holiday Visitors Are Many
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli and Margaret Arlene Wagner.125
  • Sunday, 15 Dec 1957, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Attend Meetings, Visit Relatives, Friends
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Ernest Howard Wagner, Dorothy Irene Conn, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender and Ronald Stephen Wagner.126
  • Monday, 3 Mar 1958, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Ensign Nelson Rites Conducted In Tenino
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.127
  • Wednesday, 7 May 1958, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Birthday Noted; Residents Attend Wedding And Visit
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.128
  • Monday, 11 Aug 1958, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Grangers Gather; Residents Visit
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.129
  • Tuesday, 2 Sep 1958, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Plumb Station People Travel; Visit Friends
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.130
  • Wednesday, 1 Oct 1958, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Visit, Travel, Entertain
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Vivien Earl Cook and Elva May Mercer.131
  • Monday, 13 Oct 1958, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Parents Hear Collegian.132
  • Sunday, 30 Nov 1958, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Chat, Attend Dinners
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.133
  • Sunday, 14 Dec 1958, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Visit, Travel, Entertain
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.134
  • Tuesday, 6 Jan 1959, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Station Couple Marries; Folks Visit Relatives
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner and Donald Ray Wagner.135
  • Monday, 12 Jan 1959, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Visit, Entertain Friends .136
  • Sunday, 25 Jan 1959, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Stationites Fete Births, Entertain
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli and Margaret Arlene Wagner.137
  • Tuesday, 3 Feb 1959, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Safety Talk Given Cubs At Meeting.138
  • Tuesday, 10 Feb 1959, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Accident Victim Recovers In Home
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.139
  • Monday, 23 Feb 1959, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Ernest Howard Wagner and Dorothy Irene (née Conn) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Trip to Seattle Marks Anniversary
         Also mentioned in the article: John Phillip Wagner, Charles Wesley Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Robert Keith Wagner and Margaret Arlene Wagner.140
  • Thursday, 5 Mar 1959, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Stitch-Chatter Club Meets
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.141
  • Wednesday, 11 Mar 1959, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Hilsingers Hail Mother's Birthday
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.142
  • Friday, 18 Mar 1960, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Tumwater Church Project Underway.143
  • Sunday, 21 Feb 1965, Elsie was mentioned in an article about Thomas Albert Rutledge and Olive Wilson (née Briggs) Rutledge in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Rutledges Honored At Double Wedding Anniversary Reception (Page Twenty-one) & Page Twenty-two
         Also mentioned in the article: Suzanne Louise Gladwin, Nancy Anne Rutledge, Raymond Leonard Rutledge, Vera Harris, Thomas Elliot Rutledge, Maxwell Albert Rutledge, Louise Rutledge, Reginald Miles Rutledge, Dale Rutledge and Mary Lucile Wagner.144
  • Sunday, 2 Jan 1966, an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner appeared in: The Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, at Walla Walla, Washington. Headline: New Comers Corner & Banner
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Keith Wagner.145


  1. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Birth Registers, 1873-1965.
  3. [S261] "Genealogy Notebook by Aletha Maize Mercer," Undated; Civil War Trunk; Repository Reference #1, Glode Dugar Lewis; Olympia, Thurston County, Washington. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy Notebook by Lee Mercer."
  4. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008.
  5. [S4350] Thurston Talk, a community social network, online <https://tinyurl.com/4atz62ta>, https://tinyurl.com/4atz62ta. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Thurston Talk.
  6. [S4] Original research and personal knowledge of Terrance Wagner (8648) (Olympia, WA 98501), 09 Jun 2011 - Various.
  7. [S3471] Letter from Bruce Le Roy (315 N Stadium Way, Tacoma, WA) to Elsie Lewis Wagner (8625), 17 Sep 1983; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
  8. [S219] Interview and notes with Zoa Lee Lewis (2810 Starr Street, Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Sep 2001. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  9. [S252] Interview and notes with John Philip Wagner (6443) (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  10. [S3641] Article: Study Cash Provided, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Aug 1957, Page One and Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  11. [S561]
    Thurston County, Washington, online <http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/auditor/>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Thurston Cty, WA.
  12. [S1002] Guest Book from John P. Wagner & Elsie D. Lewis, 40th Anniversary Celebration, (5 Jun 1983), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Guest Book - 40th.
  13. [S186] Unknown author, Lineage Books of the Charter Members of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (110 Volumes) (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as DAR Lineage Books.
  14. [S1001] Guest Book from John P. Wagner & Elsie D. Lewis, 6 June 1943, (6 Jun 1943), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Wagner - Lewis Wedding Book.
  15. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  16. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  17. [S3506] 3 Apr 1950, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, N/A Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  18. [S4157] Article: Resolution No. 425, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Sep 1926, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  19. [S4158] Article: Legal Notices: Wildwood Park Addition, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 May 1924, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  20. [S4159] Article: Request Made, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 01 Sep 1926, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  21. [S4155] Article: Realty Transfers - Saturday, March 3, 1923, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Mar 1923, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  22. [S4160] Article: L.I.D. No. 425 Notice Of Original Assessment, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1927, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  23. [S4161] Article: Open Letter - Paid Advertisement, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Mar 1924, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  24. [S4162] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Sep 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30, Issue: 163. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  25. [S4163] Article: Met With Great Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 May 1894, Page Four, Volume: 5, Issue: 326. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  26. [S4169] Article: Brevities of the Day, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Jul 1896, Page Three, Volume: 6, Issue: 104. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  27. [S4166] Article: Obit - Mary A. Buker, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 01 Jan 1904, Page Four, Volume: XLIV. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  28. [S4170] Article: City News in Brief, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 11 Oct 1901, Page Four, Volume: XLI. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  29. [S4156] Article: New Building To Rise Soon On Capitol Way, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Apr 1925, Page One and Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  30. [S4165] Article: To Owners Of Lawnmowers., The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 06 Jun 1906, Page Four, Volume: 18, Issue: 68. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  31. [S4168] Article: John T. Otis Stroke Victim, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Aug 1944, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  32. [S3847] "Diary of Aletha Maize (Mercer) Lewis Brostrom Love," (MS, 1932 - 1933; Olympia, WA); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Diary of Lee Lewis."
  33. [S3965] Article: Funeral Notices - Frederick William Lewis, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Mar 1937, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  34. [S3780] Article: Rosemary Bender Married Thursday By Candle Light, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Oct 1942, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  35. [S3990] "Diary of Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner," (MS, 1939 - 1943; Olympia, WA); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Diary of Elsie Lewis Wagner."
  36. [S1170] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  37. [S3912] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 May 1955, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  38. [S112] Jerri McCoy, Olympia Genealogical Society Cemetery Listing (n.p.: RootsWeb, 7 May 1998), Odd Fellows Cemetery (I.O.O.F.), Tumwater. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Cemeteries.
  39. [S240] Janice Allen Bertram entry, Death Certificate - Janice Allen Bertram Collection, Stacy Elmore Wagner, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate.
  40. [S3839] Article: Deaths And Funerals - Norman A. Brostrom, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Jan 1970, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  41. [S529] Interview and notes with Rhoda Roselin Brostrom (unknown informant address), by Terrance Wagner, 24 Sep 2004. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  42. [S695] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=5426, State of Georgia (unknown location), updated as of 1919 - 1998.
  43. [S260] Donald Brostrom, Sr. Obituary, Obituary for Donald Brostrom, Havre, MT, 2 Oct 2002. Hereinafter cited as Obituary.
  44. [S542] Obituary - Robert Keith Wagner, Obituary - Robert Keith Wagner, Olympia, WA, 4 Aug 2004. Hereinafter cited as Obit - Robert K. Wagner.
  45. [S860] John Phillip Wagner (7764), Original Copy Certificate Number: 2009-011691 (26 Nov 2009), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate - John P. Wagner.
  46. [S1066] Obituaries, Daily Olympian, Olympia, WA, December 3, 2009. Hereinafter cited as Olympian.
  47. [S266] Interview and notes with Evelyn Adela Ruíz (6990) (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  48. [S1000] Obituary, The Huntsville Times, http://tinyurl.com/h44es9h, 2 May 2012. Hereinafter cited as Huntsville Times.
  49. [S1902] Interview and notes with Thomas Albert Rutledge (Tenino, WA), by Me Myself & I (8667), 26 Nov 2007. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  50. [S380] Interview and notes with Pamela Lee Wagner (Olympia, WA), by Terrance Wagner, 7 Aug 2003. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  51. [S3991] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Mar 1938, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  52. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <http://tinyurl.com/5lj7u>. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  53. [S705] Interview and notes with Theodore M. Brostrom (8288) (3716 Jamestown Drive, Huntsville, AL), by Me Myself & I (8667), 26 Nov 2007. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), Listing of Relatives, 18 Nov 2007.
  54. [S3883] Article: Cards Of Thanks, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Feb 1928, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  55. [S2041] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Sep 1930, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  56. [S2078] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Nov 1930, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  57. [S2059] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Jan 1931, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  58. [S2062] Article: "Little Grange Mother" Returns, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Feb 1938, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  59. [S2053] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 May 1938, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  60. [S2070] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1938, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  61. [S2074] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Dec 1938, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  62. [S2073] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Mar 1939, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  63. [S3864] Article: Sudden Death Snaps Three Victims at Railroad Crossing, The Daily Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Apr 1939, Page One and Ten. Hereinafter cited as Daily Olympian.
  64. [S3865] Article: Traffic Violation Hits Wreck Visitor, The Daily Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 May 1939, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Daily Olympian.
  65. [S2108] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Jul 1939, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  66. [S2063] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Nov 1939, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  67. [S2071] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Feb 1940, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  68. [S2069] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1940, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  69. [S3866] Article: Deaths Burials - Virginia Sears, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Nov 1940, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  70. [S3494] Article: Olympia Pilot Dies In Burning Ship Off Highway; Hit Wires, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Jul 1942. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  71. [S2725] Article: Miss Elsie Lewis Is Entertained, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 May 1943, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  72. [S2734] Article: Miss Lewis Is Married, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Jun 1943, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  73. [S3783] Article: Many Brides Holding Line On Home Front - Lucky Ones Manage To Spend Christmas With Their Husbands, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Jan 1944, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  74. [S3515] Article: Fun-In-Law - County Force Gives Birthday Party, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Jun 1944, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  75. [S2737] Article: Bridal Shower Compliments Zoa Brostrom, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1945, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  76. [S2766] Article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Hacker Wed In Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Aug 1945, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  77. [S2770] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Jan 1946, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  78. [S2403] Article: Mary Wagner Married In Lovely Ceremony, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Mar 1946, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  79. [S2261] Article: Coast Guard Keeps Eye On Beached Ship, The Seattle Daily Times, Astoria, OR, 16 Feb 1947, Page Twenty-seven. Hereinafter cited as Seattle Daily Times.
  80. [S3622] Article: Olympiana - New Arrival, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Jul 1947, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  81. [S3844] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Sep 1947, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  82. [S2382] Article: S. E. Wagners Mark Wedding Anniversary With Family Reunion, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Oct 1948, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  83. [S3655] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Mar 1949, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  84. [S3660] Article: Four New Houses Are To Be Built, Permits Indicate, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Apr 1950, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  85. [S3796] Article: Stork Shower Held For Mrs. J. Wagner, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Jul 1951, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  86. [S3823] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  87. [S2765] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  88. [S3661] Article: Newcomers - August, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Sep 1951, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  89. [S3527] Article: Card Of Thanks, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Mar 1953, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  90. [S3824] Article: South Union Snapshots, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Jul 1954, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  91. [S4112] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Jan 1955, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  92. [S4113] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Feb 1955, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  93. [S4114] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Apr 1955, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  94. [S4115] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 May 1955, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  95. [S3624] Article: County Report: Harbor Boat Problem Told, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Aug 1955, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  96. [S4116] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Aug 1955, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  97. [S4117] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Aug 1955, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  98. [S3800] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Aug 1955, Page Fifteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  99. [S3625] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Sep 1955, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  100. [S3801] Article: Plumb Station News, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1955, Page Fifteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  101. [S3630] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Entertain Holiday Guests; Grangers Install, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Jan 1956, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  102. [S3538] Article: Plumb Station: Stitch And Chatter Club Meets; Guests Visit, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Jan 1956, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  103. [S3545] Article: Plumb Station: Telephone Association Holds Meet, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Mar 1956, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  104. [S3701] Article: Plumb Station: Visits Are Order Of Day, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Apr 1956, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  105. [S3633] Article: Plumb Station: Church Teen-Agers Gather, Tour Juvenile Home Here, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 May 1956, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  106. [S3549] Article: Plumb Station: Tacoma Family Spends Time At DesChutes Summer Camp, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Jun 1956, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  107. [S3635] Article: Plumb Station: Brother And Sister Visit Mrs. Moulton, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Aug 1956, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  108. [S3553] Article: Plumb Station: Birthday Honored; Guests Visit, Are Entertained, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Sep 1956, Page Twenty-one. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  109. [S3636] Article: Lutherans Present Martin Luther Film, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Dec 1956, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  110. [S3804] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Entertain Christmas Visitors, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Dec 1956, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  111. [S3805] Article: Littlerock: Sunday School Presents Program; 4-H Club Meets, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Jan 1957, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  112. [S3558] Article: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Guest Returns To Her Home, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Jan 1957, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  113. [S3559] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Receive Visit From Airman, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 Feb 1957, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  114. [S4045] Article: Plumb Station: Group Aids 4-Hers By Giving Proceeds, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Feb 1957, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  115. [S3561] Article: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Man In Auto Accident, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Mar 1957, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  116. [S3562] Article: Little Rock: Relatives Join In Honoring Couple, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Mar 1957, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  117. [S3582] Article: Plumb Station: Lumber Industry Attracts Locals, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Mar 1957, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  118. [S3607] Article: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Pair Visits In Rainier, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Mar 1957, Page Eighteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  119. [S3589] Article: Plumb Station: Grange Awards Presented To Fifty-Year Members, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Jun 1957, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  120. [S3706] Article: Plumb Station: Ninety-Fourth Birthday Is Marked At Gathering, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Jun 1957, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  121. [S3639] Article: Plumb Station: Gust Nelson Is Surprised, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Aug 1957, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  122. [S3606] Article: Plumb Station: 4-H Club Holds Its Meeting In Wickland Home At Lake, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Aug 1957, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  123. [S3592] Article: Plumb Station: Millersylvania State Park Reunion Scene, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Aug 1957, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  124. [S3807] Article: Littlerock: Family Gathers For Picnic; Schoolmates Hold Reunion, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Aug 1957, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  125. [S3593] Article: Plumb Station: Grange Youth Enjoy Party; Holiday Visitors Are Many, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Dec 1957, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  126. [S3710] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Attend Meetings, Visit Relatives, Friends, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Dec 1957, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  127. [S3645] Article: Plumb Station: Ensign Nelson Rites Conducted In Tenino, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Mar 1958, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  128. [S3829] Article: Plumb Station: Birthday Noted; Residents Attend Wedding And Visit, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 7 May 1958, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  129. [S3601] Article: Plumb Station: Grangers Gather; Residents Visit, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Aug 1958, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  130. [S3602] Article: Plumb Station: Plumb Station People Travel; Visit Friends, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1958, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  131. [S3609] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Visit, Travel, Entertain, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Oct 1958, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  132. [S3647] Article: Parents Hear Collegian, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Oct 1958, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  133. [S3603] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Chat, Attend Dinners, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Nov 1958, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  134. [S3605] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Visit, Travel, Entertain, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Dec 1958, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  135. [S3813] Article: Plumb Station: Station Couple Marries; Folks Visit Relatives, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Jan 1959, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  136. [S3816] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Visit, Entertain Friends, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Jan 1959, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  137. [S3817] Article: Plumb Station: Stationites Fete Births, Entertain, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Jan 1959, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  138. [S3818] Article: Plumb Station: Safety Talk Given Cubs At Meeting, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Feb 1959, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  139. [S3820] Article: Accident Victim Recovers In Home, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Feb 1959, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  140. [S3812] Article: Plumb Station: Trip to Seattle Marks Anniversary, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 23 Feb 1959, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  141. [S3815] Article: Plumb Station: Stitch-Chatter Club Meets, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Mar 1959, Page Seventeen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  142. [S3814] Article: Plumb Station: Hilsingers Hail Mother's Birthday, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Mar 1959, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  143. [S3652] Article: Tumwater Church Project Underway, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Mar 1960, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  144. [S3571] Article: Rutledges Honored At Double Wedding Anniversary Reception, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Feb 1965, Page Twenty-one and Twenty-two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  145. [S2512] Article: Newcomers Corner, The Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, Walla Walla, WA, 2 Jan 1966, Page Twenty-seven. Hereinafter cited as Walla Walla Union-Bulletin.
Last Edited19 Mar 2024

Zoa Lee Lewis1

TMG ID:8626, (29 Oct 1927 - 22 Mar 2019)
Relationship:Sister of Elsie Dora Lewis
Zoa Lee (Dodi) Lewis Hacker
Father*Ray Frisbee Lewis2 B: 1 Apr 1897, D: 20 Feb 1928
Mother*Aletha Maize Mercer B: 30 Apr 1905, D: 20 Apr 1976
Step-fatherAdolph Norman Brostrom2 B: 18 May 1907, D: 15 Jan 1970

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Zoa Lee this was her birth name, she was named after her Great Aunt, Zoa Alpina Mercer. Who was her Grandfather, Otto Thomas Mercer's Sister. Zoa Alpina Mercer died at the young age of 21.

    Zoa Lee never liked her given name and adopted her nickname, Dodi, as her given name. She never legally changed her name but whenever given the opportunity she made sure to use the nickname instead of her birth name1
  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Dodi" she was given this nickname by her 2 year old sister, Elsie, who could not pronounce Zoa Lee when she was born5
  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Brostrom after Sep 1929 Dodi and her sister Elsie used the surname, Brostrom. That continued until they each graduated High School and needed to use their legal surname, Lewis6
  • Name-Married: on Tuesday, 14 Aug 1945, her married name became Mrs. Hacker (née Lewis).


Marriage License Monday, 13 Aug 1945 Zoa Lee Lewis at age 17 and Francis Wayne Hacker at age 21 obtained a marriage license at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.7
MarriageTuesday, 14 Aug 1945, Zoa, age 17 years, 9 months and 16 days, and Francis Wayne Hacker, age 21 years, 4 months and 17 days, son of: Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae Patchett, were married at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.3

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: Zoa Lee Lewis Zoa Lee had been conceived after her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Her father wanted to leave a male heir to continue the Lewis line.

    She had been told that when her father learned that she was not a male, she was told that her father refused to even hold her before he died. He was reportedly "disgusted" that he did not produce a male heir. Dodi was only 4 months old when her father died. She maintained a deep-seated dislike for him for the remainder of her life due to this information, whether it was true or not.1
  • Anecdote: circa 1929, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Zoa Lee Lewis Dodi received a Christmas card with a gift included from her Auntie Dora.8
  • Anecdote: on Friday, 30 May 1941, at Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonG, Elsie Dora Lewis (16 years old) and Zoa Lee Lewis (13 years old) and their family had a reunion with numerous members of the Mercer family in Oregon.
         Others were: Aletha Ray Murray, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.2
  • Anecdote: circa Aug 1948, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Elsie Dora Lewis and Zoa Lee Lewis were pictured with their Brostrom "siblings" (technically they were half-siblings but none of them really cared).
         Others were: Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.2
  • Anecdote: circa Sep 1952, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Elsie Dora Lewis and Zoa Lee Lewis two sisters and their young families.
         Others were: John Phillip Wagner and Francis Wayne Hacker.2
  • Anecdote: on Saturday, 30 Mar 1957, at 2810 N Starr Street, Tacoma, Pierce County, WashingtonG, Zoa Lee Lewis (29 years old) Dodi and her two daughters were preparing to leave for California to join Francis who had gone ahead to begin work at a new job. Dodi had thrown a party at their house that evening as a sort of farewell to friends and neighbors. A young man that was a friend of one of the attendees was there.

    Apparently later in the evening, the young man, Lloyd Trombley, went upstairs and used a .22 rifle to commit suicide.

    The oldest daughter recalled being awoken in the middle of the night by a policeman holding a flashlight in her face. He was checking to make sure that she was OK.

    The incident was reported in the Morning Olympian on 2 Apr 1957.4


between Aug 1931 and Jun 1932 between Aug 1931 and Jun 1932, Zoa Lee Lewis witnessed the education of Elsie Dora Lewis at Maytown School, Maytown, WashingtonG, she attended the 1st grade at the Maytown school while living with her grandparents, Otto and Rose Mercer.2
between 5 Sep 1933 and 1 Jun 1934Zoa Lee attended First Grade at the Lincoln School, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG.1
8 Jun 1939Graduation: Zoa Lee proudly attended the graduation of Elsie Dora Lewis on Thursday, 8 Jun 1939, at Tumwater Grade School, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG, where Elsie Dora was awarded an Eighth Grade Diploma. In celebration she received many gifts including a watch and a ring Others who attended were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.2

20 May 1945Graduation: on Sunday, 20 May 1945, Zoa (17 years old), graduated from the Olympia High School, between 12th and 13th Streets on Capitol Way, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. She was awarded (an unknown value).
25 May 1945Graduation: on Friday, 25 May 1945, Zoa (17 years old), graduated from the Olympia High School, between 12th and 13th Streets on Capitol Way, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. She was awarded a High School Diploma.9

Other Major Events

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-193010 Apr 1930, 2321 Buker Street, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonGAdolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer and Elsie Dora Lewis10

Witnessed Events & Occasions

HistoryHistory: Zoa Lee Lewis between 1922 and 1950 at Wildwood Park, Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, witnessed (an unknown value) Other witnesses: Ray Frisbee Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Fredrick William Lewis, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
DiaryDiary: from 20 Jun 1932 to 3 Jan 1933, Zoa Lee Lewis was mentioned in a personal diary kept by Aletha Maize at Olympia, WashingtonG, the transcribed Diary may be seen here.
     Others mentioned were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Ray Frisbee Lewis, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Lee Clare Lewis.25
Anecdote Anecdote: Zoa Lee Lewis was present circa 1937, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Adolph Norman Brostrom and the Happy Brostrom Family (absent Mother Lee)
     Others were: Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.2
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 19 Mar 1937, Zoa Lee Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Fredrick William Lewis in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Elsie Dora Lewis, Ada Ann Jones and Orlen Arza Lewis.26
Marriage Sunday, 6 Jun 1943, Zoa Lee Lewis attended the marriage of John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora Lewis at her grandmother Ada's home (the approximate present-day location of), 631 Israel Road SW, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG. 02:00 PM, witnesses were: William H. Wagner and Zoa Lee Brostrom Click here to view a wedding picture of the couple.
The ceremony took place in front of the fireplace at her Grandmother Ada Lewis' home in Bush Prairie per this newspaper article
     Other celebrants were: Virginia Adeline Jones, William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Mary Lucile Wagner, Elmer Stacey Wagner, Laverna Mildred Bailey, James Lewis Wagner, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Donald Edward Brostrom, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Clarence Clifford Young, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Estella Marie Young, Lovina May Kinney and Ada Ann Jones.2,27
Gold AnnivGolden Anniversary: on Tuesday, 14 Aug 1951 Zoa Lee Lewis celebrated with numerous family and friends the 50th wedding anniversary of Thomas Otto Mercer at age 71and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer at age 68 at Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG.
     Others celebrating were: Aletha Maize Mercer, Robert Alva Love, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Elva May Mercer, Vivien Earl Cook, Lavon Elaine Durst, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker, Clyde Earnest Mercer, Mabel Melvina Stingley, Robert Ellis Hudson and Leonard Clyde Hudson.28
ObituaryObituary: on Sunday, 25 Jan 1970, Zoa Lee Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Adolph Norman Brostrom in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom and Robert Keith Wagner.29
Anniversary Anniversary: on Monday, 6 Jun 1983, Zoa Lee Lewis attended the 40th wedding anniversary celebration of John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora ( neé Lewis) Wagner at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. Other celebrants were: Stanley Richard Muir, Betty Claudine Gile, Margaret Arlene Wagner, Harold Arthur Sapp, Robert Keith Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Nancy Anne Rutledge, Gloria Virginia Neat, Randy Allan Sapp and Dorothy Irene Conn.30
Gold AnnivGolden Anniversary: on Sunday, 6 Jun 1993 Zoa Lee Lewis celebrated with numerous family and friends the 50th wedding anniversary of John Phillip Wagner at age 73and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner at age 68 at Tumwater First Baptist Church, 405 X Street SE, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG. A moving and emotional recommitment ceremony was conducted by their Pastor at the church with their family and friends in attendance. A reception was held immediately following at a nearby restaurant, Nickelby's Restaurant & Lounge
     Others celebrating were: William Arthur Muir, Stanley Richard Muir, Donald Ray Wagner, Ronald Stephen Wagner, Gloria Virginia Neat, Nancy Anne Rutledge, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Wilma May Edgbert, Bertha Eleanore Koski, Randy Allan Sapp, Dale Rutledge and Robert Keith Wagner.31,32
DeathFriday, 12 Dec 1997, Zoa Lee Lewis was the informant on the death certtificate for Francis Wayne Hacker.1,33
ObituaryObituary: on Wednesday, 2 Oct 2002, Zoa Lee Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Donald Edward Brostrom in The Havre Daily News, Havre, Montana.
     Others mentioned: Beverly Joyce Larson, Thomas Michael Farnham, Franklin Lee Springer, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis and John Phillip Wagner.34
ObituaryObituary: on Wednesday, 2 May 2012, Zoa Lee Lewis was mentioned in the obituary of Theodore Mercer Brostrom in The Huntsville Times, Huntsville, Alabama.
     Others mentioned: Elsie Dora Lewis and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.35

Known Address(es)

Newspaper Items & Articles

  • Sunday, 26 Feb 1928, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann (née Jones) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Cards Of Thanks
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer and Elsie Dora Lewis.40
  • Sunday, 28 Sep 1930, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of the Olympic Empire - Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer and Elsie Dora Lewis.41
  • Friday, 21 Nov 1930, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer and Elsie Dora Lewis.42
  • Wednesday, 28 Jan 1931, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elsie Dora Lewis and Donald Edward Brostrom.43
  • Saturday, 12 Jun 1937, an article about Zoa Lee Lewis appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Recital Saturday.44
  • Monday, 28 Feb 1938, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: "Little Grange Mother" Returns
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Elsie Dora Lewis and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.45
  • Saturday, 19 Mar 1938, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.37
  • Friday, 27 May 1938, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Ada Ann Jones in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.46
  • Sunday, 25 Sep 1938, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason, Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.47
  • Thursday, 1 Dec 1938, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Ada Ann Jones.48
  • Wednesday, 15 Mar 1939, an article about Donald Edward Brostrom and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Brostrom appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plan Operetta At Tumwater.6
  • Thursday, 30 Mar 1939, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Aletha Maize Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.49
  • Monday, 1 May 1939, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Aletha Maize Mercer in The Daily Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Traffic Violation Hits Wreck Visitor
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.50
  • Wednesday, 19 Jul 1939, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Ivan William Bartle and Frances Emma (née Mercer) Bartle in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom and Rudolph Gordon Brostrom.51
  • Thursday, 30 Nov 1939, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Aletha Maize Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.52
  • Thursday, 22 Feb 1940, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Ada Ann Jones, William Lewis Muir, Emma B. Maschner, William Arthur Muir and Stanley Richard Muir.53
  • Thursday, 25 Apr 1940, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Elsie Dora Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom and Theodore Mercer Brostrom.54
  • Tuesday, 8 Jun 1943, Zoa was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Miss Lewis Is Married
         Also mentioned in the article: Ada Ann Jones, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer, Stacey Elmer Wagner, Estella Marie Young, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Mary Lucile Wagner and William Henry Wagner.55
  • Thursday, 17 May 1945, an article about Zoa Lee Lewis appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Four Service Men Among 238 Seniors To Be Graduated.9
  • Thursday, 9 Aug 1945, an article about Zoa Lee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Bridal Shower Compliments Zoa Brostrom
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis, Estella Marie Young, Mary Lucile Wagner, Francis Wayne Hacker, Virginia Adeline Jones, Ada Ann Jones, Aletha Maize Mercer, John Phillip Wagner, Maria Kristjana Sumarlidason and Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason.56
  • Sunday, 19 Aug 1945, an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Hacker Wed In Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Michael Roy Hacker, Florence Mae Patchett, Mary Lucile Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis and John Phillip Wagner.57
  • Monday, 20 Aug 1945, an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Marriage Licenses.7
  • Tuesday, 21 Aug 1945, an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.58
  • Friday, 30 Nov 1945, an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer and Adolph Norman Brostrom.38
  • Sunday, 6 Jan 1946, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Thomas Otto Mercer, Francis Wayne Hacker, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elsie Dora Lewis, John Phillip Wagner and Frances Emma Mercer.59
  • Tuesday, 26 Feb 1946, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Roy George Hacker, Margaret Jane Walker, Faye Leona Hacker, Francis Wayne Hacker and Lillian Mae Johnston.60
  • Sunday, 14 Jul 1946, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Roy George Hacker, Margaret Jane Walker, Faye Leona Hacker and Francis Wayne Hacker.61
  • Wednesday, 4 Sep 1946, an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.62
  • Friday, 15 Nov 1946, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Lillian Mae Johnston in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Francis Wayne Hacker, Michael Roy Hacker, Florence Mae Patchett, Alfred Jacob Hacker and Faye Leona Hacker.63
  • Tuesday, 9 Sep 1947, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Daily Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer, Rose May Robison, Francis Wayne Hacker, Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom and Nettie Rose Cook.64
  • Friday, 6 May 1949, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Faye Leona Hacker, Francis Wayne Hacker and Roy George Hacker.65
  • Sunday, 25 Sep 1949, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Francis Wayne Hacker.66
  • Sunday, 25 Sep 1949, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Francis Wayne Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown.67
  • Sunday, 14 May 1950, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Roy George Hacker, Margaret Jane Walker and Francis Wayne Hacker.68
  • Wednesday, 5 Jul 1950, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Francis Wayne Hacker, Roy George Hacker and Margaret Jane Walker.69
  • Sunday, 5 Nov 1950, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Francis Wayne Hacker.70
  • Sunday, 1 Jul 1951, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Elsie Dora Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Stork Shower Held For Mrs. J. Wagner
         Also mentioned in the article: Estella Marie Young, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Frances Emma Mercer, Rosemary Dorothy Bender and Mary Lucile Wagner.71
  • Thursday, 19 Jul 1951, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Roy George Hacker, Margaret Jane Walker and Francis Wayne Hacker.72
  • Sunday, 2 Sep 1951, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Observe Golden Wedding
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Alva Love, Aletha Maize Mercer, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis and Francis Wayne Hacker.73
  • Sunday, 2 Sep 1951, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Vivien Earl Cook, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., John Phillip Wagner, Thomas Otto Mercer, Francis Wayne Hacker and Elsie Dora Lewis.74
  • Sunday, 4 Nov 1951, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Jacob Hacker, Francis Wayne Hacker and Lillian Mae Johnston.75
  • Sunday, 18 Nov 1951, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Jacob Hacker, Nadine Keithan Whalin and Francis Wayne Hacker.76
  • Sunday, 16 Dec 1951, an article about Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee (née Lewis) Hacker appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Jacob Hacker, Nadine Keithan Whalin, Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae Patchett.77
  • Monday, 24 Jan 1955, Zoa was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Aletha Maize Mercer and Francis Wayne Hacker.78
  • Sunday, 24 Apr 1955, an article about Zoa Lee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline:
         Also mentioned in the article: Elsie Dora Lewis.79
  • Thursday, 18 Aug 1955, Zoa was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Francis Wayne Hacker, Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.80
  • Tuesday, 29 Jan 1957, Zoa was mentioned in an article about Elsie Dora Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Guest Returns To Her Home
         Also mentioned in the article: Elva May Mercer, Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison.81
  • Friday, 22 Feb 1957, Zoa was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Group Aids 4-Hers By Giving Proceeds
         Also mentioned in the article: Francis Wayne Hacker and Stanley Richard Muir.82
  • Tuesday, 2 Apr 1957, an article about Zoa Lee Lewis appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Police List Death Of Youth 'Suicide.83'


  1. [S219] Interview and notes with Zoa Lee Lewis (2810 Starr Street, Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Sep 2001. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  2. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  3. [S261] "Genealogy Notebook by Aletha Maize Mercer," Undated; Civil War Trunk; Repository Reference #1, Glode Dugar Lewis; Olympia, Thurston County, Washington. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy Notebook by Lee Mercer."
  4. [S342] Interview and notes with Darlene Mae Hacker (Maytown, WA), by Terrance Wagner, May 2003. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  5. [S219] Interview and notes with Zoa Lee Lewis (2810 Starr Street, Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Sep 2001. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), 11 Oct 2001.
  6. [S3280] Article: Plan Operetta At Tumwater, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Mar 1939, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  7. [S2764] Article: Marriage Licenses, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 Aug 1945, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  8. [S3108] Interview and notes with Darlene Mae Hacker Edwards (8780) (Maytown, WA), by Terrance Wagner, 23 Dec 2016. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), courtesy of Darlene Hacker Edwards.
  9. [S2739] Article: Four Service Men Among 238 Seniors To Be Graduated, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 May 1945, Page One and Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  10. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  11. [S4157] Article: Resolution No. 425, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 11 Sep 1926, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  12. [S4158] Article: Legal Notices: Wildwood Park Addition, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 17 May 1924, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  13. [S4159] Article: Request Made, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 01 Sep 1926, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  14. [S4155] Article: Realty Transfers - Saturday, March 3, 1923, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Mar 1923, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  15. [S4160] Article: L.I.D. No. 425 Notice Of Original Assessment, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1927, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  16. [S4161] Article: Open Letter - Paid Advertisement, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Mar 1924, Page Four. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  17. [S4162] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Sep 1921, Page Three, Volume: 30, Issue: 163. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  18. [S4163] Article: Met With Great Success, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 May 1894, Page Four, Volume: 5, Issue: 326. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  19. [S4169] Article: Brevities of the Day, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Jul 1896, Page Three, Volume: 6, Issue: 104. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  20. [S4166] Article: Obit - Mary A. Buker, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 01 Jan 1904, Page Four, Volume: XLIV. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  21. [S4170] Article: City News in Brief, The Washington Standard, Olympia, WA, 11 Oct 1901, Page Four, Volume: XLI. Hereinafter cited as Washington Standard.
  22. [S4156] Article: New Building To Rise Soon On Capitol Way, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Apr 1925, Page One and Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  23. [S4165] Article: To Owners Of Lawnmowers., The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 06 Jun 1906, Page Four, Volume: 18, Issue: 68. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  24. [S4168] Article: John T. Otis Stroke Victim, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Aug 1944, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  25. [S3847] "Diary of Aletha Maize (Mercer) Lewis Brostrom Love," (MS, 1932 - 1933; Olympia, WA); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Diary of Lee Lewis."
  26. [S3965] Article: Funeral Notices - Frederick William Lewis, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Mar 1937, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  27. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008.
  28. [S1170] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  29. [S3839] Article: Deaths And Funerals - Norman A. Brostrom, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Jan 1970, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  30. [S1002] Guest Book from John P. Wagner & Elsie D. Lewis, 40th Anniversary Celebration, (5 Jun 1983), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Guest Book - 40th.
  31. [S4] Original research and personal knowledge of Terrance Wagner (8648) (Olympia, WA 98501), 09 Jun 2011 - Various.
  32. [S1001] Guest Book from John P. Wagner & Elsie D. Lewis, 6 June 1943, (6 Jun 1943), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Wagner - Lewis Wedding Book.
  33. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <http://tinyurl.com/5lj7u>. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  34. [S260] Donald Brostrom, Sr. Obituary, Obituary for Donald Brostrom, Havre, MT, 2 Oct 2002. Hereinafter cited as Obituary.
  35. [S1000] Obituary, The Huntsville Times, http://tinyurl.com/h44es9h, 2 May 2012. Hereinafter cited as Huntsville Times.
  36. [S561]
    Thurston County, Washington, online <http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/auditor/>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Thurston Cty, WA.
  37. [S3991] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Mar 1938, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  38. [S2769] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Nov 1945, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  39. [S705] Interview and notes with Theodore M. Brostrom (8288) (3716 Jamestown Drive, Huntsville, AL), by Me Myself & I (8667), 26 Nov 2007. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), Listing of Relatives, 18 Nov 2007.
  40. [S3883] Article: Cards Of Thanks, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Feb 1928, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  41. [S2041] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Sep 1930, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  42. [S2078] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Nov 1930, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  43. [S2059] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Jan 1931, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  44. [S2738] Article: Recital Saturday, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 Jun 1937, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  45. [S2062] Article: "Little Grange Mother" Returns, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Feb 1938, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  46. [S2053] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 May 1938, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  47. [S2070] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1938, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  48. [S2074] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Dec 1938, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  49. [S2073] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Mar 1939, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  50. [S3865] Article: Traffic Violation Hits Wreck Visitor, The Daily Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 May 1939, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Daily Olympian.
  51. [S2108] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Jul 1939, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  52. [S2063] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Nov 1939, Page Twelve. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  53. [S2071] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Feb 1940, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  54. [S2069] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1940, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  55. [S2734] Article: Miss Lewis Is Married, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 8 Jun 1943, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  56. [S2737] Article: Bridal Shower Compliments Zoa Brostrom, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Aug 1945, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  57. [S2766] Article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Hacker Wed In Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Aug 1945, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  58. [S2768] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Aug 1945, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  59. [S2770] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Jan 1946, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  60. [S2797] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 26 Feb 1946, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  61. [S2784] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Jul 1946, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  62. [S2752] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Sep 1946, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  63. [S2799] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Nov 1946, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  64. [S3844] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Sep 1947, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  65. [S2754] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 May 1949, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  66. [S2757] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1949, Page Twenty-two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  67. [S2767] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 25 Sep 1949, Page Twenty-two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  68. [S2771] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 May 1950, Page Twenty-two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  69. [S2772] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Jul 1950, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  70. [S2773] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 5 Nov 1950, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  71. [S3796] Article: Stork Shower Held For Mrs. J. Wagner, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 1 Jul 1951, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  72. [S2774] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 19 Jul 1951, Page Fifteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  73. [S3823] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  74. [S2765] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  75. [S2775] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Nov 1951, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  76. [S2759] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Nov 1951, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  77. [S2761] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 16 Dec 1951, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  78. [S4112] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Jan 1955, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  79. [S4114] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Apr 1955, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  80. [S4117] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Aug 1955, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  81. [S3558] Article: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Guest Returns To Her Home, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Jan 1957, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  82. [S4045] Article: Plumb Station: Group Aids 4-Hers By Giving Proceeds, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Feb 1957, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  83. [S4105] Article: Police List Death Of Youth 'Suicide', The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Apr 1957. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
Last Edited24 Mar 2023

Werner H. Bacon1,2

TMG ID:8627, (3 Jul 1831 - 21 Sep 1878)
Father*Hosea Bacon1 B: c 1800, D: 12 Feb 1871
Mother*Matilda B. Kimball1 B: 13 Mar 1799, D: 12 Feb 1871

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Warren H.


MarriageWerner and Sylvina Noble were married.2
MarriageSaturday, 25 Dec 1869, Werner, age 38 years, 5 months and 22 days, and Mary Ann Mucer, age 31 years and 9 months were married at Branch County, MichiganG.3

Children of: Werner H. Bacon and Mary Ann Mucer

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-186013 Jun 1860, Carmel, Eaton County, MichiganG, Shown residing with family of Algernon S. and Caroline Roberts and family. His occupation is listed as mason.4


  1. [S437] Michigan Department of Community Health, online <http://tinyurl.com/y7vlk6qw>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MDCH.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
  3. [S435] American Local History Network - Michigan, online <http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mi/county/branch/…>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - ALHN - Michigan.
  4. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/yayf9d52 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  5. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 194D, film number 1254578, Michigan 1880 Federal Population Census.
Last Edited6 Sep 2024

Harriet Elizabeth Rice1,2

TMG ID:8628, (13 Apr 1820 - 31 Jan 1887)
Relationship:2nd great-grandmother of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Calvin Rice3 B: 4 Feb 1792, D: 24 Jul 1842
Mother*Electa Allen3 B: 1794, D: 22 Aug 1839

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

  • An Obituary for Harriet Elizabeth Rice appeared on Thursday, 3 Feb 1887, Obituary
    The wife of Abram Mercer, of Liberty, died Monday morning at 8 o'clock. She had been ill some time but not thought dangerous. On the monring mentioned she was sitting up in bed and had called for a cup of coffee, and while being waited on, suddenly expired. The funeral occurred from the Mercer church Tuesday.

    Wood County Sentinel, 3 Feb 1887.8
  • Her obituary appeared on Thursday, 10 Feb 1887, in The Wood County Sentinel, Wood County, OhioG, and read:
    Mermill, February 1. - We laid away in the silent grave the lifeless body of another of Wood county's pioneers, Mrs Harriet Mercer, in her 66th year. She was a daughter of Dr C. Rice, who will be remember by the oldest settlers of this county as the doctor who died from a scratch on a finger received while he was examining the lifeless body of Mr Harris.

    Deceased was the faithful, kind wife of Abram Mercer for 46 years, and now as he goes on down the hillside of life he will miss her everywhere. Mrs Mercer, or as she was more familiarly called, Aunt Harriet, was a kind, loving friend and for several years had been afflicted with slow consumption. This winter her husband was very sick for some weeks, which bore heavily upon her, and on the 26th of January, she took a chill and gradually failed until the morning of the 31st, when upon being carefully raised to take a sup of coffee, her hands fell down and she said, "I am almost gone - lay me down," and without a struggle she passed away, sweetly and peacefully.

    She was the mother of James Mercer, Mrs C. Lashuway, Charles A., Porterfield, Marion and Clinton B. Mercer, and Mrs I McIntyre, who deeply mourn the loss of a good mother.

    Aunt Harriet united with the Disciple Church at this place upon its first organization many years ago, and was an earnest, faithful member until her death, and as such will be greatly missed. May the thoughts and hope of that sweet bye and bye be a consolation to all of her dear friends.

    The funeral services were conducted by Brother Richardson of the Methodist order, from Toledo, who preached a very excellent sermon and gave a consolation, taking for his test, Isaiah, 3-10. R.M.M.

    Wood County Sentinel, 10 Feb 1887, Page P2, C3.9


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Aunt Harriet9
  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Elizabeth Harriet Rice10
  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Harriet"11
  • Name-Married: on Thursday, 9 Jan 1840, her married name became Mrs. Mercer (née Rice).


MarriageThursday, 9 Jan 1840, Harriet, age 19 years, 8 months and 27 days, and Abraham Mercer, age 19 years, 6 months and 1 day, son of: William Mercer and Charity Pettit, were married at Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG, "I do hereby certify that on the ninth day of January 1840 by virtue of a License from the Clerk of the Court Common Pleas of Wood County, Abraham Mercer & Harriet E. Rice were legally joined in marriage by me a Justice of the Peace in & for said County. Given under my hand and seal this 4th day of February A.D. 1840. John Grover (seal). Recorded 6 February 1840. Jno Webb, Clerk."12

Children of: Harriet Elizabeth Rice and Abraham Mercer

Other Major Events

  • Reference: Ancestral File Submitters:

    Microfilm: NONE
    860 RAINIER
    Submission: AF95-102076
    IDAHO FALLS ID 83402

    Microfilm: NONE
    Submission: AF97-108097
    MOSIER OR 97040
    541 478-2116.7

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-185010 Aug 1850, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG, Census indicates no real estate value declared. Family lives in dwelling #334, family #342.Abraham Mercer, Charity Electra Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer and Porterfield Webster Mercer4,13
Census-185010 Aug 1850, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG, cannot read and write4
Census-186012 Jun 1860, Post Office: New Westfield, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Charity Electra Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, William Marion Mercer and Clinton Berdell Mercer14,15
Census-18707 Jul 1870, Post Office: Grand Rapids, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer16
Census-18809 Jun 1880, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer17

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Moved Moved: circa 1835, Harriet Elizabeth Rice moved with Calvin Rice and Electa Allen from Cattaraugus County, New York to Wood County, OhioG.18,3
ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 25 May 1905, Harriet Elizabeth Rice was mentioned in the obituary of Abraham Mercer in The Wood County Sentinel, Liberty Twp., Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Charity Electra Mercer, Harriet Isadore Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer, James Calvin Mercer and Mary Ann Mucer.19,20,21

Newspaper Items & Articles


  1. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850.
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  3. [S1052] Rootsweb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/y7cfva7d, Wilbur (e-mail address), updated as of 13 May 2010.
  4. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Liberty Township, Wood County, Ohio Page 128.
  5. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>, Mercer line. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  6. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 127C, film number 1255078, Ohio 1880 Federal Population Census.
  7. [S86] http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, compiler, "Ancestral File"; 19WC-JZP, Ancestral File, various (27 Apr1999 to present), Various Ancestry.com Databases, Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 360 West 4800 North, Provo, Utah County, Utah. Hereinafter cited as "Ancestral File."
  8. [S121] Deaths, Wood County Sentinel, Column 5, 3 Feb 1887, 5. Hereinafter cited as Sentinel.
  9. [S122] Obituary, Wood County Sentinel, Column 3, 10 Feb 1887, 2. Hereinafter cited as Sentinel.
  10. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Liberty Twp, Wood County, Ohio.
  11. [S1051] Professor M. A. Leeson Commemorative Historical and Biographical Record of Wood County, Ohio: Its Past and Present Volume 2, 2 (Evansville, IN: J. H. Beers & Company, 1897), Page 583. Hereinafter cited as Wood County OH History.
  12. [S81] Unknown name of person, Marriage Records unknown file number, unknown repository, unknown repository address, Mercer marriages - Wood County, Ohio 1820 - 1852
    Page 104; MERCER, Abraham to RICE, Harriet E.;
    LDS Film No. 0409699
    Submitted to RootsWeb.com by Loretta Barnard (e-mail address).
  13. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, 1850 Census On-line.
  14. [S45] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiler, "Ancestral File - Richard Mercer"; Ancestral File, 4.19 (24 Jan 2000), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Ancestral File - Mercer."
  15. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/yayf9d52 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  16. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, Liberty Twp, Wood County, Ohio.
  17. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 121D, film number 1255078, Ohio 1880 Federal Population Census.
  18. [S436] Grice Online, online <http://www.griceonline.com/genealogy/merged3/17993.htm>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Grice Online.
  19. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  20. [S4414] Article: Abraham Mercer Dead, The Wood County Free Press, Bowling Green, OH, 26 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Free Press.
  21. [S4415] Article: Seventy Years In This County, The Wood County Sentinel, Bowling Green, OH, 25 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Sentinel.
  22. [S4412] Article: Thirteenth Son Had 13 Children, The Toledo News-Bee, Toledo, OH, 24 May 1905, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Toledo News-Bee.
Last Edited11 May 2013

James Calvin Mercer1

TMG ID:8629, (c 1845 - 1 Oct 1904)
Relationship:Great-granduncle of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Abraham Mercer B: 8 Jul 1820, D: 23 May 1905
Mother*Harriet Elizabeth Rice B: 13 Apr 1820, D: 31 Jan 1887

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageSunday, 8 Dec 1867, James and Mary L. Wagner, age 18 years, 6 months and 19 days were married at Wood County, OhioG.1,4

Children of: James Calvin Mercer and Mary L. Wagner

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-18501850, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG5
Census-185010 Aug 1850, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG, Census indicates no real estate value declared. Family lives in dwelling #334, family #342.Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Abraham Mercer, Charity Electra Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer and Porterfield Webster Mercer5,6
Census-186012 Jun 1860, Post Office: New Westfield, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Charity Electra Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, William Marion Mercer and Clinton Berdell Mercer7,8
Census-18701 Jul 1870, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGMary L. Wagner and Charity Elizabeth Mercer9
Census-1880Mar 1880, Henry, Wood County, OhioGMary L. Wagner, Myrtie Olive Mercer, Charity Elizabeth Mercer and Allen B. Mercer10


circa Jun 1860Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGlaborer8
circa Jul 1870Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGfarmer9

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 25 May 1905, James Calvin Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Abraham Mercer in The Wood County Sentinel, Liberty Twp., Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Charity Electra Mercer, Harriet Isadore Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice and Mary Ann Mucer.11,12,13

Newspaper Items & Articles


  1. [S436] Grice Online, online <http://www.griceonline.com/genealogy/merged3/17993.htm>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Grice Online.
  2. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Liberty Township, Wood County, Ohio.
  3. [S120] Unknown record type: Online Obituaries Index, by unknown photographer; unknown series; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Online http://tinyurl.com/jsbxj5b; unknown file name, Daily Sentinel Tribune Page P1.
  4. [S4176] MyHeritage: Genealogy and Family History Website, online <https://tinyurl.com/3xx6y94j>. Hereinafter cited as MyHeritage.
  5. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Liberty Township, Wood County, Ohio Page 128.
  6. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, 1850 Census On-line.
  7. [S45] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiler, "Ancestral File - Richard Mercer"; Ancestral File, 4.19 (24 Jan 2000), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Ancestral File - Mercer."
  8. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/yayf9d52 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  9. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870.
  10. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 52D, film number 1255078, Ohio 1880 Federal Population Census.
  11. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  12. [S4414] Article: Abraham Mercer Dead, The Wood County Free Press, Bowling Green, OH, 26 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Free Press.
  13. [S4415] Article: Seventy Years In This County, The Wood County Sentinel, Bowling Green, OH, 25 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Sentinel.
  14. [S4412] Article: Thirteenth Son Had 13 Children, The Toledo News-Bee, Toledo, OH, 24 May 1905, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Toledo News-Bee.
  15. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>, Mercer line. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  16. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
Last Edited3 Nov 2022

Charles Allen Mercer

TMG ID:8630, (23 Nov 1846 - 5 Apr 1936)
Relationship:Great-granduncle of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Abraham Mercer B: 8 Jul 1820, D: 23 May 1905
Mother*Harriet Elizabeth Rice B: 13 Apr 1820, D: 31 Jan 1887

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Chas. A.8


MarriageSunday, 8 Dec 1867, Charles, age 21 years and 15 days, and Ann Eliza Stevens, age 17 years and 3 months were married at Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG.4,9

Children of: Charles Allen Mercer and Ann Eliza Stevens

Other Major Events

  • Military: in 1864, at OhioG, Charles Allen Mercer began military service, enlisted in Company C, 11th Ohio Voluntary Infantry.9
  • Military: in 1864, Charles Allen Mercer, military service, immediately went to the front, where he participated in the Atlanta campaign, and the battles of Goldsboro and Fayeteville.9
  • Military: in Jun 1865, at Washington, District of ColumbiaG, Charles Allen Mercer, at age 18, military service, honorably discharged at the end of the war and returned to his home.9

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-185010 Aug 1850, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG, Census indicates no real estate value declared. Family lives in dwelling #334, family #342.Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Abraham Mercer, Charity Electra Mercer, James Calvin Mercer and Porterfield Webster Mercer10,11
Census-186012 Jun 1860, Post Office: New Westfield, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Charity Electra Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, William Marion Mercer and Clinton Berdell Mercer12,13
Census-18701 Jul 1870, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAnn Eliza Stevens and Abram A. Mercer14
Census-1880Mar 1880, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAnn Eliza Stevens, Abram A. Mercer and Jennie Mercer8
Census-19001 Jun 1900, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAnn Eliza Stevens, Carl Mercer, Bessie C. Mercer, Leon Mercer and Lloyd C. Mercer5
Census-19109 May 1910, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAnn Eliza Stevens and Lloyd C. Mercer15
Census-192023 Jan 1920, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAnn Eliza Stevens16
Census-19302 Apr 1930, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG17


circa Jul 1870Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGfarmer14
circa Jun 1900Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGfarmer5
circa May 1910Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGfarmer15

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 25 May 1905, Charles Allen Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Abraham Mercer in The Wood County Sentinel, Liberty Twp., Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Charity Electra Mercer, Harriet Isadore Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice and Mary Ann Mucer.18,19,20
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 6 Apr 1917, Charles Allen Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Charity Electra Mercer in The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Abraham Manson Lashuay, Clarence Bardell Lashuay, Porterfield Webster Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer.21,22

Newspaper Items & Articles


  1. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Liberty Township, Wood County, Ohio.
  2. [S101] Glenn Van Wormer, compiler, Cemeteries in Liberty Township Wood County, Ohio (Wood County, OH: Wood County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1983), Page LiRu 29. Hereinafter cited as Cemeteries in Liberty Twp.
  3. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>, Mercer line. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  4. [S436] Grice Online, online <http://www.griceonline.com/genealogy/merged3/17993.htm>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Grice Online.
  5. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  6. [S120] Unknown record type: Online Obituaries Index, by unknown photographer; unknown series; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Online http://tinyurl.com/jsbxj5b; unknown file name, Daily Sentinel Tribune Page P1,C1.
  7. [S530] Ohio Death Certificate Index, online <http://tinyurl.com/cww2oso>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Ohio Death Records.
  8. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 121D, film number 1255078, Ohio 1880 Federal Population Census.
  9. [S1051] Professor M. A. Leeson Commemorative Historical and Biographical Record of Wood County, Ohio: Its Past and Present Volume 2, 2 (Evansville, IN: J. H. Beers & Company, 1897), Page 758. Hereinafter cited as Wood County OH History.
  10. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Liberty Township, Wood County, Ohio Page 128.
  11. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, 1850 Census On-line.
  12. [S45] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiler, "Ancestral File - Richard Mercer"; Ancestral File, 4.19 (24 Jan 2000), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Ancestral File - Mercer."
  13. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/yayf9d52 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  14. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870.
  15. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  16. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  17. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  18. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  19. [S4414] Article: Abraham Mercer Dead, The Wood County Free Press, Bowling Green, OH, 26 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Free Press.
  20. [S4415] Article: Seventy Years In This County, The Wood County Sentinel, Bowling Green, OH, 25 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Sentinel.
  21. [S59] Kathy Bean, "Kathy Bean Family Group Sheets" (21816 SE 270th Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038 - e-mail address - (206) 432-8259). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Family Group - Kathy Bean."
  22. [S4456] Mrs. C.E. Lashuay Died At Rudolph, The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, OH, 6 Apr 1917, One. Hereinafter cited as Daily Sentinel-Tribune.
  23. [S4412] Article: Thirteenth Son Had 13 Children, The Toledo News-Bee, Toledo, OH, 24 May 1905, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Toledo News-Bee.
  24. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various.
Last Edited21 Sep 2022

Porterfield Webster Mercer1

TMG ID:8631, (8 Sep 1849 - 25 Nov 1927)
Relationship:Great-granduncle of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Abraham Mercer B: 8 Jul 1820, D: 23 May 1905
Mother*Harriet Elizabeth Rice B: 13 Apr 1820, D: 31 Jan 1887

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "P.F."8


MarriageSunday, 20 Aug 1871, Porterfield, age 21 years, 11 months and 12 days, and Margaret A. Aller, age 23 years, 3 months and 18 days, daughter of: Zachariah Aller and Lucy Ann Martin, were married.3,5
MarriageThursday, 6 Apr 1893, Porterfield, age 43 years, 6 months and 29 days, and Ida Strawn, age 32 years and 6 months, daughter of: Eli T. Strawn and Marian Steiner, were married.3,4

Children of: Porterfield Webster Mercer and Margaret A. Aller

Children of: Porterfield Webster Mercer and Ida Strawn

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-185010 Aug 1850, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG, Census indicates no real estate value declared. Family lives in dwelling #334, family #342.Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Abraham Mercer, Charity Electra Mercer, James Calvin Mercer and Charles Allen Mercer9,10
Census-186012 Jun 1860, Post Office: New Westfield, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Charity Electra Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, William Marion Mercer and Clinton Berdell Mercer11,12
Census-18707 Jul 1870, Post Office: Grand Rapids, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, William Marion Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer13
Census-18809 Jun 1880, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGMargaret A. Aller, Alfred F. Mercer, Lucy E. Mercer and Frank Mercer14
Census-19004 Jun 1900, Weston, Wood County, OhioGIda Strawn, Anna Bell Mercer, Owen E. Mercer, Mirriam Mercer and Emma Mercer15
Census-191020 Apr 1910, Sycamore Street, Weston, Wood County, OhioGIda Strawn, Anna Bell Mercer and Owen E. Mercer8
Census-192013 Jan 1920, Main Street, Weston, Wood County, OhioGIda Strawn and Owen E. Mercer16


circa Jun 1880Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGfarmer17
circa Jun 1900Weston, Wood County, OhioGcapitalist15
circa Apr 1910Weston, Wood County, OhioGnone listed8
circa Jan 1920Weston, Wood County, OhioGfarmer16

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 25 May 1905, Porterfield Webster Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Abraham Mercer in The Wood County Sentinel, Liberty Twp., Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Charity Electra Mercer, Harriet Isadore Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice and Mary Ann Mucer.18,19,20
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 6 Apr 1917, Porterfield Webster Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Charity Electra Mercer in The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Abraham Manson Lashuay, Clarence Bardell Lashuay, Charles Allen Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer.21,22

Newspaper Items & Articles


  1. [S4176] MyHeritage: Genealogy and Family History Website, online <https://tinyurl.com/3xx6y94j>. Hereinafter cited as MyHeritage.
  2. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Liberty Township, Wood County, Ohio.
  3. [S101] Glenn Van Wormer, compiler, Cemeteries in Liberty Township Wood County, Ohio (Wood County, OH: Wood County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1983), Page LiRu 25. Hereinafter cited as Cemeteries in Liberty Twp.
  4. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>, Mercer line. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  5. [S436] Grice Online, online <http://www.griceonline.com/genealogy/merged3/17993.htm>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Grice Online.
  6. [S530] Ohio Death Certificate Index, online <http://tinyurl.com/cww2oso>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Ohio Death Records.
  7. [S406] RootsWeb.com, online http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi, Kenton V. Kraus (e-mail address), updated as of 18 Mar 2001.
  8. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  9. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Liberty Township, Wood County, Ohio Page 128.
  10. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, 1850 Census On-line.
  11. [S45] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiler, "Ancestral File - Richard Mercer"; Ancestral File, 4.19 (24 Jan 2000), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Ancestral File - Mercer."
  12. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/yayf9d52 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  13. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, Liberty Twp, Wood County, Ohio.
  14. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 121D, film number 1255078, Ohio 1880 Federal Population Census.
  15. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  16. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  17. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  18. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  19. [S4414] Article: Abraham Mercer Dead, The Wood County Free Press, Bowling Green, OH, 26 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Free Press.
  20. [S4415] Article: Seventy Years In This County, The Wood County Sentinel, Bowling Green, OH, 25 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Sentinel.
  21. [S59] Kathy Bean, "Kathy Bean Family Group Sheets" (21816 SE 270th Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038 - e-mail address - (206) 432-8259). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Family Group - Kathy Bean."
  22. [S4456] Mrs. C.E. Lashuay Died At Rudolph, The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, OH, 6 Apr 1917, One. Hereinafter cited as Daily Sentinel-Tribune.
  23. [S4412] Article: Thirteenth Son Had 13 Children, The Toledo News-Bee, Toledo, OH, 24 May 1905, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Toledo News-Bee.
Last Edited1 Nov 2022

William Marion Mercer

TMG ID:8632, (15 Jun 1852 - 26 Dec 1928)
Relationship:Great-granduncle of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Abraham Mercer B: 8 Jul 1820, D: 23 May 1905
Mother*Harriet Elizabeth Rice B: 13 Apr 1820, D: 31 Jan 1887

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Mell Mercer after 1852


MarriageThursday, 12 Dec 1872, William, age 20 years, 5 months and 27 days, and Susan E. Donsy, age 19 years and 6 days, daughter of: Peter Frederick Donzy and Catharine E. Doran, were married at Wood County, OhioG.3

Children of: William Marion Mercer and Susan E. Donsy

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-186012 Jun 1860, Post Office: New Westfield, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Charity Electra Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer and Clinton Berdell Mercer4,5
Census-18707 Jul 1870, Post Office: Grand Rapids, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer6
Census-1880Mar 1880, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGSusan E. Donsy and Dana Otto Mercer7

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 25 May 1905, William Marion Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Abraham Mercer in The Wood County Sentinel, Liberty Twp., Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Charity Electra Mercer, Harriet Isadore Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice and Mary Ann Mucer.8,9,10
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 6 Apr 1917, William Marion Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Charity Electra Mercer in The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Abraham Manson Lashuay, Clarence Bardell Lashuay, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer.11,12

Newspaper Items & Articles


  1. [S101] Glenn Van Wormer, compiler, Cemeteries in Liberty Township Wood County, Ohio (Wood County, OH: Wood County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1983), Page LiRu 31. Hereinafter cited as Cemeteries in Liberty Twp.
  2. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>, Mercer line. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  3. [S436] Grice Online, online <http://www.griceonline.com/genealogy/merged3/17993.htm>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Grice Online.
  4. [S45] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiler, "Ancestral File - Richard Mercer"; Ancestral File, 4.19 (24 Jan 2000), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Ancestral File - Mercer."
  5. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/yayf9d52 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  6. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, Liberty Twp, Wood County, Ohio.
  7. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 121D, film number 1255078, Ohio 1880 Federal Population Census.
  8. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  9. [S4414] Article: Abraham Mercer Dead, The Wood County Free Press, Bowling Green, OH, 26 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Free Press.
  10. [S4415] Article: Seventy Years In This County, The Wood County Sentinel, Bowling Green, OH, 25 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Sentinel.
  11. [S59] Kathy Bean, "Kathy Bean Family Group Sheets" (21816 SE 270th Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038 - e-mail address - (206) 432-8259). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Family Group - Kathy Bean."
  12. [S4456] Mrs. C.E. Lashuay Died At Rudolph, The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, OH, 6 Apr 1917, One. Hereinafter cited as Daily Sentinel-Tribune.
  13. [S4412] Article: Thirteenth Son Had 13 Children, The Toledo News-Bee, Toledo, OH, 24 May 1905, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Toledo News-Bee.
  14. [S1051] Professor M. A. Leeson Commemorative Historical and Biographical Record of Wood County, Ohio: Its Past and Present Volume 2, 2 (Evansville, IN: J. H. Beers & Company, 1897), Page 583. Hereinafter cited as Wood County OH History.
Last Edited21 Sep 2022

Harriet Isadore Mercer

TMG ID:8633, (10 May 1861 - 10 Jul 1936)
Relationship:Great-grandaunt of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Abraham Mercer B: 8 Jul 1820, D: 23 May 1905
Mother*Harriet Elizabeth Rice B: 13 Apr 1820, D: 31 Jan 1887

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Isadore5
  • Name-Married: on Sunday, 7 Aug 1881, her married name became Mrs. McIntire (née Mercer).


MarriageSunday, 7 Aug 1881, Harriet, age 20 years, 2 months and 28 days, and Francis Marion McIntire, age 22 years, 9 months and 5 days, son of: Hiram McIntire and Lucetta Zimmerman, were married at Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG.6

Children of: Harriet Isadore Mercer and Francis Marion McIntire

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-18707 Jul 1870, Post Office: Grand Rapids, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Porterfield Webster Mercer, William Marion Mercer and Clinton Berdell Mercer7
Census-18809 Jun 1880, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer and Harriet Elizabeth Rice8

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 25 May 1905, Harriet Isadore Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Abraham Mercer in The Wood County Sentinel, Liberty Twp., Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Charity Electra Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Clinton Berdell Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice and Mary Ann Mucer.9,10,11
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 6 Apr 1917, Harriet Isadore Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Charity Electra Mercer in The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Abraham Manson Lashuay, Clarence Bardell Lashuay, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, William Marion Mercer and Clinton Berdell Mercer.12,13

Newspaper Items & Articles


  1. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>, Mercer line. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  2. [S436] Grice Online, online <http://www.griceonline.com/genealogy/merged3/17993.htm>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Grice Online.
  3. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various.
  4. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>, http://tinyurl.com/l56brmg. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  5. [S1051] Professor M. A. Leeson Commemorative Historical and Biographical Record of Wood County, Ohio: Its Past and Present Volume 2, 2 (Evansville, IN: J. H. Beers & Company, 1897), Page 589. Hereinafter cited as Wood County OH History.
  6. [S135] Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman, "Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman," e-Mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/hzkmrc9, 23 Mar 2000. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - M. Stewart."
  7. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, Liberty Twp, Wood County, Ohio.
  8. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 121D, film number 1255078, Ohio 1880 Federal Population Census.
  9. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  10. [S4414] Article: Abraham Mercer Dead, The Wood County Free Press, Bowling Green, OH, 26 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Free Press.
  11. [S4415] Article: Seventy Years In This County, The Wood County Sentinel, Bowling Green, OH, 25 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Sentinel.
  12. [S59] Kathy Bean, "Kathy Bean Family Group Sheets" (21816 SE 270th Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038 - e-mail address - (206) 432-8259). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Family Group - Kathy Bean."
  13. [S4456] Mrs. C.E. Lashuay Died At Rudolph, The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, OH, 6 Apr 1917, One. Hereinafter cited as Daily Sentinel-Tribune.
  14. [S4412] Article: Thirteenth Son Had 13 Children, The Toledo News-Bee, Toledo, OH, 24 May 1905, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Toledo News-Bee.
Last Edited28 Feb 2014

Clinton Berdell Mercer

TMG ID:8634, (4 Feb 1859 - 12 Jul 1945)
Relationship:Great-grandfather of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Abraham Mercer B: 8 Jul 1820, D: 23 May 1905
Mother*Harriet Elizabeth Rice B: 13 Apr 1820, D: 31 Jan 1887

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

  • An Obituary for Clinton Berdell Mercer appeared on Saturday, 4 Aug 1945, in The Daily Sentinel Tribune, Bowling Green, Ohio. Unavailable.


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "C.B."4,5


MarriageTuesday, 11 Nov 1879, Clinton, age 20 years, 9 months and 7 days, and Francis Mary Smith, age 18 years, 8 months and 28 days, daughter of: Samuel Edward Smith and Catherine Lehman, were married at Wood County, OhioG.6
MarriageSunday, 16 Nov 1879, Clinton, age 20 years, 9 months and 12 days, and Francis Mary Smith, age 18 years, 9 months and 2 days, daughter of: Samuel Edward Smith and Catherine Lehman, were married at Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioG.1

Children of: Clinton Berdell Mercer and Francis Mary Smith

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: Clinton Berdell Mercer Grandpa Mercer traveled back & forth between Michigan and the West Coast each time new family members emigrated to the Coast. After the family had completely relocated, he still continued to return to Michigan several times. Reportedly he went back to visit his "girlfriend." The girlfriends nickname was "Old Crotchy."7
  • Anecdote: circa Jun 1900, at Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganG, Clinton Berdell Mercer and Lucius Warden Morton Mercer's and Morton's were nearby neighbors on the 1900 census.
         Others were: Zoa Alpina Mercer and Earl Clarence Morton.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-186012 Jun 1860, Post Office: New Westfield, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Charity Electra Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer and William Marion Mercer8,9
Census-18707 Jul 1870, Post Office: Grand Rapids, Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGAbraham Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice, Porterfield Webster Mercer, William Marion Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer10
Census-190015 Jun 1900, Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganGFrancis Mary Smith, Thomas Otto Mercer, Clessie Mae Mercer, Clyde Earnest Mercer, Zoa Alpina Mercer, Elza Edward Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer1
Census-191016 May 1910, South Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonGFrancis Mary Smith, Elza Edward Mercer, Clessie Mae Mercer, Clyde Ebson Stewart and Frances Ruth Stewart11
Census-192026 Jan 1920, Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonGFrancis Mary Smith4
Census-193016 Apr 1930, Grabel Precinct, Washington County, OregonG, living with his grandparents, Clinton B. and Frances M. MercerFrancis Mary Smith and Clinton Anton Mercer12
Census-194011 Apr 1940, 153 N First Street, Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonG, living with his grandson and wife, Clinton A. and Clara E. MercerFrancis Mary Smith13


circa Jun 1880Liberty Twp., Wood County, OhioGfarmer14
circa Jun 1900Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganGengineer at sawmill1
circa May 1910South Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonGsteam engineer15
circa Jan 1920Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonGdairy farmer4
circa Apr 1930Grabel Precinct, Washington County, OregonGfarmer12

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Thursday, 25 May 1905, Clinton Berdell Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Abraham Mercer in The Wood County Sentinel, Liberty Twp., Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Charity Electra Mercer, Harriet Isadore Mercer, William Marion Mercer, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, James Calvin Mercer, Harriet Elizabeth Rice and Mary Ann Mucer.16,17,18
ObituaryObituary: on Friday, 6 Apr 1917, Clinton Berdell Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Charity Electra Mercer in The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, Ohio.
     Others mentioned: Abraham Manson Lashuay, Clarence Bardell Lashuay, Porterfield Webster Mercer, Charles Allen Mercer, William Marion Mercer and Harriet Isadore Mercer.19,20
Anecdote Anecdote: Clinton Berdell Mercer was present between 1920 and 1930, at Washington County, OregonG, when Clinton Anton Mercer apparently Clinton Anton's parents separated and most likely divorced and Clinton Anton was then raised by his grandparents, Clinton B. and Frances M. Mercer
     Others were: Volney Abraham Mercer, Pearl Mary Eschwig and Francis Mary Smith.12,13
Marriage Thursday, 11 Dec 1924, Clinton Berdell Mercer attended the marriage of Elza Edward Mercer and Thelma Rose McDonald at Vancouver City, Clark County, WashingtonG. 2nd marriage for both Elza and Thelma.21
Milit-Draft Military: on Saturday, 25 Apr 1942 Clinton Berdell Mercer was listed as the person who will always know Elza Edward Mercer's address.22
Milit-Draft Military: on Monday, 27 Apr 1942 Clinton Berdell Mercer was listed as the person who will always know Volney Abraham Mercer's address.23,22

Known Address(es)

Newspaper Items & Articles


  1. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  2. [S653] Death Certificate - Thomas Otto Mercer, online . Hereinafter cited as OR Death Index.
  3. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>, http://tinyurl.com/ku9s95n. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  4. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, Enumeration District 429, Page 3.
  5. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003 Wood Birth registers 1880-1887 vol 2.
  6. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
  7. [S245] Interview and notes with Elva May Mercer (Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  8. [S45] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiler, "Ancestral File - Richard Mercer"; Ancestral File, 4.19 (24 Jan 2000), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Ancestral File - Mercer."
  9. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/yayf9d52 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  10. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, Liberty Twp, Wood County, Ohio.
  11. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, Sheet # 17B, Emuneration District 278.
  12. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  13. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  14. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  15. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  16. [S106] Internet Folsom, Karan, online <http://tinyurl.com/gvekzyp>. Hereinafter cited as Karan Folsom.
  17. [S4414] Article: Abraham Mercer Dead, The Wood County Free Press, Bowling Green, OH, 26 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Free Press.
  18. [S4415] Article: Seventy Years In This County, The Wood County Sentinel, Bowling Green, OH, 25 May 1905, Page One. Hereinafter cited as Wood County Sentinel.
  19. [S59] Kathy Bean, "Kathy Bean Family Group Sheets" (21816 SE 270th Street, Maple Valley, WA 98038 - e-mail address - (206) 432-8259). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "Family Group - Kathy Bean."
  20. [S4456] Mrs. C.E. Lashuay Died At Rudolph, The Daily Sentinel-Tribune, Bowling Green, OH, 6 Apr 1917, One. Hereinafter cited as Daily Sentinel-Tribune.
  21. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008.
  22. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW II Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  23. [S263] FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization, online <https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a>, United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942. Hereinafter cited as FamilySearch.
  24. [S219] Interview and notes with Zoa Lee Lewis (2810 Starr Street, Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Sep 2001. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  25. [S707] United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, online <http://tinyurl.com/mhon3bc>. Hereinafter cited as WW II Draft Reg 1942.
  26. [S4412] Article: Thirteenth Son Had 13 Children, The Toledo News-Bee, Toledo, OH, 24 May 1905, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Toledo News-Bee.
Last Edited25 Aug 2024

Mary Lavina Mantel1

TMG ID:8635, (18 Jan 1870 - 25 Nov 1952)
Father*John Mantel1 B: 12 May 1817, D: 29 Jan 1899
Mother*Eliza Denoier1 B: 1829, D: 1906

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Smith (née Mantel).1


MarriageMary and Theodore Henry Smith, son of: Samuel Edward Smith and Catherine Lehman, were married.1

Children of: Mary Lavina Mantel and Theodore Henry Smith


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
Last Edited31 Aug 2024

Thomas Otto Mercer1

TMG ID:8636, (26 Apr 1880 - 29 May 1959)
Relationship:Grandfather of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Clinton Berdell Mercer B: 4 Feb 1859, D: 12 Jul 1945
Mother*Francis Mary Smith B: 14 Feb 1861, D: 6 Dec 1945

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Thomas O.8,9
  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "O.T."10
  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Otto Thomas in various places his name was given as either Thomas Otto (probably the correct version) or Otto Thomas (his preferred version). On his World War II Draft Registration he used Otto Thomas11,2,4
  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Otto T.12,13


MarriageWednesday, 14 Aug 1901, Thomas, age 21 years, 3 months and 19 days, and Rose May Robison, age 18 years, 8 months and 24 days, daughter of: William Alexander Robinson and Sarah Emma Putman, were married at Isabella City, Isabella County, MichiganG,
     Other celebrants were: Clyde Earnest Mercer.14,11,15,16

Children of: Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: on Monday, 25 Feb 1907, at Laurel Lodge No. 186, Saint Johns, Multnomah County, OregonG, Thomas Otto Mercer (26 years old) paid $1.50 for membership in Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge no. 186 through 1 Mar 1907.
  • Anecdote: on Monday, 24 Jun 1907, at Laurel Lodge No. 186, Saint Johns, Multnomah County, OregonG, Thomas Otto Mercer (27 years old) paid $3 for membership in Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Lodge no. 186 from 24 Jun to 1 Sep 1907.17
  • Anecdote: on Tuesday, 18 Jan 1916, at Washington County, OregonG, Thomas Otto Mercer (35 years old) purchased a State of Oregon resident Hunter's License.17
  • Anecdote: circa Sep 1918, at Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Thomas Otto Mercer according to his daughter, Elva, Otto wanted very much to join the Army and fight in World War I. This idea greatly frightened his wife, Rose. Elva tells of her mother, Rose, sitting on a saw horse, side-saddle, swinging her leg and crying because her father had expressed his desire to join the war in Europe. He ultimately did not join.14
  • Anecdote: circa 1924, at Thurston County, WashingtonG, Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison attended a family gathering that included the Otto Mercer family.
    Front: Elva Mercer, unknown
    Middle: unknown, unknown, Franny Mercer, Al Mercer, Fred Lewis, Ada Jones Lewis
    Back: Otto Mercer, Rose Robison Mercer, Lee Mercer Lewis, 3 unknowns.
    Ray Lewis may have taken the picture.18


between Aug 1931 and Jun 1932 between Aug 1931 and Jun 1932, Thomas Otto Mercer witnessed the education of Elsie Dora Lewis at Maytown School, Maytown, WashingtonG, she attended the 1st grade at the Maytown school while living with her grandparents, Otto and Rose Mercer.10

Other Major Events

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190015 Jun 1900, Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganGClinton Berdell Mercer, Francis Mary Smith, Clessie Mae Mercer, Clyde Earnest Mercer, Zoa Alpina Mercer, Elza Edward Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer23
Census-191019 Apr 1910, Viola Precinct, Clackamas County, OregonGRose May Robison, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elva May Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer24
Census-192022 Jan 1920, Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonGRose May Robison, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer and Frances Emma Mercer25
Census-193017 Apr 1930, 27 Maytown Road, Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonGRose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer and Frances Emma Mercer12
Census-194027 Apr 1940, 31 Chestnut Street, Medford, Jackson County, OregonG, mill foreman lumber mill 1939 Income: $1886. for 52 weeksRose May Robison and Alfred Rexford Mercer26
Census-195024 May 1950, Route 4 Box 186A, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonGRose May Robison13


circa Jun 1900Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganGsawer at lumber mill23
circa Apr 1910Viola Precinct, Clackamas County, OregonGfarmer24
1913L. H. Lumber Company, Rainier, Thurston County, WashingtonGsetter27
circa Apr 1917Maytown Lumber Company, Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonGmaster mechanic2
circa Jan 1920Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonGmillwright sawmill25
circa Apr 1930Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonGmill operator - railroad tie mill12
circa Apr 1940Medford, Jackson County, OregonGmill foreman lumber mill26
circa Apr 1942Timber Product Company, Central Avenue, Medford, Jackson County, OregonGno occupation provided3

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Thomas Otto Mercer was present on Wednesday, 7 Dec 1921, at Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Aletha Maize Mercer was issued a special permit to "operate a motor vehicle for the transportation of persons for hire." Lee needed a commercial driver license in order to drive a school bus from Maytown to the Olympia High School. She had a very strong desire to attend (the much more urban) Olympia High School instead of the much closer (and much more rural) Tenino High School. She related stories about driving that old school bus that did not even have a windshield defroster. She said that during the winter she had to suck on pennies and get them warm enough to then place them on the windshield to thaw a very small portion for her to look out. She was a determined young woman.
     Others were: Rose May Robison.28
Marriage Wednesday, 9 Apr 1924, Thomas Otto Mercer attended the marriage of Ray Frisbee Lewis and Aletha Maize Mercer at Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG. Witnesses were the couple's close friends: Criss Hoyt and Phyllis Pitman
     Other celebrants were: Julia Ann Cantrall, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer and Alfred Rexford Mercer.11,29,30,31
DiaryDiary: from 20 Jun 1932 to 3 Jan 1933, Thomas Otto Mercer was mentioned in a personal diary kept by Aletha Maize at Olympia, WashingtonG, the transcribed Diary may be seen here.
     Others mentioned were: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Donald Edward Brostrom, Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Ray Frisbee Lewis, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Lee Clare Lewis.32
Marriage Monday, 1 Sep 1947, Thomas Otto Mercer attended the marriage of Earl Cornelius Sheehan and Frances Emma Mercer at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. Witnesses were Frannie's parents, Otto and Rose Mercer
     Other celebrants were: Rose May Robison.33,34
Anecdote Anecdote: Thomas Otto Mercer was present circa May 1952, at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, when Frances Emma Mercer wrote this letter to her sister, Lee
     Others were: Aletha Maize Mercer, Rose May Robison and Earl Cornelius Sheehan.10
Anecdote Anecdote: Thomas Otto Mercer was present circa Jun 1952, when Frances Emma Mercer wrote this letter to her sister, Lee
     Others were: Aletha Maize Mercer, Rose May Robison, Earl Cornelius Sheehan and Elsie Dora Lewis.10
ObituaryObituary: on Monday, 29 Jun 1953, Thomas Otto Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Frances Emma Mercer in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Rose May Robison, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Aletha Maize Mercer and Elva May Mercer.35

Known Address(es)

  • Address: in 1905, Thomas Otto and Clinton Berdell (née Mercer) Mercer lived at: Drain, Douglas County, OregonG. They leased or rented a box car with a bunch of other men to come out West. Got a job at the mill and lived in a hotel until Grandma Rose came out the following year. Hotel owners had a black daughter. The woman said she had been scared by a black man and it marked the girl! She had to do all the dirty work at the hotel..22
  • Address: circa Jul 1905, Thomas Otto Mercer lived at: Drain, Douglas County, OregonG. Otto moved to near Drain, Oregon in 1905 after the birth of their first daughter, Aletha. Otto was able to find work at a sawmill..14
  • Address: circa 1911, Thomas Otto Mercer lived at: Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG. According to the newspaper article announcing their 50th wedding anniversary, they arrived in Maytown.21
  • Address: circa 1911, Thomas Otto and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer lived at: Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG. Until they built their own house, they lived in the Shelly's little brown house..22,14
  • Address: in Feb 1935, Thomas Otto (age 54) and Rose May (née Robison) (age 52) Mercer lived at: Medford, Jackson County, OregonG. Work was no longer available in Maytown and they moved back to Medford to work in the mills..22
  • Address: on Monday, 1 Apr 1935, Thomas Otto (age 54) and Rose May (née Robison) (age 52) Mercer lived at: 31 Chestnut Street, Medford, Jackson County, OregonG. Also living at this address: Alfred Rexford Mercer.26
  • Address: in Apr 1944, Thomas Otto and Rose May (née Robison) (age 61) Mercer lived at: Maytown, Thurston County, WashingtonG. Apparently the sale of their home in Maytown that was announced in Apr 1943 to Art Hutchins of Littlerock fell through. In Apr 1944 they moved back to the home in Maytown..22,14,35
  • Address: in 1949, Thomas Otto and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer lived at: Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG. While living in Maytown, Otto built a small house in Tumwater at the location of the present day Peter G. Schmidt school. When that school was built in about 1957, their property was purchased under eminent domain and the house was moved to the corner of Capitol Blvd. and the entrance to the Tumwater Valley across from the current location of Western Meats. At that time, the only thing located in Tumwater Valley was the entrance to the Olympia Brewery storage and shipping facilities. When they moved again back to Medford, OR the house was moved a final time to the present day location at 521 Dennis Street SW, Tumwater, WA. Otto was said to have refused to finish the floor in the upstairs of the house because the city/county would find out and raise his taxes..22,14,35

Newspaper Items & Articles

  • Saturday, 23 Mar 1907, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer appeared in: The Morning Oregonian, at Portland, Oregon. Headline: Real Estate Transfers - Lee Fortune to Otto T. Mercer present day location of the lots is: 10204 & 10214 North Smith Street in Portland, Oregon. The house at 10204 North Smith Street was built in 1955 and the house at 10214 North Smith Street was built in 1943 according to city records. Present day10204 North Smith Street, Portland, OR - https://www.portlandmaps.com/detail/assessor/-13665482.0301_5716804.48499_xy/ and present day 10214 North Smith Street, Portland, OR - https://www.portlandmaps.com/detail/assessor/10214-N-SMITH-ST/R181493_did/.36
  • Sunday, 13 Apr 1924, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Are Married in Maytown -
    At the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Mercer...
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Fredrick William Lewis, Ada Ann Jones, Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer and Julia Ann Cantrall.30
  • Friday, 9 Apr 1926, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: County Notes - Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer and Alfred Rexford Mercer.37
  • Saturday, 31 Jul 1926, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Ray Frisbee Lewis and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Society - Drive to Mountain -
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Haldora Hjalmfridur Sumarlidason and Helga Kristjanson.38
  • Saturday, 24 Nov 1928, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of the Olympic Empire - Rocky Prairie
         Also mentioned in the article: Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer and Alfred Rexford Mercer.39
  • Tuesday, 15 Jul 1930, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of the Olympic Empire - Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Ellen Sundeen and Alice Virginia Brostrom.40
  • Sunday, 28 Sep 1930, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of the Olympic Empire - Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elsie Dora Lewis and Zoa Lee Lewis.41
  • Friday, 21 Nov 1930, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer, Adolph Norman Brostrom, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elsie Dora Lewis and Zoa Lee Lewis.42
  • Wednesday, 28 Jan 1931, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis and Donald Edward Brostrom.43
  • Friday, 13 Feb 1931, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: News of the Olympic Empire - Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Frances Emma Mercer.44
  • Wednesday, 16 Jan 1935, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Centralia Washington Daily Chronicle, at Centralia, Washington. Headline: Rochester - Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Lewis...
         Also mentioned in the article: Fredrick William Lewis and Ada Ann Jones.45
  • Friday, 14 Jul 1939, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Daily Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer and Rose May Robison.46
  • Tuesday, 3 Oct 1939, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison and Alfred Rexford Mercer.47
  • Wednesday, 31 Jan 1940, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station.48
  • Wednesday, 17 Jul 1940, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Ellen Sundeen and Alice Virginia Brostrom.49
  • Friday, 22 Jan 1943, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown.50
  • Thursday, 22 Apr 1943, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Daily Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown - Art Hutchins of Littlerock...51
  • Thursday, 6 Apr 1944, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown.52
  • Friday, 24 Nov 1944, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown - Social Club
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison.53
  • Sunday, 6 Jan 1946, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Rose May Robison, Elsie Dora Lewis, John Phillip Wagner and Frances Emma Mercer.54
  • Tuesday, 9 Sep 1947, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Adolph Norman Brostrom and Aletha Maize (née Mercer) Brostrom in The Daily Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Rose May Robison, Francis Wayne Hacker, Zoa Lee Lewis, Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, Rudolph Gordon Brostrom, Theodore Mercer Brostrom and Nettie Rose Cook.33
  • Tuesday, 28 Jun 1949, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Lillian Mae Johnston, Rose May Robison, George M. Moran and Lillian Mae Hacker.55
  • Sunday, 2 Sep 1951, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Observe Golden Wedding
         Also mentioned in the article: Robert Alva Love, Aletha Maize Mercer, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker and Zoa Lee Lewis.56
  • Sunday, 2 Sep 1951, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae (née Patchett) Hacker in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Elva May Mercer, Vivien Earl Cook, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Zoa Lee Lewis, John Phillip Wagner, Francis Wayne Hacker and Elsie Dora Lewis.57
  • Thursday, 27 Sep 1951, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Jacob Hacker, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elva May Mercer, Frances Emma Mercer, Michael Roy Hacker, Florence Mae Patchett and Lillian Mae Johnston.58
  • Sunday, 7 Oct 1951, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown
         Also mentioned in the article: Michael Roy Hacker and Florence Mae Patchett.59
  • Wednesday, 12 May 1954, an article about Thomas Otto Mercer appeared in: The Morning Olympian, at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Maytown News.60
  • Thursday, 18 Aug 1955, Thomas was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station
         Also mentioned in the article: Alfred Rexford Mercer, Lavon Elaine Durst, Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker and Rose May Robison.61
  • Sunday, 20 May 1956, Thomas was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Church Teen-Agers Gather, Tour Juvenile Home Here
         Also mentioned in the article: William Henry Wagner, Rosemary Dorothy Bender, Vivien Earl Cook, Elva May Mercer, Rose May Robison and Ronald Stephen Wagner.62
  • Sunday, 30 Dec 1956, Thomas was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Residents Entertain Christmas Visitors
         Also mentioned in the article: Stacey Elmer Wagner, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Rose May Robison, Donald Edward Brostrom and Beverly Joyce Larson.63
  • Tuesday, 29 Jan 1957, Thomas was mentioned in an article about Elsie Dora Lewis in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Guest Returns To Her Home
         Also mentioned in the article: Elva May Mercer, Rose May Robison and Zoa Lee Lewis.64
  • Tuesday, 4 Jun 1957, Thomas was mentioned in an article about John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora (née Lewis) Wagner in The Morning Olympian at Olympia, Washington. Headline: Plumb Station: Grange Awards Presented To Fifty-Year Members
         Also mentioned in the article: Rose May Robison, Vivien Earl Cook and Elva May Mercer.65


  1. [S112] Jerri McCoy, Olympia Genealogical Society Cemetery Listing (n.p.: RootsWeb, 7 May 1998), Odd Fellows Cemetery (I.O.O.F.), Tumwater. Hereinafter cited as Olympia Cemeteries.
  2. [S262] World War I Draft Registrations, online . Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Record.
  3. [S707] United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, online <http://tinyurl.com/mhon3bc>. Hereinafter cited as WW II Draft Reg 1942.
  4. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW II Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  5. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Ohio Births and Christenings, 1821-1962.
  6. [S653] Death Certificate - Thomas Otto Mercer, online . Hereinafter cited as OR Death Index.
  7. [S3919] Article: Deaths - Funerals - Thomas Otto Mercer, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 May 1959, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  8. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Oregon Death Index, 1903-98.
  9. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  10. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  11. [S261] "Genealogy Notebook by Aletha Maize Mercer," Undated; Civil War Trunk; Repository Reference #1, Glode Dugar Lewis; Olympia, Thurston County, Washington. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy Notebook by Lee Mercer."
  12. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  13. [S3506] 3 Apr 1950, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, N/A Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  14. [S245] Interview and notes with Elva May Mercer (Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  15. [S437] Michigan Department of Community Health, online <http://tinyurl.com/y7vlk6qw>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MDCH.
  16. [S263] FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization, online <https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a>, Michigan, County Marriages, 1820-1940. Hereinafter cited as FamilySearch.
  17. [S246] Interview and notes with Alfred Rexford Mercer (Medford, Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  18. [S3108] Interview and notes with Darlene Mae Hacker Edwards (8780) (Maytown, WA), by Terrance Wagner, 23 Dec 2016. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), courtesy of Darlene Hacker Edwards.
  19. [S4292] Interview and notes with Frances Lynn HACKER (8781) (Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Dec 2020. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  20. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW I Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  21. [S1170] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  22. [S219] Interview and notes with Zoa Lee Lewis (2810 Starr Street, Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Sep 2001. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  23. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  24. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  25. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  26. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  27. [S3946] Unknown author, "Klickitat County," R. L. Polk & Co., Benton, Franklin, and Klickitat Counties Directory, 1911-1916, 1913-1914 (1913). Hereinafter cited as "White Salmon."
  28. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), Special permit.
  29. [S727] Our Wedding Souvenir: Wedding guests who signed, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Wedding Book.
  30. [S2087] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Apr 1924, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  31. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Records, 1803-2010, Thurston, Marriage returns 1923-1925 vol 9, no 6328-7374, page 640.
  32. [S3847] "Diary of Aletha Maize (Mercer) Lewis Brostrom Love," (MS, 1932 - 1933; Olympia, WA); unknown repository reference, unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Diary of Lee Lewis."
  33. [S3844] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Sep 1947, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  34. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008.
  35. [S3918] Article: Deaths & Burials - Frances Emma Sheehan, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Jun 1953, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  36. [S1071] Real Estate Transfers, The Morning Oregonian, Portland, OR, 23 Mar 1907, 16, http://tinyurl.com/kanfqyy and http://tinyurl.com/npyjf67. Hereinafter cited as Morning Oregonian.
  37. [S2095] Article: County Notes, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Apr 1926, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  38. [S2094] Article: Society, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Jul 1926, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  39. [S3925] Article: News of the Olympic Empire - Rocky Prairie, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Nov 1928, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  40. [S2042] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 15 Jul 1930, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  41. [S2041] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Sep 1930, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  42. [S2078] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 21 Nov 1930, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  43. [S2059] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Jan 1931, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  44. [S3927] Article: News of the Olympic Empire - Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 13 Feb 1931, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  45. [S1353] Rochester, The Centralia Washington Daily Chronicle, Centralia, WA, 16 Jan 1935, Five. Hereinafter cited as Centralia Daily Chronicle.
  46. [S2040] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Jul 1939, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  47. [S2061] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 3 Oct 1939, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  48. [S2045] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 Jan 1940, Page Six. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  49. [S2052] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 10 Oct 1940, Page Eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  50. [S3914] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Jan 1943, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  51. [S2873] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 22 Apr 1943, Page Nine. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  52. [S3913] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Apr 1944, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  53. [S3966] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 24 Nov 1944, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  54. [S2770] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 6 Jan 1946, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  55. [S2844] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 28 Jun 1949, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  56. [S3823] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  57. [S2765] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  58. [S3915] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 27 Sep 1951, Page Twenty-two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  59. [S3916] Article: Maytown, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 7 Oct 1951, Page Eighteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  60. [S3921] Article: Maytown News, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 12 May 1954, Page Five. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  61. [S4117] Article: Plumb Station, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Aug 1955, Page Twenty. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  62. [S3633] Article: Plumb Station: Church Teen-Agers Gather, Tour Juvenile Home Here, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 20 May 1956, Page Fourteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  63. [S3804] Article: Plumb Station: Residents Entertain Christmas Visitors, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 30 Dec 1956, Page Thirteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  64. [S3558] Article: Plumb Station: Plumb Station Guest Returns To Her Home, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 29 Jan 1957, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  65. [S3589] Article: Plumb Station: Grange Awards Presented To Fifty-Year Members, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Jun 1957, Page Eleven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
Last Edited25 Aug 2024

Clessie Mae Mercer1

TMG ID:8637, (2 Nov 1882 - 25 Feb 1941)
Relationship:Grandaunt of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Clinton Berdell Mercer B: 4 Feb 1859, D: 12 Jul 1945
Mother*Francis Mary Smith B: 14 Feb 1861, D: 6 Dec 1945

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Clara M.2
  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Clessie3
  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Clessia Mae7
  • Name-Married: on Wednesday, 20 Feb 1901, her married name became Mrs. Stewart (née Mercer).
  • Name-Married: on Tuesday, 5 Jul 1927, her married name became Mrs. Murray (née Mercer).1


MarriageWednesday, 20 Feb 1901, Clessie, age 18 years, 3 months and 18 days, and Homer Foster Stewart, age 21 years, 2 months and 6 days, son of: Charles E. Stewart and Julia Belle Hill, were married at Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganG,
     Other celebrants were: Charles E. Stewart and Julia Belle Hill.8,9,6
MarriageTuesday, 5 Jul 1927, Clessie, age 44 years, 8 months and 3 days, and Clarence Douglas Murray, age 39 years, 4 months and 26 days were married at Columbia County, OregonG.1,7

Children of: Clessie Mae Mercer and Homer Foster Stewart

Children of: Clessie Mae Mercer and Clarence Douglas Murray

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190015 Jun 1900, Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganGClinton Berdell Mercer, Francis Mary Smith, Thomas Otto Mercer, Clyde Earnest Mercer, Zoa Alpina Mercer, Elza Edward Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer10
Census-191016 May 1910, South Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonGFrancis Mary Smith, Clinton Berdell Mercer, Elza Edward Mercer, Clyde Ebson Stewart and Frances Ruth Stewart11
Census-19203 Jan 1920, Deer Island Precinct, Columbia County, OregonGHomer Foster Stewart, Darrel Beverly Stewart, Clyde Ebson Stewart, Frances Ruth Stewart, Charles Clinton Stewart, Homer Foster Stewart Jr., Oka Bell Stewart and Pauline Mae Stewart12
Census-19302 Apr 1930, Deer Island Precinct, Columbia County, OregonGClarence Douglas Murray, Charles Clinton Stewart, Homer Foster Stewart Jr., Oka Bell Stewart, Pauline Mae Stewart, Clessie Roberta Stewart, Aletha Ray Murray, Eugene Hanford Green, Frances Ruth Stewart and Patricia Jean Green13
Census-194023 Apr 1940, Mist Route, Veronia, Columbia County, OregonG, includes Mary M. Williams, 58, lodgerClarence Douglas Murray, Clarence Douglas Murray Jr. and Aletha Ray Murray14


circa Jun 1900Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganGdomestic10

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Milit-Draft Military: on Thursday, 12 Sep 1918 Clessie Mae Mercer was listed as the person who will always know Homer Foster Stewart's address.15,16


  1. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003 Wood Birth registers 1880-1887 vol 2.
  3. [S653] Death Certificate - Thomas Otto Mercer, online . Hereinafter cited as OR Death Index.
  4. [S3938] Article: Funeral Notices - Murray - Clessie, The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 27 Feb 1941, Page Sixteen. Hereinafter cited as Oregonian.
  5. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Edmund West, comp.. Family Data Collection - Individual Records [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000.
  6. [S263] FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization, online <https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a>, Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925. Hereinafter cited as FamilySearch.
  7. [S245] Interview and notes with Elva May Mercer (Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  8. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  9. [S959] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/ycm75xpo, Maggie Ohio (e-mail address), updated as of 11 Apr 2011.
  10. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  11. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, Sheet # 17B, Emuneration District 278.
  12. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  13. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  14. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  15. [S263] FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization, online <https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a>, United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Hereinafter cited as FamilySearch.
  16. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW I Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  17. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various.
  18. [S590] Tillamook Pioneer Museum Obituary Index, online <http://www.tcpm.org/obits/ar_so-sz.txt>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Tillamook Obituary Index.
Last Edited25 Aug 2024

Clyde Earnest Mercer

TMG ID:8638, (10 Nov 1884 - 11 Jul 1961)
Relationship:Granduncle of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Clinton Berdell Mercer B: 4 Feb 1859, D: 12 Jul 1945
Mother*Francis Mary Smith1 B: 14 Feb 1861, D: 6 Dec 1945

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Clyde Ernest2


Marriagecirca 1907, Clyde and Mabel Melvina Stingley, daughter of: William H. Young and Minnie C. Griffith, were married.6,7

Children of: Clyde Earnest Mercer and Mabel Melvina Stingley

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: on Thursday, 1 Mar 1934, at Medford, Jackson County, OregonG, Alfred Rexford Mercer (20 years old) and Clyde Earnest Mercer (49 years old) Western Union Telegram Received at: "11 P.M. , EA, CI, 5 NM Medford, Org., March 1, 1934. Alfred Mercer, High School. Tenino, Wash. Mill starts Monday Be here. Clyde.8"

Other Major Events

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190015 Jun 1900, Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganGClinton Berdell Mercer, Francis Mary Smith, Thomas Otto Mercer, Clessie Mae Mercer, Zoa Alpina Mercer, Elza Edward Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer10
Census-191027 Apr 1910, Viola Precinct, Clackamas County, OregonGMabel Melvina Stingley, Harold Burdell Mercer and Elza Edward Mercer7
Census-19206 Feb 1920, Skookumchuck Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonGMabel Melvina Stingley, Harold Burdell Mercer, Helen Ivalo Mercer and Dorothy Eva Mercer11
Census-19305 Apr 1930, 79 Cedar Street, Central Point, Jackson County, OregonGMabel Melvina Stingley, Helen Ivalo Mercer and Dorothy Eva Mercer12
Census-1940Apr 1940, 603 N Bartlett, Medford, Jackson County, OregonGMabel Melvina Stingley, Dorothy Eva Mercer and Ralph O. Castano13


circa Jun 1900Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganGfarm laborer10
circa Apr 1910Viola Precinct, Clackamas County, OregonGfarmer general farming7
circa 1913Deer Island, Columbia County, OregonGhunter and resident game keeper on Deer Island4
circa Feb 1920Skookumchuck Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonGsawyer shingle mill11
circa Apr 1930Central Point, Jackson County, OregonGforeman lumber mill12
circa Apr 1940Medford, Jackson County, OregonGsuperintendant lumber mill13
Apr 1942Timber Product Company, Central Avenue, Medford, Jackson County, OregonGno occupation provided14

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Marriage Wednesday, 14 Aug 1901, Clyde Earnest Mercer attended the marriage of Thomas Otto Mercer and Rose May Robison at Isabella City, Isabella County, MichiganG.4,15,16,17
BirthBorn: Clyde Earnest Mercer was present at the birth of Alfred Rexford Mercer on Thursday, 25 Dec 1913, at Deer Island, Columbia County, OregonG.4,15
HistoryHistory: Clyde Earnest Mercer on Thursday, 12 Aug 1915 at Columbia River Highway, Clatskanie, Columbia County, OregonG, witnessed (an unknown value.)18
Milit-Draft Military: on Monday, 27 Apr 1942 Clyde Earnest Mercer was listed as the person who will always know Thomas Otto Mercer's address.14
Gold AnnivGolden Anniversary: on Tuesday, 14 Aug 1951 Clyde Earnest Mercer celebrated with numerous family and friends the 50th wedding anniversary of Thomas Otto Mercer at age 71and Rose May (née Robison) Mercer at age 68 at Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonG.
     Others celebrating were: Aletha Maize Mercer, Robert Alva Love, Theodore Mercer Brostrom, Elva May Mercer, Vivien Earl Cook, Lavon Elaine Durst, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Alfred Rexford Mercer Jr., Frances Emma Mercer, Earl Cornelius Sheehan, John Phillip Wagner, Elsie Dora Lewis, Zoa Lee Lewis, Francis Wayne Hacker, Mabel Melvina Stingley, Robert Ellis Hudson and Leonard Clyde Hudson.19
ObituaryObituary: on Sunday, 31 May 1959, Clyde Earnest Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Thomas Otto Mercer in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Rose May Robison, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elva May Mercer, Elza Edward Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer.20

Known Address(es)


  1. [S513] California Death Records, online <http://tinyurl.com/726qa>. Hereinafter cited as California Death Records.
  2. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW I Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  3. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Ohio Births and Christenings, 1821-1962.
  4. [S245] Interview and notes with Elva May Mercer (Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  5. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  6. [S128] Ronald Jay Hunter, "Ronald Jay Hunter," e-Mail message from <e-mail address> (5147 Abel Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32) to http://tinyurl.com/zm4m6sp, 8 Nov 2000. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ronald Hunter."
  7. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  8. [S246] Interview and notes with Alfred Rexford Mercer (Medford, Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  9. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW II Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  10. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  11. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  12. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  13. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  14. [S707] United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, online <http://tinyurl.com/mhon3bc>. Hereinafter cited as WW II Draft Reg 1942.
  15. [S261] "Genealogy Notebook by Aletha Maize Mercer," Undated; Civil War Trunk; Repository Reference #1, Glode Dugar Lewis; Olympia, Thurston County, Washington. Hereinafter cited as "Genealogy Notebook by Lee Mercer."
  16. [S437] Michigan Department of Community Health, online <http://tinyurl.com/y7vlk6qw>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MDCH.
  17. [S263] FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization, online <https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a>, Michigan, County Marriages, 1820-1940. Hereinafter cited as FamilySearch.
  18. [S591] Larry Rea, "The Columbia River Highway", http://tinyurl.com/ncdpxuf (8 Aug 2005). Hereinafter cited as "Columbia River Highway."
  19. [S1170] Article: Observe Golden Wedding, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 2 Sep 1951, Page Ten. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  20. [S3919] Article: Deaths - Funerals - Thomas Otto Mercer, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 May 1959, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  21. [S219] Interview and notes with Zoa Lee Lewis (2810 Starr Street, Tacoma, WA), by Terrance Wagner, Sep 2001. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
Last Edited25 Aug 2024

Zoa Alpina Mercer1

TMG ID:8639, (17 Jul 1887 - 15 Feb 1909)
Relationship:Grandaunt of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Clinton Berdell Mercer B: 4 Feb 1859, D: 12 Jul 1945
Mother*Francis Mary Smith B: 14 Feb 1861, D: 6 Dec 1945

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Friday, 6 Nov 1908, her married name became Mrs. Morton (née Mercer).


MarriageFriday, 6 Nov 1908, Zoa, age 21 years, 3 months and 20 days, and Earl Clarence Morton, age 24 years, 8 months and 5 days, son of: Lucius Warden Morton and Malinda Susana Troup, were married at Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonG.5,1

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: circa Feb 1909, Zoa Alpina Mercer Family lore states that there was an epidemic of sorts going on and Zoa had been quarantined. However, she decided to go down and help some neighbors who were stricken with the illness. As a result, she came down with it and died. This all happened shortly after she had been married.5

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Zoa Alpina Mercer was present circa Jun 1900, at Chippewa Twp., Isabella County, MichiganG, when Clinton Berdell Mercer and Lucius Warden Morton Mercer's and Morton's were nearby neighbors on the 1900 census.
     Others were: Earl Clarence Morton.6


  1. [S639] Ancestry.com, online http://awtc.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi, Ken Koch (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Dec 2002.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003 Wood Birth registers 1888-1896 vol 3.
  3. [S653] Death Certificate - Thomas Otto Mercer, online . Hereinafter cited as OR Death Index.
  4. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  5. [S245] Interview and notes with Elva May Mercer (Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  6. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
Last Edited25 Aug 2024

Elza Edward Mercer

TMG ID:8640, (6 Feb 1891 - 3 Nov 1975)
Relationship:Granduncle of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Clinton Berdell Mercer B: 4 Feb 1859, D: 12 Jul 1945
Mother*Francis Mary Smith B: 14 Feb 1861, D: 6 Dec 1945

Primary Birth & Death


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "Elzie"7


Marriagecirca 1911, Elza and Arline Beatrice Cox, daughter of: Arthur Bradley Cox and Euphemia Ann Johnson, were married.8,9
MarriageThursday, 11 Dec 1924, Elza, age 33 years, 10 months and 5 days, and Thelma Rose McDonald, age 20 years, 2 months and 25 days, daughter of: Frank McDonald and Daisy Maud Rust, were married at Vancouver City, Clark County, WashingtonG, 2nd marriage for both Elza and Thelma
     Other celebrants were: Clinton Berdell Mercer.10
Marriagebefore 1930, Elza and Viola Belle Messinger, daughter of: Bert Garfield Messinger and Alice Belle Cummings, were married.11,9

Children of: Elza Edward Mercer and Arline Beatrice Cox

Children of: Elza Edward Mercer and Thelma Rose McDonald

Children of: Elza Edward Mercer and Viola Belle Messinger

Other Family Details

     Adoption: Elza Edward Mercer adopted Jaunita R. Mercer.9

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: Elza Edward Mercer was married three times. One of his wives was part Indian (probably Arline Cox) and had a daughter born in about 1913. Her name was Juanita.12

Other Major Events


circa Apr 1910Viola Precinct, Clackamas County, OregonGfarmer general farming2
circa May 1910South Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonGfarm laborer2
circa Jan 1920Puget Island, Wahkiakum County, WashingtonGfarmer8
circa Apr 1930Grabel Precinct, Washington County, OregonGpipe factory laborer9
circa May 1940North Plains Precinct, Washington County, OregonGtrim sawyer sawmill15
circa Apr 1950Hillsboro, Washington County, OregonGcarpenter helper home construction16

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Sunday, 31 May 1959, Elza Edward Mercer was mentioned in the obituary of Thomas Otto Mercer in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: Rose May Robison, Alfred Rexford Mercer, Aletha Maize Mercer, Elva May Mercer, Clyde Earnest Mercer and Volney Abraham Mercer.17

Known Address(es)


  1. [S85] Social Security Death Index, Master File, Social Security Death Index, Social Security Death Index (http://tinyurl.com/jqkwdlq: RootsWeb, various). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
  2. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  3. [S653] Death Certificate - Thomas Otto Mercer, online . Hereinafter cited as OR Death Index.
  4. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <https://tinyurl.com/mw6tv3jn>, WW II Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  5. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003 Wood Birth registers 1888-1896 vol 3.
  6. [S3100] BillionGraves.com, online http://tinyurl.com/hdrwnda, Various (unknown location), updated as of Various.
  7. [S220] Interview and notes with Elsie Dora Lewis (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington), by Terrance Wagner, 2002 - 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  8. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  9. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  10. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008.
  11. [S69] Letter from unknown author (unknown author address) to unknown recipient, 12 Mar 1959; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
  12. [S245] Interview and notes with Elva May Mercer (Oregon), by Terrance Wagner, 1996. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  13. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  14. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910, Sheet # 17B, Emuneration District 278.
  15. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  16. [S3506] 3 Apr 1950, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, N/A Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  17. [S3919] Article: Deaths - Funerals - Thomas Otto Mercer, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 31 May 1959, Page Two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  18. [S4176] MyHeritage: Genealogy and Family History Website, online <https://tinyurl.com/3xx6y94j>. Hereinafter cited as MyHeritage.
  19. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various.
Last Edited25 Aug 2024