Edward Harvey Goff1

TMG ID:14161, (20 Jan 1839 - 13 Sep 1923)
Father*John Rogers Goff1 B: 26 Mar 1812, D: 2 Jun 1890
Mother*Sarah Moore Edwards1 B: 1 Sep 1816, D: 29 Jan 1885

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageWednesday, 12 Sep 1866, Edward, age 27 years, 7 months and 23 days, and Sarah Ann Turley, age 17 years, 6 months and 17 days were married at Deer Creek, Grant County, OklahomaG.1
MarriageSunday, 21 Jan 1872, Edward, age 33 years and 1 day, and Permelia Scroggin, age 32 years were married at Logan County, IllinoisG.1
MarriageTuesday, 19 May 1874, Edward, age 35 years, 3 months and 29 days, and Alice Gardner were married at Logan County, IllinoisG.1
MarriageThursday, 25 Oct 1894, Edward, age 55 years, 9 months and 5 days, and Ida Agnes Wilson, age 31 years, 4 months and 1 day were married at Nodaway County, MissouriG.1

Children of: Edward Harvey Goff and Sarah Ann Turley

Child of: Edward Harvey Goff and Permelia Scroggin

Children of: Edward Harvey Goff and Alice Gardner

Children of: Edward Harvey Goff and Ida Agnes Wilson

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-18801880, Bethlehem, Henry County, MissouriGAlice Gardner, John William Goff, Emmett Robert Goff, Geneva Iva Goff, Edward Thomas Goff and Mary Goff2

Witnessed Events & Occasions

DeathFriday, 24 Oct 1913, Edward Harvey Goff was the informant on the death certtificate for Milton Carpenter Goff.3,4


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 391A, film number 1254689, Missouri 1880 Federal Population Census.
  3. [S909] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/ybtwo4m5, Jackie Couch (e-mail address), updated as of 2 Dec 2009.
  4. [S670] Missouri Death Certificates, online <http://tinyurl.com/ez4uw>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MO Death Recs.
  5. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Sarah Ann Turley1

TMG ID:14162, (26 Feb 1849 - 17 Mar 1870)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Wednesday, 12 Sep 1866, her married name became Mrs. Goff (née Turley).


MarriageWednesday, 12 Sep 1866, Sarah, age 17 years, 6 months and 17 days, and Edward Harvey Goff, age 27 years, 7 months and 23 days, son of: John Rogers Goff and Sarah Moore Edwards, were married at Deer Creek, Grant County, OklahomaG.1

Children of: Sarah Ann Turley and Edward Harvey Goff


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 391A, film number 1254689, Missouri 1880 Federal Population Census.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Permelia Scroggin1

TMG ID:14163, (1840 - 17 Jul 1873)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Sunday, 21 Jan 1872, her married name became Mrs. Goff (née Scroggin).


MarriageSunday, 21 Jan 1872, Permelia, age 32 years, and Edward Harvey Goff, age 33 years and 1 day, son of: John Rogers Goff and Sarah Moore Edwards, were married at Logan County, IllinoisG.1

Child of: Permelia Scroggin and John William Goff

Child of: Permelia Scroggin and Edward Harvey Goff


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Elmer Franklin Goff1

TMG ID:14164
Father*John William Goff1 B: 2 Oct 1868, D: 27 Feb 1947
Mother*Permelia Scroggin1 B: 1840, D: 17 Jul 1873


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Alice Gardner1

TMG ID:14165, (c 1859 - 17 Jun 1886)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Tuesday, 19 May 1874, her married name became Mrs. Goff (née Gardner).


MarriageTuesday, 19 May 1874, Alice and Edward Harvey Goff, age 35 years, 3 months and 29 days, son of: John Rogers Goff and Sarah Moore Edwards, were married at Logan County, IllinoisG.1

Children of: Alice Gardner and Edward Harvey Goff

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-18801880, Bethlehem, Henry County, MissouriGEdward Harvey Goff, John William Goff, Emmett Robert Goff, Geneva Iva Goff, Edward Thomas Goff and Mary Goff2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 391A, film number 1254689, Missouri 1880 Federal Population Census.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Edward Thomas Goff1

TMG ID:14166, (21 Apr 1876 - 17 Feb 1949)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Alice Gardner1 B: c 1859, D: 17 Jun 1886

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageEdward and Mary Ann Mills were married.2

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-18801880, Bethlehem, Henry County, MissouriGEdward Harvey Goff, Alice Gardner, John William Goff, Emmett Robert Goff, Geneva Iva Goff and Mary Goff3


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
  3. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 391A, film number 1254689, Missouri 1880 Federal Population Census.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Geneva Iva Goff1

TMG ID:14167, (7 Feb 1877 - 5 May 1929)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Alice Gardner1 B: c 1859, D: 17 Jun 1886

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Geneva Iva Goff was born on Wednesday, 7 Feb 1877, at Crawford County, KansasG.2,3
  • Died on Sunday, 5 May 1929 at age 52 years, 2 months and 28 days.3


  • Name-Married: in 1895, her married name became Mrs. Valentine (née Goff).


Marriage1895, Geneva, age 17 years, and Jackson Lee Valentine were married.3

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-18801880, Bethlehem, Henry County, MissouriGEdward Harvey Goff, Alice Gardner, John William Goff, Emmett Robert Goff, Edward Thomas Goff and Mary Goff2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 391A, film number 1254689, Missouri 1880 Federal Population Census.
  3. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Emmett Robert Goff1

TMG ID:14168, (14 Nov 1879 - 8 Sep 1945)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Alice Gardner1 B: c 1859, D: 17 Jun 1886

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageSunday, 4 Aug 1907, Emmett, age 27 years, 8 months and 21 days, and Frances Downs were married.3

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-18801880, Bethlehem, Henry County, MissouriGEdward Harvey Goff, Alice Gardner, John William Goff, Geneva Iva Goff, Edward Thomas Goff and Mary Goff2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 391A, film number 1254689, Missouri 1880 Federal Population Census.
  3. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Minnie Alice Goff1

TMG ID:14169, (22 Jul 1881 - 8 Dec 1942)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Alice Gardner1 B: c 1859, D: 17 Jun 1886

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Valentine (née Goff).
  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Bourne (née Goff).


MarriageMinnie and Jefferson Davis Valentine were married.2
MarriageMinnie and Joe Bourne were married.2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Clara Estelle Goff1

TMG ID:14170, (11 Feb 1886 - 1906)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Alice Gardner1 B: c 1859, D: 17 Jun 1886

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. McAdow (née Goff).


MarriageClara and Alvin McAdow were married.2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Ida Agnes Wilson1

TMG ID:14171, (24 Jun 1863 - 24 Aug 1948)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Thursday, 25 Oct 1894, her married name became Mrs. Goff (née Wilson).


MarriageWednesday, 4 Jul 1883, Ida, age 20 years and 10 days, and Charles C. Goff, age 21 years, 7 months and 11 days, son of: John Rogers Goff and Sarah Moore Edwards, were married at Logan County, IllinoisG.1
MarriageThursday, 25 Oct 1894, Ida, age 31 years, 4 months and 1 day, and Edward Harvey Goff, age 55 years, 9 months and 5 days, son of: John Rogers Goff and Sarah Moore Edwards, were married at Nodaway County, MissouriG.1

Children of: Ida Agnes Wilson and Edward Harvey Goff


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited13 Sep 2017

Vern Evans Goff1

TMG ID:14172, (7 Nov 1898 - 5 Jun 1939)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Ida Agnes Wilson1 B: 24 Jun 1863, D: 24 Aug 1948

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageVern and Freda Waldie were married.2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Olin Ernest Goff1

TMG ID:14173, (16 Sep 1902 - 2 Feb 1966)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Ida Agnes Wilson1 B: 24 Jun 1863, D: 24 Aug 1948

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageOlin and Genevieve Waldie were married.2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Lester Bryan Goff1

TMG ID:14174, (23 Apr 1905 - 19 Nov 1987)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Ida Agnes Wilson1 B: 24 Jun 1863, D: 24 Aug 1948

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageLester and Luella White were married.2


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S276] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/z4cfn2j, Meg Jahnke (e-mail address), updated as of 27 Sep 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Cleo Cecil Goff1

TMG ID:14175, (28 Aug 1895 - 10 Jan 1979)
Father*Edward Harvey Goff1 B: 20 Jan 1839, D: 13 Sep 1923
Mother*Ida Agnes Wilson1 B: 24 Jun 1863, D: 24 Aug 1948

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageCleo and Agnes Hughes were married.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Agnes Hughes1

TMG ID:14176


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Goff (née Hughes).


MarriageAgnes and Cleo Cecil Goff, son of: Edward Harvey Goff and Ida Agnes Wilson, were married.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Charles C. Goff1

TMG ID:14177, (23 Nov 1861 - 16 Dec 1893)
Father*John Rogers Goff1 B: 26 Mar 1812, D: 2 Jun 1890
Mother*Sarah Moore Edwards1 B: 1 Sep 1816, D: 29 Jan 1885

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageWednesday, 4 Jul 1883, Charles, age 21 years, 7 months and 11 days, and Ida Agnes Wilson, age 20 years and 10 days were married at Logan County, IllinoisG.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-187027 Jun 1870, Post Office: Elkhart City, Elkhart, Logan County, IllinoisG, Also included is a domestic servant, Mary E. Rhodes, 18, and an infant, John W. Goff, 1.John Rogers Goff, Sarah Moore Edwards, John Alexander Campbell Goff, Thomas Goff, James A. Goff, Elijah Henry Goff and Milton Carpenter Goff2
Census-188016 Jun 1880, Elkhart, Logan County, IllinoisG, Also included; Julie Goff, 11, and Lorene Goff, 9, both nieces.John Alexander Campbell Goff, Rebecca Jane Wilson, Charles Edgar Goff, James T. Goff, Ida Goff, John Rogers Goff and Sarah Moore Edwards3


circa Jun 1880Elkhart, Logan County, IllinoisGworks on farm4


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
  2. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870.
  3. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 23D, film number 1254227, Illinois 1880 Federal Population Census.
  4. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Lillie Evalina Goff1

TMG ID:14178, (6 Feb 1892 - 15 May 1968)
Relationship:4th cousin 2 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*John William Goff1 B: 2 Oct 1868, D: 27 Feb 1947
Mother*Nancy Jane Alkire1 B: 15 Apr 1871, D: 25 Sep 1954

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Saturday, 6 Nov 1920, her married name became Mrs. Remer (née Goff).


MarriageSaturday, 6 Nov 1920, Lillie, age 28 years and 9 months, and James Henry Remer, age 38 years, 10 months and 4 days were married.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

James Henry Remer1

TMG ID:14179, (2 Jan 1882 - 23 Feb 1957)

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageSaturday, 6 Nov 1920, James, age 38 years, 10 months and 4 days, and Lillie Evalina Goff, age 28 years and 9 months, daughter of: John William Goff and Nancy Jane Alkire, were married.1


  1. [S159] Ian Alkire, "Ian Alkire," e-Mail message from <e-mail address)> (unknown address) to http://tinyurl.com/grxmanr, 25 Apr 00. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail - Ian Alkire."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013