Walter Owensby1

TMG ID:55061, (1928 - )
Relationship:8th cousin of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Fred Owensby1 B: c 1903
Mother*Alice L. Blythe1 B: c 1909

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19304 Apr 1930, Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, South CarolinaGWilliam Adkins, Nannie Blythe, Mary Adkins, Alice L. Blythe, Fred Owensby and Myrtle Owensby1


  1. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Minnie (?)1

TMG ID:55062, (c 1892 - )

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: circa 1922, her married name became Mrs. Blythe.


Marriagecirca 1922, Minnie and William Nathan Blythe, son of: Vincent Eugene Blythe and Susan E. Barnwell, were married.1

Children of: Minnie (?) and William Nathan Blythe

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-193023 Apr 1930, Gloucester Twp., Transylvania County, North CarolinaGWilliam Nathan Blythe, Calvin Odell Blythe and Arnold William Blythe1


  1. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Calvin Odell Blythe1

TMG ID:55063, (16 May 1924 - )
Relationship:8th cousin of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*William Nathan Blythe2 B: Sep 1895
Mother*Minnie (?)2 B: c 1892

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Calvin E.2

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-193023 Apr 1930, Gloucester Twp., Transylvania County, North CarolinaGWilliam Nathan Blythe, Minnie (?) and Arnold William Blythe2


  1. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
  2. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Arnold William Blythe1,2

TMG ID:55064, (9 Apr 1930 - )
Relationship:8th cousin of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*William Nathan Blythe1 B: Sep 1895
Mother*Minnie (?)1 B: c 1892

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-193023 Apr 1930, Gloucester Twp., Transylvania County, North CarolinaGWilliam Nathan Blythe, Minnie (?) and Calvin Odell Blythe1


  1. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Alma M. Gibson1

TMG ID:55065, (c 1909 - )
Father*(?) Gibson1

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: circa 1924, her married name became Mrs. Blythe (née Gibson).


Marriagecirca 1924, Alma and Elliot Euegene Blythe, son of: Vincent Eugene Blythe and Susan E. Barnwell, were married.1

Child of: Alma M. Gibson and Elliot Euegene Blythe

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-193018 Apr 1930, Boyd Twp., Transylvania County, North CarolinaGElliot Euegene Blythe, Ethel May Blythe and Violet Gibson1


  1. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

(?) Gibson1

TMG ID:55066

Primary Birth & Death

Children of: (?) Gibson


  1. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Violet Gibson1

TMG ID:55067, (6 May 1914 - )
Father*(?) Gibson1

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-193018 Apr 1930, Boyd Twp., Transylvania County, North CarolinaGElliot Euegene Blythe, Alma M. Gibson and Ethel May Blythe1


  1. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Ethel May Blythe1,2

TMG ID:55068, (21 May 1929 - )
Relationship:8th cousin of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Elliot Euegene Blythe1 B: 28 Oct 1903
Mother*Alma M. Gibson1 B: c 1909

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-193018 Apr 1930, Boyd Twp., Transylvania County, North CarolinaGElliot Euegene Blythe, Alma M. Gibson and Violet Gibson1


  1. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1

TMG ID:55069, (14 Jan 1878 - bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946)
Father*James Elijah Dalton2 B: 15 Apr 1846
Mother*Sarah Jane Cox2 B: 7 Oct 1854, D: 27 Apr 1925

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Jessie E.3,5
  • Name-Married: on Sunday, 10 Dec 1899, her married name became Mrs. Barnwell (née Dalton).


MarriageSunday, 10 Dec 1899, Jessie, age 21 years, 10 months and 26 days, and Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell, age 20 years and 8 months, son of: John Ervin Barnwell and Zilphia E. Drake, were married.3,4

Children of: Jessie Elizabeth Dalton and Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-188023 Jun 1880, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGJames Elijah Dalton, Sarah Jane Cox, Thomas W. Dalton, Annie Tula Dalton, James Benjamin Dalton and S.S. Dalton2
Census-190019 Jun 1900, Mills River Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell3
Census-191027 Apr 1910, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell and Thelma Jane Barnwell6
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.7
Census-193012 Apr 1930, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.5


  1. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  3. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  4. [S1006] Joseph Allen Cowart Jr., online <>. Hereinafter cited as Joseph Allen Cowart Jr.
  5. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  6. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  7. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Harvey Jones Barnwell1,2

TMG ID:55070, (6 Feb 1901 - 1962)
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell1 B: Apr 1879, D: 12 Apr 1963
Mother*Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1 B: 14 Jan 1878, D: bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-191027 Apr 1910, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell and Thelma Jane Barnwell1
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.4


  1. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
  3. [S1008] Obituary, The Florida Times-Union /,…, 22 Jul 2006. Hereinafter cited as Florida Times-Union.
  4. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Graham Elijah Barnwell1,2

TMG ID:55071, (16 Nov 1902 - 20 May 1986)
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell1 B: Apr 1879, D: 12 Apr 1963
Mother*Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1 B: 14 Jan 1878, D: bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-191027 Apr 1910, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell and Thelma Jane Barnwell1
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.5


  1. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
  3. [S129], online, various (various), updated as of various, JPresley43 Family Tree 1-11-12_AutoBackup_2012-01-13.
  4. [S1006] Joseph Allen Cowart Jr., online <>. Hereinafter cited as Joseph Allen Cowart Jr.
  5. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Christina Shawnee Barnwell1,2,3

TMG ID:55072, (4 Dec 1904 - 14 Feb 1983)
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell1 B: Apr 1879, D: 12 Apr 1963
Mother*Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1 B: 14 Jan 1878, D: bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Name-Married: in 1923, her married name became Mrs. Garren (née Barnwell).


Marriage1923, Christina, age 18 years, and Morris King Galileo Garren, age 20 years were married.3

Children of: Christina Shawnee Barnwell and Morris King Galileo Garren

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-191027 Apr 1910, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Estell Barnwell and Thelma Jane Barnwell1
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Estell Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.4


  1. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
  3. [S129], online, various (various), updated as of various, JPresley43 Family Tree 1-11-12_AutoBackup_2012-01-13.
  4. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  5. [S1006] Joseph Allen Cowart Jr., online <>. Hereinafter cited as Joseph Allen Cowart Jr.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Estell Barnwell1

TMG ID:55073, (c 1907 - )
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell1 B: Apr 1879, D: 12 Apr 1963
Mother*Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1 B: 14 Jan 1878, D: bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-191027 Apr 1910, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell and Thelma Jane Barnwell1
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.2


  1. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  2. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Thelma Jane Barnwell1,2,3

TMG ID:55074, (Oct 1909 - 14 Jul 1997)
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell1 B: Apr 1879, D: 12 Apr 1963
Mother*Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1 B: 14 Jan 1878, D: bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946

Primary Birth & Death


  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Janie"3
  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Nanney (née Barnwell).


MarriageThelma and John Leo Nanney were married.3

Child of: Thelma Jane Barnwell and John Leo Nanney

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-191027 Apr 1910, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell and Estell Barnwell1
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell, John D. Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.4
Census-193012 Apr 1930, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, John D. Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.2


  1. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  2. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  3. [S129], online, various (various), updated as of various, JPresley43 Family Tree 1-11-12_AutoBackup_2012-01-13.
  4. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  5. [S1006] Joseph Allen Cowart Jr., online <>. Hereinafter cited as Joseph Allen Cowart Jr.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

John D. Barnwell1,2

TMG ID:55075, (23 Jun 1912 - )
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell1 B: Apr 1879, D: 12 Apr 1963
Mother*Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1 B: 14 Jan 1878, D: bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.1
Census-193012 Apr 1930, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Thelma Jane Barnwell, Willard Harvey Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.3


circa Apr 1930Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGhouse laborer3


  1. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
  3. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Willard Harvey Barnwell1,2

TMG ID:55076, (10 Jul 1915 - 27 Sep 1939)
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell1 B: Apr 1879, D: 12 Apr 1963
Mother*Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1 B: 14 Jan 1878, D: bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946

Primary Birth & Death


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "Harry"2
  • Name-Variation: He was also known as William Harvey3

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.1
Census-193012 Apr 1930, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell and Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.4


  1. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  2. [S129], online, various (various), updated as of various, JPresley43 Family Tree 1-11-12_AutoBackup_2012-01-13.
  3. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
  4. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.1

TMG ID:55077, (16 Oct 1917 - 20 Jul 2006)
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Thomas Pinkeny Barnwell1 B: Apr 1879, D: 12 Apr 1963
Mother*Jessie Elizabeth Dalton1 B: 14 Jan 1878, D: bt 21 Dec 1945 - 1946

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

  • An Obituary for Thomas Pinkney Barnwell appeared on Saturday, 22 Jul 2006, Thomas P Barnwell, Jr.

    Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr., age 88, died peacefully among his family on Thursday morning, July 20, 2006 at the River Garden Home in Jacksonville, Florida.

    Affectionately known as T.P. to family and friends, Mr. Barnwell was born to Thomas Pinkney Barnwell and Jesse Dalton Barnwell in Hendersonville, North Carolina on October 16, 1917. The youngest of eight children, Mr. Barnwell grew up on his family’s farm in North Carolina. As a boy Mr. Barnwell was occasionally known to ride the cows in from the field and was often seen in a beloved cowboy outfit.

    Mr. Barnwell moved to Jacksonville at the age of seventeen to work for his oldest brother, Harvey. It was here that he met his future wife, Mary Ellen McKay, and the two were wed on November 5, 1938. As a young man, Mr. Barnwell completed a four year apprenticeship as a plasterer, and he was a member of the Plasterer’s Union Local 401 for 71 years.

    After his brother Harvey’s unexpected death in 1962, Mr. Barnwell became the president of Harvey J. Barnwell Inc., a construction business, which he continued to run until he retired in 1982. The Barnwell company was involved in many of the most significant construction projects in Jacksonville’s history including: early work like Marineland, and the Roosevelt and Mayflower Hotels; later projects like the Ed Ball Building, the Civic Auditorium, the Coliseum, and Regency Plaza; up to more recent work like the Avenues, the Alltel Stadium, and the new Jacksonville Library. After 80 years, the company is still in business and is run by Mr. Barnwell’s son, Tim.

    Mr. Barnwell was a lover of the outdoors, who enjoyed working in the yard or hunting and fishing with his family in Florida or at his lake house in Hartwell, Georgia. He was also an avid appreciator and collector of country and gospel music, spending many happy hours transferring old records and tapes onto CD and sharing his favorite musical finds with family and friends.

    Mr. Barnwell was a member of the Duval Lodge No. 159 of Freemasonry, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, York Rite of Freemasonry, and Morocco Shriners. Mr. Barnwell was also a longtime member of the Mandarin United Methodist Church, where he served as an usher. Mr. Barnwell’s favorite dish was biscuits and gravy and his unspoken motto was “you can never have too many hats.”

    Mr. Barnwell is survived by his wife, Mary Ellen Barnwell, two sons (Thomas Pinkney Barnwell III and Timothy Scott Barnwell), two daughters (Lois Shannon Andersen and Melissa Kay Taylor), nine grandchildren (Tracy, Scott, Thomas, Chris, Treve, Erica, Kristy, Kelly, and Melissa), one greatgrandson (Brady), and dog (Honeybun), all of whom spent time with Mr. Barnwell in his final days. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

    Relatives and friends are invited to attend a public memorial service 2 PM Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at the Mandarin United Methodist Church, 11270 San Jose Boulevard Jacksonville. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the River Garden Home, 11401 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258, or Mandarin United Methodist Church, 11270 San Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32223. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Greenlawn Funeral Home, 4300 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville. Please Sign the Guestbook @
         Others mentioned: Timothy Scott Barnwell.5


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "T.P."5
  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "Pink Jr."1

Child of: Thomas Pinkney Barnwell Jr.

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Harvey Jones Barnwell, Graham Elijah Barnwell, Christina Shawnee Barnwell, Estell Barnwell, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell and Willard Harvey Barnwell1
Census-193012 Apr 1930, Hendersonville Twp., Henderson County, North CarolinaGThomas Pinkeny Barnwell, Jessie Elizabeth Dalton, Thelma Jane Barnwell, John D. Barnwell and Willard Harvey Barnwell6


  1. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  2. [S696] North Carolina Birth Index, online <>. Hereinafter cited as NC Birth Index.
  3. [S129], online, various (various), updated as of various, JPresley43 Family Tree 1-11-12_AutoBackup_2012-01-13.
  4. [S1007] The Florida Times-Union /, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Florida Times-Union.
  5. [S1008] Obituary, The Florida Times-Union /,…, 22 Jul 2006. Hereinafter cited as Florida Times-Union.
  6. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited15 Jul 2019