Katie Weaver1

TMG ID:59341


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Cantrell (née Weaver).


MarriageKatie and James Robert Cantrell, son of: James Robert Cantrell and Sarah Isabelle Coots, were married.1


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Retha Sarah Whittaker1

TMG ID:59342


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Cantrell (née Whittaker).


MarriageRetha and James Robert Cantrell, son of: James Robert Cantrell and Sarah Isabelle Coots, were married.1


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Grace Nichols1

TMG ID:59343, (4 Jul 1897 - Nov 1982)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: circa 1916, her married name became Mrs. Cantrell (née Nichols).


Marriagecirca 1916, Grace and Ovid W. Cantrell, son of: James Robert Cantrell and Sarah Isabelle Coots, were married.1,2

Children of: Grace Nichols and Ovid W. Cantrell

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19205 Jan 1920, Boone Twp., Wright County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Golda Cantrell and LaVonna Cantrell3
Census-19304 Apr 1930, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Golda Cantrell, LaVonna Cantrell, Fleet Cantrell, Norman Cantrell, Adolia Cantrell and Lorene Cantrell2


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  3. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Golda Cantrell1

TMG ID:59344, (c 1917 - )
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Ovid W. Cantrell1 B: 28 Jul 1892, D: 4 May 1966
Mother*Grace Nichols1 B: 4 Jul 1897, D: Nov 1982

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Golda Cantrell was born circa 1917, at MissouriG.2

'Non-primary' Vitals

  • Born: Golda Cantrell was born in 1911.3

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19205 Jan 1920, Boone Twp., Wright County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Grace Nichols and LaVonna Cantrell2
Census-19304 Apr 1930, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Grace Nichols, LaVonna Cantrell, Fleet Cantrell, Norman Cantrell, Adolia Cantrell and Lorene Cantrell4


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  3. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Barbarasue77 Barbarasue's family.
  4. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

LaVonna Cantrell1

TMG ID:59345, (Oct 1918 - 1 Oct 2003)
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Ovid W. Cantrell1 B: 28 Jul 1892, D: 4 May 1966
Mother*Grace Nichols1 B: 4 Jul 1897, D: Nov 1982

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Evans (née Cantrell).


MarriageLaVonna and Lloyd Evans were married.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19205 Jan 1920, Boone Twp., Wright County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Grace Nichols and Golda Cantrell2
Census-19304 Apr 1930, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Grace Nichols, Golda Cantrell, Fleet Cantrell, Norman Cantrell, Adolia Cantrell and Lorene Cantrell3


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  3. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Lloyd Evans1

TMG ID:59346


MarriageLloyd and LaVonna Cantrell, daughter of: Ovid W. Cantrell and Grace Nichols, were married.1


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Fleet Cantrell1

TMG ID:59347, (6 Jan 1921 - 9 Nov 1989)
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Ovid W. Cantrell1 B: 28 Jul 1892, D: 4 May 1966
Mother*Grace Nichols1 B: 4 Jul 1897, D: Nov 1982

Primary Birth & Death

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19304 Apr 1930, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Grace Nichols, Golda Cantrell, LaVonna Cantrell, Norman Cantrell, Adolia Cantrell and Lorene Cantrell2


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Norman Cantrell1

TMG ID:59348, (c 1924 - )
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Ovid W. Cantrell1 B: 28 Jul 1892, D: 4 May 1966
Mother*Grace Nichols1 B: 4 Jul 1897, D: Nov 1982

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Norman Cantrell was born circa 1924, at MissouriG.2

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19304 Apr 1930, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Grace Nichols, Golda Cantrell, LaVonna Cantrell, Fleet Cantrell, Adolia Cantrell and Lorene Cantrell2


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Adolia Cantrell1

TMG ID:59349, (c 1925 - )
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Ovid W. Cantrell1 B: 28 Jul 1892, D: 4 May 1966
Mother*Grace Nichols1 B: 4 Jul 1897, D: Nov 1982

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Adolia Cantrell was born circa 1925, at MissouriG.2


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Adala2
  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Wade (née Cantrell).


MarriageAdolia and (?) Wade were married.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19304 Apr 1930, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Grace Nichols, Golda Cantrell, LaVonna Cantrell, Fleet Cantrell, Norman Cantrell and Lorene Cantrell2


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

(?) Wade1

TMG ID:59350


Marriage(?) and Adolia Cantrell, daughter of: Ovid W. Cantrell and Grace Nichols, were married.1


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Lorene Cantrell1

TMG ID:59351, (c 1927 - )
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Ovid W. Cantrell1 B: 28 Jul 1892, D: 4 May 1966
Mother*Grace Nichols1 B: 4 Jul 1897, D: Nov 1982

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Lorene Cantrell was born circa 1927, at MissouriG.2


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Larine2
  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Harmon (née Cantrell).


MarriageLorene and James David Harmon, son of: Eldon Harmon and Alma King, were married.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19304 Apr 1930, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGOvid W. Cantrell, Grace Nichols, Golda Cantrell, LaVonna Cantrell, Fleet Cantrell, Norman Cantrell and Adolia Cantrell2


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

James David Harmon1

TMG ID:59352
Father*Eldon Harmon1
Mother*Alma King1


MarriageJames and Lorene Cantrell, daughter of: Ovid W. Cantrell and Grace Nichols, were married.1


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Leona Yates1

TMG ID:59353, (25 Nov 1917 - Jun 2003)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: in 1939, her married name became Mrs. Cantrell (née Yates).


Marriage1939, Leona, age 21 years, and Yale Cantrell, age 20 years, son of: Barney Lee Cantrell and Ollie Clayton, were married.1


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Dale Cantrell1

TMG ID:59354
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Barney Lee Cantrell1 B: 12 Aug 1896, D: Nov 1972
Mother*Ollie Clayton1 B: 1 Jun 1900, D: 28 Jul 1991


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Maxine B. Cantrell1

TMG ID:59355
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Barney Lee Cantrell1 B: 12 Aug 1896, D: Nov 1972
Mother*Ollie Clayton1 B: 1 Jun 1900, D: 28 Jul 1991


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Vassie Vanhooser1

TMG ID:59356


MarriageVassie and Clara A. Cantrell, daughter of: James Robert Cantrell and Sarah Isabelle Coots, were married.1


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Oscar A. Manary1

TMG ID:59357, (25 Sep 1894 - 30 Jan 1971)
Father*John Armstrong Manary1 B: 22 Feb 1847, D: 24 Mar 1939
Mother*Mary Susan Casey1,2 B: 7 May 1875, D: 2 Nov 1937

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageWednesday, 27 Mar 1918, Oscar, age 23 years, 6 months and 2 days, and Elda Madaline Cantrell, age 17 years, 3 months and 27 days, daughter of: James Robert Cantrell and Sarah Isabelle Coots, were married at Webster County, MissouriG.1

Children of: Oscar A. Manary and Elda Madaline Cantrell


circa Jan 1920High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGnone3
circa Apr 1930High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGfarmer general farming4

Witnessed Events & Occasions

DeathTuesday, 2 Nov 1937, Oscar A. Manary was the informant on the death certtificate for Mary Susan Casey.2,5


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S785] Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Hartville, Missouri, online <http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mowright/…>. Hereinafter cited as Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
  3. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  4. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  5. [S670] Missouri Death Certificates, online <http://tinyurl.com/ez4uw>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MO Death Recs.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

John Armstrong Manary1

TMG ID:59358, (22 Feb 1847 - 24 Mar 1939)
Father*William Foster Manary1 B: 12 May 1818, D: 30 Apr 1904
Mother*Elizabeth Zany Lowery1 B: Mar 1822, D: 26 Feb 1912

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


MarriageMonday, 6 Jan 1873, John, age 25 years, 10 months and 15 days, and Lucinda Catherine Casey, age 22 years and 20 days, daughter of: James Casey and Manerva Rogers, were married at MissouriG.1
Marriage1893, John, age 45 years, and Mary Susan Casey, age 17 years, daughter of: William Casey and Joanna Vance, were married.1

Children of: John Armstrong Manary and Lucinda Catherine Casey

Child of: John Armstrong Manary and Mary Susan Casey

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-185015 Oct 1850, 23rd Subdivision, McMinn County, TennesseeGElizabeth Zany Lowery, William Foster Manary, James Monroe Manary and Sarah Adeline Manary3
Census-18603 Aug 1860, Post Office: Hartville, Wright County, MissouriGWilliam Foster Manary, Elizabeth Zany Lowery, James Monroe Manary, Sarah Adeline Manary, Lucinda Jane Manary and Rhoda Caroline Manary4
Census-188029 Jun 1880, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGLucinda Catherine Casey, Nancy Manary, James William Manary and Cornealous J. Manary5


circa Jun 1880High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGfarmer5


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S670] Missouri Death Certificates, online <http://tinyurl.com/ez4uw>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MO Death Recs.
  3. [S80] 1 Jun 1850, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9393x5q, 1850 Federal US Census. Seventh Census of the United States, 1850.
  4. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/yayf9d52 Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  5. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
Last Edited20 Feb 2013

Lucinda Catherine Casey1

TMG ID:59359, (17 Dec 1850 - 23 Sep 1892)
Father*James Casey1
Mother*Manerva Rogers1

Primary Birth & Death


  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Catherine"2
  • Name-Married: on Monday, 6 Jan 1873, her married name became Mrs. Manary (née Casey).


MarriageMonday, 6 Jan 1873, Lucinda, age 22 years and 20 days, and John Armstrong Manary, age 25 years, 10 months and 15 days, son of: William Foster Manary and Elizabeth Zany Lowery, were married at MissouriG.1

Children of: Lucinda Catherine Casey and John Armstrong Manary

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-188029 Jun 1880, High Prairie Twp., Webster County, MissouriGJohn Armstrong Manary, Nancy Manary, James William Manary and Cornealous J. Manary3


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S670] Missouri Death Certificates, online <http://tinyurl.com/ez4uw>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MO Death Recs.
  3. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9djv69w Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
Last Edited20 May 2016

Alfred Roe Manary1

TMG ID:59360, (c 1920 - )
Relationship:7th cousin 1 time removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Oscar A. Manary1 B: 25 Sep 1894, D: 30 Jan 1971
Mother*Elda Madaline Cantrell1 B: 29 Nov 1900, D: 4 Feb 2001

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Alfred Roe Manary was born circa 1920, at MissouriG.2


  1. [S781] RootsWeb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/o4qflg4, Kris (e-mail address), updated as of 28 Sep 2008.
  2. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y73u3s4c Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013