Eusebio Ruíz1

TMG ID:101981, (c 1795 - 1860)
Relationship:Great-grandfather of Oscar Neftalí Ruíz Gómez

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageEusebio and Rita Zeylandia were married.1

Other Family Details

     Adoption: circa 1840 Eusebio Ruíz witnessed the adoption of: José Antonio Ruíz Zelayandia by José Francisco Morazán Quesada at the request of his mother, Rita Zeylandia Ruíz.2

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Eusebio Ruíz was present in 1840, when José Antonio Ruíz Zelayandia Morazán also had an adoptive son named José Antonio Ruiz. He was the legitimate son of Eusebio Ruiz and the Guatemalan lady Rita Zelayandía, who handed her son to General Morazán when he was 14 years old. José Antonio accompanied his adoptive father on military actions and became a brigadier general. He died in Tegucigalpa in 1883.
     Others were: Rita Zeylandia and José Francisco Morazán Quesada.2


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
  2. [S4324] Wikipedia, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
Last Edited16 Jul 2024

Rita Zeylandia1

TMG ID:101982, (c 1800 - )
Relationship:Great-grandmother of Oscar Neftalí Ruíz Gómez

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora Ruíz (née Zeylandia).1


MarriageRita and Eusebio Ruíz were married.1
Marriage1823, Rita and José Francisco Morazán Quesada, age 30 years, son of: Eusebio Morazán Alemán and Guadalupe Quesada Borjas, were married at Dpartment de Guatemala, GuatemalaG.1

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Rita Zeylandia was present in 1840, when José Antonio Ruíz Zelayandia Morazán also had an adoptive son named José Antonio Ruiz. He was the legitimate son of Eusebio Ruiz and the Guatemalan lady Rita Zelayandía, who handed her son to General Morazán when he was 14 years old. José Antonio accompanied his adoptive father on military actions and became a brigadier general. He died in Tegucigalpa in 1883.
     Others were: Eusebio Ruíz and José Francisco Morazán Quesada.2


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
  2. [S4324] Wikipedia, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
Last Edited16 Jul 2024

José Francisco Morazán Quesada1

TMG ID:101983, (3 Oct 1792 - 15 Sep 1842)
Father*Eusebio Morazán Alemán2
Mother*Guadalupe Quesada Borjas2

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Title: as of from Feb 1835 to Feb 1839, he was also known as El Presidente, de Republica Federal de Centro America José Francisco Morazán Quesada.2


Marriage1823, José, age 30 years, and Rita Zeylandia were married at Dpartment de Guatemala, GuatemalaG.1
MarriageFriday, 30 Dec 1825, José, age 33 years, 2 months and 27 days, and María Josefa Lastiri Lozano, age 33 years, 2 months and 10 days were married at Comayagua, Departmento Comayagua, HondurasG.3

Child of: José Francisco Morazán Quesada and María Josefa Lastiri Lozano

Other Family Details

     Adoption: circa 1840 José Francisco Morazán Quesada agreed to finish raising José Antonio Ruíz Zelayandia at the request of his mother, Rita Zeylandia Ruíz The 'adoption' was witnessed by José Antonio's father, Eusebio Ruíz.2

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: José Francisco Morazán Quesada For an interesting assessment of the life and times of this man, see:


from 1835 to 1839(from 14 Feb 1835 thru 1 Feb 1839), served as the 2nd President of Central America2

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: José Francisco Morazán Quesada was present in 1840, when José Antonio Ruíz Zelayandia Morazán also had an adoptive son named José Antonio Ruiz. He was the legitimate son of Eusebio Ruiz and the Guatemalan lady Rita Zelayandía, who handed her son to General Morazán when he was 14 years old. José Antonio accompanied his adoptive father on military actions and became a brigadier general. He died in Tegucigalpa in 1883.
     Others were: Eusebio Ruíz and Rita Zeylandia.2


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
  2. [S4324] Wikipedia, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
  3. [S4324] Wikipedia, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
Last Edited30 Jun 2024

Eusebio Morazán Alemán1

TMG ID:101984


MarriageEusebio and Guadalupe Quesada Borjas were married.1

Child of: Eusebio Morazán Alemán and Guadalupe Quesada Borjas


  1. [S4324] Wikipedia, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
Last Edited17 Jun 2024

Guadalupe Quesada Borjas1

TMG ID:101985


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora Morazán Alemán (née Quesada).1


MarriageGuadalupe and Eusebio Morazán Alemán were married.1

Child of: Guadalupe Quesada Borjas and Eusebio Morazán Alemán


  1. [S4324] Wikipedia, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
Last Edited17 Jun 2024

María Josefa Lastiri Lozano1

TMG ID:101986, (20 Oct 1792 - 1846)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Maria Josefa Ursula Francisca de la Santísima2
  • Name-Married: on Friday, 30 Dec 1825, her married name became Señora Morazán Quesada (née Lastiri).1


MarriageFriday, 30 Dec 1825, María, age 33 years, 2 months and 10 days, and José Francisco Morazán Quesada, age 33 years, 2 months and 27 days, son of: Eusebio Morazán Alemán and Guadalupe Quesada Borjas, were married at Comayagua, Departmento Comayagua, HondurasG.1

Child of: María Josefa Lastiri Lozano and José Francisco Morazán Quesada


  1. [S4324] Wikipedia, online <>, Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
Last Edited17 Jun 2024

Mercedes Margarita Adelaida Morazán Lastiri1

TMG ID:101987, (23 Aug 1835 - 2 May 1921)
Father*José Francisco Morazán Quesada1 B: 3 Oct 1792, D: 15 Sep 1842
Mother*María Josefa Lastiri Lozano1 B: 20 Oct 1792, D: 1846

Primary Birth & Death


  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Adela"1
  • Name-Married: on Monday, 15 Jan 1855, her married name became Señora Ulloa (née Morazán).1


MarriageMonday, 15 Jan 1855, Mercedes, age 19 years, 4 months and 23 days, and Cruz Ulloa y Dubon, age 20 years were married at San Juan Bautista, Cojutepeque, Departmento Cuscatlán, El SalvadorG.1


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
Last Edited17 Jun 2024

Cruz Ulloa y Dubon1

TMG ID:101988, (1835 - 20 Feb 1903)

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageMonday, 15 Jan 1855, Cruz, age 20 years, and Mercedes Margarita Adelaida Morazán Lastiri, age 19 years, 4 months and 23 days, daughter of: José Francisco Morazán Quesada and María Josefa Lastiri Lozano, were married at San Juan Bautista, Cojutepeque, Departmento Cuscatlán, El SalvadorG.1


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
Last Edited17 Jun 2024

José Alejandro Martinez1

TMG ID:101989, (15 Mar 1899 - )
Father*Antonio Martinez1
Mother*Joaquina Manzano1

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "José Alex"1


MarriageSaturday, 18 Dec 1920, José, age 21 years, 9 months and 3 days, and Refugio Eleonora González, age 21 years, 6 months and 25 days, daughter of: Samuel González and Paula Echeveria, were married at San Salvador, Departmento de San Salvador, El SalvadorG.1

Children of: José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: between May 1927 and Jun 1927, José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González It is interesting that the couple set sail for San Francisco without their four children. The oldest was about 6 and the youngest was just one year old.
         Others were: Alex Ricardo Martinez, Gladis Martinez González, Herbert Martinez and Joaquina Eidth Martinez Gonzalez.2
  • Anecdote: between May 1927 and Jun 1927, at "S.S. City of San Francisco", José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González The ship departed Cristóbal, Colón Province, Panama approximately 2 May 1927 under command of the Captain, T.K. Oaks. About two weeks later, the ship arrived at Puerto de La Libertad, La Libertad, El Salvador. On its way to La Libertad, the ship made scheduled stops at:

    * Puntarenas, Puntarenas Province, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Departed 9 May

    * Corinto, Chinandega, Nicaragua. Departed 12 May

    * Amapala, Valle, Honduras. Departed 14 May

    The ship departed Puerto de La Libertad, La Libertad, El Salvador on 18 May. On its journey to San Francisco, California the ship made stops at:

    * Acajutla, Sonsonate, El Salvador. Departed 19 May

    * San José, Escuintla, Guatemala. Departed 21 May

    * Champerico, Guatemala. Departed 25 May

    * Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Departed 28 May

    * Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. Departed 30 May

    * Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Departed 1 Jun

    The ship arrived in San Francisco on 8 Jun 1927.2

Other Major Events

  • Immigration: on Thursday, 18 May 1916, José Alejandro at age 17, Martinez embarked on a sea voyage to San Francisco, San Francisco County, CaliforniaG, from Corinto, Chinandega, Nicaragua on the S.S. Alliance. He was accompanied by Francisco and Victoria Martinez. They all listed Antonio Martinez, San Salvador as their nearest relative in the country from which they came. They were traveling to San Francisco. Francisco, 32, was on his way to his final destination of Barcelona, Spain. José Alexandro, 17, was enroute to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Victoria, 21, was on her way to San Francisco, California.2
  • Immigration: on Thursday, 18 Sep 1919, José Alejandro at age 20, Martinez immigrated to New Orleans, Orleans Parish, LouisianaG, from Guatemala City, Guatemala. He entered the United States via New Orleans on his way presumably to the University of California, Berkely to resume his studies.4
  • Immigration: on Wednesday, 18 May 1927, José Alejandro at age 28, and Refugio Eleonora (née González) at age 27 , Martinez immigrated to San Francisco, San Francisco County, CaliforniaG, from La Libertad, El Salvador. Alex and Refugio were admitted under a visitors temporary visa dated, 13 May 1927. The trip was considered a pleasure visit. They sailed aboard theS.S. City of San Francisco. His mother and her father were listed as name and complete address of the nearest relative or friend in the country whence they came. His sister, Mrs. Dolores Brenner, San Francisco, was listed as relative or friend that they were going to go see. They declared an intention to stay for up to six months in the United States.
         Others immigrating with them: Joaquina Manzano and Samuel González.5,2


circa May 1927San Salvador, Departmento de San Salvador, El SalvadorGagricuilturist2


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953.
  3. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977.
  4. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Louisiana, New Orleans Index to Passenger Lists, 1853-1952.
  5. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, index to San Francisco passenger lists, 1893-1934.
Last Edited20 Jun 2024

Refugio Eleonora González1

TMG ID:101990, (23 May 1899 - 22 Apr 1972)
Father*Samuel González1
Mother*Paula Echeveria1

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Refugio Eleonora González was born on Tuesday, 23 May 1899, at Ilobasco, Departmento de Cabañas, El SalvadorG.1
  • Died on Saturday, 22 Apr 1972 at Military Hospital, San Salvador, Departmento de San Salvador, El SalvadorG, at age 72 years, 10 months and 30 days. Details as recorded: Refugio Eleonora Gonzalez de Martinez


    Alcaldía Municipal de San Salvador
    Registro Civil

    Partida Número: Treinta y dos. Refugio Eleonora Gonzalez de Martinez, sexo femenino, de setenta y dos años de edad, de oficios del hogara, casada con José Alex Martínez.
    del domicilio de: esta capital, originario a de Ilobasco, Cabañas de nacionalidad salvadoreña;
    hija de Samuel González y Paula Echeverría falleció en el Hospital Militar, el día de hoy a la a cinco horas treinta minutos a consecuencia de Insuficiencia Respiratoria, Accidente Cerebrovascular, con asistencia médica. La Cédula de Ientidad Personal de la fallecida, no la presentó el compareciente.
    Dio estos datos: Antonio Enrique Palma Paz quien exhibió su Cédula de Identidad Personal número cincuenta y ocho, expedida en San Luis Talpa, y firma. La fallecida dejó bienes y no estaba pensionada.

    Alcaldía Municipal: San Salvador, veintidós de abril
    de mil novecientos setenta y dos. - Entre líneas -Vascular, con-Vale. Enmendado - Eleonora Cabañas Echeverría hija - pensionada Vale.

    Municipal Mayor of San Salvador
    Civil registration

    Game Number: Thirty-two. Refugio Eleonora Gonzalez de Martinez, female, seventy-two years old, domestic worker, married to José Alex Martínez.
    of the domicile of: this capital, originally from Ilobasco, Cabañas of Salvadoran nationality;
    daughter of Samuel González and Paula Echeverría died in the Military Hospital, today at five thirty as a result of Respiratory Failure,
    Cerebrovascular Accident, with medical assistance. The Personal Identity Card of the deceased was not presented by the appearing party.
    He gave these details: Antonio Enrique Palma Paz who exhibited his Personal Identity Card number fifty-eight, issued in San Luis Talpa, and signed. The deceased left assets and was not pensioned.

    Municipal Mayor's Office: San Salvador, April 22
    of one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two. - Between the lines -Vascular, with-Okay. Amended - Eleonora Cabañas Echeverría daughter - pensioner Vale..1


  • Name-Married: on Saturday, 18 Dec 1920, her married name became Señora Martinez (née González).1


MarriageSaturday, 18 Dec 1920, Refugio, age 21 years, 6 months and 25 days, and José Alejandro Martinez, age 21 years, 9 months and 3 days, son of: Antonio Martinez and Joaquina Manzano, were married at San Salvador, Departmento de San Salvador, El SalvadorG.1

Child of: Refugio Eleonora González

Children of: Refugio Eleonora González and José Alejandro Martinez

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: between May 1927 and Jun 1927, José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González It is interesting that the couple set sail for San Francisco without their four children. The oldest was about 6 and the youngest was just one year old.
         Others were: Alex Ricardo Martinez, Gladis Martinez González, Herbert Martinez and Joaquina Eidth Martinez Gonzalez.2
  • Anecdote: between May 1927 and Jun 1927, at "S.S. City of San Francisco", José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González The ship departed Cristóbal, Colón Province, Panama approximately 2 May 1927 under command of the Captain, T.K. Oaks. About two weeks later, the ship arrived at Puerto de La Libertad, La Libertad, El Salvador. On its way to La Libertad, the ship made scheduled stops at:

    * Puntarenas, Puntarenas Province, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Departed 9 May

    * Corinto, Chinandega, Nicaragua. Departed 12 May

    * Amapala, Valle, Honduras. Departed 14 May

    The ship departed Puerto de La Libertad, La Libertad, El Salvador on 18 May. On its journey to San Francisco, California the ship made stops at:

    * Acajutla, Sonsonate, El Salvador. Departed 19 May

    * San José, Escuintla, Guatemala. Departed 21 May

    * Champerico, Guatemala. Departed 25 May

    * Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Departed 28 May

    * Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico. Departed 30 May

    * Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Departed 1 Jun

    The ship arrived in San Francisco on 8 Jun 1927.2

Other Major Events

  • Immigration: on Wednesday, 18 May 1927, José Alejandro at age 28, and Refugio Eleonora (née González) at age 27 , Martinez immigrated to San Francisco, San Francisco County, CaliforniaG, from La Libertad, El Salvador. Alex and Refugio were admitted under a visitors temporary visa dated, 13 May 1927. The trip was considered a pleasure visit. They sailed aboard theS.S. City of San Francisco. His mother and her father were listed as name and complete address of the nearest relative or friend in the country whence they came. His sister, Mrs. Dolores Brenner, San Francisco, was listed as relative or friend that they were going to go see. They declared an intention to stay for up to six months in the United States.
         Others immigrating with them: Joaquina Manzano and Samuel González.3,2


circa May 1927San Salvador, Departmento de San Salvador, El SalvadorGhousewife2


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953.
  3. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, index to San Francisco passenger lists, 1893-1934.
  4. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977.
Last Edited20 Jun 2024

Mario Enrique Martínez Manzano1

TMG ID:101991, (4 Dec 1949 - )
Relationship:Grandnephew of Oscar Neftalí Ruíz Gómez
Father*Herbert Martinez1 B: c 1924, D: 13 Aug 2013
Mother*Eva Myriam Manzano Ruíz1 B: 29 Jan 1928, D: 15 Jul 2008

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Mario Enrique Martínez Manzano was born on Sunday, 4 Dec 1949, at San Salvador, Departmento de San Salvador, El SalvadorG. Birth details: Mario Enrique Martinez Manzano

    No. 3456 Mario Enrique Martinez Manzano nació a las tres horas y cincuenta minutos del día cuatro del corriente mes en el Hospital Rosales de esta ciudad. Es hijo legítimo de Herbert Martinez, mecánico electricista, originario de la ciudad de Santa Ana y de Maria Manzano de oficios domésticos originaria a los de este domicilio. Dió estos datos por medio de la administración de ciudad centro. Para los efectos del artículo 310 C. se hace constar que el presente asiento ah si no le ceno por Elvira Zepeda alcaldía Municpal: San Salvador quince de diciembre de mil novecientos cuarenta y nueve.

    No. 3456 Mario Enrique Martinez Manzano was born at three hours and fifty minutes on the fourth of this month at the Rosales Hospital in this city. He is the legitimate son of Herbert Martinez, an electrician mechanic, originally from the city of Santa Ana, and Maria Manzano, a domestic worker originally from this address. He gave these data through the central city administration. For the purposes of article 310 C., it is stated that the present entry ah si no le ceno by Elvira Zepeda Municipal Mayor's Office: San Salvador December fifteenth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine.1


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
Last Edited18 Jun 2024

Joaquina Eidth Martinez Gonzalez1

TMG ID:101992, (8 Jun 1926 - )
Father*José Alejandro Martinez1 B: 15 Mar 1899
Mother*Refugio Eleonora González1 B: 23 May 1899, D: 22 Apr 1972

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Joaquina Eidth Martinez Gonzalez was present between May 1927 and Jun 1927, when José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González It is interesting that the couple set sail for San Francisco without their four children. The oldest was about 6 and the youngest was just one year old.
     Others were: Alex Ricardo Martinez, Gladis Martinez González and Herbert Martinez.3


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977.
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  3. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953.
Last Edited18 Jun 2024

Alex Ricardo Martinez1

TMG ID:101993, (26 Oct 1921 - 30 Sep 1994)
Father*José Alejandro Martinez1 B: 15 Mar 1899
Mother*Refugio Eleonora González1 B: 23 May 1899, D: 22 Apr 1972

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


MarriageAlex and Susana González were married.1

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Alex Ricardo Martinez was present between May 1927 and Jun 1927, when José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González It is interesting that the couple set sail for San Francisco without their four children. The oldest was about 6 and the youngest was just one year old.
     Others were: Gladis Martinez González, Herbert Martinez and Joaquina Eidth Martinez Gonzalez.3


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977.
  3. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953.
Last Edited18 Jun 2024

Susana González1

TMG ID:101994


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora Martinez (née González).1


MarriageSusana and Alex Ricardo Martinez, son of: José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González, were married.1


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
Last Edited20 Jun 2024

Samuel González1

TMG ID:101995


  • Title: he was also known as Don Samuel González.1


MarriageSamuel and Paula Echeveria were married.1

Child of: Samuel González and Paula Echeveria

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Immigration Immigration: Samuel González on Wednesday, 18 May 1927, immigrated with José Alejandro Martinez 28, and Refugio Eleonora (González) 27, Martinez immigrated to San Francisco, San Francisco County, CaliforniaG, from La Libertad, El Salvador. Alex and Refugio were admitted under a visitors temporary visa dated, 13 May 1927. The trip was considered a pleasure visit. They sailed aboard theS.S. City of San Francisco. His mother and her father were listed as name and complete address of the nearest relative or friend in the country whence they came. His sister, Mrs. Dolores Brenner, San Francisco, was listed as relative or friend that they were going to go see. They declared an intention to stay for up to six months in the United States.
     Others Immigrating with them: Joaquina Manzano.2,3


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, index to San Francisco passenger lists, 1893-1934.
  3. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953.
Last Edited19 Jun 2024

Paula Echeveria1

TMG ID:101996


  • She was also known as Doña Paula Echeveria.1
  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora González (née Echeveria).1


MarriagePaula and Samuel González were married.1

Child of: Paula Echeveria and Samuel González


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
Last Edited19 Jun 2024

Antonio Martinez1

TMG ID:101997


MarriageAntonio and Joaquina Manzano were married.1

Child of: Antonio Martinez and Joaquina Manzano


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
Last Edited18 Jun 2024

Joaquina Manzano1

TMG ID:101998


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora Martinez (née Manzano).1


MarriageJoaquina and Antonio Martinez were married.1

Child of: Joaquina Manzano and Antonio Martinez

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Immigration Immigration: Joaquina Manzano on Wednesday, 18 May 1927, immigrated with José Alejandro Martinez 28, and Refugio Eleonora (González) 27, Martinez immigrated to San Francisco, San Francisco County, CaliforniaG, from La Libertad, El Salvador. Alex and Refugio were admitted under a visitors temporary visa dated, 13 May 1927. The trip was considered a pleasure visit. They sailed aboard theS.S. City of San Francisco. His mother and her father were listed as name and complete address of the nearest relative or friend in the country whence they came. His sister, Mrs. Dolores Brenner, San Francisco, was listed as relative or friend that they were going to go see. They declared an intention to stay for up to six months in the United States.
     Others Immigrating with them: Samuel González.2,3


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, index to San Francisco passenger lists, 1893-1934.
  3. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953.
Last Edited18 Jun 2024

Gladis Martinez González1

TMG ID:101999, (1 Oct 1922 - )
Father*José Alejandro Martinez1 B: 15 Mar 1899
Mother*Refugio Eleonora González1 B: 23 May 1899, D: 22 Apr 1972

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Gladys1
  • Name-Married: on Friday, 19 Dec 1947, her married name became Señora Lara (née Martinez).2


MarriageFriday, 19 Dec 1947, Gladis, age 25 years, 2 months and 18 days, and Roberto de Jesus Lara Velado, son of: Rafael Lara Taddei and Julia Velado, were married at San Salvador, Departmento de San Salvador, El SalvadorG.2

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Gladis Martinez González was present between May 1927 and Jun 1927, when José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González It is interesting that the couple set sail for San Francisco without their four children. The oldest was about 6 and the youngest was just one year old.
     Others were: Alex Ricardo Martinez, Herbert Martinez and Joaquina Eidth Martinez Gonzalez.3


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Catholic Church Records, 1655-1977.
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  3. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953.
Last Edited18 Jun 2024

Roberto de Jesus Lara Velado1

TMG ID:102000, (c 1917 - )
Father*Rafael Lara Taddei1
Mother*Julia Velado1

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Roberto de Jesus Lara Velado was born circa 1917.1


MarriageFriday, 19 Dec 1947, Roberto and Gladis Martinez González, age 25 years, 2 months and 18 days, daughter of: José Alejandro Martinez and Refugio Eleonora González, were married at San Salvador, Departmento de San Salvador, El SalvadorG.1


  1. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
Last Edited18 Jun 2024