- Rittenhouse
Sarah (Mrs.) (née Ferneau) B: circa 1840
- Ritter
Ellajane Geraldiene B: 1943, D: 1944Emma Drisdale B: 1854Geraldine B: 1908, D: 1997Lenora May B: 1949, D: 1990Wayne Galliard B: 1918, D: 1987
- Ritterbush
Ferdinand W. B: 1874, D: 1928
- Rittgers
- Rittman
- Ritz
Joseph B: 1865, D: 1937Louesa Eliza B: 1864, D: 1943Louise Elbertha B: 1864, D: 1943
- Rivas Gomez
Jorge B: 1924
- Rix
Hannah (Mrs.) (née Lewis) B: 1726, D: 1808
- Roach
Leslie (Mrs.) (née Melson) D: 1998Ronald D: 1998
- Roads
- Roamsburg
Anna Ella B: 1888, D: 1941
- Roark
- Robards
- Robb
Earl Gault B: 1875, D: 1943George D: 1890James R. B: 1814, D: 1847Jane B: 1794, D: after 1839Jane Roxana (Mrs.) (née Sapp) B: 1850, D: 1890Joshua C. B: 1841, D: 1862Katie S. (Mrs.) B: circa 1868Mary Jane B: 1823, D: 1855
- Robb (cont.)
Naomi B: 1894, D: 1924Susan Clementine B: 1835, D: 1893
- Robbertson
- Robbins
(?) B: circa 1896Aaron B: circa 1860Alamander M. B: 1876Alma A. (Mrs.) (née Gould) B: between 1828 and 1831Angeline (Mrs.) (née Dyer) B: circa 1848, D: 1876Augusta B: between 1847 and 1848Belle B: between 1853 and 1854Cara B: between 1855 and 1856Carl B: 1894, D: 1915Carrie B: between 1855 and 1856Catherine B: between 1832 and 1833David B: between 1835 and 1837Elizabeth B: between 1829 and 1830Elma Dewey (Mrs.) (née Smith) B: 1898, D: 1914Elpha B: circa 1861Emetta B: between 1845 and 1847, D: 1895