John H. Livingston1

TMG ID:50641, (19 May 1860 - 1928)
Relationship:5th cousin 3 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Henry Livingston1 B: c 1819, D: 1902
Mother*Mary Catherine Van Valkenburg1 B: 22 Jan 1826, D: 5 May 1877

Primary Birth & Death


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Leah Van Valkenburg1

TMG ID:50642, (25 Nov 1827 - 15 Jun 1881)
Relationship:4th cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Johan Joost Van Valkenburg1 B: 14 Jan 1802, D: 28 Sep 1889
Mother*Sophia Smith1 B: 18 Apr 1806, D: 17 Nov 1884

Primary Birth & Death


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Sarah Vanderpool1

TMG ID:50643, (c 1843 - )
Father*Charles Vanderpool2
Mother*Lucinda Johnson2

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Thompson (née Vanderpool).
  • Name-Married: on Friday, 14 Oct 1892, her married name became Mrs. Robinson (née Vanderpool).


MarriageSarah and (?) Thompson were married.1
MarriageSarah and William Robinson were married likely that William Robinson is the brother of Eliza's 2nd husband, Edward.1
MarriageFriday, 14 Oct 1892, Sarah and Edward Robinson, age 50 years, son of: William Robinson and Sophronia Kelch, were married at Rich Twp., Lapeer County, MichiganG, 2nd marriage for Sarah, 1st marriage for Edward.1,2

Child of: Sarah Vanderpool and William Robinson


  1. [S623] Lou Thorsby, "e-Mail Message from Lou Thorsby," e-Mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to e-mail address, 20 Nov 2005. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail Lou Thorsby."
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Michigan Marriages, 1822-1995.
  3. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925.
Last Edited8 Sep 2022

(?) Thompson1

TMG ID:50644


Marriage(?) and Sarah Vanderpool, daughter of: Charles Vanderpool and Lucinda Johnson, were married.1


  1. [S623] Lou Thorsby, "e-Mail Message from Lou Thorsby," e-Mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to e-mail address, 20 Nov 2005. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail Lou Thorsby."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

William Robinson1

TMG ID:50645


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Robison1


MarriageWilliam and Sarah Vanderpool, daughter of: Charles Vanderpool and Lucinda Johnson, were married likely that William Robinson is the brother of Eliza's 2nd husband, Edward.1

Child of: William Robinson and Sarah Vanderpool


  1. [S623] Lou Thorsby, "e-Mail Message from Lou Thorsby," e-Mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to e-mail address, 20 Nov 2005. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail Lou Thorsby."
  2. [S620], online, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925.
Last Edited8 Sep 2022

William Robinson1

TMG ID:50646
Relationship:4th great-grandfather of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*William Robinson1

Primary Birth & Death

Child of: William Robinson

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Other: on Monday, 11 Apr 1853, William Robinson Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements

    Pension Application of William Robinson: R8909
    Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris
    Virginia County of Bedford SS

    On this 11 day of April in the year 1853 personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid Mrs. Mason Robinson a resident of the said County aged 91 years to me well and personally known who after being first duly sworn according to law declares as follows. that she is the widow of William Robinson dc’d who was a private in the War of the Revolution and at the time of his death a resident also of the County of Bedford in the State aforesaid – That her said husband entered the service as an inlisted soldier in the service of the Continental Army as she thinks though he may have been in the State Line of Virginia troops – that he went from the County of Cumberland in Virginia where he then resided about the year 1777 or 1778 as she thinks and entered the service for three years as she believes – she thinks however he was in the battle of Princeton (3 Jan 1777) and was afterwards in the battle of Yorktown at the surrender of Cornwallis and the Capture of the British Army (19 Oct 1781) so that his service may have been of longer continuance than these years. That her said husband had an older brother whose name was James who had been in the service for some time and when he returned home, he enlisted the second time when her said husband then entered the service with him. that there was also another brother John who was in the said service also. That she has heard her husband often speak of his services and of the great length of time he served. she has however no means of ascertaining the time when he entered the service or when he left it, the number of the Regiment he was in or the officers under whom he served though she has no doubt she has heard him speak of these things also – She has understood that William Davenport late of this County, has told others that her said husband served with him in the war of the Revolution, while he the said Davenport was himself a soldier and that they were both as she thinks in the battles of the South together. that said Davenport spoke of being with her husband at several places in South Carolina in service in the said war, though she did not hear the said Davenport make these statements himself. That she has also understood, that Thomas Andrews now living in this County has been heard to say that he was in the service with her said husband and that said Andrews has told others they were at the battle of Yorktown together. That both the said Davenport and the said Andrews were in the War of the Revolution will appear from the fact that pensions were granted them for their services – The said Davenport died about two years past, as she thinks, in the said County of Bedford where he then lived and she refers to his declaration (pension application S8309) and certificate of pension under the control of the pension office as she supposes in support of her claims – That the said Andrews is now though living so infirm and aged and his mind so much impaired with the loss of all memory almost, that she is unable to avail herself of any statement that he now could (illegible word) make. that he is now as she understands about 93 years old. she refers however to his declaration (pension application S6506) and pension certificate also in support of her application. That she knows of no other person now living by whom she can prove her husbands services, unless she can prove facts of importance to her by William Clark who she understands lives in the County of Campbell in Virginia – she has understood that the said Clark has told others that he knew her husband, that they lived in the same neighbourhood during the war of the Revolution and that he knows when her said husband entered the service and when he returned – she does not know that the said Clark was in the service with him, but that he was old enough at the time to remember the circumstances. she will endeavor if she can do so to obtain his affidavit of the facts as stated by him. Though she is unable by reason of the great length of time which has elapsed to prove the length of time her husband served she is confident he did serve at least three years or thereabouts and perhaps much longer. she refers to the records of the Army if any exist in support of her claim declaring as she does her inability to furnish any primary evidence of the said services other than as she has stated the same – That she would long since have made her application for a pension, but for the fact that for many years after the passage of the law for the relief of the widows of Revolutionary soldiers, she was ignorant of its existence herself. That her children also now separated from her and she thinks as ignorant of its existence as herself. and even when she ascertained there was such a law she did not know how to proceed and as from time to time the subject has been neglected for these reasons til the present time. She could have availed herself of the personal testimony of the said Davenport and the said Andrews long since if she had the assistance of any one who could have secured them for her; but woman as she is she had no opportunity – no ability – strength and means at her advanced age to aid her in prosecuting her claim even if she had been made acquainted with her proper rights That she was married to the said William Robinson in the County of Bedford Va in or about the year 1788 as she thinks, by (blank) a Baptist minister, that her name before her marriage was Mason Gibbs That she does not know whether there is any record of her marriage or not, does not think there is unless it can be found in the Clerks office and after search should it be found she will forward it with this declaration. She refers however to the Declaration affidavit or statement of her brother William Gibbs who was present at her marriage and knows the fact. – That her said husband lived in the County of Bedford Va to which place he removed from Cumberland County after the close of the war – that he resided in said County of Bedford from the time of his removal til the period of his death which took place in the year 1817. That he was at the time about three years older than herself. She makes this Declaration to enable her to receive the benefit of the provision of the Acts of Congress granting pensions to certain widows &c to the titles and dates of which she refers for certainty in their description. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day and year first above written and I further certify that I believe the said Mrs. Mason Robinson is of the age she has stated. I also further certify that I believe she is the widow of William Robinson as she has stated who was as said a Revolutionary soldier which said fact I duly certify from the statement of others, his having died many years since. That Mrs Robinson is a widow I have no doubt as she lives not far from me and I have known her many years and she has in all that time been reputed to be a widow – Given under my hand as aforesaid and subscribed as aforesaid as first above written Mason Robinson her X-mark Jno. Callaway JP.

    NOTE: the file includes a copy of the record of the marriage of William Robinson and Mason Gibbs on 21 Sep 1791 in Bedford County..2


  1. [S623] Lou Thorsby, "e-Mail Message from Lou Thorsby," e-Mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to e-mail address, 20 Nov 2005. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail Lou Thorsby."
  2. [S1039] Index to New York Revolutionary War Invalid Pension Records 1801-1815
    , online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - NY Invalid Pension Recs.
Last Edited20 Jul 2014

William Robinson1

TMG ID:50647
Relationship:5th great-grandfather of Elsie Dora Lewis

Child of: William Robinson


  1. [S623] Lou Thorsby, "e-Mail Message from Lou Thorsby," e-Mail message from <e-mail address> (unknown address) to e-mail address, 20 Nov 2005. Hereinafter cited as "e-Mail Lou Thorsby."
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Rachel Van Valkenburg1

TMG ID:50648, (27 Dec 1829 - 21 Sep 1906)
Relationship:4th cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Johan Joost Van Valkenburg1 B: 14 Jan 1802, D: 28 Sep 1889
Mother*Sophia Smith1 B: 18 Apr 1806, D: 17 Nov 1884

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: in Nov 1867, her married name became Mrs. Parmley (née Van Valkenburg).


MarriageNov 1867, Rachel, age 37 years and 10 months, and John Parmley were married at New YorkG.1

Child of: Rachel Van Valkenburg and John Parmley


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

John Parmley1

TMG ID:50649


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Parmlee1


MarriageNov 1867, John and Rachel Van Valkenburg, age 37 years and 10 months, daughter of: Johan Joost Van Valkenburg and Sophia Smith, were married at New YorkG.1

Child of: John Parmley and Rachel Van Valkenburg


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

William Parmley1

TMG ID:50650
Relationship:5th cousin 3 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*John Parmley1
Mother*Rachel Van Valkenburg1 B: 27 Dec 1829, D: 21 Sep 1906

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Parmlee1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Adam Van Valkenburg1

TMG ID:50651, (24 Aug 1831 - 1910)
Relationship:4th cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Johan Joost Van Valkenburg1 B: 14 Jan 1802, D: 28 Sep 1889
Mother*Sophia Smith1 B: 18 Apr 1806, D: 17 Nov 1884

Primary Birth & Death


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Sarah Van Valkenburg1

TMG ID:50652, (3 Sep 1833 - 3 Feb 1908)
Relationship:4th cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Johan Joost Van Valkenburg1 B: 14 Jan 1802, D: 28 Sep 1889
Mother*Sophia Smith1 B: 18 Apr 1806, D: 17 Nov 1884

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Moulton (née Van Valkenburg).


MarriageSarah and Daniel Moulton were married.1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Daniel Moulton1

TMG ID:50653


MarriageDaniel and Sarah Van Valkenburg, daughter of: Johan Joost Van Valkenburg and Sophia Smith, were married.1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Jane Van Valkenburg1

TMG ID:50654, (1 Dec 1835 - )
Relationship:4th cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Johan Joost Van Valkenburg1 B: 14 Jan 1802, D: 28 Sep 1889
Mother*Sophia Smith1 B: 18 Apr 1806, D: 17 Nov 1884

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Staley (née Van Valkenburg).
  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Eldridge (née Van Valkenburg).


MarriageJane and Alexander Staley were married.1
MarriageJane and Charles Eldridge were married.1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Alexander Staley1

TMG ID:50655


MarriageAlexander and Jane Van Valkenburg, daughter of: Johan Joost Van Valkenburg and Sophia Smith, were married.1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Charles Eldridge1

TMG ID:50656


MarriageCharles and Jane Van Valkenburg, daughter of: Johan Joost Van Valkenburg and Sophia Smith, were married.1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Elizabeth Van Valkenburg1

TMG ID:50657, (24 Mar 1838 - )
Relationship:4th cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Johan Joost Van Valkenburg1 B: 14 Jan 1802, D: 28 Sep 1889
Mother*Sophia Smith1 B: 18 Apr 1806, D: 17 Nov 1884

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Zelie (née Van Valkenburg).


MarriageElizabeth and David Zelie were married.1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

David Zelie1

TMG ID:50658


MarriageDavid and Elizabeth Van Valkenburg, daughter of: Johan Joost Van Valkenburg and Sophia Smith, were married.1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Margaret Van Valkenburg1

TMG ID:50659, (29 Mar 1840 - 1916)
Relationship:4th cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*Johan Joost Van Valkenburg1 B: 14 Jan 1802, D: 28 Sep 1889
Mother*Sophia Smith1 B: 18 Apr 1806, D: 17 Nov 1884

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Thursday, 3 Dec 1863, her married name became Mrs. Hotaling (née Van Valkenburg).


MarriageThursday, 3 Dec 1863, Margaret, age 23 years, 8 months and 4 days, and Dighton Washington Hotaling, age 25 years, 4 months and 29 days, son of: Robert Hotaling and Maria Ritter, were married.1


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Dighton Washington Hotaling1

TMG ID:50660, (4 Jul 1838 - 1921)
Father*Robert Hotaling1
Mother*Maria Ritter1

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageThursday, 3 Dec 1863, Dighton, age 25 years, 4 months and 29 days, and Margaret Van Valkenburg, age 23 years, 8 months and 4 days, daughter of: Johan Joost Van Valkenburg and Sophia Smith, were married.1

Children of: Dighton Washington Hotaling and Margaret Van Valkenburg


  1. [S589] National Association of the Van Valkenburg(h) Family, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - Van Valkenburg Assoc.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013