Elsie Tulia Elena Hinds Ruíz1,2

TMG ID:99821, (20 Dec 1926 - )
Relationship:Niece of Oscar Neftalí Ruíz Gómez
Father*Luis Salvador Abelar Hinds1 B: 7 Oct 1905
Mother*Tulia Olga Elena Ruíz Gómez1 B: 22 Sep 1906, D: 3 Nov 1989

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1655-1977.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Registro Civil, 1704-2001.
Last Edited28 Sep 2022

Luciana Abelar1

TMG ID:99822

Child of: Luciana Abelar


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador registros parroquiales y diocesanos, 1655-1977.
Last Edited24 Sep 2022

María Elena Euchner-Hinds1

TMG ID:99823, (25 Jul 1968 - 25 Jul 1968)
Relationship:Grandniece of Oscar Neftalí Ruíz Gómez
Father*Wilhelm Orell Euchner1 B: 9 Nov 1931

Primary Birth & Death

Other Major Events

  • 2.


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Registro Civil, 1704-2001.
Last Edited24 Sep 2022

Manuel Gómez de la Torre1

TMG ID:99824, (c 1829 - 23 Dec 1916)
Relationship:Grandfather of Oscar Neftalí Ruíz Gómez
Father*Manuel Gómez De La Torre2
Mother*Carmen del Castro?2

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageManuel and Elena Barrios Rendon, daughter of: Benito Barrios and Francisca Rendon, were married.1

Children of: Manuel Gómez de la Torre and Elena Barrios Rendon


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Registro Civil, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  3. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
  4. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007.
Last Edited16 Jul 2024

Elena Barrios Rendon1,2

TMG ID:99825, (1845 - 20 Nov 1922)
Relationship:Grandmother of Oscar Neftalí Ruíz Gómez
Father*Benito Barrios2
Mother*Francisca Rendon2

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora Gòmez (née Barrios).1,2


MarriageElena and Manuel Gómez de la Torre, son of: Manuel Gómez De La Torre and Carmen del Castro?, were married.1

Children of: Elena Barrios Rendon and Manuel Gómez de la Torre


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Registro Civil, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person Page.
  3. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Civil Registration, 1704-2001.
  4. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007.
Last Edited16 Jul 2024

Alberto Antonio Manzano1

TMG ID:99826


MarriageAlberto and Juana Francisca Nijaugo were married.1

Child of: Alberto Antonio Manzano and Juana Francisca Nijaugo


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Registro Civil, 1704-2001.
Last Edited25 Sep 2022

Juana Francisca Nijaugo1

TMG ID:99827


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora Manzano Nijaugo.1


MarriageJuana and Alberto Antonio Manzano were married.1

Child of: Juana Francisca Nijaugo and Alberto Antonio Manzano


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Registro Civil, 1704-2001.
Last Edited25 Sep 2022

Julia Dreyfus Salazar1

TMG ID:99828, (2 Jan 1959 - 2 Jan 1959)
Relationship:Niece of María Teresa Salazar Salinas
Father*Germán Dreyfus Castillo1 B: 1925, D: 26 Sep 1967
Mother*Marta del Carmen Salazar Salinas1 B: 31 Jul 1925

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Julia Dreyfus Salazar was born on Friday, 2 Jan 1959, at Guatemala City, Departmento Guatemala, GuatemalaG. Birth details: Julia Dreyfus Salazar

    Nombre: Julia Dreyfus Salazar
    Partida No. 5
    En la ciudad de Guatemala, a dos de enero de mil novecientos cincuenta y nueve, ante el Registrador Civil y testigos que firman,
    compareció Germán Dreyfus Castillo, de treintitrés años, con cédula de vecindad No. -[blank] de [blank].
    Domiciliado en [redacted] y dijo: que Julia Dreyfus Salazar, nació en esta ciudad ay el de -[blank] , a la veinte horas y treinta minutos, en el Hospital Roosevelt, hijo del compareciente, de - años Mecánico originario de Escuintla y vecino de esta ciudad, con domicilio en - y de Marta del Carmen Salazar Salinas de treintitrés años, oficios domésticos originaria de Santa Tecla, El Salvador y vecina de ésta ciudad.
    Ratificó lo escrito y no firmó. Doy fé [signed]

    Name: Julia Dreyfus Salazar
    Item No. 5
    In the city of Guatemala, on January 2, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine, before the Civil Registrar and witnesses who sign,
    Germán Dreyfus Castillo, thirty-three years old, with neighborhood ID No. -[blank] from [blank] appeared.
    Resided in [redacted] and said: that Julia Dreyfus Salazar, was born in this city and that of -[blank], at twenty hours and thirty minutes, in the Roosevelt Hospital, son of a businessman, aged -[blank] Mechanic originally from Escuintla and resident of this city, residing in -[blank] and Marta del Carmen Salazar Salinas, thirty-three years old, domestic worker, originally from Santa Tecla, El Salvador and resident of this city.
    He ratified what was written and did not sign. I attest [signed].2
  • Died on Friday, 2 Jan 1959 at Guatemala City, Departmento Guatemala, GuatemalaG, Details as recorded: Julia Dreyfus Salazar


    Nombre: Julia Dreyfus Salazar
    Acta No. 29 "A"
    En la Ciudad de Guatemala, a dos de Enero de mil novecientos cincuenta, ante el Registrador Civil y testigos que firman, compareció Germán Dreyfus Salazar de treintitrés años, con cédula No. -[blank] de -[blank] domiciliado [redacted] y dijo: Que Julia Dreyfus Salazar de -[blank] años de edad, Estado Civil: -[blank], Profesión u Oficio: -[blank] hija de Germán Dreyfus Castillo y de Marta del Carmen Salazar Salinas, originario de -[blank] y vecino de -[blank]; según informe del Dr. Luis Molina, falleció ayer a las veinte y treinta horas [redacted] a consecuencia [redacted]
    Ratificó y no firmó. Doy fé.
    Testigos: [signature]
    El Registrador: [signature]

    Name: Julia Dreyfus Salazar
    Minutes No. 29 "A"
    In Guatemala City, on January 2, 1950, before the Civil Registrar and witnesses who signed, Germán Dreyfus Salazar, thirty-three years old, appeared with ID No. -[blank] of -[blank] domiciled [redacted] and said: That Julia Dreyfus Salazar, -[blank] years old, Marital Status: -[blank], Profession or Trade: -[blank] daughter of Germán Dreyfus Castillo and Marta del Carmen Salazar Salinas, originally from -[blank] and neighbor of -[blank]; According to a report from Dr. Luis Molina, she died yesterday at twenty thirty hours [redacted] as a result [redacted]
    She ratified and did not sign. Attest.
    Witnesses: [signature]
    The Registrar: [signature].1,2


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Guatemala, Guatemala, Registro Civil, 1877-2006.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Guatemala, Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1877-2006.
Last Edited8 Jul 2024

Jorge Dreyfus Ortiz1,2

TMG ID:99829


MarriageJorge and Carlota Ortencia Castillo Mejicanos were married.1

Children of: Jorge Dreyfus Ortiz and Carlota Ortencia Castillo Mejicanos


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Registro Civil, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Guatemala, Guatemala, Registro Civil, 1877-2006.
Last Edited26 Sep 2022

Carlota Ortencia Castillo Mejicanos1,2

TMG ID:99830


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora Dreyfus Castillo.1


MarriageCarlota and Jorge Dreyfus Ortiz were married.1

Children of: Carlota Ortencia Castillo Mejicanos and Jorge Dreyfus Ortiz


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, El Salvador Registro Civil, 1704-2001.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Guatemala, Guatemala, Registro Civil, 1877-2006.
Last Edited26 Sep 2022

Jorge Pérez Dreyfus Castillo1

TMG ID:99831, (1931 - 16 Nov 1971)
Father*Jorge Dreyfus Ortiz1
Mother*Carlota Ortencia Castillo Mejicanos1

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageJorge and Lesbia Estela Figueroa were married.1


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Guatemala, Guatemala, Registro Civil, 1877-2006.
Last Edited23 May 2023

Lesbia Estela Figueroa1

TMG ID:99832, (1934 - )

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora Dreyfus Figueroa.1


MarriageLesbia and Jorge Pérez Dreyfus Castillo, son of: Jorge Dreyfus Ortiz and Carlota Ortencia Castillo Mejicanos, were married.1


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Guatemala, Guatemala, Registro Civil, 1877-2006.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Guatemala, Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1877-2006.
Last Edited23 May 2023

Aloysius Bernard Zierten1

TMG ID:99833, (27 Jun 1903 - 9 May 1993)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "Aloys"2
  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "Al"1


MarriageAloysius and Genevieve Celista Kilp were married.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-194013 Apr 1940, 233 Ave. B, Billings, Yellowstone County, MontanaGGenevieve Celista Kilp2
Census-195010 Apr 1950, Billings, Yellowstone County, MontanaGGenevieve Celista Kilp3


circa Apr 1940Billings, Yellowstone County, MontanaGdriver overland(?) bus2

Known Address(es)


  1. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  2. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  3. [S3506] 3 Apr 1950, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, N/A Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
Last Edited26 Sep 2022

Genevieve Celista Kilp1

TMG ID:99834, (14 Oct 1903 - 26 Feb 1995)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Zierten (née Kilp).1
  • Nick-Name: her nickname was "Jay"1


MarriageGenevieve and Aloysius Bernard Zierten were married.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-194013 Apr 1940, 233 Ave. B, Billings, Yellowstone County, MontanaGAloysius Bernard Zierten2
Census-195010 Apr 1950, Billings, Yellowstone County, MontanaGAloysius Bernard Zierten3

Known Address(es)


  1. [S826] Find A Grave, online <http://tinyurl.com/5xkq9>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  2. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y7ojnd8p Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  3. [S3506] 3 Apr 1950, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, N/A Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
Last Edited26 Sep 2022

Rafael De Orellana Lavat1

TMG ID:99836


MarriageRafael and Candelaria Rodriguez were married.1

Children of: Rafael De Orellana Lavat and Candelaria Rodriguez


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, México, Distrito Federal, Registro Civil, 1832-2005.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, México, Sonora, Registro Civil, 1861-1995.
Last Edited29 Sep 2022

Candelaria Rodriguez1

TMG ID:99837


  • Name-Married: her married name became Señora De Orellana Rodriguez.1


MarriageCandelaria and Rafael De Orellana Lavat were married.1

Children of: Candelaria Rodriguez and Rafael De Orellana Lavat


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, México, Distrito Federal, Registro Civil, 1832-2005.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, México, Sonora, Registro Civil, 1861-1995.
Last Edited29 Sep 2022

Miguel A. De Orellana1

TMG ID:99838, (c 1914 - )
Father*Rafael De Orellana Lavat1
Mother*Candelaria Rodriguez1

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Miguel A. De Orellana was born circa 1914.1


MarriageTuesday, 20 Jun 1939, Miguel and Celia Paz, daughter of: Jose Paz and Hilaria Molinares, were married at La Ciudad de Ures, Sonora, MéxicoG.1


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, México, Sonora, Registro Civil, 1861-1995.
Last Edited29 Sep 2022

Celia Paz1

TMG ID:99839, (c 1914 - )
Father*Jose Paz1
Mother*Hilaria Molinares1

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Celia Paz was born circa 1914.1


  • Name-Married: on Tuesday, 20 Jun 1939, her married name became Señora De Orellana Paz.1


MarriageTuesday, 20 Jun 1939, Celia and Miguel A. De Orellana, son of: Rafael De Orellana Lavat and Candelaria Rodriguez, were married at La Ciudad de Ures, Sonora, MéxicoG.1


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, México, Sonora, Registro Civil, 1861-1995.
Last Edited29 Sep 2022

Jose Paz1

TMG ID:99840


MarriageJose and Hilaria Molinares were married.1

Child of: Jose Paz and Hilaria Molinares


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, México, Sonora, Registro Civil, 1861-1995.
Last Edited29 Sep 2022