Worcester County
274 Webster Street
284 Webster Street
Boyce, Franklin James B: 1850
Boyce, Hazel E. B: 1891
Buck, Josephine E. B: 1858
Hindle, James M. B: circa 1899
Boyce, Hazel E. B: 1891
Buck, Josephine E. B: 1858
Hindle, James M. B: circa 1899
30 Seven Street
Dean, David L. B: circa 1922
Dean, Dorothy S. B: circa 1918
Dean, Louis B. B: circa 1917
Dean, Lyall B: 1887, D: 1936
Dean, Lyall Jr. B: circa 1920
Stearns, Helen B: circa 1891
Dean, Dorothy S. B: circa 1918
Dean, Louis B. B: circa 1917
Dean, Lyall B: 1887, D: 1936
Dean, Lyall Jr. B: circa 1920
Stearns, Helen B: circa 1891
Hope Cemetery
Massachusetts (now Maine)
Oxford County
Frost, Olive Grey B: 1816, D: 1845
Westfall, Fred Wood B: circa 1900
(?), Ada B: 1892, D: 1972
(?), Augusta H. B: 1840
(?), Bessie M. B: circa 1889
(?), Effie E. B: 1864, D: 1934
(?), Elizabeth B: circa 1835
(?), Elizabeth A. B: 1856
(?), Ellen E. B: circa 1885
(?), Emma B: 1850
(?), Emma B: circa 1865
(?), Estella M. B: circa 1850
(?), Ethel
(?), Flora B: circa 1857
(?), Frank T. B: circa 1906
(?), Grace B: 1877
(?), Grace L. B: 1898
(?), Hannah J. B: 1851
(?), Harriet B: circa 1889
(?), Harriet E. B: 1851
(?), Helen L. B: circa 1918
(?), Ida B: 1858
(?), Jane W. B: circa 1880
(?), Janie B: 1860
(?), Juliette B: 1859
(?), Laura B: circa 1872
(?), Lillian M. B: 1872
(?), Lucy B: circa 1816
(?), Marion A. B: circa 1897
(?), Martha B: circa 1905
(?), Mary Jane B: 1844
(?), Mary M. B: circa 1897
(?), Mildred I. B: circa 1805
(?), Myra D. B: 1901, D: 1978
(?), Ruth A. B: 1918, D: 1998
(?), Sarah B: circa 1813
(?), Sarah J. B: 1839
(?), Thirsa B: circa 1887
Abbott, Anna M. B: circa 1869
Abbott, Ellen B: circa 1875
Abbott, Ellen M. B: 1841, D: 1896
Abbott, Elsie L. B: circa 1872
Abbott, Laura B: circa 1877
Abbott, Otto D. B: circa 1887
Akins, Charles B: 1877
Allen, Charlotte B: 1867
Anderson, Anna
Austin, Harold Dean B: 1904, D: 2002
Bacon, Edward A. B: circa 1839, D: 1848
Bacon, Ella M. B: circa 1871
Bacon, Myrta A. B: circa 1876
Baldwin, Benedict B: 1787, D: 1884
Baldwin, Joel G. B: 1827, D: after 1880
Baldwin, Sarah B: 1829
Baney, Mary B: 1886
Baney, Mildred B: 1881
Baney, Nettie Eleginia B: 1879, D: 1920
Barnard, Evaleen Leil B: 1871, D: 1951
Barnard, Henry Warren B: 1847, D: 1923
Barnes, Adelbert B: circa 1870
Barnes, Alvin J. B: circa 1871
Barnes, Florence B: 1884
Barnes, Floyd B: 1879
Barnes, Harold B: 1900, D: before 1910
Barnes, Zilpha A. B: 1790, D: 1849
Bauer, Laura B: 1905, D: 1999
Baxter, Anna B: circa 1832
Beebe, Nelson B: 1831, D: 1921
Bell, Douglas B: 1924, D: 1990
Bell, Georgia Clara B: 1886, D: 1960
Benes, Lila Joyce B: circa 1937
Billick, Josephine B: 1845, D: 1930
Bingham, Clair S. B: 1922, D: 2016
Blackmar, Jane Augusta B: 1833, D: 1880
Blossom, Myrtle Blanche B: 1874, D: 1959
Boughner, Ellen E. B: 1876
Boughner, Florence M. B: 1883
Branstetter, Nellie B: 1855
Brewer, Agnes Cecelia B: 1857
Bridgman, Wellington B: 1887, D: after 1901
Brigham, Berdett B: 1879
Brigham, Clara W. B: circa 1842
Brigham, Elisha E. B: 1879
Brigham, Ernest G. B: circa 1878
Brigham, Laura Artemesia B: 1840, D: 1935
Brigham, Mary E. B: circa 1866
Brigham, William E. B: circa 1862
Bristol, Louisa Ada B: 1846, D: 1929
Broadwell, John B: circa 1867
Broadwell, Maggie B: circa 1870
Brown, Lewis B: 1852, D: 1930
Brown, Robert N. B: 1878, D: 1908
Brown, William H. B: 1884
Bucher, Charles I. B: 1869, D: 1950
Bucher, Mils I. B: circa 1896
Buckrell, James L. B: circa 1878
Buckrell, Marion B: 1898
Buckrell, William J. B: 1879
Buff, Charles W. B: 1870, D: 1910
Bull, Sally Ann B: circa 1844
Bullard, Carolyn F. B: 1919, D: 2008
Bullard, Lamont Chubb B: 1914, D: 1917
Burlingame, Jennie A. B: 1857
Bush, Earl Harold B: 1904, D: 1904
Bush, George Albert B: 1907, D: 1908
Bush, Isabel B: 1916, D: 1920
Campbell, Lena Dalana B: circa 1885
Canfield, Grace B: circa 1908
Canfield, Jane B: circa 1910
Canfield, Lester M. B: 1854, D: 1889
Canfield, R.B. B: 1888
Canfield, R.B. B: 1888
Canfield, Tressa Marie B: circa 1906
Cantrell, Constance B: circa 1936
Cantrell, James B: circa 1934
Cantrell, Marjorie B: circa 1935
Carlback, Shirley B: circa 1933
Chant, Suny R. B: circa 1849
Chubb, Arba B: 1869
Chubb, Burty B: circa 1876
Chubb, Evangeline A. B: 1853, D: 1935
Chubb, Flora Augusta B: 1832, D: 1914
Chubb, George B: circa 1874
Chubb, Jessie E. B: 1842, D: 1939
Chubb, Lottie A. B: 1857, D: 1880
Chubb, Lucious Wolford B: 1842, D: 1863
Chubb, May B: 1865
Chubb, Montier Pattison B: 1867, D: 1935
Chubb, Orville Pattison B: 1830, D: 1894
Clapp, Carlos D. B: circa 1876
Clapp, Leonard O. B: circa 1878
Clapp, Mary F. B: circa 1873
Clapp, Otis A. B: circa 1844
Clark, J. Foster B: 1885
Clements, Samuel B: circa 1893
Cochran, Clara Abigale B: 1874, D: 1948
Coffin, Sue L. B: 1893
Convis, Harriett S. B: 1854, D: 1934
Cook, Mirilla F. B: circa 1818
Cooley, Charles M. B: 1864, D: 1921
Cooley, Forrest D. B: circa 1861
Cope, William Green B: 1931, D: 1953
Crane, Dillis D. B: 1879
Crane, Florence B: 1889
Crane, Janie B: circa 1907
Crane, Jeanne B: circa 1924
Crane, Joanne B: circa 1926
Crane, Madeline B: circa 1920
Crane, Margaret B: circa 1922
Crane, Ralph B: circa 1918
Crane, Stephen A. B: 1866
Cronkright, Beulah B: 1907, D: 1911
Culver, Mary B: between 1850 and 1865
Curtiss, Claude Dale B: 1895, D: 1979
Curtiss, Irene Lucille B: circa 1905
Curtiss, Leil J. B: 1898
Curtiss, William Ira B: 1870, D: 1951
Dart, Ellis L. B: 1871
Dart, Emmett B: 1909
Dart, Hellen F. B: 1903
Dart, Iva B. B: 1906, D: 1982
Dart, Ross J. B: 1916, D: 1966
Dart, Russell E. B: 1915
Davis, Laura E. B: circa 1877
Davis, Silas L. B: 1879
Densmore, Oits Parker B: circa 1888, D: circa 1958
Densmore, Otis Lincoln B: 1912, D: 1985
Dickman, Peter B: 1847
Dickman, William B: 1822
Diehl, Doris B: circa 1919
Diehl, Fannie B: 1896
Diehl, Grover B: 1889
Diehl, Phyllis B: circa 1925
Diehl, Ruth B: circa 1918
Diehl, William B: circa 1932
Divine, Addie B. B: 1864, D: 1864
Divine, Earnest Conrad B: 1876, D: 1933
Divine, Monroe Borgardus B: 1852, D: 1908
Divine, Sarah Cornelia B: 1846, D: after 1900
Douglass, Beatrice L. B: 1921, D: 1977
Douglass, Grace E. B: circa 1923, D: after 1977
Douglass, Herbert B: 1867, D: 1932
Douglass, Roy L. B: 1890, D: 1891
Drager, Mary E. B: 1885, D: 1983
Ducat, (?)
Dutton, Lydia L. B: circa 1857
Edick, Benjamin Ernest B: 1864
Edmuster, Clara B: 1845, D: 1918
Emery, Oscar Daniel B: 1876, D: 1957
Emory, Earl B: circa 1879
Emory, May B: circa 1872
Fairchild, Dilla Ann B: 1860, D: 1952
Falkenbury, Alma B: circa 1852
Farnsworth, Lulu May B: 1874
Farver, Nellie B: 1866
Ferguson, Bertha B: circa 1875
Ferguson, George B: circa 1879
Ferguson, John B: circa 1843
Ferguson, Lulu B: 1880
Fero, Asahel B. B: 1846, D: 1914
Fiero, Diane Dee B: circa 1944
Fiero, Zella B: 1868, D: 1955
Fisher, Frank B: circa 1862
Foster, Gardner F. B: circa 1862
Foster, Isaac Owen II B: circa 1927
Gause, Hannah B: circa 1864
Gennrich, Helen F. B: 1908, D: 1982
Gifford, Mariah B: 1831, D: 1914
Gilbert, Adelbert B: circa 1896
Gilbert, Charles C. B: circa 1909
Gilbert, Edna O. B: circa 1912
Gilbert, Harry L. B: circa 1914
Gilbert, Henry B: circa 1907
Gilbert, Lucille A. B: 1917, D: 1986
Gilbert, Moses B: circa 1898
Glassford, Elmer B: 1883
Gleason, Lovina B: circa 1837, D: before 1872
Golias, Walter B: circa 1868
Graham, Anna L. B: 1862, D: 1942
Granger, Hazel A. B: 1898, D: 1993
Granger, Wilford B: circa 1863
Green, Susan B: 1834, D: 1873
Groton, Sarah Elizabeth B: 1831, D: 1882
Hall, Ida May B: circa 1874
Hall, William B: circa 1876
Halsey, David C. Jr. B: 1888
Halsey, David Clifton B: 1919
Hamman, Vennie Etta B: 1875, D: 1955
Harris, Lois A. B: 1847, D: 1892
Harvey, Mary E. B: 1871
Hatinger, Earl Robert B: 1886
Hatinger, Ernest J. B: circa 1914
Hatinger, George Wesley B: 1924
Hatinger, Gerald L. B: 1921, D: 2003
Hatinger, Pauline L. B: circa 1916, D: circa 2002
Hatinger, Robert W. B: circa 1920
Hawkins, Marian Francis B: 1924, D: 1996
Heath, Virgil B: 1872
Herkimer, Hannah B: 1790, D: 1864
Hersey, Allegra B: circa 1917
Hersey, Dale B: circa 1913
Hersey, George D. B: 1895
Hersey, Ila June B: circa 1915
Hersey, John P. B: 1848, D: 1915
Hersey, Mary A. B: 1888
Hersey, Sarah M. B: 1882
Higley, Charles Mason B: 1880, D: 1953
Hill, Ida J. B: 1856, D: 1933
Hollis, Eli
Hughey, Isabella B: 1858
Hulbert, Alta A. B: 1872, D: 1937
Hulbert, Horace T. B: circa 1892
Hulbert, Mina A. B: circa 1894
Hulbert, Oneidie B: circa 1886
Hutchins, Ella Mae B: 1895, D: 1979
Hutton, Fredric C. B: 1879
Hutton, Henry B: circa 1840, D: 1904
Hutton, Igora L. B: 1883
Hutton, Winifred F. B: circa 1908
Hyde, William Riley B: 1841
Jackson, Arthur B: 1882
Jackson, Hazel R. B: 1886
Jackson, Lillian B: circa 1872
Jiggens, Frank Edward B: 1937, D: 1992
Johnson, Bessie Winifred B: 1901, D: 1982
Johnston, Alice B: circa 1878
Johnston, Ralph W.E. B: 1889
Kane, Bessie B: 1869, D: 1931
Kane, Dorothy B: 1870, D: 1950
Kellog, Jesse B: 1831
Kiley, Dennis Leo B: 1899, D: 1927
Kiley, George W. B: circa 1902
Kiley, John D. B: 1898, D: 1962
Kiley, Lionel B: circa 1906, D: 1959
Kiley, Marguerite B: 1897, D: 1956
King, Pat
Knapp, Marian Arina B: 1855, D: 1927
Knowles, Anna B: circa 1856
Lacy, Martin B: circa 1852
LaGore, Frank W. B: circa 1885
Lamphier, Mary
Lansing, Vena B: 1886
Lashuay, Alexander Elixir Jr. B: 1839, D: 1916
Lewis, Adoniram Judson B: 1819, D: 1864
Lewis, Arba Chubb B: 1824, D: 1862
Lewis, Flora B: circa 1856, D: before 1870
Lewis, Glode Dugar B: 1821, D: 1901
Lewis, Laura B: circa 1856
Lewis, Martin B: circa 1858
Lewis, Orlen Arza B: 1867, D: 1951
Lewis, Samuel Eugene B: 1841
Lewis, Sylvester T.B. B: 1843, D: 1864
Lewis, Sylvester T.B. B: 1843, D: 1864
Lewis, William B: 1783, D: 1851
Lousey, Lola B: 1851, D: 1904
Lower, Joseph B: circa 1837
Lung, Ronald Charles B: 1904, D: 1977
Lyon, Hattie L. B: circa 1861
MacDonald, Annie B: circa 1889
Macek, Anna B: circa 1901
Macek, Charles B: 1894, D: 1916
Macek, George B: 1892
Macek, Joseph G. B: 1904, D: 1978
Machuta, Bonnie J. B: circa 1934
Machuta, Helen E. B: circa 1932
Machuta, Joseph E. B: 1901, D: 1989
Machuta, Victor D. B: circa 1926
Marr, Ada B: circa 1873
Marr, Anna B: circa 1871
Marr, Arthur B: circa 1877
Marr, Elizabeth B: circa 1867
Marr, Gladys B: circa 1902
Marr, Hugh B: circa 1914
Marr, John A. B: 1883
Marr, Joseph T. B: 1898
Marr, Katie M. B: 1869
Marr, Leo J. B: circa 1906
Marr, Oscar P. B: 1874
Marsh, Ethel Sadie B: 1882, D: 1973
Martin, Frances Caroline B: 1875, D: 1955
Martin, Harold R. B: 1881
Martin, Mary T. B: 1890
Martin, Maud F. B: 1884
Matthews, Mary B: 1845, D: 1904
Maulbetsch, Arlene M. B: 1914, D: 1993
McCrory, Laura B: 1896, D: 1976
McDonald, Blanch B: circa 1882
McKay, Ida A. B: 1859, D: 1938
McMechan, Charles B: circa 1853
McMechan, William B: circa 1848
McOmber, Elizabeth B: 1911, D: 2002
McOmber, Frederick Neergaard B: 1920, D: 2002
McOmber, Margaret B: 1912, D: 1991
Mercer, Ann J. B: circa 1879
Mercer, Carra M. B: circa 1872
Mercer, Gasper Dwight B: 1902, D: 1902
Merriman, Louise Carrie B: 1859, D: 1951
Miller, Ida B: circa 1869
Miller, Leonard B: circa 1872
Miller, Oscar B: circa 1877
Miller, Willie B: 1880
Mimkin, Frederic B: 1874
Mimkin, Minnie B: 1877
Minnis, Elizabeth Ann B: 1836
Minnis, Frank B: circa 1845
Minnis, Lucia B: circa 1839
Mominee, Elizabeth B: 1836, D: 1911
Monnich, Julius W. B: 1865, D: 1948
Morton, Ebson D. B: 1904
Mosher, Carrie A. B: circa 1873
Newman, Margaret Eloise B: 1929, D: 2015
Ney, Blanche B: 1884
Ney, Carol Jean B: 1935
Ney, Delia M. B: 1914
Ney, Donald D. B: 1931, D: 1933
Ney, Earl W. B: 1917, D: 1935
Ney, Edwin B: 1850
Ney, Elmer D. B: 1916, D: 1991
Ney, Gerold E. B: circa 1922
Ney, Guy W. B: 1912, D: 1999
Ney, Harold B: circa 1922
Ney, Herbert B: 1887
Ney, Kenneth B: 1930, D: 1983
Ney, Mary R. B: 1889
Ney, Merle E. B: 1917
Ney, Pauline B: circa 1927
Ney, Phyllis M. B: circa 1925
Ney, William H. B: 1890
Ney, William H. B: circa 1919
Nold, Arthur B: 1872, D: 1905
Nold, Cora E. B: 1878, D: 1948
Nold, Sylvester Veight B: 1874, D: 1950
Norton, Albert Arthur B: 1898, D: 1953
Oles, Floyd H. B: 1896
Oles, Margaret L. B: circa 1905
Oles, Robert Arthur B: 1898
Oles, Ulysses S. B: 1863
Olmstead, Fred Ray B: 1879, D: between 1921 and 1922
Palmer, Emma S. B: 1852, D: 1942
Palmer, Nettie B. B: 1862
Patchett, Alfred William B: circa 1872, D: 1943
Patrick, Guy B: 1886
Patrick, John F. B: 1870, D: 1909
Patrick, Nettie M. B: circa 1878
Pettit, Jennie Mae B: 1876, D: 1970
Pettit, Louis D. B: 1878
Poole, Frederick J.
Porterfield, Maud B: circa 1892
Pratt, Guy L. B: circa 1867
Price, Olive M. B: 1895
Putman, Alfaretta A. B: 1863, D: after 1930
Putman, George A. B: circa 1861
Putman, George G. B: circa 1869
Putman, Johnathan T. B: circa 1837
Putman, Maria B: circa 1855
Putman, Marilla Frank B: 1857, D: 1931
Putman, Mary Ann B: circa 1861
Putman, Wesley W. B: 1899
Putman, William Byron B: 1863
Ramsy, George D. B: circa 1868
Ramsy, Maude J. B: circa 1874
Raymond, Harriet Tryphenia B: 1845, D: 1914
Raymond, Hazel B: 1894
Rhoades, Edith A. B: circa 1864
Rhoades, Emma J. B: circa 1862
Rhoades, Hamilton B: circa 1831
Rhoades, Loren B: circa 1871
Rhoades, Merta A. B: 1880
Rhoades, Nellie M. B: circa 1866
Rhyne, Katy B: circa 1877
Richardson, Mary Angeline B: 1834, D: 1894
Richmond, Rebecca Loraine B: 1840, D: 1925
Righter, Charles B: circa 1871
Righter, Clarence Arthur B: circa 1878
Righter, Mabel L. B: 1882
Robinson, Abram E. B: circa 1854, D: before 1870
Robinson, Alice B: circa 1852
Robinson, Arametta B: 1860
Robinson, Arie B: 1889
Robinson, Clara B: 1891
Robinson, Clara B: 1905
Robinson, Edward B: 1842
Robinson, Elias B: circa 1854
Robinson, Elias D. B: 1869
Robinson, Elias W. B: 1853, D: 1909
Robinson, Eliza B: 1893
Robinson, Elizabeth B: 1850, D: before 1860
Robinson, Eva B: circa 1867
Robinson, Eva L. B: circa 1867
Robinson, Frank B. B: circa 1859
Robinson, Frankie B: circa 1868
Robinson, Fred B: circa 1862
Robinson, Gonzarado B: circa 1855
Robinson, Harmon B: circa 1845, D: before 1920
Robinson, Harry B: 1890
Robinson, Harvey B: 1898
Robinson, Herbert B: 1900
Robinson, Howard B: 1895
Robinson, Lillian M. B: 1902
Robinson, Louisa V. B: circa 1850
Robinson, Martin R. B: 1856
Robinson, Minnie B: 1892
Robinson, Nellie B. B: 1889
Robinson, Orville Eugene B: circa 1856
Robinson, Ralph K. B: circa 1904
Robinson, Rebecca B: 1849
Robinson, Sophronia B: 1847
Robinson, Susan M. B: circa 1848
Robinson, William Alexander B: 1845, D: 1938
Robinson, William H. B: circa 1852
Robinson, William H. B: 1898
Robison, Adelaide Elizabeth B: 1856
Robison, Alfred Alexander B: 1871, D: 1953
Robison, Charles B: circa 1864
Robison, Cora Etta B: 1874, D: 1944
Robison, Frank Leroy B: 1864, D: 1949
Robison, Hazel May B: 1898, D: 1982
Robison, Irene B: 1906
Robison, Iva B: 1903
Robison, Joseph Alexander B: 1897, D: 1972
Robison, Mable M. B: 1887
Robison, Margaret B: circa 1869
Robison, Martha M. B: 1900
Robison, Oscar Adrila B: 1859, D: 1932
Robison, William J. B: 1895
Rockford, Eliza V. B: circa 1893
Rockford, Lillian B: 1926
Rogers, Charles
Rogers, Erwin M. B: 1840, D: 1922
Rosenthal, Joseph B: 1911
Rowlson, Robert C. B: circa 1879
Rowlson, Steven Clark B: circa 1854, D: 1935
Russell, Geralda D. B: 1899, D: 1990
Rust, Angeline B: 1807, D: 1828
Sanford, Electa B: after 1794
Sargent, Earl B: 1924, D: 2013
Schumann, Florence B: circa 1918
Schumann, Gertrude A. B: circa 1916
Schumann, Vincent J. B: circa 1914
Seiting, Mary B: circa 1875
Shepard, Fred B: circa 1876
Shepard, Henry C. B: circa 1873
Shepard, Hugh B: circa 1878
Shepard, Jonathan B. B: circa 1871
Shepard, Julia A. B: circa 1869
Shepard, Rosa B. B: circa 1872
Shepard, Sarah E. B: circa 1866
Simpson, Anna May B: circa 1855
Smith, Anna B: 1856, D: 1910
Smith, Delbert B: 1882
Smith, Gerstle Warren B: 1908, D: 1970
Smith, Mary B: 1888
Smith, Myra B: circa 1877, D: 1885
Smith, Samuel A. B: 1866
Soper, Mary E. B: circa 1870
Stapleton, Jessie B: 1878, D: 1964
Stevens, Blanch E. B: circa 1878
Stevens, Dora A. B: circa 1863
Stevens, Edward Garnett B: 1909, D: 1984
Stevens, Henry B: circa 1871
Stevens, Jennie B: 1885
Stevens, Kenneth W. B: circa 1906, D: 1916
Stevens, Marion W. B: circa 1868
Stevens, Porter B: circa 1875
Stevens, Seth B: 1875
Stewart, Charles Clinton B: 1913, D: 1988
Stewart, Darrel Beverly B: 1903, D: 1991
Still, Chloe E. B: circa 1876, D: 1957
Stilwell, Anna B: circa 1852, D: circa 1907
Stine, Clarence Eugene B: 1876, D: 1928
Stine, Ida M. B: circa 1878
Stine, Jesse Almina B: 1880
Stowe, John Marshall
Strawn, Cora B: 1862, D: 1941
Strong, Caroline Day B: 1840, D: 1905
Sturges, Allen T. B: 1853
Sturges, Gertrude A. B: 1855
Sutfin, Claude P. B: circa 1882
Sutfin, Delilah A. B: circa 1904
Sutfin, Vera L. B: circa 1902
Sutton, Diana B: circa 1855, D: before 1886
Taylor, Reba Dell B: 1932, D: 2002
Tesman, Charles B: circa 1861
Thomas, Mary L. B: 1870, D: 1921
Thompson, Elizabeth B: circa 1875
Thompson, Ethel B: 1891
Thompson, Hannah B: circa 1873
Thompson, Jesse B: 1888
Thompson, Kate A. B: circa 1877
Thompson, Roy Walters B: 1880, D: 1943
Titus, Joseph Charles B: 1913
Tomol, John Robert B: 1928, D: 1973
Topping, Hollis Lena
Town, Herman B: circa 1864
Tribbey, Mabel B: circa 1883
Trombley, Arthur B: circa 1916
Trombley, Harriet B: circa 1914
Tubbs, (?) D: before 1900
Tubbs, Blanche M. B: 1877
Tubbs, May B: 1886
Tubbs, Ruby B: 1890
Tuttle, Emerson E. B: circa 1883
Tuttle, Essie G. B: 1890
Tuttle, Harold D. B: circa 1926
Tuttle, Wesley J. B: 1892
Uren, Alice B: circa 1906
Uren, William J. B: 1903, D: 1991
Van Valkenburg, Abbie Estella B: 1858
Van Valkenburg, Albert B: 1890, D: 1893
Van Valkenburg, Algernon Harry B: 1882, D: 1950
Van Valkenburg, Anna Imogene B: 1858
Van Valkenburg, Carolyn May B: 1877
Van Valkenburg, Carrie B: 1887
Van Valkenburg, Charles James B: 1863, D: 1947
Van Valkenburg, Cora B: 1881
Van Valkenburg, Edith B: circa 1882
Van Valkenburg, Elizabeth Annis B: 1850
Van Valkenburg, Ella Louise B: 1852
Van Valkenburg, Elmer B: 1893, D: 1977
Van Valkenburg, Emery A. B: 1853, D: 1936
Van Valkenburg, Ezra Ernest B: 1893, D: 1941
Van Valkenburg, Frances B: 1847
Van Valkenburg, Frank Hoyt B: 1851
Van Valkenburg, Frederick B: 1873, D: 1912
Van Valkenburg, Harriet B: 1863, D: circa 1880
Van Valkenburg, James B: 1811
Van Valkenburg, James K. Polk B: 1853
Van Valkenburg, James Soloman B: 1880, D: 1959
Van Valkenburg, James Solomon B: 1794, D: 1874
Van Valkenburg, Joseph B: 1799, D: before 1870
Van Valkenburg, Lillian Olive B: 1897, D: 1962
Van Valkenburg, Mamie B: 1892
Van Valkenburg, Margieanna B: 1851
Van Valkenburg, Milo B: 1893
Van Valkenburg, Minnie Myrtle B: 1866
Van Valkenburg, Myrtie M. B: 1882
Van Valkenburg, Nellie L. B: 1882
Van Valkenburg, Parley Z. B: 1888, D: 1913
Van Valkenburg, Randall Tompkins B: 1847, D: 1937
Van Valkenburg, Richard D. B: 1824, D: 1917
Van Valkenburg, Sarah B: circa 1842
Van Valkenburg, Sarah Jane B: 1849, D: 1850
Van Valkenburg, William B: 1847
Van Valkenburg, William Arthur B: circa 1916
Van Valkenburg, Willie B: 1883
Vantine, Albert Mathias B: 1885, D: 1956
(?), Augusta H. B: 1840
(?), Bessie M. B: circa 1889
(?), Effie E. B: 1864, D: 1934
(?), Elizabeth B: circa 1835
(?), Elizabeth A. B: 1856
(?), Ellen E. B: circa 1885
(?), Emma B: 1850
(?), Emma B: circa 1865
(?), Estella M. B: circa 1850
(?), Ethel
(?), Flora B: circa 1857
(?), Frank T. B: circa 1906
(?), Grace B: 1877
(?), Grace L. B: 1898
(?), Hannah J. B: 1851
(?), Harriet B: circa 1889
(?), Harriet E. B: 1851
(?), Helen L. B: circa 1918
(?), Ida B: 1858
(?), Jane W. B: circa 1880
(?), Janie B: 1860
(?), Juliette B: 1859
(?), Laura B: circa 1872
(?), Lillian M. B: 1872
(?), Lucy B: circa 1816
(?), Marion A. B: circa 1897
(?), Martha B: circa 1905
(?), Mary Jane B: 1844
(?), Mary M. B: circa 1897
(?), Mildred I. B: circa 1805
(?), Myra D. B: 1901, D: 1978
(?), Ruth A. B: 1918, D: 1998
(?), Sarah B: circa 1813
(?), Sarah J. B: 1839
(?), Thirsa B: circa 1887
Abbott, Anna M. B: circa 1869
Abbott, Ellen B: circa 1875
Abbott, Ellen M. B: 1841, D: 1896
Abbott, Elsie L. B: circa 1872
Abbott, Laura B: circa 1877
Abbott, Otto D. B: circa 1887
Akins, Charles B: 1877
Allen, Charlotte B: 1867
Anderson, Anna
Austin, Harold Dean B: 1904, D: 2002
Bacon, Edward A. B: circa 1839, D: 1848
Bacon, Ella M. B: circa 1871
Bacon, Myrta A. B: circa 1876
Baldwin, Benedict B: 1787, D: 1884
Baldwin, Joel G. B: 1827, D: after 1880
Baldwin, Sarah B: 1829
Baney, Mary B: 1886
Baney, Mildred B: 1881
Baney, Nettie Eleginia B: 1879, D: 1920
Barnard, Evaleen Leil B: 1871, D: 1951
Barnard, Henry Warren B: 1847, D: 1923
Barnes, Adelbert B: circa 1870
Barnes, Alvin J. B: circa 1871
Barnes, Florence B: 1884
Barnes, Floyd B: 1879
Barnes, Harold B: 1900, D: before 1910
Barnes, Zilpha A. B: 1790, D: 1849
Bauer, Laura B: 1905, D: 1999
Baxter, Anna B: circa 1832
Beebe, Nelson B: 1831, D: 1921
Bell, Douglas B: 1924, D: 1990
Bell, Georgia Clara B: 1886, D: 1960
Benes, Lila Joyce B: circa 1937
Billick, Josephine B: 1845, D: 1930
Bingham, Clair S. B: 1922, D: 2016
Blackmar, Jane Augusta B: 1833, D: 1880
Blossom, Myrtle Blanche B: 1874, D: 1959
Boughner, Ellen E. B: 1876
Boughner, Florence M. B: 1883
Branstetter, Nellie B: 1855
Brewer, Agnes Cecelia B: 1857
Bridgman, Wellington B: 1887, D: after 1901
Brigham, Berdett B: 1879
Brigham, Clara W. B: circa 1842
Brigham, Elisha E. B: 1879
Brigham, Ernest G. B: circa 1878
Brigham, Laura Artemesia B: 1840, D: 1935
Brigham, Mary E. B: circa 1866
Brigham, William E. B: circa 1862
Bristol, Louisa Ada B: 1846, D: 1929
Broadwell, John B: circa 1867
Broadwell, Maggie B: circa 1870
Brown, Lewis B: 1852, D: 1930
Brown, Robert N. B: 1878, D: 1908
Brown, William H. B: 1884
Bucher, Charles I. B: 1869, D: 1950
Bucher, Mils I. B: circa 1896
Buckrell, James L. B: circa 1878
Buckrell, Marion B: 1898
Buckrell, William J. B: 1879
Buff, Charles W. B: 1870, D: 1910
Bull, Sally Ann B: circa 1844
Bullard, Carolyn F. B: 1919, D: 2008
Bullard, Lamont Chubb B: 1914, D: 1917
Burlingame, Jennie A. B: 1857
Bush, Earl Harold B: 1904, D: 1904
Bush, George Albert B: 1907, D: 1908
Bush, Isabel B: 1916, D: 1920
Campbell, Lena Dalana B: circa 1885
Canfield, Grace B: circa 1908
Canfield, Jane B: circa 1910
Canfield, Lester M. B: 1854, D: 1889
Canfield, R.B. B: 1888
Canfield, R.B. B: 1888
Canfield, Tressa Marie B: circa 1906
Cantrell, Constance B: circa 1936
Cantrell, James B: circa 1934
Cantrell, Marjorie B: circa 1935
Carlback, Shirley B: circa 1933
Chant, Suny R. B: circa 1849
Chubb, Arba B: 1869
Chubb, Burty B: circa 1876
Chubb, Evangeline A. B: 1853, D: 1935
Chubb, Flora Augusta B: 1832, D: 1914
Chubb, George B: circa 1874
Chubb, Jessie E. B: 1842, D: 1939
Chubb, Lottie A. B: 1857, D: 1880
Chubb, Lucious Wolford B: 1842, D: 1863
Chubb, May B: 1865
Chubb, Montier Pattison B: 1867, D: 1935
Chubb, Orville Pattison B: 1830, D: 1894
Clapp, Carlos D. B: circa 1876
Clapp, Leonard O. B: circa 1878
Clapp, Mary F. B: circa 1873
Clapp, Otis A. B: circa 1844
Clark, J. Foster B: 1885
Clements, Samuel B: circa 1893
Cochran, Clara Abigale B: 1874, D: 1948
Coffin, Sue L. B: 1893
Convis, Harriett S. B: 1854, D: 1934
Cook, Mirilla F. B: circa 1818
Cooley, Charles M. B: 1864, D: 1921
Cooley, Forrest D. B: circa 1861
Cope, William Green B: 1931, D: 1953
Crane, Dillis D. B: 1879
Crane, Florence B: 1889
Crane, Janie B: circa 1907
Crane, Jeanne B: circa 1924
Crane, Joanne B: circa 1926
Crane, Madeline B: circa 1920
Crane, Margaret B: circa 1922
Crane, Ralph B: circa 1918
Crane, Stephen A. B: 1866
Cronkright, Beulah B: 1907, D: 1911
Culver, Mary B: between 1850 and 1865
Curtiss, Claude Dale B: 1895, D: 1979
Curtiss, Irene Lucille B: circa 1905
Curtiss, Leil J. B: 1898
Curtiss, William Ira B: 1870, D: 1951
Dart, Ellis L. B: 1871
Dart, Emmett B: 1909
Dart, Hellen F. B: 1903
Dart, Iva B. B: 1906, D: 1982
Dart, Ross J. B: 1916, D: 1966
Dart, Russell E. B: 1915
Davis, Laura E. B: circa 1877
Davis, Silas L. B: 1879
Densmore, Oits Parker B: circa 1888, D: circa 1958
Densmore, Otis Lincoln B: 1912, D: 1985
Dickman, Peter B: 1847
Dickman, William B: 1822
Diehl, Doris B: circa 1919
Diehl, Fannie B: 1896
Diehl, Grover B: 1889
Diehl, Phyllis B: circa 1925
Diehl, Ruth B: circa 1918
Diehl, William B: circa 1932
Divine, Addie B. B: 1864, D: 1864
Divine, Earnest Conrad B: 1876, D: 1933
Divine, Monroe Borgardus B: 1852, D: 1908
Divine, Sarah Cornelia B: 1846, D: after 1900
Douglass, Beatrice L. B: 1921, D: 1977
Douglass, Grace E. B: circa 1923, D: after 1977
Douglass, Herbert B: 1867, D: 1932
Douglass, Roy L. B: 1890, D: 1891
Drager, Mary E. B: 1885, D: 1983
Ducat, (?)
Dutton, Lydia L. B: circa 1857
Edick, Benjamin Ernest B: 1864
Edmuster, Clara B: 1845, D: 1918
Emery, Oscar Daniel B: 1876, D: 1957
Emory, Earl B: circa 1879
Emory, May B: circa 1872
Fairchild, Dilla Ann B: 1860, D: 1952
Falkenbury, Alma B: circa 1852
Farnsworth, Lulu May B: 1874
Farver, Nellie B: 1866
Ferguson, Bertha B: circa 1875
Ferguson, George B: circa 1879
Ferguson, John B: circa 1843
Ferguson, Lulu B: 1880
Fero, Asahel B. B: 1846, D: 1914
Fiero, Diane Dee B: circa 1944
Fiero, Zella B: 1868, D: 1955
Fisher, Frank B: circa 1862
Foster, Gardner F. B: circa 1862
Foster, Isaac Owen II B: circa 1927
Gause, Hannah B: circa 1864
Gennrich, Helen F. B: 1908, D: 1982
Gifford, Mariah B: 1831, D: 1914
Gilbert, Adelbert B: circa 1896
Gilbert, Charles C. B: circa 1909
Gilbert, Edna O. B: circa 1912
Gilbert, Harry L. B: circa 1914
Gilbert, Henry B: circa 1907
Gilbert, Lucille A. B: 1917, D: 1986
Gilbert, Moses B: circa 1898
Glassford, Elmer B: 1883
Gleason, Lovina B: circa 1837, D: before 1872
Golias, Walter B: circa 1868
Graham, Anna L. B: 1862, D: 1942
Granger, Hazel A. B: 1898, D: 1993
Granger, Wilford B: circa 1863
Green, Susan B: 1834, D: 1873
Groton, Sarah Elizabeth B: 1831, D: 1882
Hall, Ida May B: circa 1874
Hall, William B: circa 1876
Halsey, David C. Jr. B: 1888
Halsey, David Clifton B: 1919
Hamman, Vennie Etta B: 1875, D: 1955
Harris, Lois A. B: 1847, D: 1892
Harvey, Mary E. B: 1871
Hatinger, Earl Robert B: 1886
Hatinger, Ernest J. B: circa 1914
Hatinger, George Wesley B: 1924
Hatinger, Gerald L. B: 1921, D: 2003
Hatinger, Pauline L. B: circa 1916, D: circa 2002
Hatinger, Robert W. B: circa 1920
Hawkins, Marian Francis B: 1924, D: 1996
Heath, Virgil B: 1872
Herkimer, Hannah B: 1790, D: 1864
Hersey, Allegra B: circa 1917
Hersey, Dale B: circa 1913
Hersey, George D. B: 1895
Hersey, Ila June B: circa 1915
Hersey, John P. B: 1848, D: 1915
Hersey, Mary A. B: 1888
Hersey, Sarah M. B: 1882
Higley, Charles Mason B: 1880, D: 1953
Hill, Ida J. B: 1856, D: 1933
Hollis, Eli
Hughey, Isabella B: 1858
Hulbert, Alta A. B: 1872, D: 1937
Hulbert, Horace T. B: circa 1892
Hulbert, Mina A. B: circa 1894
Hulbert, Oneidie B: circa 1886
Hutchins, Ella Mae B: 1895, D: 1979
Hutton, Fredric C. B: 1879
Hutton, Henry B: circa 1840, D: 1904
Hutton, Igora L. B: 1883
Hutton, Winifred F. B: circa 1908
Hyde, William Riley B: 1841
Jackson, Arthur B: 1882
Jackson, Hazel R. B: 1886
Jackson, Lillian B: circa 1872
Jiggens, Frank Edward B: 1937, D: 1992
Johnson, Bessie Winifred B: 1901, D: 1982
Johnston, Alice B: circa 1878
Johnston, Ralph W.E. B: 1889
Kane, Bessie B: 1869, D: 1931
Kane, Dorothy B: 1870, D: 1950
Kellog, Jesse B: 1831
Kiley, Dennis Leo B: 1899, D: 1927
Kiley, George W. B: circa 1902
Kiley, John D. B: 1898, D: 1962
Kiley, Lionel B: circa 1906, D: 1959
Kiley, Marguerite B: 1897, D: 1956
King, Pat
Knapp, Marian Arina B: 1855, D: 1927
Knowles, Anna B: circa 1856
Lacy, Martin B: circa 1852
LaGore, Frank W. B: circa 1885
Lamphier, Mary
Lansing, Vena B: 1886
Lashuay, Alexander Elixir Jr. B: 1839, D: 1916
Lewis, Adoniram Judson B: 1819, D: 1864
Lewis, Arba Chubb B: 1824, D: 1862
Lewis, Flora B: circa 1856, D: before 1870
Lewis, Glode Dugar B: 1821, D: 1901
Lewis, Laura B: circa 1856
Lewis, Martin B: circa 1858
Lewis, Orlen Arza B: 1867, D: 1951
Lewis, Samuel Eugene B: 1841
Lewis, Sylvester T.B. B: 1843, D: 1864
Lewis, Sylvester T.B. B: 1843, D: 1864
Lewis, William B: 1783, D: 1851
Lousey, Lola B: 1851, D: 1904
Lower, Joseph B: circa 1837
Lung, Ronald Charles B: 1904, D: 1977
Lyon, Hattie L. B: circa 1861
MacDonald, Annie B: circa 1889
Macek, Anna B: circa 1901
Macek, Charles B: 1894, D: 1916
Macek, George B: 1892
Macek, Joseph G. B: 1904, D: 1978
Machuta, Bonnie J. B: circa 1934
Machuta, Helen E. B: circa 1932
Machuta, Joseph E. B: 1901, D: 1989
Machuta, Victor D. B: circa 1926
Marr, Ada B: circa 1873
Marr, Anna B: circa 1871
Marr, Arthur B: circa 1877
Marr, Elizabeth B: circa 1867
Marr, Gladys B: circa 1902
Marr, Hugh B: circa 1914
Marr, John A. B: 1883
Marr, Joseph T. B: 1898
Marr, Katie M. B: 1869
Marr, Leo J. B: circa 1906
Marr, Oscar P. B: 1874
Marsh, Ethel Sadie B: 1882, D: 1973
Martin, Frances Caroline B: 1875, D: 1955
Martin, Harold R. B: 1881
Martin, Mary T. B: 1890
Martin, Maud F. B: 1884
Matthews, Mary B: 1845, D: 1904
Maulbetsch, Arlene M. B: 1914, D: 1993
McCrory, Laura B: 1896, D: 1976
McDonald, Blanch B: circa 1882
McKay, Ida A. B: 1859, D: 1938
McMechan, Charles B: circa 1853
McMechan, William B: circa 1848
McOmber, Elizabeth B: 1911, D: 2002
McOmber, Frederick Neergaard B: 1920, D: 2002
McOmber, Margaret B: 1912, D: 1991
Mercer, Ann J. B: circa 1879
Mercer, Carra M. B: circa 1872
Mercer, Gasper Dwight B: 1902, D: 1902
Merriman, Louise Carrie B: 1859, D: 1951
Miller, Ida B: circa 1869
Miller, Leonard B: circa 1872
Miller, Oscar B: circa 1877
Miller, Willie B: 1880
Mimkin, Frederic B: 1874
Mimkin, Minnie B: 1877
Minnis, Elizabeth Ann B: 1836
Minnis, Frank B: circa 1845
Minnis, Lucia B: circa 1839
Mominee, Elizabeth B: 1836, D: 1911
Monnich, Julius W. B: 1865, D: 1948
Morton, Ebson D. B: 1904
Mosher, Carrie A. B: circa 1873
Newman, Margaret Eloise B: 1929, D: 2015
Ney, Blanche B: 1884
Ney, Carol Jean B: 1935
Ney, Delia M. B: 1914
Ney, Donald D. B: 1931, D: 1933
Ney, Earl W. B: 1917, D: 1935
Ney, Edwin B: 1850
Ney, Elmer D. B: 1916, D: 1991
Ney, Gerold E. B: circa 1922
Ney, Guy W. B: 1912, D: 1999
Ney, Harold B: circa 1922
Ney, Herbert B: 1887
Ney, Kenneth B: 1930, D: 1983
Ney, Mary R. B: 1889
Ney, Merle E. B: 1917
Ney, Pauline B: circa 1927
Ney, Phyllis M. B: circa 1925
Ney, William H. B: 1890
Ney, William H. B: circa 1919
Nold, Arthur B: 1872, D: 1905
Nold, Cora E. B: 1878, D: 1948
Nold, Sylvester Veight B: 1874, D: 1950
Norton, Albert Arthur B: 1898, D: 1953
Oles, Floyd H. B: 1896
Oles, Margaret L. B: circa 1905
Oles, Robert Arthur B: 1898
Oles, Ulysses S. B: 1863
Olmstead, Fred Ray B: 1879, D: between 1921 and 1922
Palmer, Emma S. B: 1852, D: 1942
Palmer, Nettie B. B: 1862
Patchett, Alfred William B: circa 1872, D: 1943
Patrick, Guy B: 1886
Patrick, John F. B: 1870, D: 1909
Patrick, Nettie M. B: circa 1878
Pettit, Jennie Mae B: 1876, D: 1970
Pettit, Louis D. B: 1878
Poole, Frederick J.
Porterfield, Maud B: circa 1892
Pratt, Guy L. B: circa 1867
Price, Olive M. B: 1895
Putman, Alfaretta A. B: 1863, D: after 1930
Putman, George A. B: circa 1861
Putman, George G. B: circa 1869
Putman, Johnathan T. B: circa 1837
Putman, Maria B: circa 1855
Putman, Marilla Frank B: 1857, D: 1931
Putman, Mary Ann B: circa 1861
Putman, Wesley W. B: 1899
Putman, William Byron B: 1863
Ramsy, George D. B: circa 1868
Ramsy, Maude J. B: circa 1874
Raymond, Harriet Tryphenia B: 1845, D: 1914
Raymond, Hazel B: 1894
Rhoades, Edith A. B: circa 1864
Rhoades, Emma J. B: circa 1862
Rhoades, Hamilton B: circa 1831
Rhoades, Loren B: circa 1871
Rhoades, Merta A. B: 1880
Rhoades, Nellie M. B: circa 1866
Rhyne, Katy B: circa 1877
Richardson, Mary Angeline B: 1834, D: 1894
Richmond, Rebecca Loraine B: 1840, D: 1925
Righter, Charles B: circa 1871
Righter, Clarence Arthur B: circa 1878
Righter, Mabel L. B: 1882
Robinson, Abram E. B: circa 1854, D: before 1870
Robinson, Alice B: circa 1852
Robinson, Arametta B: 1860
Robinson, Arie B: 1889
Robinson, Clara B: 1891
Robinson, Clara B: 1905
Robinson, Edward B: 1842
Robinson, Elias B: circa 1854
Robinson, Elias D. B: 1869
Robinson, Elias W. B: 1853, D: 1909
Robinson, Eliza B: 1893
Robinson, Elizabeth B: 1850, D: before 1860
Robinson, Eva B: circa 1867
Robinson, Eva L. B: circa 1867
Robinson, Frank B. B: circa 1859
Robinson, Frankie B: circa 1868
Robinson, Fred B: circa 1862
Robinson, Gonzarado B: circa 1855
Robinson, Harmon B: circa 1845, D: before 1920
Robinson, Harry B: 1890
Robinson, Harvey B: 1898
Robinson, Herbert B: 1900
Robinson, Howard B: 1895
Robinson, Lillian M. B: 1902
Robinson, Louisa V. B: circa 1850
Robinson, Martin R. B: 1856
Robinson, Minnie B: 1892
Robinson, Nellie B. B: 1889
Robinson, Orville Eugene B: circa 1856
Robinson, Ralph K. B: circa 1904
Robinson, Rebecca B: 1849
Robinson, Sophronia B: 1847
Robinson, Susan M. B: circa 1848
Robinson, William Alexander B: 1845, D: 1938
Robinson, William H. B: circa 1852
Robinson, William H. B: 1898
Robison, Adelaide Elizabeth B: 1856
Robison, Alfred Alexander B: 1871, D: 1953
Robison, Charles B: circa 1864
Robison, Cora Etta B: 1874, D: 1944
Robison, Frank Leroy B: 1864, D: 1949
Robison, Hazel May B: 1898, D: 1982
Robison, Irene B: 1906
Robison, Iva B: 1903
Robison, Joseph Alexander B: 1897, D: 1972
Robison, Mable M. B: 1887
Robison, Margaret B: circa 1869
Robison, Martha M. B: 1900
Robison, Oscar Adrila B: 1859, D: 1932
Robison, William J. B: 1895
Rockford, Eliza V. B: circa 1893
Rockford, Lillian B: 1926
Rogers, Charles
Rogers, Erwin M. B: 1840, D: 1922
Rosenthal, Joseph B: 1911
Rowlson, Robert C. B: circa 1879
Rowlson, Steven Clark B: circa 1854, D: 1935
Russell, Geralda D. B: 1899, D: 1990
Rust, Angeline B: 1807, D: 1828
Sanford, Electa B: after 1794
Sargent, Earl B: 1924, D: 2013
Schumann, Florence B: circa 1918
Schumann, Gertrude A. B: circa 1916
Schumann, Vincent J. B: circa 1914
Seiting, Mary B: circa 1875
Shepard, Fred B: circa 1876
Shepard, Henry C. B: circa 1873
Shepard, Hugh B: circa 1878
Shepard, Jonathan B. B: circa 1871
Shepard, Julia A. B: circa 1869
Shepard, Rosa B. B: circa 1872
Shepard, Sarah E. B: circa 1866
Simpson, Anna May B: circa 1855
Smith, Anna B: 1856, D: 1910
Smith, Delbert B: 1882
Smith, Gerstle Warren B: 1908, D: 1970
Smith, Mary B: 1888
Smith, Myra B: circa 1877, D: 1885
Smith, Samuel A. B: 1866
Soper, Mary E. B: circa 1870
Stapleton, Jessie B: 1878, D: 1964
Stevens, Blanch E. B: circa 1878
Stevens, Dora A. B: circa 1863
Stevens, Edward Garnett B: 1909, D: 1984
Stevens, Henry B: circa 1871
Stevens, Jennie B: 1885
Stevens, Kenneth W. B: circa 1906, D: 1916
Stevens, Marion W. B: circa 1868
Stevens, Porter B: circa 1875
Stevens, Seth B: 1875
Stewart, Charles Clinton B: 1913, D: 1988
Stewart, Darrel Beverly B: 1903, D: 1991
Still, Chloe E. B: circa 1876, D: 1957
Stilwell, Anna B: circa 1852, D: circa 1907
Stine, Clarence Eugene B: 1876, D: 1928
Stine, Ida M. B: circa 1878
Stine, Jesse Almina B: 1880
Stowe, John Marshall
Strawn, Cora B: 1862, D: 1941
Strong, Caroline Day B: 1840, D: 1905
Sturges, Allen T. B: 1853
Sturges, Gertrude A. B: 1855
Sutfin, Claude P. B: circa 1882
Sutfin, Delilah A. B: circa 1904
Sutfin, Vera L. B: circa 1902
Sutton, Diana B: circa 1855, D: before 1886
Taylor, Reba Dell B: 1932, D: 2002
Tesman, Charles B: circa 1861
Thomas, Mary L. B: 1870, D: 1921
Thompson, Elizabeth B: circa 1875
Thompson, Ethel B: 1891
Thompson, Hannah B: circa 1873
Thompson, Jesse B: 1888
Thompson, Kate A. B: circa 1877
Thompson, Roy Walters B: 1880, D: 1943
Titus, Joseph Charles B: 1913
Tomol, John Robert B: 1928, D: 1973
Topping, Hollis Lena
Town, Herman B: circa 1864
Tribbey, Mabel B: circa 1883
Trombley, Arthur B: circa 1916
Trombley, Harriet B: circa 1914
Tubbs, (?) D: before 1900
Tubbs, Blanche M. B: 1877
Tubbs, May B: 1886
Tubbs, Ruby B: 1890
Tuttle, Emerson E. B: circa 1883
Tuttle, Essie G. B: 1890
Tuttle, Harold D. B: circa 1926
Tuttle, Wesley J. B: 1892
Uren, Alice B: circa 1906
Uren, William J. B: 1903, D: 1991
Van Valkenburg, Abbie Estella B: 1858
Van Valkenburg, Albert B: 1890, D: 1893
Van Valkenburg, Algernon Harry B: 1882, D: 1950
Van Valkenburg, Anna Imogene B: 1858
Van Valkenburg, Carolyn May B: 1877
Van Valkenburg, Carrie B: 1887
Van Valkenburg, Charles James B: 1863, D: 1947
Van Valkenburg, Cora B: 1881
Van Valkenburg, Edith B: circa 1882
Van Valkenburg, Elizabeth Annis B: 1850
Van Valkenburg, Ella Louise B: 1852
Van Valkenburg, Elmer B: 1893, D: 1977
Van Valkenburg, Emery A. B: 1853, D: 1936
Van Valkenburg, Ezra Ernest B: 1893, D: 1941
Van Valkenburg, Frances B: 1847
Van Valkenburg, Frank Hoyt B: 1851
Van Valkenburg, Frederick B: 1873, D: 1912
Van Valkenburg, Harriet B: 1863, D: circa 1880
Van Valkenburg, James B: 1811
Van Valkenburg, James K. Polk B: 1853
Van Valkenburg, James Soloman B: 1880, D: 1959
Van Valkenburg, James Solomon B: 1794, D: 1874
Van Valkenburg, Joseph B: 1799, D: before 1870
Van Valkenburg, Lillian Olive B: 1897, D: 1962
Van Valkenburg, Mamie B: 1892
Van Valkenburg, Margieanna B: 1851
Van Valkenburg, Milo B: 1893
Van Valkenburg, Minnie Myrtle B: 1866
Van Valkenburg, Myrtie M. B: 1882
Van Valkenburg, Nellie L. B: 1882
Van Valkenburg, Parley Z. B: 1888, D: 1913
Van Valkenburg, Randall Tompkins B: 1847, D: 1937
Van Valkenburg, Richard D. B: 1824, D: 1917
Van Valkenburg, Sarah B: circa 1842
Van Valkenburg, Sarah Jane B: 1849, D: 1850
Van Valkenburg, William B: 1847
Van Valkenburg, William Arthur B: circa 1916
Van Valkenburg, Willie B: 1883
Vantine, Albert Mathias B: 1885, D: 1956