Frank Otis Shepard1

TMG ID:3461, (12 Jan 1855 - 30 Nov 1947)
Relationships:4th cousin 3 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
4th cousin 6 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*David Lindley Shepard1 B: 22 Dec 1807, D: 14 Feb 1874
Mother*Olive B. Brockway1 B: 17 Jul 1817, D: 29 Mar 1884

Vital Statistics

Obituary & Other Vital Info


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "F.O."2


MarriageTuesday, 3 Jun 1890, Frank, age 35 years, 4 months and 22 days, and Elmina Jane Ferguson, age 23 years, 4 months and 4 days, daughter of: James J. Ferguson and Anna E. Crawford, were married.2,5
Marriagebetween 1930 and 1940, Frank and Anna Overton Hoy, daughter of: John D. Hoy and Martha Frazer, were married.6,7,8

Children of: Frank Otis Shepard and Elmina Jane Ferguson

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Other: Frank Otis Shepard In a letter to Alice Shepard Jeffrey, Lucile Shepard DeReign wrote of her father Frank Otis Shepard (from David Cook): "My father taught school in the area because it was up to him to manage the farm. He had special talent. I do not even remember learning to read. I could always read it seems. He taught Mary and Morrell Jr. (our children) also.... I remember when the folks at Arrow Rock called him 'Professor Shepard' and he was asked to be the orator on formal occasions and to be the preacher when necessary. He spent his last two years in a nursing home in suburban St. Louis and died in November, 1947. he was taken there by doctor's orders when he had to have special care.".5

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-186028 Jun 1860, Post Office: Hartford, Hartford Twp., Trumbull County, OhioGDavid Lindley Shepard, Olive B. Brockway, Earl Shepard, Guel Martin Hoadley, Austin Hamilton Shepard, Clyde Lindley Shepard and Emily J. Brockway9
Census-187013 Aug 1870, Post Office: Arrow Rock, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGDavid Lindley Shepard, Olive B. Brockway, Earl Shepard, Austin Hamilton Shepard and Clyde Lindley Shepard10
Census-18807 Jun 1880, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGOlive B. Brockway, Austin Hamilton Shepard, Clyde Lindley Shepard, Mary Hoadley and Emily J. Brockway11
Census-190021 Jun 1900, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriG, Frank Shepard was the Enumerator for the 1900 Federal CensusElmina Jane Ferguson, Lynn Crawford Shepard, Anna Lucile Shepard, Mary Shepard and Emily J. Brockway2
Census-19106 May 1910, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriG, Frank Shepard was the Enumerator for the 1910 Federal CensusElmina Jane Ferguson, Lynn Crawford Shepard, Anna Lucile Shepard and Anna E. Crawford12
Census-192015 Jan 1920, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGLynn Crawford Shepard and Willie (?)13
Census-19307 Apr 1930, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGLynn Crawford Shepard, Willie (?) and Henry Crawford Shepard8
Census-19405 Apr 1940, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGAnna Overton Hoy7


circa Jun 1880Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGfarming11
circa Jun 1900Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGfarmer2
circa May 1910Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGfarmer12
circa Jan 1920Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGfarmer13
circa Apr 1930Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGnone8

Witnessed Events & Occasions

DeathFriday, 25 Oct 1918, Frank Otis Shepard was the informant on the death certtificate for Elmina Jane Ferguson.3
DeathTuesday, 3 Dec 1918, Frank Otis Shepard was the informant on the death certtificate for Anna E. Crawford.3


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
  2. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  3. [S670] Missouri Death Certificates, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Internet - MO Death Recs.
  4. [S826] Find A Grave, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  5. [S720] Eric C. Ross, online, Eric C. Ross (e-mail address), updated as of 1 Jul 2001.
  6. [S2688] Anna Overton Hoy Shepard, Photo Copy 19801 (5 May 1947), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate - Anna Shepard.
  7. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  8. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  9. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  10. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Ninth Census of the United States, 1870.
  11. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  12. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  13. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
Last Edited20 Mar 2015

Austin Hamilton Shepard1

TMG ID:3462, (29 Feb 1856 - 29 Apr 1928)
Relationships:4th cousin 3 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
4th cousin 6 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*David Lindley Shepard1 B: 22 Dec 1807, D: 14 Feb 1874
Mother*Olive B. Brockway1 B: 17 Jul 1817, D: 29 Mar 1884

Vital Statistics

Obituary & Other Vital Info


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "A.H."3,4


MarriageThursday, 16 Feb 1882, Austin, age 25 years, 11 months and 15 days, and Alice May Thompson, age 24 years, 5 months and 29 days, daughter of: Stephen W. Thompson and Cyrene Norton, were married at Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriG.2
MarriageSunday, 6 Feb 1921, Austin, age 64 years, 11 months and 5 days, and Myrtle Jobson were married at Mexico, Audrain County, MissouriG, 02:00 PM.2,5

Children of: Austin Hamilton Shepard and Alice May Thompson

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Anecdote: on Saturday, 5 Feb 1881, at Arrow Rock, Saline County, MissouriG, Austin Hamilton Shepard (24 years old) and Alice May Thompson (23 years old) From a hand-written letter to Alice May Thompson in the possession of Alice S. Jeffrey (Xeroxed copy): Arrow Rock Feb 5 1881 -

    "Dear friend:

    As you apprehended, I was considerably surprised to receive a note addressed in handwriting I recognized as your mother's, and again surprised to find the contents in your own writing. Clyde handed the note to me at our R.R. meeting today and as I could not open it there my imagination had plenty of time to exercise itself but it could not tell what Mrs. Judge T. -- could have to inform me of. Both surprises however were insignificant compared with the fact your note communicated: You say there is one Ada Thompson in Easton. If so I am about certain she now has my last letter to you and I would rather she had my bank account. I sent the letter Tuesday I think addressed simply Miss A. M. Thompson Easton Penn so it is more than probable that Miss T-- 3d has received it. The article was intended for you and most emphatically no one else. If Miss A.T. the 3 has it she has something that will be rich at least to her and I hope you will never see it second handed for I would spare you the displeasure that would attend such a circumstance. Should this happen you can hardly blame me, as you gave no directions as to address. I am very sorry on your account but can do nothing to avoid the result. Please inquire at the office for the letter and write soon.

    Protracted meeting is going on with success. Prospects for the Hanibal & S.W. R.R. are very flattering. When may I hope to see you in Arrow Rock again? Arch sends his best regards. I have not seen Wm. P. since last fall when he went to Joplin. I think he has failed financially.

    Hoping that this may find you happy I remain your friend

    Austin H. Shepard P.S. Let me hear from that letter soon. I'm anxious."

    From a hand-written letter to Alice May Thompson in the possession of Alice S. Jeffrey (xeroxed copy):

    "Arrow Rock Mo.
    May 9 1881

    My dear friend

    Your welcomed letter was received about a week ago and at the time of reading it I expected the pleasure of answering within a day or so but since then have been very busy and worked late. I would have written last night but just as I was commencing Eld. H Eubanks rode up. You know how I love bro H. so can imagine how glad I was to see him at such a time. Nevertheless, he must be entertained so I did the best I could until after 10 when my eyelids took such an attraction for each other that retiring was proposed. Consider the excuse and pardon my lateness please.

    Your last letter was very entertaining and I will thank you for another as soon as you think proper to grant it.

    I was pleased that you accepted my signature and styled me "your Country fellow" but am surprised that you should fear my feelings insulted or becoming angry at the complimentary term. Honestly, I like every letter of it. I presume the Country part is what you expected me to take exceptions to. If so, you are greatly mistaken. I am a Countryman and am proud of it.

    Will send you a description of us farmers which I clip from (a line is missing here, along the top edge of the Xeroxed copy). Read it, and then let me tell you that although it is true of a certain class of farmers, it is a far better representation of an absurd Eastern idea than a picture of the Western farmer.

    I once regarded farming as a low mean calling; but the more I study and practice it, the more attractive it appears and in my opinion if the farmer is not on a par with his fellows of whatever calling it is his own fault and not that of his calling. His life is rich in opportunity for self-culture and home education. More than most other men, he has time for leisure and undisturbed thought and study. Farming is necessary and honorable and should command respect according to the spirit and intelligence with which it is carried on. To secure ideal success in it requires a great knowledge of science, commerce and much beside that farmers are generally supposed never to think of. Don't be afraid of giving offense by styling me "Country fellow," I'm not ashamed of it. (Will) Cowper would say God made the Country and man made the town.

    Do not think from this that I do not like the city for such is not the case and I appreciate the kindness of your wish that I could enjoy some of the beauties of Central Park. I expect to attend the St. Louis fair next fall and if you will happen by on your return at that time I will meet you with a hearty handshake and perhaps something else -- that is with your consent.
    (The closure of this letter is missing from the copy.)"

    Other notes:

    From the 25th anniversary edition of the Columbia Missouri Herald (April 1895): "Any town supplied with a good dairy farm is blessed. And no Missouri town can claim superiority over Columbia in this respect. The Eagle Park Dairy farm of A. H. Shepherd consists of 256 acres within two miles of town, finely set in bluegrass, well wooded and well watered. The farm is modeled after a famous dairy farm in Ontario, Canada, and was arranged by Gen. Odon Guitar, from whom it was purchased in 1889 by Mr. Shepherd, with a special view to all the needs and conveniences of dairying. It is well equipped with all modern dairy appliances. Upon it are 83 choicely bred dairy cows and heifers mostly of the Holstein-Friesian and Jersey breeds. So admittedly fine is this handsome herd that from it the state of Missouri, after close competition, selected its prize animals and to it have gone for cow lovers of choice stock from Illinois to Mexico. Mr. Shepherd had made dairying a study. He has a model barn, fitted throughout with everything conducive to cleanliness and comfort."

    Evelyn Shepard (Ross) recalls that he drove cattle across the frozen Missouri River moving them from Arrow Rock to Columbia.

    From the scrapbook of Alice Shepard (Jeffrey): He lived with his aunt and uncle, Aurelia Brockway (Hamilton) and Austin Hamilton, from about 1864-1868.

    The following two biographies were written while Austin was still living.

    From the History of Northeast Missouri, Vol II, pages 1012-1013:

    "AUSTIN HAMILTON SHEPARD is one of the leading farmers in Columbia, Missouri, as well as president of the White Eagle Dairy Company, with location one mile southeast of the city. The business which now occupies him has been the foremost and leading interest in his life, as his father before him was a farmer and dairyman, successful and prosperous, and in the son was early inculcated the love of the work which has made it possible for him to accomplish what he has in the dairy and general agriculture lines.

    Born in Trumbull Co, Ohio, on the 29th of February, in 1856, Austin Hamilton Shepard is the son of David L. and Olive (Brockway) Shepard. The father was a native of Massachusetts, and was a farmer all his life. When but a young man in years he moved to Trumbull County, and there he married his wife, who was the daughter of Aaron Brockway. Olive Brockway's mother was a daughter of Capt. Alex Bushnell, a Revolutionary officer, and she was reared in Trumbull County, Ohio. The family was one of the pioneer ones of the County, coming from Connecticut among the earliest settlers of the Western Reserve. David L. and Olive (Brockway) Shepard lived in Trumbull County till 1866, when they removed to Arrow Rock, Saline County, Missouri, where they passed their remaining days, the father being about sixty-nine when he passed away and the mother about sixty-six. They were the parents of five children, Austin H. being the fourth in order of birth.

    When he was ten years of age, Austin Hamilton Shepard came to Missouri with his parents, at the time when they located at Arrow Rock, and there he was reared and received the greater part of his educational training. He was a student at the state university in the agricultural department, and was graduated from that institution with the class of 1879, thereby gaining much of the scientific knowledge which has enabled him to conduct his business along the lines approved by students of agriculture, and which has made it possible for him to avoid many of the mistakes and failures of men with less accurate knowledge of their work.

    Immediately after his graduation, Mr. Shepard engaged in farming in Saline County, there remaining until January 1, 1885. At that time, he located on his present farm, situated about a mile distant from the city of Columbia, and here he has been engaged in dairy farming. He is the owner of one of the finest equipped dairy farms in Missouri. His home farm consists of 256 acres of fertile land and is known as Eagle Park Farm, while another fine place, which he owns, located some four miles west of the city and consisting of 325 acres, is called Valley View Farm. Both are wonderfully productive places, and yield abundantly to the master hand of their owner. Mr. Shepard assisted in organizing the dairy company known as the White Eagle Dairy Company, and he is president of the concern, in addition to which he has other business interests of equal importance. In addition to his fine farming property, Mr. Shepard is the owner of a splendid home in Columbia, where he lived in order that his children might have the educational advantages afforded by the University of Missouri. Mr. Shepard is somewhat interested in the political affairs of his district, and is a stanch Republican. He was chairman of the board of public works at one time and has served on the local school board. Fraternally he is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

    On February 16, 1882, Mr. Shepard was united in marriage with Miss Alice M. Thompson, the daughter of Judge S. M. Thompson, of Arrow Rock, Missouri. She was born in New York State, but reared and educated in Missouri. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Shepard: Norton H., Olive, Clyde L. and Cyrene. The two last named share the family home; Norton H., the eldest, is engaged in farming, and Olive is the wife of Professor J. B. Hanson, of the Iowa State University at Iowa City, Iowa."

    From Missouri, Mother of the West, Vol III, by Walter Williams, pages 152-153:

    "AUSTIN HAMILTON SHEPARD, farmer, dairyman and business man of Boone County, has lived most of his life in Central Missouri and is a member of a family that were pioneers in the Ohio Western Reserve and came originally from New England, of English lineage.

    His grandfather, Simeon Shepard, was a soldier in the War of 1812. He lived in Massachusetts and for a time was engaged in the manufacture of gunpowder. His son, David L. Shepard, was born at Westfield, Massachusetts, in 1806, and as a young man went west to the Western Reserve of Ohio. He became a farmer in Trumbull County. His first wife was a Miss Smith and they reared six out of eight children, many of whose descendants are still living at Cleveland and in that section of Ohio. The second wife of David L. Shepard was Olive Brockway, whose father, Edwin Brockway, settled in Trumbull County as early as1799. Edwin Brockway married Lucy Bushnell, a daughter of Capt. Alexander Bushnell, a soldier of the Revolutionary wars. David L. Shepard had a son who served all through the Civil war in the Union army, and another son who was in the service for a short time.

    David L. Shepard came out to Missouri in 1866 and settled in Saline Co, living the rest of his life on a farm near Arrow Rock, where he died in 1872. By his second marriage, he had three children. The two now living are Frank O. Shepard, at Arrow Rock, and Austin Hamilton Shepard.

    Austin Hamilton Shepard was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, February 29, 1856. He was ten years of age when brought to Missouri and finished his education in school at Arrow Rock. He also had two years at the University of Missouri, where he specialized in horticulture. Mr. Shepard for five years farmed the old home place in Saline County, and since then has been a prominent factor in Boone County agriculture, operating two farms aggregating 520 acres. He makes dairying the main feature of his farm enterprise. His home is a mile and a half from Columbia. Mr. Shepard is also a director of the Home Mutual Insurance Company, and he served three years on the board of public works.

    He married, in 1882, Miss Alice Thompson, who was born in Lewis County, New York. She died in 1918, leaving four children: Norton H; Olive E., who became the wife of Dr. J. B. Hanson; Clyde L; and Cyrene, wife of James H. Harkless. The son Clyde was in training camps during the World War, becoming a non-commissioned officer. Mr. Shepard's second wife was Mrs. Myrtle (Jobson) Terrell."

    OBITUARY, possibly from the Columbia Tribune shortly after his death:

    "A. H. SHEPARD DIES IN CLEVELAND, OHIO. Remains to Be Brought Here and Funeral Services to Be Conducted Wednesday. WAS 72 YEARS OLD Born in Ohio and Came to Missouri With Parents --- Was Well Known Dairyman.
    A message was received here last night by Clyde Shepard who announced the death, last night, in Cleveland, Ohio, of his father, A. H. Shepard of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard departed for Cleveland about March 1, last, to visit Mr. Shepard's daughter, Mrs. Olive Hansen and a short time after their arrival in that city Mr. Shepard suffered a paralytic stroke. He had been in a hospital since and there was never any real hope entertained for his recovery.

    Funeral services will be conducted at the home of the deceased on Highway No. 63, just across the Hinkson Bridge at the present end of the highway Wednesday afternoon. Burial will be in Columbia cemetery.

    Mr. Shepard was born in Hartford, Trumbull County, Ohio, February 29, 1856. He came to Missouri in 1858 (should be 1866...TJS) with his parents, who located at Arrow Rock, Saline County. Mr. Shepard graduated from the University of Missouri in 1878. On February 16, 1882, he was married to Miss Alice Thompson, and moved to the farm south of Columbia on which he was living at the time of his death. In 1882, he established the Eagle Park Dairy. He was the first man to engage in the manufacture of commercial ice cream in Columbia.

    Mr. Shepard was twice married. His first wife died in 1918. Several years later, he was married to Mrs. L. L. Terrell, who survives him. Of the first union five children were born, four of whom, Norton H. Shepard, a well known Boone County farmer, Mrs. Hansen of Cleveland, Clyde Shepard of Columbia and Mrs. J. H. Harkless, Jr., of Kansas City, survive. Stephen died in infancy. One brother, F. O. Shepard of Arrow Rock and one half brother, Guel M. Hoadley of Faxon, Oklahoma, and eight grandchildren also survive.

    Mr. Shepard organized and for 18 years was president of the White Eagle Dairy Company. He was the first owner of a Holstein herd in Boone County. Following his retirement from the White Eagle Dairy Company he continued to produce milk for commercial purposes on his farm south of Columbia and he also devoted some time to the operation of another farm located on highway No. 40, about five and one-half miles (east) of Columbia.

    Although 72 years of age Mr. Shepard had only 17 birthdays during his entire life. He, it will be noted above, was born on February 29, which comes but once every four years, and at one period during his life the 29th did not come for eight years, thus depriving him of a birthday. On his last birthday, his children met at the home of Clyde Shepard in this city and celebrated the event with a family reunion. It was a few days after this event that Mr. and Mrs. Shepard accompanied their daughter, Mrs. Hansen to her home in Cleveland, where they have since been, due to Mr. Shepard's illness.

    Mr. Shepard served as Chairman of the Columbia board of public works, which just after the city had first purchased the water and light plant, was the controlling agency of the plant. It was later transferred to the city council and the board of public works was abolished. When the board assumed charge of the plant, Mr. Shepard was elected Chairman. He soon learned that only those that paid their bills to the water and light department who felt inclined to do so. Mr. Shepard, after learning of this condition walked into the office one day and instructed the bookkeeper to see if all members of the board of public works, the mayor of the city, members of the city council and all other city employees had paid their bills for water and light. "If they have not paid discontinue service at once." He told the bookkeeper.

    "What, you don't mean to cut off the service, do you Mr. Shepard?" asked the startled bookkeeper.

    "That is exactly what I mean. I want you to start with the members of this board and the city officers first and then go down the line and all subscribers, regardless of who they are, must either pay for their service or have it discontinued. Send out notices to this effect."

    The notices went out and the tills of the water and light department began to fill up. There were some delinquents but when the service was actually cut off they came in and paid, and since that day, all persons who get service from the municipal water and light plant pay for their service. It was not long before the plant became a paying and a growing institution and it has continued so ever since.

    Mr. Shepard also was a member of the Columbia board of education for a number of years. The only fraternal order he ever joined was the Elks lodge. He was not affiliated with any church. He was a republican in politics.

    The news of the death of Mr. Shepard, although his end was expected, was nonetheless shocking to his many friends here. Though a man of reserved disposition he was active in the promotion of any project that meant the advancement of his city and he always bore his share of the finance and the work to bring success to progressive projects. He was liked by all who knew him. He was not a man whose reserve permitted him to be called a general good mixer but once met he impressed his acquaintances and his mannerism always inspired the greatest respect for him. Though reserved he was jocular with his intimates and, while he was generous in according to every man the right to his own opinions, Mr. Shepard never failed to joke his Democratic friends following a Republican victory, but his joking was always genteel and never partisan."

    NOTE: Austin and his second wife Myrtle J. Terrell entered into a prenuptial agreement, based on the fact that each was wealthy and did not need to participate in the estate of the other in event of death. Each was to have the right to dispose of their estate "without interference of claim from the other" (Recorders Office, Boone County, Marriage Contract, Book 165, Page 315). Myrtle held true to this agreement (Probate Court of Boone Co, May 9, 1928, Book 25, Page 376) upon the death of Austin, who died in testate.

    The following wedding announcement is from Frances Shepard Cooper:

    "A. H. SHEPARD AND MRS. TERRELL WED Well-Known Columbia Couple Married at Mexico This Afternoon at 2 O'clock.

    A. H. Shepard and Mrs. Myrtle J. Terrell were married at 2 o'clock this afternoon in Mexico, Missouri, by the pastor of the Methodist church of that city. They left immediately after the ceremony for Cleveland, Ohio, where they will visit Mr. Shepard's daughter. Mr. Shepard is one of Columbia's best-known retired businessmen and for many years he was officially connected with the White Eagle Dairy and was one of its founders. Before the organization of the White Eagle Company Mr. Shepard ran his own dairy. Mrs. Terrell was the widow of the late L. L. Terrell. She resides at the corner of College and Paquin avenues and has many friends in Columbia."6
  • Other: in Apr 1895, at Columbia Twp., Boone County, MissouriG. Austin Hamilton Shepard From the 25th anniversary edition of the Columbia Missouri Herald (April 1895): "Any town supplied with a good dairy farm is blessed. And no Missouri town can claim superiority over Columbia in this respect. The Eagle Park Dairy farm of A.H. Shepherd consists of 256 acres within two miles of town, finely set in bluegrass, well wooded and well watered. The farm is modeled after a famous dairy farm in Ontario, Canada, and was arranged by Gen. Odon Guitar, from whom it was purchased in 1889 by Mr. Shepherd, with a special view to all the needs and conveniences of dairying. It is well equipped with all modern dairy appliances. Upon it are 83 choicely-bred dairy cows and heifers mostly of the Holstein-Friesian and Jersey breeds. So admittedly fine is this handsome herd that from it the state of Missouri, after close competition, selected its prize animals and to it have gone for cows lovers of choice stock from Illinois to Mexico. Mr. Shepherd had made dairying a study. He has a model barn, fitted throughout with everything conducive to cleanliness and comfort.".2
  • Anecdote: circa 1910, Austin Hamilton Shepard and Alice May Thompson
         Others were: Norton Hamilton Shepard, Olive Emily Shepard, Clyde Lindley Shepard and Lucy Cyrene Shepard.6

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-186028 Jun 1860, Post Office: Hartford, Hartford Twp., Trumbull County, OhioGDavid Lindley Shepard, Olive B. Brockway, Earl Shepard, Guel Martin Hoadley, Frank Otis Shepard, Clyde Lindley Shepard and Emily J. Brockway7
Census-187013 Aug 1870, Post Office: Arrow Rock, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGDavid Lindley Shepard, Olive B. Brockway, Earl Shepard, Frank Otis Shepard and Clyde Lindley Shepard8
Census-18807 Jun 1880, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGOlive B. Brockway, Frank Otis Shepard, Clyde Lindley Shepard, Mary Hoadley and Emily J. Brockway9
Census-190011 Jun 1900, Columbia Twp., Boone County, MissouriGAlice May Thompson, Norton Hamilton Shepard, Olive Emily Shepard, Clyde Lindley Shepard and Lucy Cyrene Shepard4
Census-191023 Apr 1910, 403 College Avenue, Columbia, Boone County, MissouriGAlice May Thompson, Norton Hamilton Shepard, Olive Emily Shepard, Clyde Lindley Shepard and Lucy Cyrene Shepard10
Census-19207 Jan 1920, Columbia Twp., Boone County, MissouriGClyde Lindley Shepard and Anne Evelyn Joslyn3


circa Jun 1880Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGfarming9
circa Jun 1900Columbia Twp., Boone County, MissouriGdairyman4
circa Apr 1910Columbia, Boone County, MissouriGdairy farmer10
circa Jan 1920Columbia Twp., Boone County, MissouriGretired3

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Austin Hamilton Shepard was present when Demaris C. Shepard Here are some memories of May Shepard Hoadley.
     Others were: Guel Martin Hoadley, Mary Hoadley, David Lindley Shepard, Cassimer P. Shepard, Myrtle Jobson, Norton Hamilton Shepard, Ophelia Lyda Robinson, Alice Josephine Shepard, Alice Cyrene Harkless, Lucy Cyrene Shepard and Betty Fay Harkless.1


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
  2. [S721], online, Pomala Black (e-mail address), updated as of 21 Mar 2007.
  3. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  4. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  5. [S720] Eric C. Ross, online, Eric C. Ross (e-mail address), updated as of 1 Jul 2001.
  6. [S3505] The source has been lost to time unfortunately. Any clues to the original source would be greatly appreciated., online . Hereinafter cited as Unknown Due to Time.
  7. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  8. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Ninth Census of the United States, 1870.
  9. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  10. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah,, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
Last Edited31 Aug 2022

Clyde Lindley Shepard1

TMG ID:3464, (1 Aug 1858 - 8 Apr 1892)
Relationships:4th cousin 3 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
4th cousin 6 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*David Lindley Shepard1 B: 22 Dec 1807, D: 14 Feb 1874
Mother*Olive B. Brockway1 B: 17 Jul 1817, D: 29 Mar 1884

Vital Statistics

Obituary & Other Vital Info

  • Clyde Lindley Shepard was the son of: David Lindley Shepard and Olive B. Brockway.1
  • An Obituary for Clyde Lindley Shepard appeared on Friday, 15 Apr 1892, in Arrow Rock Enterprise, Arrow Rock Twp., Missouri. Obituary
    Death of C. L. Shepard

    The sad intelligence was received here last Sunday morning that C. L. Shepard had died on Friday night in Texas. It will be remembered that Mr. Shepard went to Deaf Smith County, Texas, about two months ago and pre-empted a homestead, and it was while endeavoring to build up and improve the claim that he died.

    The cause of death was heart trouble, he having retired at an early hour and about 9 or 10 o'clock awoke his roommate, only to pass away before anything could be done for his relief.

    The remains arrived here Tuesday, when the last sad rites were performed and the body laid at rest in the Arrow Rock Cemetery; Rev. Edmund Wilkes, of Boonville, assisted by Rev. J. C. Coss, of this city, conducting the ceremony.

    Mr. Shepard was born in Hartford, Cumberland [actually, Trumbull...TJS] County, Ohio, on August 1, 1858, but has resided on the old Shepard farm just south of town since he was 8 years old. He leaves two brothers to mourn his loss, Austin H., residing in Columbia, and Frank O., living near Arrow Rock. He was a simple hearted man, honest and honorable in all his dealings, and had the good will and friendship of all that knew him. He was a consistent member of the Christian Church of this city and was more than ordinarily charitably inclined. In his will provision was made giving $300 to the Orphans' Home at Fulton, Missouri.

    From the Arrow Rock Enterprise, Friday, April 15, 1892:

    NOTE: The year of his death was 1892, but is incorrectly engraved as 1893 on his tombstone.2,1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-186028 Jun 1860, Post Office: Hartford, Hartford Twp., Trumbull County, OhioGDavid Lindley Shepard, Olive B. Brockway, Earl Shepard, Guel Martin Hoadley, Frank Otis Shepard, Austin Hamilton Shepard and Emily J. Brockway3
Census-187013 Aug 1870, Post Office: Arrow Rock, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGDavid Lindley Shepard, Olive B. Brockway, Earl Shepard, Frank Otis Shepard and Austin Hamilton Shepard4
Census-18807 Jun 1880, Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGOlive B. Brockway, Frank Otis Shepard, Austin Hamilton Shepard, Mary Hoadley and Emily J. Brockway5


circa Jun 1880Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriGfarming5

Known Address(es)

  • Address: circa 1866, Clyde Lindley Shepard was living with David Lindley and Olive B. (née Brockway) Shepard, at Arrow Rock Twp., Saline County, MissouriG. David and Olive moved from Trumbull county Ohio to Arrow Rock, Saline County, Missouri. The family, including Mary Hoadley and Emily Brockway (Olive's youngest sister), arrived at Arrow Rock in March 1866. They and their goods going by boat (named "Itaska") down the Ohio River to the Mississippi and up the Mississippi to its junction with the Missouri River, up the Missouri River to Arrow Rock. Olive's son Guel had gone to Missouri in 1865 looking for land and bought land for himself near Sedelia and for the Shepard's about 1/2 mile south of Arrow Rock. The house was on the Boonville Road. The farm was bought from a St. Louis family, "Hawpe". The house was built of walnut logs, weather boarded outside, laths and plastered interior - we (Lucille Shepard DeReign, granddaughter of Olive. Her father was Frank O. Shepard.) did not know it was logs until it was torn down! It had a parlor, living room, dining room and kitchen in a line and four bedrooms across the hallway. Also living at this address: Mary Hoadley and Emily J. Brockway.6


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
  2. [S720] Eric C. Ross, online, Eric C. Ross (e-mail address), updated as of 1 Jul 2001.
  3. [S96] 1 Jun 1860, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Eighth Census of the United States, 1860.
  4. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Ninth Census of the United States, 1870.
  5. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  6. [S721], online, Pomala Black (e-mail address), updated as of 21 Mar 2007.
Last Edited6 May 2013

Malinda Norton1

TMG ID:3465, (c 1817 - 29 Sep 1899)

Vital Statistics


  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Melinder2
  • Name-Variation: She was also known as Melinda3
  • Name-Married: on Tuesday, 10 Oct 1837, her married name became Mrs. Shepard (née Norton).


MarriageTuesday, 10 Oct 1837, Malinda and Simeon Tomson Shepard Jr., age 24 years, 11 months and 19 days, son of: Simeon Thomson Shepard and Mary Lindley, were married at Portage County, OhioG.1

Children of: Malinda Norton and Simeon Tomson Shepard Jr.

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-188014 Jun 1880, Solon, Cuyahoga County, OhioGSimeon Tomson Shepard Jr. and Emmaroy Shepard3


circa Jun 1880Solon, Cuyahoga County, OhioGkeep house2


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
  3. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 359A, film number 1255010, Ohio 1880 Federal Population Census.
Last Edited20 Oct 2014

Esther Noble1

TMG ID:3466, (6 Nov 1768 - 3 Mar 1855)

Vital Statistics


  • Name-Married: on Saturday, 20 Nov 1790, her married name became Mrs. Shepard (née Noble).


MarriageSaturday, 20 Nov 1790, Esther, age 22 years and 14 days, and Jared Shepard, age 22 years, 8 months and 10 days, son of: Ezekiel Shepard and Sarah Porter, were married at Westfield, Hampshire County, MassachusettsG.1

Children of: Esther Noble and Jared Shepard


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Theodore Shepard1

TMG ID:3467, (10 Nov 1791 - 11 Feb 1855)
Relationships:3rd cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
3rd cousin 7 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*Jared Shepard1 B: 10 Mar 1768, D: 26 Apr 1835
Mother*Esther Noble1 B: 6 Nov 1768, D: 3 Mar 1855

Vital Statistics

Obituary & Other Vital Info


MarriageTheodore and Lucia Ensign were married.1

Other Major Events

  • Will: on Friday, 16 Apr 1847, Theodore Shepard and Lucia (neé Ensign) Shepard left a will. His will, dated 16 Apr 1847, proved June 1855, named his wife Lucia and sister Amanda black; mentioned brothers and sisters (Hampden Co Probate). The will of Lucia Shepard, dated 1 Apr 1862, named her sister Sarah E. Bailey and nieces Darah Dawson, Maritta Jocket, Sarah Ensign, Lydia Maria Johnson, Camilla Ensign, and Sarah A. Bailey (Ibid). No issue.1


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Lucia Ensign1

TMG ID:3468, (26 Nov 1795 - 4 Oct 1871)

Vital Statistics


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Shepard (née Ensign).


MarriageLucia and Theodore Shepard, son of: Jared Shepard and Esther Noble, were married.1

Other Major Events

  • Will: on Friday, 16 Apr 1847, Theodore Shepard and Lucia (neé Ensign) Shepard left a will. His will, dated 16 Apr 1847, proved June 1855, named his wife Lucia and sister Amanda black; mentioned brothers and sisters (Hampden Co Probate). The will of Lucia Shepard, dated 1 Apr 1862, named her sister Sarah E. Bailey and nieces Darah Dawson, Maritta Jocket, Sarah Ensign, Lydia Maria Johnson, Camilla Ensign, and Sarah A. Bailey (Ibid). No issue.1


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Braddock Dart1

TMG ID:3469, (31 Jan 1790 - 20 Sep 1823)

Vital Statistics


MarriageSunday, 12 Mar 1815, Braddock, age 25 years, 1 month and 12 days, and Sarah Shepard, age 20 years, 6 months and 12 days, daughter of: Jared Shepard and Esther Noble, were married at Westfield, Hampshire County, MassachusettsG.1

Children of: Braddock Dart and Sarah Shepard


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Thomas Loomis1

TMG ID:3470, (18 Mar 1791 - 4 Feb 1854)

Vital Statistics


MarriageThursday, 30 Apr 1818, Thomas, age 27 years, 1 month and 12 days, and Julia Shepard, age 21 years, 8 months and 11 days, daughter of: Jared Shepard and Esther Noble, were married at Westfield, Hampshire County, MassachusettsG.1

Children of: Thomas Loomis and Julia Shepard


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

(?) Shepard1

TMG ID:3471, (7 Dec 1797 - 7 Dec 1797)
Relationships:3rd cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
3rd cousin 7 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*Jared Shepard1 B: 10 Mar 1768, D: 26 Apr 1835
Mother*Esther Noble1 B: 6 Nov 1768, D: 3 Mar 1855

Vital Statistics

  • Died on Thursday, 7 Dec 1797 Details as recorded: Cause of Death: stillborn.1
  • Born: (?) Shepard was born on Thursday, 7 Dec 1797.1

Obituary & Other Vital Info

Other Major Events

  • 2.


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited15 Sep 2022

Allen Hubbard1

TMG ID:3472, (1793 - 5 Jul 1885)

Vital Statistics


MarriageWednesday, 6 Jun 1821, Allen, age 28 years, and Mary Shepard, age 22 years, 3 months and 30 days, daughter of: Jared Shepard and Esther Noble, were married at Westfield, Hampshire County, MassachusettsG.1

Children of: Allen Hubbard and Mary Shepard

Other Major Events

  • Will: on Wednesday, 2 Sep 1885, Allen Hubbard left a will. The will of Allen Hubbard proved 2 Sep 1885, named eldest son Henry; son George; granddaughters Mary E.,Alice E., and Isabella, children of son Henry; and Leora C. and Allen, children of son George [Hampden Co Probate].1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-188021 Jun 1880, Westfield, Hampden County, MassachusettsGMary E. Hubbard2


circa Jun 1880Westfield, Hampden County, MassachusettsGfarmer3


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 43D, film number 1254535, Massachusetts 1880 Federal Population Census.
  3. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
Last Edited20 Oct 2014

Paul Shepard1

TMG ID:3473, (9 Jun 1800 - 28 Sep 1833)
Relationships:3rd cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
3rd cousin 7 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*Jared Shepard1 B: 10 Mar 1768, D: 26 Apr 1835
Mother*Esther Noble1 B: 6 Nov 1768, D: 3 Mar 1855

Vital Statistics

Obituary & Other Vital Info

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Other: Paul Shepard Dates from grave stone. The will of Horace Nelson of Westfield, dated 10 Feb 1841, named wife Charlotte; daughter Olive Nelson, Lydia Nelson, Polly wife of Marvin. On 5 Apr 1836, Clarissa Shepard gave bond as guardian to Horace Nelson Shepard and Charles Fay Shepard, children of Paul Shepard of Westfield, REF: Public records; data, Frederick Fowler Shepard, Westfield, Massachusetts, 1928; Ida M. Shepard, Westfield, 1928..1


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

James Shepard1

TMG ID:3474, (14 Dec 1802 - 22 May 1855)
Relationships:3rd cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
3rd cousin 7 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*Jared Shepard1 B: 10 Mar 1768, D: 26 Apr 1835
Mother*Esther Noble1 B: 6 Nov 1768, D: 3 Mar 1855

Vital Statistics

Obituary & Other Vital Info


  • Title: he was also known as Reverend James Shepard.1

Other Major Events

  • Will: on Wednesday, 16 May 1855, James Shepard left a will. His will, dated 16 may 1855, calls him of Charlestown, "Clerk", and names his wife Lucy, and children Jared Shepard, Esther wife of Daniel Richards, and James M. Shepard. The will of Lucy Shepard of Newburyport, Massachusetts, dated 20 Sep 1881, proved 24 Apr 1888, named the children of son Jared Shepard, deceased, daughter Esther S. Richards, and son James M. Shepard and his wife Alice M. Shepard [Middlesex Co Probate].

    REF: Public records; Lucius M. Boltwood, "Noble Genealogy" (1898); Abner Morse, "Descendants of Thomas Richards" (1861, in "Descendants of Several Ancient Puritans, Vol 3".1




  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited30 Jul 2019

George Shepard1

TMG ID:3475, (28 Sep 1805 - )
Relationships:3rd cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
3rd cousin 7 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*Jared Shepard1 B: 10 Mar 1768, D: 26 Apr 1835
Mother*Esther Noble1 B: 6 Nov 1768, D: 3 Mar 1855

Vital Statistics

Obituary & Other Vital Info


MarriageMonday, 19 Sep 1831, George, age 25 years, 11 months and 22 days, and Anna Stiles, age 24 years and 1 month were married at Westfield, Hampshire County, MassachusettsG.1

Known Address(es)


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited4 Aug 2022

Anna Stiles1

TMG ID:3476, (19 Aug 1807 - 1845)

Vital Statistics


  • Name-Married: on Monday, 19 Sep 1831, her married name became Mrs. Shepard (née Stiles).


MarriageMonday, 19 Sep 1831, Anna, age 24 years and 1 month, and George Shepard, age 25 years, 11 months and 22 days, son of: Jared Shepard and Esther Noble, were married at Westfield, Hampshire County, MassachusettsG.1


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Edmund Shepard1

TMG ID:3477, (8 May 1807 - 24 Dec 1856)
Relationships:3rd cousin 4 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
3rd cousin 7 times removed of Descendant Wagner
Father*Jared Shepard1 B: 10 Mar 1768, D: 26 Apr 1835
Mother*Esther Noble1 B: 6 Nov 1768, D: 3 Mar 1855

Vital Statistics

Obituary & Other Vital Info

Memorable Moments & Stories

  • Other: Edmund Shepard see wife notes. Edward Stiles as son-in-law applied for administration on the estate of Edward Shepard who died 26 Dec 1856. On 3 Mar 1857, As V. Shepard, aged over 14, children of Sophia G, Shepard of Westfield, deceased [Hampden Co Probate]. REF: Public records; H.R. Stiles, 'Stiles genealogy' (1895); Martin V. Shepard, Westfield, 1928..1


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Quartus Black1

TMG ID:3478, (Nov 1808 - 8 Oct 1882)

Vital Statistics


MarriageSunday, 12 Apr 1835, Quartus, age 26 years and 5 months, and Amanda Shepard, age 26 years, 2 months and 3 days, daughter of: Jared Shepard and Esther Noble, were married at Westfield, Hampshire County, MassachusettsG.1

Children of: Quartus Black and Amanda Shepard

Other Major Events

  • Will: on Friday, 22 Apr 1881, Quartus Black left a will. The will of Quartus Black of Southwick, dated 22 Apr 1881, proved 19 Dec 1882, left his estate to his wife Amanda. Her will, dated 9 Sep 1885,ldren, Mary C. White, Emily G. Spraule, and George M. Black [Hampden Co Probate]. REF: Public records; Lucius M. Boltwood, 'Thomas Noble genealogy' (1978; New York Gen and Biog record, vols 58 and 59 [for dart]; E.S. Loomis.1

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-188021 Jun 1880, Southwick, Hampden County, MassachusettsGAmanda Shepard, Emily G. Black, George M. Black, Mattie S. Sprout, James L. Black and Elizabeth A. (?)2


circa Jun 1880Southwick, Hampden County, MassachusettsGfarmer3


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 157B, film number 1254534, Massachusetts 1880 Federal Population Census.
  3. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

(?) White1

TMG ID:3479


Marriage(?) and Mary C. Black, daughter of: Quartus Black and Amanda Shepard, were married.1


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

(?) Spraule1

TMG ID:3480


Marriage(?) and Emily G. Black, daughter of: Quartus Black and Amanda Shepard, were married.1

Child of: (?) Spraule and Emily G. Black


  1. [S139], online e-mail address, Sara Kathryn Gredler (Culpeper, VA 22701), updated as of 18 Aug 2000.
  2. [S98] 1 Jun 1880, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Tenth Census of the United States, 1880, Page 157B, film number 1254534, Massachusetts 1880 Federal Population Census.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013