Richard Oliver Austin1,2

TMG ID:95541, (26 Mar 1933 - )
Father*Harold Dean Austin1 B: 14 Jul 1904, D: 1 Feb 2002
Mother*Helen Amanda McNair1 B: 29 Dec 1905, D: 8 Mar 2002

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Richard Oliver Austin was born on Sunday, 26 Mar 1933, at WashingtonG.1,3

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19405 Apr 1940, 403 Eklund Ave., Hoquiam, Grays Harbor County, WashingtonGHarold Dean Austin, Helen Amanda McNair, Charles Maxwell Austin and Robert Morley Austin1
Census-195015 Apr 1950, 321 Division Street, Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonGHarold Dean Austin, Helen Amanda McNair and Charles Maxwell Austin4


circa Apr 1950Tumwater, Thurston County, WashingtonGclerk retail music store4

Known Address(es)


  1. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  2. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <>, Marriage Records Whitman County Auditor, Marriage Certificates, 1962-2022. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  3. [S4176] MyHeritage: Genealogy and Family History Website, online <>, U.S. Public Records Index. Hereinafter cited as MyHeritage.
  4. [S3506] 3 Apr 1950, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, N/A Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
Last Edited3 Apr 2023

Oliver R. Austin1

TMG ID:95542, (28 Mar 1877 - 31 Jan 1959)

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial


  • Nick-Name: his nickname was "O.R."2
  • Title: as of 1904, he was also known as Doctor Oliver R. Austin.1


MarriageFriday, 28 Nov 1902, Oliver, age 25 years and 8 months, and Myrtle Blanche Blossom, age 28 years, 6 months and 30 days were married at Windsor, County of Essex, Ontario, CanadaG.2,1

Children of: Oliver R. Austin and Myrtle Blanche Blossom

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19205 Jan 1920, 116 W 4th, Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, WashingtonG, includes an aunt, Abigail Gates, 66Myrtle Blanche Blossom, Harold Dean Austin and Betty Margaret Austin2


circa Jan 1920Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, WashingtonGphysician and surgeon2


  1. [S826] Find A Grave, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  2. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  3. [S4033] Interview and notes with Wilma May Edgbert (Bainbridge Island, WA), by Me Myself & I (8667), 4 Dec 2018. Terrance Wagner (Olympia, Thurston County, Washington).
  4. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <>, Department of Health, Death Certificates, July 1, 1907-1998. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
Last Edited31 Mar 2023

Myrtle Blanche Blossom1,2

TMG ID:95543, (29 Apr 1874 - 30 May 1959)

Primary Birth & Death

'Non-primary' Vitals

  • Born: Myrtle Blanche Blossom was born circa 1880, at MichiganG.1


  • Name-Married: on Friday, 28 Nov 1902, her married name became Mrs. Austin (née Blossom).1,2


MarriageFriday, 28 Nov 1902, Myrtle, age 28 years, 6 months and 30 days, and Oliver R. Austin, age 25 years and 8 months were married at Windsor, County of Essex, Ontario, CanadaG.1,2

Children of: Myrtle Blanche Blossom and Oliver R. Austin

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19205 Jan 1920, 116 W 4th, Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, WashingtonG, includes an aunt, Abigail Gates, 66Oliver R. Austin, Harold Dean Austin and Betty Margaret Austin1

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Saturday, 7 Feb 1959, Myrtle Blanche Blossom was mentioned in the obituary of Oliver R. Austin
     Others mentioned: Harold Dean Austin and Betty Margaret Austin.2


  1. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  2. [S826] Find A Grave, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
Last Edited31 Mar 2023

Betty Margaret Austin1,2

TMG ID:95544, (c 1916 - )
Father*Oliver R. Austin1 B: 28 Mar 1877, D: 31 Jan 1959
Mother*Myrtle Blanche Blossom1 B: 29 Apr 1874, D: 30 May 1959

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Betty Margaret Austin was born circa 1916, at WashingtonG.1


  • Name-Married: on Saturday, 28 Sep 1935, her married name became Mrs. Saunders (née Austin).3,2


MarriageSaturday, 28 Sep 1935, Betty and Clark Richard Saunders were married at Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, WashingtonG.3

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19205 Jan 1920, 116 W 4th, Aberdeen, Grays Harbor County, WashingtonG, includes an aunt, Abigail Gates, 66Oliver R. Austin, Myrtle Blanche Blossom and Harold Dean Austin1

Witnessed Events & Occasions

ObituaryObituary: on Saturday, 7 Feb 1959, Betty Margaret Austin was mentioned in the obituary of Oliver R. Austin
     Others mentioned: Myrtle Blanche Blossom and Harold Dean Austin.3


  1. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
  2. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <>, Grays Harbor County Auditor, Marriage Records, 1871-Present. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  3. [S826] Find A Grave, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
Last Edited1 Apr 2023

Betty Claudine Gile1,2,3

TMG ID:95558, (28 May 1936 - 31 Jan 2023)
Father*Claude Sylvester Gile1 B: 15 Oct 1882, D: 12 Mar 1966
Mother*Laura Naomi Stone1 B: 20 Apr 1906, D: 17 Aug 1964

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: in 1956, her married name became Mrs. Porter (née Gile).4,3
  • Name-Married: on Saturday, 10 Oct 1964, her married name became Mrs. Muir (née Gile).1,5,6
  • Name-Married: in 2001, her married name became Mrs. Van Vleck (née Gile).3


Marriage License Sunday, 4 Mar 1956 Betty Claudine Gile at age 19 and an unknown person obtained a marriage license at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Marriage Licenses.7
Marriage License Sunday, 4 Oct 1964 Betty Claudine Gile at age 28 and Stanley Richard Muir at age 35 obtained a marriage license at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG, Marriage Licenses.5
MarriageSaturday, 10 Oct 1964, Betty, age 28 years, 4 months and 12 days, and Stanley Richard Muir, age 35 years, 1 month and 29 days, son of: William Lewis Muir and Emma B. Maschner, were married at Thurston County, WashingtonG.1,5,6
Marriage2001, Betty, age 64 years, and Robert Bernard Van Vleck, age 77 years were married.3

Other Major Events

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-194018 Apr 1940, Gull Harbor Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonGClaude Sylvester Gile, Laura Naomi Stone, Leon Gile, Swanton Gile, Juanita Gile, Marie Gile and Jean Gile1

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anniversary Anniversary: on Monday, 6 Jun 1983, Betty Claudine Gile attended the 40th wedding anniversary celebration of John Phillip Wagner and Elsie Dora ( neé Lewis) Wagner at Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonG. Other celebrants were: Stanley Richard Muir, Margaret Arlene Wagner, Harold Arthur Sapp, Zoa Lee Lewis, Robert Keith Wagner, Dale Rutledge, Mary Lucile Wagner, Patricia Irene Curtarelli, Nancy Anne Rutledge, Gloria Virginia Neat, Randy Allan Sapp and Dorothy Irene Conn.8
ObituaryObituary: on Wednesday, 9 Sep 1998, Betty Claudine Gile was mentioned in the obituary of Stanley Richard Muir in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington.
     Others mentioned: William Arthur Muir.6


  1. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  2. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <>, Department of Health, Marriage Certificates, 1968-1998. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  3. [S826] Find A Grave, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  4. [S4050] Article: Deaths and Funerals - Laura Gile, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Aug 1964, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  5. [S4051] Article: Marriage Licenses, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Oct 1964, Page Twenty-eight. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  6. [S4075] Article: Obituaries - Stanley R. Muir, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 9 Sep 1998, Page Twenty-two. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  7. [S4052] Article: Marriage Licenses, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 4 Mar 1956, Page Sixteen. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  8. [S1002] Guest Book from John P. Wagner & Elsie D. Lewis, 40th Anniversary Celebration, (5 Jun 1983), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Guest Book - 40th.
Last Edited26 Sep 2024

Claude Sylvester Gile1,2

TMG ID:95559, (15 Oct 1882 - 12 Mar 1966)
Father*James Gile3
Mother*Clara Risley3

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

  • An Obituary for Claude Sylvester Gile appeared on Monday, 14 Mar 1966, in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington. Claude Gile.6


MarriageSaturday, 22 Mar 1924, Claude, age 41 years, 5 months and 7 days, and Laura Naomi Stone, age 17 years, 11 months and 2 days, daughter of: William Stone and Laura (?), were married at Saint Paul's Rectory, Bellingham, Whatcom County, WashingtonG, Claude was a widower and 24 years her senior. Laura had not yet turned 18 years old. Her surname was given as Stone but crossed out and changed to Shepard and initialed by the clergyman, E.B. Smith. Charles E. Stone was a witness to the ceremony.1,7,3

Children of: Claude Sylvester Gile and Laura Naomi Stone

Other Major Events

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19304 Apr 1930, Gull Harbor Road, Gull Harbor Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonGLaura Naomi Stone, Leon Gile, Swanton Gile and Juanita Gile7
Census-194018 Apr 1940, Gull Harbor Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonGLaura Naomi Stone, Leon Gile, Swanton Gile, Juanita Gile, Marie Gile, Jean Gile and Betty Claudine Gile1


circa Apr 1930Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonGstevedore Olympia Port7
circa Apr 1940Olympia, Thurston County, WashingtonGlongshoreman stevedoring company1

Known Address(es)


  1. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  2. [S263] FamilySearch is a nonprofit family history organization, online <>, United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942. Hereinafter cited as FamilySearch.
  3. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <>, Whatcom County Auditor, Marriage Records, 1891-1995. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  4. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <>, WW II Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
  5. [S826] Find A Grave, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  6. [S4049] Article: Deaths and Funerals - Claude Gile, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 14 Mar 1966, Page Three. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  7. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
  8. [S4147] Fold3 by Ancestry, online <>, WW I Draft Registration Cards. Hereinafter cited as Fold3.
Last Edited28 Jul 2022

Laura Naomi Stone1,2,3

TMG ID:95560, (20 Apr 1906 - 17 Aug 1964)
Father*William Stone3
Mother*Laura (?)3

Primary Birth & Death

Obituary & Burial

  • An Obituary for Laura Naomi Stone appeared on Tuesday, 18 Aug 1964, in The Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington. Laura Gile.4


  • Name-Married: on Saturday, 22 Mar 1924, her married name became Mrs. Gile (née Stone).1,5,3


MarriageSaturday, 22 Mar 1924, Laura, age 17 years, 11 months and 2 days, and Claude Sylvester Gile, age 41 years, 5 months and 7 days, son of: James Gile and Clara Risley, were married at Saint Paul's Rectory, Bellingham, Whatcom County, WashingtonG, Claude was a widower and 24 years her senior. Laura had not yet turned 18 years old. Her surname was given as Stone but crossed out and changed to Shepard and initialed by the clergyman, E.B. Smith. Charles E. Stone was a witness to the ceremony.1,5,3

Children of: Laura Naomi Stone and Claude Sylvester Gile

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-19304 Apr 1930, Gull Harbor Road, Gull Harbor Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonGClaude Sylvester Gile, Leon Gile, Swanton Gile and Juanita Gile5
Census-194018 Apr 1940, Gull Harbor Precinct, Thurston County, WashingtonGClaude Sylvester Gile, Leon Gile, Swanton Gile, Juanita Gile, Marie Gile, Jean Gile and Betty Claudine Gile1

Known Address(es)


  1. [S1004] 1 Apr 1940, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940.
  2. [S826] Find A Grave, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Find A Grave.
  3. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <>, Whatcom County Auditor, Marriage Records, 1891-1995. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  4. [S4050] Article: Deaths and Funerals - Laura Gile, The Morning Olympian, Olympia, WA, 18 Aug 1964, Page Seven. Hereinafter cited as Morning Olympian.
  5. [S633] 1 Apr 1930, Digital,, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930.
Last Edited29 Jul 2022