Sarpy County
Fairview Precinct
(?), Martha E.  B: 1848
Graham, Adam G.  B: 1880
Graham, Blanche E.  B: 1886
Graham, Carrie E.  B: 1874
Graham, Frank C.  B: 1875
Graham, John  B: 1841, D: before 1910
Graham, John A.  B: 1884
(?), Elizabeth  B: 1829
Cahill, Daniel  B: 1827
La Vista
Giesing, Gerald James Fred  B: 1923, D: 2002
(?), Josie  B: circa 1872, D: before 1920
Alkire, Ira Minton  B: 1915, D: 1991
Bottorff, Arthur Madison Jr.  B: 1884, D: 1961
Bottorff, Bertha J.  B: 1879, D: 1957
Bottorff, Charles Abraham  B: 1871, D: 1951
Bottorff, Edgar Milton  B: 1873, D: 1953
Bottorff, Henry Francis  B: 1877, D: 1946
Bottorff, Jacob Joseph  B: 1785, D: 1875
Bottorff, James David  B: 1862, D: 1931
Bottorff, Mary A.  B: 1875, D: 1875
Bottorff, Oscar  B: 1869, D: 1872
Bottorff, Sherman William  B: 1867, D: 1933
Brooks, Sarah Frances  B: 1872, D: 1961
Campbell, Georgia M.  B: circa 1887
Graham, Carrie E.  B: 1874
Loefler, Lucretia  B: 1872
Ruddell, Sarah  B: 1798, D: 1885
Russell, Frederick S.  B: 1874, D: before 1930
Sisson, Olive Parmelia  B: 1843, D: 1922
Post Office: Forest City
(?), Elizabeth  B: 1829
Cahil, Daniel  B: circa 1864
Cahil, Ellen  B: 1870, D: before 1880
Cahil, Nora  B: circa 1861
Cahill, Daniel  B: 1827
Cahill, Dennis  B: circa 1868
Cahill, James P.  B: 1866
Post Office: Omaha
Bottorff, Arthur Madison  B: 1838, D: 1919
Bottorff, Jacob Joseph  B: 1785, D: 1875
Bottorff, James David  B: 1862, D: 1931
Bottorff, Oscar  B: 1869, D: 1872
Bottorff, Sarah M.  B: 1864, D: 1955
Bottorff, Sherman William  B: 1867, D: 1933
Ruddell, Sarah  B: 1798, D: 1885
Sisson, Olive Parmelia  B: 1843, D: 1922
Richland Precinct
Bottorff, Arthur Madison  B: 1838, D: 1919
Bottorff, Arthur Madison Jr.  B: 1884, D: 1961
Bottorff, James David  B: 1862, D: 1931
Bottorff, Sarah M.  B: 1864, D: 1955
Cahill, Charles E.  B: 1894
Cahill, Daniel F.  B: 1899
Cahill, Ellen A.  B: 1892
Cahill, Everett J.  B: 1890
Cahill, James P.  B: 1866
Cahill, William J.  B: 1896
Sisson, Olive Parmelia  B: 1843, D: 1922
Bottorff, Arthur Madison  B: 1838, D: 1919
Bottorff, Arthur Madison Jr.  B: 1884, D: 1961
Bottorff, Lewis  B: circa 1912
Bottorff, Ruth  B: circa 1914
Bottorff, Sherman William  B: 1867, D: 1933
Campbell, Georgia M.  B: circa 1887
Graham, Frank C.  B: 1875
Graham, Gladys  B: circa 1917
Graham, Lloyd F.  B: circa 1925
Mundt, Bertha C.  B: 1892
Sisson, Olive Parmelia  B: 1843, D: 1922
Saunders County
Frisby, Manisia Alice  B: 1859, D: 1938
Ashland Cemetery
Billings, George Washington  B: 1860, D: 1942
Frisby, Manisia Alice  B: 1859, D: 1938
Scotts Bluff County
Fanning Precinct
Dechert, Charles  B: circa 1912
Dechert, Dean  B: circa 1911
Dechert, Gaven  B: circa 1914
Dechert, L. Henry  B: circa 1886
Dechert, Thomas  B: 1917
Gilbert, Inez Lois  B: 1889
Alkire, Agnes Orlena  B: 1879, D: 1967
Ellis, Larry Gene  B: 1935, D: 2019
Seward County
Heasler, Elise  B: 1878, D: 1963
Iler, Hazel  B: 1898, D: 1967
Beaver Crossing
Camp, Emery Brewster  B: 1884, D: 1938
Beaver Crossing Cemetery
Camp, Dwight Lyman  B: 1886, D: 1895
Camp, Olive G.  B: 1890, D: 1896
Precinct D
(?), Mary  B: circa 1845
Madlin, Richard  B: circa 1841
Modlin, Emma Ora  B: 1867, D: 1919
Sheridan County
(?), Josie  B: circa 1872, D: before 1920
Bottorff, James David  B: 1862, D: 1931
Sherman County
Harrison Twp.
Alkire, Clare  B: 1887, D: 1955
Alkire, Harry  B: 1889, D: 1923
Alkire, Mabel  B: 1899, D: 1979
Alkire, William John  B: 1858, D: 1932
Modlin, Emma Ora  B: 1867, D: 1919
Litchfield Village
Alkire, William John  B: 1858, D: 1932
Gunkins, Marian B.  B: circa 1862
Alkire, Harry  B: 1889, D: 1923
Alkire, William John  B: 1858, D: 1932
Modlin, Emma Ora  B: 1867, D: 1919
Shrader, Elsie May  B: 1907, D: 1995
Silver County
Stanton County
(?), Bertha  B: circa 1897
Alkire, Betty F.  B: circa 1925
Alkire, Burl  B: circa 1922
Alkire, Clara E.  B: 1871, D: 1908
Alkire, Clarence O.  B: 1901, D: 1915
Alkire, Clifton  B: 1892
Alkire, Isaac Lincoln  B: 1876, D: 1951
Alkire, John William  B: circa 1864, D: 1945
Alkire, Leona M.  B: 1919
Alkire, Madeline  B: 1916
Alkire, Virgil  B: 1893, D: 1907
Alkire, William Denton  B: 1838, D: 1918
Clifton, Francis Marion  B: 1866, D: 1934
The Platte River
On the plains
Webb, Edward Milo  B: 1815, D: 1852
Valley County
Eureka Twp.
Banks, Evelyn  B: circa 1923
Banks, Frank William  B: 1920, D: 1949
Banks, Marjorie Ann  B: 1925, D: 1951
Banks, Thomas Gladstone  B: 1893, D: 1963
Banks, Thomas Gladstone Jr.  B: circa 1928
Barrett, Imo Millicent  B: 1895, D: 1934
a farm near
Nielsen, Ole Andrew  B: 1872, D: 1955
Washington County
Smith, Mary Jane  B: 1880, D: 1962
Van Valkenburg, Hugh Clifford  B: 1875, D: 1954
Cuming City Precinct
(?), Margaret E.  B: circa 1841
Brigham, Carl E.  B: circa 1870
Brigham, Clarence C.  B: circa 1868
Brigham, George Allen  B: 1828, D: 1886
Brigham, Martha  B: circa 1867
Brigham, Olive M.  B: circa 1872, D: 1909
Souder, Floyd S.  B: 1891, D: 1958
Wayne County
Alkire, John William  B: circa 1864, D: 1945
Webster County
Campbell Cemetery
Daniels, Lovina  B: 1828, D: 1907
Kinney, Alice  B: 1872, D: 1879
Kinney, Edward  B: 1847, D: 1878
Kinney, Harrison  B: 1866, D: 1879
Kinney, Madison  B: 1824, D: 1911
Red Cloud
(?), Margrate  B: circa 1831
Sterner, Fred Wilson  B: 1871, D: 1958
Steruer, Charley  B: circa 1865
Steruer, James  B: circa 1870
Steruer, Lottie  B: circa 1876
Steruer, William  B: circa 1815
Rogers, Margaret Jane  B: 1853, D: 1902
York County
Alkire, Pearl Rena  B: 1887, D: 1968
Chase, Henry William  B: 1902, D: 1965
Johnson, Cynthianna Johnson  B: 1856, D: 1931
Oesterreicher, Bessie May  B: 1904, D: 1992
Plainfield Cemetery
Alkire, Pearl Rena  B: 1887, D: 1968
Alkire, Virgil  B: 1848, D: 1880
Coleman, Elizabeth M.  B: 1848, D: 1938
Camp, Dwight Lyman  B: 1886, D: 1895
Camp, Leonard Harvey  B: 1897, D: 1980
Camp, Olive G.  B: 1890, D: 1896
Alkire, Pearl Rena  B: 1887, D: 1968
Alkire, Virgil  B: 1848, D: 1880
Powers, Iva Viola  B: 1883, D: 1940
Greenwood Cemetery
Johnson, Cynthianna Johnson  B: 1856, D: 1931
Powers, Jacob  B: 1853, D: 1923
(?), Laurene E.  B: circa 1896
Dheming Valle, Jorge Isaac  B: 1928, D: 2021
Hackett, Daniel  B: circa 1875
Hackett, Maria J.  B: circa 1879
Hackett, Mary E.  B: circa 1871
Hackett, Mary Elizabeth  B: 1870, D: 1958
Hackett, Russell  B: circa 1873
Hackett, Thomas  B: circa 1868
Kennedy, James Joseph  B: 1874, D: 1965
Kennedy, Mary A.  B: circa 1878
Merrill, Douglass
Oakey, Blaine R.  B: 1916, D: 1995
Quiñónez Ruiz, Carmen Aida  B: 1939, D: 2019
Redifer, Vernice Almira  B: 1917, D: 1979
Riley, Mickay E.  B: circa 1927
Schuler, Franciss
Smith, Sarah Marrietta  B: 1851, D: 1912
Stoddard, Mida Mae  B: 1907, D: 1989
Carson City
Chambers, Frank Harold  B: 1909, D: 1986
Long, Gwendolyn Marcielene  B: 1907, D: 1987
Churchill County
Anderson, John Christian  B: 1887, D: 1959
Clark County
DeMarcus, Clethe June  B: 1931, D: 2001
Hill, Richard Lee Jr.  B: 1930, D: 2011
Boulder City
Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery
Anderson, Raelene  B: 1937, D: 2014
Las Vegas
Cantrell, Mildred Karline  B: 1925, D: 2000
Casada, Mary Jane  B: 1919, D: 1974
Farwell, Oniley E.  B: 1923, D: 2010
Griffin, Lindon Larkin  B: 1908, D: 1999
Hickle, Mary Ellen  B: 1930
Ritter, Wayne Galliard  B: 1918, D: 1987
Shropshire, Jessie Ann  B: 1932, D: 1986
Van Valkenburg, Ora Elwood  B: 1873, D: 1962
Holt, Horace  B: 1829, D: 1906
Logandale Cemetery
Holt, Horace  B: 1829, D: 1906
Gifford, William Fred  B: 1949, D: 2005
Douglas County
Lake Tahoe
Whitehead, Maudie Hannah  B: 1912, D: 1991
Elko County
Kennedy, James Joseph  B: 1874, D: 1965
Roby, Ora Belle  B: 1901, D: 1992
Clawson, Robert Marion  B: 1905, D: 1998
McMahon, William Franklin  B: 1922, D: 1990
Sparks, Diamond Eloise  B: 1922, D: 2010
Humboldt County
Doom, Lovicy E.  B: 1865, D: 1931
Graham, Adron Ellis  B: 1912, D: 1983
Shrader, Elsie May  B: 1907, D: 1995
Sisson, Bonniedell  B: 1886, D: 1962
Lincoln County
Alkire, Darr Hayes  B: 1903, D: 1977
Marshall, Elijah  B: 1857, D: 1907
Haskell, Howard Lamarr  B: 1911, D: 1933
Lyon County
Mason Valley
Sisson, Raymond Hurst  B: 1889, D: 1943
New Jerusalem
(?), Clara  B: circa 1848
Hackett, Adah Lorraine  B: 1868
Hackett, Daniel  B: circa 1875
Hackett, John M.  B: circa 1866
Hackett, K.R.  B: circa 1830
Hackett, K.R.  B: circa 1830
Hackett, Maria J.  B: circa 1879
Hackett, Mary E.  B: circa 1871
Hackett, Russell  B: circa 1873
Valley View Cemetery
Feigenspan, Martha Mary  B: 1842, D: 1904
Nye County
Anderson, Raelene  B: 1937, D: 2014
Weichers, Florence Bernice  B: 1913, D: 2004
Ormsby County
Carson City
(?), Frederica  B: circa 1840, D: 1918
Benson, Elsie Julia  B: 1913
Cantrall, Ida Vernetta  B: 1910, D: 1999
Hackett, Adah Lorraine  B: 1868
Moore, Irvin Webster Jr.  B: 1899, D: 1956
Phillips, Leslie Guy  B: 1893, D: 1974
Van Valkenburg, Francis S.  B: circa 1871
Van Valkenburg, William Whitney  B: 1872
Pershing County
Mill City
Thompson, Agnes  B: 1878, D: 1957
The Nevada State Journal
Genzel, Annie E.  B: 1867, D: 1939
Sisson, Alonzo B.  B: 1866, D: 1939
Sisson, Arnold Franklin  B: 1872
Sisson, Leander Walter  B: 1863, D: 1944
Storey County
Virginia City
Doom, Robert Bruce  B: circa 1850
Norton, Myretta Jane  B: 1852, D: 1908
Stone, Daisy Ernest  B: 1866
Washoe County
Carson City
Alkire, Harvey Boyd  B: 1914, D: 1954
Bailey, Donald Russell  B: 1920, D: 1985
Bailey, Durward Lawrence  B: 1930
Bartle, Ivan William  B: 1911, D: 1962
Blevins, Isabel Jean  B: 1916, D: 1999
Bowman, Bertha May  B: 1927
Bowman, Irene Marie  B: 1930, D: 1992
Bowman, Sherman R.  B: 1924
Bunyard, Delos
Cantrall, Betty Marie  B: 1931, D: 1995
Cantrall, Bonita Norma  B: 1930
Cantrall, Eliza  B: 1813, D: 1876
Cantrall, Lester Leland  B: 1906, D: 1992
Cantrall, Phyllis  B: 1928
Cantrall, Ruth Marion  B: 1924, D: 1971
Clawson, William Ennes  B: 1874, D: 1943
Cook, Vivien Earl  B: 1908, D: 1997
Detersep, Shirley May  B: 1911
Durkee, Julia
Eklund, Don Dean  B: 1926
Frawley, Thomas W.  B: 1855
Guisinger, Dorothy Mae  B: 1909, D: 1990
Harris, Harold  B: 1929
Hartwell, James Doyle  B: 1929, D: 1990
Holloway, Adian  B: 1926
Jebavy, Alfred  B: 1904, D: 1980
Johnson, Bernadette  B: 1923
Jones, Donna Marie  B: 1942, D: 2007
Lantrip, Norman Ancil  B: 1928, D: 2002
Leporini, Ernest  B: 1905, D: 1995
McLemore, John W.  D: 1871
Mercer, Elva May  B: 1907, D: 2013
Mercer, Frances Emma  B: 1917, D: 1953
Millett, Myron A.
Mitts, Bernice Achse  B: 1915, D: 2007
Nichols, Jack Foster  B: 1912, D: 1998
Oakey, Blaine R.  B: 1916, D: 1995
Osborn, Alexander Perry  B: 1884, D: 1951
Ray, Dorothy Vernon  B: 1919, D: 2008
Shropshire, Marjorie Marie  B: 1920, D: 1991
Slaughter, Richard Leroy  B: 1925
Snodgrass, Lester Myron  B: 1910, D: 1980
Steele, Ann Maynadier  B: circa 1895
Stuart, Ruth Ellen  B: 1930
Tieman, Ila Louise  B: 1910, D: 1993
Wagner, Mike
Wehe, Winifred  B: 1901, D: 1990
Young, John Henry  B: 1924, D: 1971
Masonic Memorial Gardens
Clawson, William Ennes  B: 1874, D: 1943
Thompson, Agnes  B: 1878, D: 1957
Mountain View Cemetery
Genzel, Annie E.  B: 1867, D: 1939
Sisson, Alonzo B.  B: 1866, D: 1939
Webb, Ann Eliza  B: 1844, D: 1917
Presbyterian Church
Bulis, Marie Rhea  B: 1911, D: 1990
Mitts, Leonard Frank  B: 1911, D: 2004
Sisson, Alonzo B.  B: 1866, D: 1939
Webb, Ann Eliza  B: 1844, D: 1917
1242 B Street
Genzel, Annie E.  B: 1867, D: 1939
Sisson, Alonzo B.  B: 1866, D: 1939
1245 B Street
Genzel, Annie E.  B: 1867, D: 1939
Sisson, Alonzo B.  B: 1866, D: 1939
1245 C Street
Genzel, Annie E.  B: 1867, D: 1939
Sisson, Alonzo B.  B: 1866, D: 1939
Wadsworth Precinct
Sisson, Alonzo B.  B: 1866, D: 1939
White Pine County
Webb, Alice Mariel  B: 1870, D: 1919
Horsley, Frances Jane  B: 1884, D: 1977
Johnson, Raymond Junius  B: 1891, D: 1964
Mousely, Sarah Ann  B: 1869, D: 1945
Shallenberger, Walter Abraham  B: 1876, D: 1947
Sorenson, Walter Kimball  B: 1927, D: 2016
Ely City Cemetery
Horsley, Frances Jane  B: 1884, D: 1977
Shallenberger, Walter Abraham  B: 1876, D: 1947
New England
New France
Quebec Colony
Saint Joseph
Le Roy, Leonard-Remi Jonar  B: 1674, D: 1760
New Guinea
Sproat, Donald C.  B: 1917, D: 1943
New Hampshire
(?), Caroline  B: circa 1810
(?), Ellen L.  B: circa 1850
(?), Larena  B: circa 1816
(?), Lucy  B: circa 1818
(?), Sarah  B: circa 1832
Avery, Experience
Berry, Nancy
Bixby, Marcus J.  B: circa 1839
Bixby, Sabina  B: circa 1845
Burns, Daniel  B: circa 1837
Burrows, Eliza  B: 1797
Currier, Mary  B: circa 1812, D: 1892
Derby, Polly D.  B: circa 1813
Hawkins, Ethel Milner  B: 1883
Hayward, Lucinda R.  B: 1830, D: 1911
Lewis, Sidney Judson  B: circa 1868
Litchfield, Florance  B: circa 1879
Litchfield, Louis G.  B: circa 1874
Litchfield, Walter H.  B: circa 1875
Marshall, Harvey J.  B: circa 1830
McNeil, (?)  D: before 1880
Mecham, Caleb  B: 1810, D: 1852
Mecham, Ephriam  B: 1808, D: 1891
Mills, John W.  B: 1850
Morrison, Charles G.  B: circa 1808
Newton, Ephraim  B: 1817, D: 1880
Pittsinger, Rosina  B: circa 1815
Taylor, Clara Emily  B: 1849
Van Valkenburg, Calvin  B: circa 1825
Van Valkenburg, Eliza C.  B: circa 1852
Van Valkenburg, Lucy  B: circa 1851
Watts, Alonzo  B: circa 1831
Belknap County
Hiller, William  B: 1832, D: 1905
Carroll County
Russell, Abiah  B: 1781, D: 1830
Brown, Israel Putnam  B: 1781, D: 1867
Cheshire County
Kasper, Robert Joseph  B: 1914, D: 2000
Tefft, Lovina  B: 1763, D: 1841
Day, Noah  B: 1755, D: 1854
Hubbard, Amos  B: 1745, D: 1792
Hubbard, Amos  B: 1780, D: 1872
Hubbard, Ephraim  B: 1742, D: 1828
Hubbard, Joseph Powers  B: 1785, D: 1856
Smith, Abigail  B: 1783, D: 1850
Center Cemetery
Day, Noah  B: 1755, D: 1854
Farr, Leah  B: 1756, D: 1832
Farr, Leah  B: 1756, D: 1832
Hildreth, Luna  B: 1787, D: 1870
Hubbard, Ephraim  B: 1742, D: 1828
Hubbard, John  B: 1792, D: 1874
Hubbard, Leah  B: 1774
Hubbard, Sally  B: 1777, D: 1851
Hubbard, Samuel Billings  B: 1785, D: 1832
East Alstead
Tefft, Lovina  B: 1763, D: 1841
Mack, Lucy  B: 1775, D: 1856
Mack, Solomon  B: 1732, D: 1820
Centennial Cemetery
Mack, Solomon  B: 1732, D: 1820
Litchfield, George A.  B: 1846
Towne, Jacob  B: 1738, D: 1830
Ward 4
Farwell, John  B: 1807, D: 1900
Percy, Myrtie M.  B: 1876, D: 1949
Baxter, Flora H.  B: 1804, D: 1871
Brigham, Alvin Lucas  B: 1798, D: 1870
Brigham, Benjamin Baxter  B: 1795, D: 1855
Brigham, Rebecca Merrill  B: 1802, D: 1872
Coos County
Swett, Cynthia Sophia  B: 1830
Swett, James  B: circa 1833
Dean, Bertha A.  B: 1871
Dean, Mary E.  B: 1869
Dean, William P.  B: 1835
Post Office: Colebrook
Dean, Mary E.  B: 1869
Dean, William P.  B: 1835
Hubbard, Emma L.  B: 1854, D: 1941
Hubbard, Lizzie E.  B: 1856, D: 1887
Hubbard, Melissa E.  B: 1852, D: between 1921 and 1930
Young, Leah H.  B: 1828, D: 1912
Parker, Betty Opal  B: 1924, D: 2003
Grafton County
Basford, Sarah
Chapman, Permelia  B: 1777, D: between 1846 and 1866
Meacham, (?)  B: circa 1796
Meacham, Andrew  B: circa 1781, D: 1821
Meacham, Anna  B: 1786, D: circa 1798
Meacham, Bethia  B: between 1779 and 1780, D: 1861
Meacham, Joseph  B: 1780, D: 1845
Meacham, Miso  B: between 1788 and 1792
Meacham, Olive  B: 1782, D: 1872
Meacham, Polly  B: 1768, D: 1836
Meacham, Sarah  B: 1784, D: 1872
Meacham, Temperance  B: circa 1797
Meacham, Thomas  B: 1771, D: 1849
Mecham, Caleb  B: 1810, D: 1852
Mecham, Edward  B: 1802, D: 1895
Mecham, Elizabeth  B: 1807, D: 1887
Mecham, Ephriam  B: 1808, D: 1891
Mecham, Joshua  B: 1773, D: 1846
Mecham, Joshua  B: 1795, D: 1840
Mecham, Lewis  B: 1814, D: 1895
Mecham, Miriam  B: 1794, D: before 1850
Mecham, Moses Worthen  B: 1804, D: 1878
Mecham, Permelia  B: 1800, D: 1868
Mecham, Phebe  B: 1763, D: 1863
Mecham, Samuel  B: 1797, D: 1882
Mecham, Samuel Jr.  B: between 1739 and 1740, D: 1811
Wells, Lydia Knight  B: 1812, D: 1895
Meacham, Sarah  B: 1784, D: 1872
Currier, Irena  B: 1807, D: 1864
Currier, John  B: 1786, D: 1841
Lyman, Clarissa  B: 1790, D: 1854
Silver, Sarah  B: 1785, D: circa 1841
Smith, Katharine  B: 1813, D: 1900
Younger, Joseph  B: 1805
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Coolidge, John  B: 1906, D: 2000
Hubbard, Abigail  B: 1817, D: 1887
Hubbard, Alvira  B: 1815, D: 1881
Hubbard, Amos  B: 1780, D: 1872
Hubbard, Amos P.  B: 1826, D: 1860
Hubbard, Angeline  B: 1822, D: 1863
Hubbard, Clarissa  B: 1811
Hubbard, Ellen  B: circa 1861
Hubbard, Emma L.  B: 1854, D: 1941
Hubbard, Eugene S.  B: 1859, D: 1859
Hubbard, Laura  B: 1809, D: 1889
Hubbard, Lizzie E.  B: 1856, D: 1887
Hubbard, Melissa  B: 1828
Hubbard, Melissa E.  B: 1852, D: between 1921 and 1930
Hubbard, Philena  B: 1820
Hubbard, Sally  B: 1813
Hubbard, Samuel Billings  B: 1785, D: 1832
Mills, Abram  B: 1818
Mills, John W.  B: 1850
Smith, Abigail  B: 1783, D: 1850
Young, Leah H.  B: 1828, D: 1912
Post Office: Littleton
Hubbard, Amos  B: 1780, D: 1872
Hubbard, Emma L.  B: 1854, D: 1941
Hubbard, Lizzie E.  B: 1856, D: 1887
Hubbard, Melissa E.  B: 1852, D: between 1921 and 1930
Young, Leah H.  B: 1828, D: 1912
Lyman, Amasa Mason  B: 1813, D: 1877
Mecham, Joseph  B: 1806, D: 1894
West Canaan
Mecham, Samuel Jr.  B: between 1739 and 1740, D: 1811
Hillsborough County
Bailey, Mary  B: 1808, D: 1841
Bixby, Thomas  B: 1776, D: 1827
Francestown Cemtery #1
Bixby, Thomas  B: 1776, D: 1827
Goodhue, Andrew Issachar  B: 1848, D: 1923
Wheeler, Harriet Page  B: 1803, D: 1871
Manchester Twp.
Stuart, William Ward  B: 1867, D: 1934
Towne, Elijah  B: 1740, D: 1803
Towne, Jabez  B: 1704, D: 1783
Lewis, Henry Harrison  B: 1840
Smith, Sarah  B: 1789, D: 1824
Smith, Stephen  B: 1785, D: 1802
Brissenden, Edward E. Jr.  B: 1914
Johnson, Elsie D.  B: 1916
Sweetland, Flora Green  B: 1890, D: 1986
Tivey, William Herbert  B: 1891, D: 1966
New Ipswich
Crosby, Charles Cotesworth Pinkney  B: 1800
Crosby, HItty  B: 1796, D: 1849
Crosby, John  B: 1767, D: 1821
Crosby, John Otis  B: 1795, D: 1817
Crosby, Otis  B: 1802, D: 1802
Crosby, Samuel Locke  B: 1794
Locke, Hitty  B: 1764, D: 1838
Davidson, Elizabeth  B: 1770, D: 1850
Holt, Ezra  B: 1788, D: 1859
Holt, Horace  B: 1829, D: 1906
Hutchinson, Jacob Flynn  B: 1816, D: 1867
Hillsbow County
Merrimack County
Swett, James C.  B: 1805, D: 1878
Rogers, James Jacob  B: 1710, D: 1753
Lewis, Henry Harrison  B: 1840
Lewis, Sidney Judson  B: circa 1868
Sawyer, Victoria J.  B: 1842, D: 1895
Bliss, Barbara  B: 1915, D: 2002
Ensign, Joseph Burdick  B: 1826, D: 1905
Hayward, Lucinda R.  B: 1830, D: 1911
Rockingham County
Smith, John  B: 1781, D: 1854
of South Hampton
Currier, John  B: 1786, D: 1841
Sheridan, Mary Frances  B: 1867, D: 1928
Young, John McKenzie  B: 1868, D: 1940
Silver, Sarah  B: 1785, D: circa 1841
Smith, Asahel  B: 1773, D: 1848
Strafford County
Crosby, Gilbert Stanford  B: 1909
Haskins, Edith Abby  B: 1884, D: 1983
DeMeritt, Helen Mar  B: 1829, D: 1900
Sullivan County
Royce, Mehitabel  B: 1737, D: 1813
Huntington, William D.  B: 1784, D: 1846
Roundy, Robert  B: 1704, D: 1797
Baker, Zina  B: 1786, D: 1839
Huntington, William D.  B: 1784, D: 1846
Baker, Zina  B: 1786, D: 1839
New Jersey
(?), Edna  B: circa 1905
(?), Elizabeth  B: 1792, D: 1875
(?), Ethalinda  B: circa 1817
(?), Hannah  B: circa 1780
(?), M. Anna  B: circa 1851
(?), Margaret  B: 1822
(?), Mary  B: 1855
(?), Mary A.  B: circa 1815
(?), Mary E.  B: circa 1838
(?), Rebecca  B: circa 1822
Alkire, Inez Irene  B: 1903, D: 2003
Bale, Mary Eveleth  B: 1929
Bell, Charles Frederick  B: 1849, D: 1912
Brewer, Henry  B: circa 1805
Buck, Ivy E.  B: circa 1805
Caroselle, James F. Jr.  B: circa 1929
Cedars, John  B: 1817, D: 1909
Cedars, Rachel  B: 1818, D: 1876
Crane, Hannah  B: 1663, D: 1728
Cunningham, George Lawrence  B: 1895, D: 1962
Daley, Anna Elizabeth  B: 1884, D: 1950
Daley, Geneve  B: 1882
Daley, Mary E.  B: 1881
Day, Benjamin H.  B: circa 1860
Day, Charles  B: circa 1866
Decker, Hannah  B: 1772, D: 1839
Degling, Albert Otto  B: circa 1900, D: 1980
Depuy, John  B: 1764, D: 1842
DeSocio, Clarence  B: circa 1913
DeSocio, Harold Patrick  B: 1917, D: 1984
DeSocio, Louisia  B: circa 1908
DeSocio, Nicholas G. Jr.  B: 1910, D: 1997
Dilts, B. Frank  B: circa 1879
Dilts, C. Lizzie  B: circa 1877
Dilts, F. William  B: circa 1851
Dilts, George W.  B: circa 1863
Dilts, Hattie  B: circa 1861
Dilts, Laura E.  B: 1871
Dilts, Mariah  B: circa 1865
Dilts, Mary C.  B: circa 1843
Dilts, Richard  B: circa 1837
Dilts, Samuel  B: circa 1809, D: before 1880
Ditmas, Eleanor  B: circa 1875
Elste, Albert O.  B: 1911
Elste, Albert Otto  B: 1877
Ennis, Ada A.  B: circa 1857
Gerswein, Paul  B: 1875, D: circa 1909
Hart, David  B: circa 1816
Hiner, Anna Margaret  B: 1770, D: 1849
Hines, Frances  B: 1802, D: 1877
Hubbard, Sharon Lyn  B: 1941, D: 1992
Ladner, Mary Jane  B: circa 1821, D: 1892
Lindsley, John  B: 1668, D: 1748/49
Lippincott, Aaron  B: 1827
Lippincott, James  B: 1824, D: 1911
Lippincott, John Thomas  B: 1789, D: 1857
Lippincott, Robert R.  B: 1816
Lippincott, Thomas N.  B: 1819, D: 1888
Lippincott, William Clayton  B: 1821
Lung, Augustus Harry  B: 1885, D: after 1930
Lung, Carrie E.  B: circa 1873
Maple, Elizabeth  B: circa 1835
Matlack, Joseph  B: 1693, D: 1771
Meeker, Esther  B: 1880
Meeker, J. Elwood  B: circa 1878
Meeker, James William  B: circa 1858
Mourhess, Samuel  B: 1777, D: 1850
Myers, Mary  B: 1795, D: 1884
Ney, Edwin C.  B: 1816, D: 1897
Pancoast, Hannah  B: 1794, D: 1879
Pancoast, Isaiah  B: 1762, D: 1841
Pancoast, Shreve  B: 1788, D: 1866
Plum, John  B: 1657
Plum, Sarah  B: 1698
Pray, George W.  B: circa 1834
Quick, Emily A.  B: 1843, D: 1921
Robbins, Isaac Robert  B: circa 1806
Schooley, Asenath  B: 1808, D: 1891
Scott, Eliza  B: 1804
Shaw, Mary Mariah  B: 1805, D: 1859
Sheehan, John J.  B: 1870, D: 1936
Shephard, Joseph  B: 1808, D: 1888
Strong, Edwin J.  B: circa 1836
Strong, L. Joseph  B: 1877
Strong, M. Julia  B: circa 1876
Strong, N. Elizabeth  B: circa 1877
Strong, Sarah L.  B: 1894
Taylor, Henry B.  B: 1850, D: 1882
Taylor, Jennie  B: 1882, D: 1914
Taylor, William C.  B: 1878, D: 1946
