Elizabeth Brewer1

TMG ID:52341, (21 May 1671 - )
Relationship:2nd cousin 7 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*John Brewer1 B: 10 Oct 1642
Mother*Elizabeth Rice1 B: 4 Aug 1648, D: Mar 1694

Primary Birth & Death


  1. [S1064] Rootsweb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/jr8cvhb, Hal Bradley (e-mail address), updated as of 18 Jun 2010.
Last Edited6 Feb 2013

Hannah Brewer1

TMG ID:52342, (22 Mar 1673 - )
Relationship:2nd cousin 7 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*John Brewer1 B: 10 Oct 1642
Mother*Elizabeth Rice1 B: 4 Aug 1648, D: Mar 1694

Primary Birth & Death


  1. [S1064] Rootsweb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/jr8cvhb, Hal Bradley (e-mail address), updated as of 18 Jun 2010.
Last Edited6 Feb 2013

James Brewer1

TMG ID:52343, (10 Sep 1675 - )
Relationship:2nd cousin 7 times removed of Elsie Dora Lewis
Father*John Brewer1 B: 10 Oct 1642
Mother*Elizabeth Rice1 B: 4 Aug 1648, D: Mar 1694

Primary Birth & Death


  1. [S1064] Rootsweb.com, online http://tinyurl.com/jr8cvhb, Hal Bradley (e-mail address), updated as of 18 Jun 2010.
Last Edited6 Feb 2013

Elmore Willard Powell1,2

TMG ID:52344, (29 Apr 1900 - 19 May 1965)
Relationship:1st cousin of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Jesse Vermillion Powell3 B: Jan 1876, D: 1934
Mother*Mary Florence Wagner3 B: 25 Sep 1883, D: 6 May 1904
Step-motherLenora Mary Griffith3 B: 1878, D: 18 Jul 1917

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Variation: He was also known as Elmer Willard3,4,5


MarriageSaturday, 22 Dec 1928, Elmore, age 28 years, 7 months and 23 days, and Florence Myrtle Doss, age 39 years, 4 months and 18 days, daughter of: Jacob Benjamin Doss and Mary Ellen Carrico, were married at Vancouver City, Clark County, WashingtonG.2

Memorable Moments & Stories

Other Major Events

  • Military: on Thursday, 12 Sep 1918, at 210 East 88th Street, Portland, Multnomah County, OregonG, Elmore Willard Powell at age 18, registered for the military draft for World War I and listed as his contact: Agnes Mae Powell.5
  • Military: on Monday, 19 Jan 1920, Elmore Willard Powell at age 19, began military service, private US Army World War I.8
  • Military: on Tuesday, 18 Jan 1921, Elmore Willard Powell at age 20, completed military service.8

Census Records

CensusDate/Location/CommentOthers Same Household
Census-190014 Jun 1900, 2711 Franklin Avenue, Des Moines, Polk County, IowaGJohn Phillip Wagner, Angelina Sophina Wilson, Harry Ralph Wagner, Clyde Willard Wagner, Florence Willmetta Wagner, Edward Earl Wagner, Hershall Joseph Wagner, Mary Florence Wagner and Jesse Vermillion Powell4
Census-191027 Apr 1910, River road going towards Vancouver, Harney Precinct, Clark County, WashingtonGJohn Phillip Wagner, Angelina Sophina Wilson, Clyde Willard Wagner, Edward Earl Wagner and Hershall Joseph Wagner3


circa Sep 1918Portland, Multnomah County, OregonGmechanic5

Witnessed Events & Occasions

Anecdote Anecdote: Elmore Willard Powell was present on Sunday, 25 Oct 1903, at Orchard, Clark County, WashingtonG, when Mary Florence Wagner wrote this rather sad letter to her brother, Stacey and new sister-in-law, Estella ("Stella."). Mary ("Mamie") mentions being in poor health. Unfortunately she succumbs just 6 months and eleven days after writing this letter.
     Others were: Jesse Vermillion Powell, Stacey Elmer Wagner and Estella Marie Young.9
Anecdote Anecdote: Elmore Willard Powell was present circa 1920, at Vancouver, Clark County, WashingtonG, when Jesse Vermillion Powell married about a year after his first wife, Mary Florence passed away. His son, Elmer Willard, went to live with his deceased wife's parents. Over the next twelve or thirteen years he and his second wife, Lenora M., produced a daughter and four more sons. Lenora passed away in July 1917 shortly after the birth of their son, Harry. In the 1920 census the four sons are all living in a juvenile home in Vancouver. The daughter, Agnes, is living with her Aunt and Uncle and family in Clark County, WA. Jesse is not present. He reappears by himself in the 1930 census. Jesse's headstone shows that he dies in 1934
     Others were: John Phillip Wagner, Angelina Sophina Wilson, Lenora Mary Griffith, Agnes Mae Powell, Thomas David Powell, Jesse Edward Powell, Miles William Powell and Harry Francis Powell.10,11

Known Address(es)


  1. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Iowa, Delayed Birth Records, 1850-1939.
  2. [S620] FamilySearch.org, online https://tinyurl.com/ycndba9a, Various (Utah), updated as of Various, Person page.
  3. [S243] 15 Apr 1910, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9glogje, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910.
  4. [S117] 1 Jun 1900, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y8l8gl3a Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900.
  5. [S262] World War I Draft Registrations, online . Hereinafter cited as World War I Draft Record.
  6. [S85] Social Security Death Index, Master File, Social Security Death Index, Social Security Death Index (http://tinyurl.com/jqkwdlq: RootsWeb, various). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
  7. [S653] Death Certificate - Thomas Otto Mercer, online . Hereinafter cited as OR Death Index.
  8. [S943] United States Veterans Gravesites, ca 1775 - 2006, online <http://tinyurl.com/ybk4oq82>. Hereinafter cited as US Vets Gravesites.
  9. [S2271] Letter from Mary Florence Wagner (Orchard, WA) to Stacey Elmer Wagner, 25 Oct 1903; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
  10. [S951] Washington State Archives - Digital Archives, online <http://tinyurl.com/5lj7u>, Department of Health, Death Certificates, July 1, 1907-1997. Hereinafter cited as WA Digital Archives.
  11. [S244] 1 Jan 1920, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/ya4dwjbu Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920.
Last Edited31 Oct 2024

Christine Magdalene Frey1

TMG ID:52345, (1743 - 17 Sep 1823)

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Christine Magdalene Frey was born in 1743.1
  • Died on Wednesday, 17 Sep 1823 at age 80 years.1


  • Name-Married: her married name became Mrs. Fuchs (née Frey).


MarriageChristine and Johann Ludwig Fuchs, son of: Johann Caspar Fuchs and Anna Margaretha Frey, were married.1

Children of: Christine Magdalene Frey and Johann Ludwig Fuchs


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Johann Heinrich Fuchs1

TMG ID:52346, (10 Jan 1763 - 22 Sep 1811)
Relationship:1st cousin 5 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Johann Ludwig Fuchs1 B: 16 Mar 1724, D: 12 Dec 1789
Mother*Christine Magdalene Frey1 B: 1743, D: 17 Sep 1823

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageSunday, 4 Nov 1792, Johann, age 29 years, 9 months and 25 days, and Christine Eitelmann, age 21 years, 5 months and 30 days were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1

Children of: Johann Heinrich Fuchs and Christine Eitelmann


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Christine Eitelmann1

TMG ID:52347, (5 May 1771 - )

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Sunday, 4 Nov 1792, her married name became Mrs. Fuchs (née Eitelmann).


MarriageSunday, 4 Nov 1792, Christine, age 21 years, 5 months and 30 days, and Johann Heinrich Fuchs, age 29 years, 9 months and 25 days, son of: Johann Ludwig Fuchs and Christine Magdalene Frey, were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1

Children of: Christine Eitelmann and Johann Heinrich Fuchs


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Katharina Barbara Fuchs1

TMG ID:52348, (12 Jul 1791 - 24 Nov 1869)
Relationship:2nd cousin 4 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Johann Heinrich Fuchs1 B: 10 Jan 1763, D: 22 Sep 1811
Mother*Christine Eitelmann1 B: 5 May 1771

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Thursday, 17 Nov 1814, her married name became Mrs. Burbacher (née Fuchs).


MarriageThursday, 17 Nov 1814, Katharina, age 23 years, 4 months and 5 days, and Johann Burbacher were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Johann Burbacher1

TMG ID:52349


MarriageThursday, 17 Nov 1814, Johann and Katharina Barbara Fuchs, age 23 years, 4 months and 5 days, daughter of: Johann Heinrich Fuchs and Christine Eitelmann, were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Johann Fuchs II1

TMG ID:52350, (6 Oct 1793 - 4 May 1865)
Relationship:2nd cousin 4 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Johann Heinrich Fuchs1 B: 10 Jan 1763, D: 22 Sep 1811
Mother*Christine Eitelmann1 B: 5 May 1771

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageTuesday, 29 Oct 1816, Johann, age 23 years and 23 days, and Christine Höckelsberger, age 18 years were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Christine Höckelsberger1

TMG ID:52351, (1798 - 27 Aug 1853)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Tuesday, 29 Oct 1816, her married name became Mrs. Fuchs (née Höckelsberger).


MarriageTuesday, 29 Oct 1816, Christine, age 18 years, and Johann Fuchs II, age 23 years and 23 days, son of: Johann Heinrich Fuchs and Christine Eitelmann, were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Georg Heinrich Fuchs1

TMG ID:52352, (13 Aug 1796 - 20 Jul 1799)
Relationship:2nd cousin 4 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Johann Heinrich Fuchs1 B: 10 Jan 1763, D: 22 Sep 1811
Mother*Christine Eitelmann1 B: 5 May 1771

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Georg Heinrich Fuchs was born on Saturday, 13 Aug 1796.1
  • Died on Saturday, 20 Jul 1799 at age 2 years, 11 months and 7 days.1


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Georg Valentin Fuchs1

TMG ID:52353, (4 Feb 1799 - 14 Dec 1860)
Relationship:2nd cousin 4 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Johann Heinrich Fuchs1 B: 10 Jan 1763, D: 22 Sep 1811
Mother*Christine Eitelmann1 B: 5 May 1771

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageThursday, 5 Aug 1824, Georg, age 25 years, 6 months and 1 day, and Apollonia Löwenberger, age 21 years, 5 months and 15 days were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1

Children of: Georg Valentin Fuchs and Apollonia Löwenberger


tagner = day-laborer, one who works small jobs paid by the day2


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
  2. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Wyeth - Familienstammbaum Weyh-Fuchs-Wenz.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Apollonia Löwenberger1

TMG ID:52354, (21 Feb 1803 - 1 Feb 1845)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Thursday, 5 Aug 1824, her married name became Mrs. Fuchs (née Löwenberger).


MarriageThursday, 5 Aug 1824, Apollonia, age 21 years, 5 months and 15 days, and Georg Valentin Fuchs, age 25 years, 6 months and 1 day, son of: Johann Heinrich Fuchs and Christine Eitelmann, were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1

Children of: Apollonia Löwenberger and Georg Valentin Fuchs


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Apollonia Charlotta Fuchs1

TMG ID:52355, (25 Dec 1824 - )
Relationship:3rd cousin 3 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Georg Valentin Fuchs1 B: 4 Feb 1799, D: 14 Dec 1860
Mother*Apollonia Löwenberger1 B: 21 Feb 1803, D: 1 Feb 1845

Primary Birth & Death


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Katharina Fuchs1

TMG ID:52356, (2 Nov 1826 - )
Relationship:3rd cousin 3 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Georg Valentin Fuchs1 B: 4 Feb 1799, D: 14 Dec 1860
Mother*Apollonia Löwenberger1 B: 21 Feb 1803, D: 1 Feb 1845

Primary Birth & Death


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Anna Maria Fuchs1

TMG ID:52357, (Apr 1801 - )
Relationship:2nd cousin 4 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Johann Heinrich Fuchs1 B: 10 Jan 1763, D: 22 Sep 1811
Mother*Christine Eitelmann1 B: 5 May 1771

Primary Birth & Death

  • Born: Anna Maria Fuchs was born in Apr 1801.1


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
  2. [S97] 1 Jun 1870, Digital, FamilySearch.org, 35 NW Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, https://tinyurl.com/y9hbo4f7 Ninth Census of the United States, 1870.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Johann Heinrich Fuchs1

TMG ID:52358, (14 May 1803 - 26 Feb 1883)
Relationship:2nd cousin 4 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Johann Heinrich Fuchs1 B: 10 Jan 1763, D: 22 Sep 1811
Mother*Christine Eitelmann1 B: 5 May 1771

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageSaturday, 10 Feb 1827, Johann, age 23 years, 8 months and 27 days, and Elise Neumayer, age 23 years, 5 months and 21 days were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1
MarriageSaturday, 25 Jul 1829, Johann, age 26 years, 2 months and 11 days, and Eva Maria Neumayer, age 26 years and 19 days were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1

Child of: Johann Heinrich Fuchs and Elise Neumayer

Children of: Johann Heinrich Fuchs and Eva Maria Neumayer


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Elise Neumayer1

TMG ID:52359, (20 Aug 1803 - 22 Nov 1828)

Primary Birth & Death


  • Name-Married: on Saturday, 10 Feb 1827, her married name became Mrs. Fuchs (née Neumayer).


MarriageSaturday, 10 Feb 1827, Elise, age 23 years, 5 months and 21 days, and Johann Heinrich Fuchs, age 23 years, 8 months and 27 days, son of: Johann Heinrich Fuchs and Christine Eitelmann, were married at Orbis, Donnersbergkreis (Kirchheimbolanden), Rheinland-Pfalz, GermanyG.1

Child of: Elise Neumayer and Johann Heinrich Fuchs


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013

Johann Heinrich Fuchs III1

TMG ID:52360, (10 Jan 1828 - 7 Apr 1892)
Relationship:3rd cousin 3 times removed of John Phillip Wagner
Father*Johann Heinrich Fuchs1 B: 14 May 1803, D: 26 Feb 1883
Mother*Elise Neumayer1 B: 20 Aug 1803, D: 22 Nov 1828

Primary Birth & Death


MarriageWednesday, 11 Jun 1851, Johann, age 23 years, 5 months and 1 day, and Elise Brack, age 24 years, 4 months and 15 days were married at Gaugrehweiler, GermanyG.1


  1. [S129] Ancestry.com, online http://tinyurl.com/pcf6tp, various (various), updated as of various, Marion Weyh.
Last Edited1 Feb 2013