New Netherlands Colony
Staten Island
Mookers, Claartje B: circa 1630, D: 1675
Post, Adriaen Crinjnen B: 1620, D: 1675
Post, Lysbeth B: circa 1654, D: between 1663 and 1668
Post, Maria Mookers B: 1649, D: 1700
Post, Adriaen Crinjnen B: 1620, D: 1675
Post, Lysbeth B: circa 1654, D: between 1663 and 1668
Post, Maria Mookers B: 1649, D: 1700
New York
(?), Achsa B: circa 1804
(?), Ada
(?), Adda B: circa 1855
(?), Adelia B: circa 1826
(?), Alice B: 1851
(?), Alice B: circa 1910
(?), Alma R. B: circa 1849
(?), Almira E. B: 1839
(?), Amanda B: 1865
(?), Amy B: circa 1821, D: after 1904
(?), Angeline B: 1817, D: 1842
(?), Ann B: circa 1812
(?), Ann C. B: circa 1821
(?), Ann Eliza B: circa 1835
(?), Anna B: circa 1821
(?), Anna B: circa 1822
(?), Anna B: 1861, D: before 1910
(?), Anna C. B: 1903, D: 1999
(?), Anna E. B: 1824
(?), Annie B: circa 1849
(?), Anntonete B: circa 1812
(?), Anzolita B: circa 1819
(?), Arabella B: 1844
(?), Augusta B: circa 1838
(?), B.J. B: 1855
(?), Bessie M. B: 1877
(?), Betsy B: circa 1829, D: 1888
(?), Caroline B. B: circa 1828
(?), Caroline D. B: circa 1821, D: after 1870
(?), Caroline E. B: 1805
(?), Catharine B: circa 1824
(?), Catharine B: circa 1826
(?), Catharine B: circa 1841
(?), Caty B: 1863
(?), Celia B: circa 1839
(?), Chansee B: circa 1824
(?), Clara
(?), Clara J. B: circa 1887
(?), Clarissa B: circa 1828
(?), Clarissa B: circa 1834
(?), Clarissa B: circa 1834
(?), Cordelia B: circa 1828
(?), Cornelia B. B: circa 1822
(?), Deborah B: circa 1822
(?), Eleanor B: circa 1795
(?), Elisabett B: circa 1827
(?), Eliza B: 1860
(?), Eliza Ann B: 1855, D: 1886
(?), Elizabeth B: circa 1828
(?), Elizabeth B: circa 1830
(?), Elizabeth A. B: circa 1829
(?), Elizabeth C. B: 1878
(?), Elizabeth S. B: circa 1824, D: before 1898
(?), Ella B: circa 1858
(?), Ellen B: 1830
(?), Ellen E. B: circa 1830
(?), Emaline R. B: circa 1837
(?), Emily B: circa 1841
(?), Emma B: circa 1832
(?), Esther B: circa 1846
(?), Esther B: circa 1905
(?), Flora B. B: circa 1852
(?), Frances B: circa 1842
(?), Frances D. B: 1838
(?), Frances G. B: circa 1858, D: before 1900
(?), Francis B: circa 1848
(?), Francis B: 1854
(?), Frederick W. B: circa 1864
(?), Geneva B: circa 1900
(?), Georgia M. B: 1878, D: 1942
(?), Gertrude A. B: circa 1849
(?), Hannah B: circa 1860
(?), Harriet B: circa 1790
(?), Harriet B: circa 1809
(?), Hattie M. B: 1872
(?), Helen B: 1844
(?), Helen B: circa 1852
(?), Jane B: circa 1813
(?), Jane B: circa 1833
(?), Jane B: circa 1850
(?), Jane H. B: 1806, D: before 1880
(?), Jeanette B: circa 1907
(?), Jennie B: circa 1848
(?), Jennie B: 1882
(?), Jessie B: 1853
(?), Johanna B: circa 1834
(?), Joseph B: circa 1875
(?), Julia B: circa 1831
(?), Julia A. B: circa 1839
(?), Julia Ann B: 1825
(?), Julia E. B: circa 1854
(?), Julia F. B: circa 1830
(?), Juliet C. B: 1841, D: 1900
(?), Kate B: circa 1863
(?), L.L. B: circa 1835
(?), L.L. B: circa 1835
(?), Laurel L. B: circa 1887
(?), Lena B: circa 1897
(?), Liddy B: circa 1848
(?), Lillian
(?), Lillian B. B: 1865
(?), Lillian L. B: circa 1852
(?), Lillian W. B: circa 1894
(?), Loricy B: circa 1817
(?), Louisa B: circa 1817
(?), Louise K. B: circa 1870
(?), Lucy B: circa 1827
(?), Lucy B: circa 1840
(?), Lucy B: circa 1847
(?), Lydia B: circa 1836
(?), Lydia B: circa 1844
(?), Mabel B: 1879
(?), Malinda A. B: circa 1827
(?), Marcia B: circa 1809
(?), Marcia Ann B: circa 1833
(?), Margaret B: circa 1836
(?), Margaret B: circa 1844
(?), Margaret L. B: circa 1823
(?), Margarett B: 1835
(?), Margret B: circa 1830
(?), Maria B: circa 1842
(?), Marietta B: circa 1839
(?), Martha B: circa 1846
(?), Martha J. B: circa 1858
(?), Mary B: circa 1828
(?), Mary B: circa 1841
(?), Mary B: circa 1846
(?), Mary B: circa 1848
(?), Mary B: circa 1903
(?), Mary B: circa 1914
(?), Mary A. B: circa 1810
(?), Mary A. B: circa 1814
(?), Mary A. B: 1837
(?), Mary A. B: circa 1844
(?), Mary A. B: 1861
(?), Mary Ann B: circa 1837
(?), Mary C. B: circa 1863
(?), Mary F. B: circa 1828
(?), Mary G. B: circa 1860
(?), Mary Jane B: 1842
(?), Myrtle M. B: 1865
(?), Myrtle M. B: 1875, D: 1939
(?), Nancy B: 1791, D: 1872
(?), Naomi B: circa 1853
(?), Nellie L. B: 1877
(?), Olive B: circa 1836
(?), Pauline B: circa 1848
(?), Polly B: circa 1802
(?), Ruth B: circa 1830
(?), Ruth B: circa 1906
(?), Sarah B: circa 1768
(?), Sarah B: circa 1825
(?), Sarah B: circa 1828
(?), Sarah B: circa 1845
(?), Sarah B: circa 1888
(?), Sarah A. B: circa 1829
(?), Sarah J. B: 1839
(?), Sarah J. B: 1848
(?), Selina B: 1829, D: 1882
(?), Senith B: circa 1823
(?), Sophia B: circa 1815
(?), Sophia B: circa 1825
(?), Susan B: circa 1816
(?), Susan B: circa 1820
(?), Susannah B: circa 1795
(?), Susie
(?), Sylvia N. B: 1836, D: 1868
(?), Uphy B: circa 1825
(?), Zelda B: circa 1919
Abbott, Chauncey H. B: circa 1813
Abrams, (?)
Abrams, George
Acer, Dorothy A. B: 1806, D: 1852
Acker, Mary B: circa 1853
Adams, Augustus B: circa 1842
Adams, Clara D. B: 1904, D: 1973
Adams, Gertrude Marie B: 1869
Adams, Helen B: 1879
Adams, James B: 1801, D: 1885
Adams, Jesse B: 1831
Adams, John B: circa 1933
Adams, John H. B: 1880
Adams, Joseph B: 1886
Adams, Laural L. B: circa 1872
Adams, Mary B: circa 1876
Adams, Minnie B: 1884
Adams, Muriel B: 1898
Adams, Norman B: circa 1877
Adams, Peter B: 1851
Adams, Willard H. B: 1900, D: 1978
Adkins, Byron C. B: 1867, D: 1926
Adkins, John B: 1840
Akins, Clarence B: circa 1909
Aldrich, Bernard Dennis B: 1871, D: 1952
Aldrich, Carrie L. B: 1866, D: 1949
Aldrich, Clara B. B: 1894, D: 1977
Aldrich, Cleveland B: 1885, D: after 1910
Aldrich, Daniel A. B: 1918
Aldrich, Daniel Thomas B: 1854, D: 1924
Aldrich, Dennis B: 1807, D: 1885
Aldrich, Edgar G. B: 1841, D: 1927
Aldrich, Edward B: 1908, D: 1910
Aldrich, Edward H. B: 1875, D: 1951
Aldrich, Floyd Dennis B: 1858, D: 1928
Aldrich, Frances Adelia B: 1910, D: 1910
Aldrich, Frank V. B: 1873, D: 1929
Aldrich, George B: 1881, D: 1962
Aldrich, Herbert C. B: 1850, D: 1918
Aldrich, Irvin Earl B: 1889, D: 1969
Aldrich, Jennie P. B: 1882, D: 1952
Aldrich, Laura Belle B: 1879, D: 1956
Aldrich, Leon E. B: 1920, D: 2010
Aldrich, Lewis G. B: 1860, D: 1937
Aldrich, Nina B: circa 1922
Aldrich, Ralph Daniel B: 1886, D: 1943
Aldrich, Ray Hoag B: 1882, D: 1944
Aldrich, Roy Charles Jr. B: 1915, D: 1984
Aldrich, Ruby Eleanor B: 1924, D: 2009
Aldrich, Simon Bolivar B: 1837, D: 1904
Aldrich, Virginia C. B: 1926, D: 2010
Aleshire, Reuben D. B: circa 1870
Alexander, Margaret B: 1825, D: 1909
Alhauser, Frances L. B: 1853, D: 1916
Allen, Electa B: 1794, D: 1839
Allen, Herbert McLellan B: 1865
Aller, Zachariah B: circa 1815, D: 1863
Allis, Fanny B: 1791, D: 1882
Althouse, Elizabeth
Althouse, Margarette B: 1812, D: 1888
Andrews, Charles B: circa 1838
Andrews, G.W. B: circa 1845
Andrews, Jesse L. B: circa 1870
Andrews, Louis E. B: circa 1874
Annas, Arthur Alanson B: 1899, D: 1994
Annas, Earl B: circa 1912
Annas, Esther I. B: circa 1905
Annas, Helen F. B: 1898
Annas, Isabelle B: circa 1909
Annas, Oakley J. B: 1868, D: 1949
Annas, Stewart E. B: circa 1902
Arnold, Ada A. B: 1866, D: 1917
Arnold, Andrew J. B: circa 1832
Arnold, Cassie B: circa 1864
Arnold, Nettie B: circa 1868
Ashley, Chauncy B: circa 1857, D: 1932
Atkins, Anna Elizabeth B: 1871
Avery, Experience
Babcock, Alice Viola B: 1854, D: 1893
Backus, Jennie E. B: circa 1862, D: 1896
Backus, Myron F. B: 1868
Backus, Stephen C. B: 1828, D: 1906
Bagley, Alvin B: circa 1802
Baker, (?) D: before 1930
Baker, Carrie A. B: circa 1857
Baker, John O. B: 1828, D: before 1880
Baker, Natalie B: 1817, D: 1870
Baldwin, Charles A. B: 1824
Baldwin, Louisa B: 1827, D: 1872
Ballou, Addie B: circa 1864
Ballou, Burton B: circa 1872
Ballou, Charles B: circa 1867, D: 1941
Ballou, Effie C. B: circa 1870
Ballou, Hulda B: circa 1872
Baney, John C. B: 1828, D: 1914
Barber, Martha A. B: 1839, D: 1919
Barker, Charles Frank B: circa 1876
Barker, Edwin C. B: circa 1909
Barnard, Charles T. B: circa 1825
Barnett, Sarah B: 1788, D: 1876
Barrett, Charlotte E. B: 1852, D: 1920
Bartholomay, Barbara A. B: 1884, D: 1953
Bartholome, Frank B: circa 1852
Bartholomew, Adeline Melissa B: circa 1829
Bartlett, Ellen T. B: 1850, D: 1919
Barton, Eban
Baruch, Jessie B: 1886, D: 1966
Baxter, Fanny B: circa 1869
Baxter, Flora B: circa 1878
Baxter, Florence B: circa 1877
Baxter, Franklin B: circa 1867
Baxter, Jeursham B: circa 1871
Baxter, Levi B: circa 1873
Beardsley, Florence B: 1914, D: 1991
Beardsley, William B: circa 1790
Beebe, Nelson B: 1831, D: 1921
Beebe, Philo B: 1798, D: 1869
Bender, Maria B: 1776, D: 1860
Benedict, Elizabeth B: 1806
Bennett, Cassie E. B: 1856
Bennett, Martha B: circa 1835
Bennett, Rebecca B: circa 1814, D: circa 1848
Bennett, Roxy B: circa 1799
Bentley, Albert B: circa 1828
Bentley, Caleb B: circa 1804
Bentley, Eliza B: circa 1844
Bentley, Gilbert B: 1833, D: 1911
Bentley, Hiram B: circa 1837
Bentley, John E. B: 1921, D: 1986
Bentley, Laura B: circa 1830
Bentley, Merton Letchworth B: 1880, D: 1966
Bentley, Myrtle B: circa 1925
Bentley, Valerie I. B: 1914, D: 1985
Bentley, William B: 1927, D: 1994
Berdrow, Lewis Alexander B: 1863, D: 1891
Berwanger, Lena B: 1889, D: 1918
Bigelow, Anna Therese B: 1854, D: 1925
Bigelow, Charles Emerson B: 1851, D: 1939
Bigelow, Edwin Wilder B: 1861, D: 1932
Bigelow, Emerson B: 1896, D: 1966
Bigelow, John Emerson B: circa 1926
Bingham, Washington B: circa 1835
Bliss, Elizabeth B: circa 1829
Blood, Adelaide Jane B: 1855
Blood, Emily Dette B: circa 1847
Blood, Harriet C. B: circa 1849
Blood, Orin T. B: circa 1845
Blossom, Ezra L. B: 1783, D: 1824
Bodie, Elsie B: 1903, D: 1996
Bond, Elizabeth B: 1794, D: 1883
Borst, Andrew B: 1806
Borst, Hiram Mullen B: circa 1834
Borst, Mary B: 1803
Borst, Mary B: 1837
Botfield, Richard B: circa 1784, D: circa 1857
Bowman, George B: circa 1808
Boyd, Grace Cora B: 1860, D: 1956
Boynton, Fred B: circa 1859
Bradley, Almon E. B: 1832
Bradt, Cornelia B: 1696
Bradt, Hanna B: 1692
Brainard, Josephine Denison
Branch, Maud Olive B: 1885, D: 1980
Braugham, Margaret B: 1814, D: 1897
Brayton, Sophia B: circa 1848
Brazee, Willis B: 1861
Briggs, Cora B: circa 1860
Briggs, Cordelia B: 1823
Briggs, Gary B: circa 1858
Briggs, George B: circa 1862
Briggs, George Corwin B: 1826, D: 1915
Briggs, Walter B: circa 1815, D: 1882
Brigham, George Allen B: 1828, D: 1886
Britton, Eva A. B: circa 1857
Broadwell, William H. B: circa 1834
Brock, Sally B: circa 1810
Brockway, Lura B: 1803, D: 1888
Brockway, Timothy B: 1805, D: 1879
Brooks, (?) D: before 1930
Brooks, Adelia Ann D: 1906
Brown, Belinda
Brown, Ina
Brown, Mary B: 1815, D: 1901
Brown, Robert B: circa 1828
Browning, Charles A. B: circa 1836
Browning, Ella N. B: circa 1850
Bryant, Emma B: 1867, D: 1944
Bryant, Lillian B: circa 1888, D: 1974
Bryant, Martin Van Buren B: 1837, D: 1909
Buck, Calphurnia B: 1831, D: 1881
Buck, George Washington B: 1833, D: 1876
Buck, Jeremiah Jr. B: 1799, D: 1894
Buckley, Ellen
Buggee, Katherine B: 1854, D: 1930
Bull, Ida Jane B: 1856, D: 1924
Bull, Julia Ann B: circa 1836
Bull, Peter B: circa 1816, D: 1865
Bullock, Charles W. B: circa 1880, D: 1958
Burkett, Florence B: circa 1877
Burkett, Francis B: circa 1877
Burkett, James B: circa 1849
Burkett, Mabel B: circa 1874
Burns, Daniel B: circa 1837
Burrows, Eliza B: 1797
Burt, Andalusia B: circa 1839
Burt, Celestia Eveline B: circa 1855
Burtis, Richard C. B: 1824, D: 1901
Butler, Elizabeth C. B: 1890
Butler, Laura Jane B: 1815, D: 1889
Cabrey, Cornelia P.
Caldwell, Jane B: 1843, D: 1926
Calhoun, Charles B: circa 1840
Callan, Curtis Gove B: 1917, D: 2005
Callan, Lester Laurence Jr. B: 1919, D: 1987
Callan, Margaret B: circa 1913, D: 2011
Camp, George Rufus Low B: 1843, D: 1844
Camp, Nathan Henry B: 1841, D: 1903
Campbell, Clarence William B: 1913, D: 1993
Canfield, Emeline B: 1865, D: 1897
Canfield, Silas B. B: 1821, D: 1897
Cantrell, Marie B: 1903, D: 1988
Carey, Emeline B: circa 1812, D: 1832
Carmen, George E.
Caroselle, James F. B: circa 1892
Carr, Essie V. B: 1878, D: 1912
Carr, Thomas B: circa 1832
Caul, Pamela
Chadwick, Horace
Chaffee, Arthur B: circa 1853
Chaffee, Fred B: 1866, D: after 1896
Chaffee, Johnathan B: 1838, D: 1883
Chapin, Leta E. B: 1881
Chapman, Charles Shepard B: 1879
Chase, Henry C. B: circa 1842
Chessley, Maritie
Child, John B: circa 1841
Child, Lewis B: circa 1869
Chrisman, Aletha B. B: circa 1909
Chrisman, Harold R. B: 1911
Chrisman, Leola Mae B: 1894, D: 1967
Chubb, Alice D. B: 1843, D: 1908
Chubb, Bernie Milo B: 1864
Chubb, Betha B: circa 1874
Chubb, Edgar Clarence B: 1860, D: 1952
Chubb, Edward B: circa 1831
Chubb, Frink B: 1804, D: 1878
Chubb, Frink B: 1838, D: 1899
Chubb, George A. B: 1846, D: after 1931
Chubb, Glada B: 1870
Chubb, Hattie B: circa 1872
Chubb, Joel B: 1806, D: after 1880
Chubb, John B: 1850, D: 1916
Chubb, John B: 1854
Chubb, John B: circa 1870
Chubb, Joseph Edson B: 1855, D: 1872
Chubb, Margaret A. B: before 1836, D: 1916
Chubb, Nellie B: 1857
Church, Sophronia B: 1829, D: 1907
Clapp, Dwella Martin B: 1800, D: 1886
Clark, (?)
Clark, Alvin S. B: circa 1869
Clark, Bertha Honor Grace B: circa 1878
Clark, Charles Milton B: 1867, D: 1962
Clark, Fred G. D: 1931
Clark, Harriet E. B: 1868, D: 1896
Clark, James B: circa 1824
Clark, James M. B: circa 1806
Clark, James W. B: circa 1862
Clark, John H. B: circa 1856
Clark, Leland Dewitt B: 1860, D: 1931
Clark, Mary A. B: circa 1866
Clemens, Kathleen M. B: 1872, D: 1945
Cleveland, Asa
Cleveland, Sarah B: between 1832 and 1833
Close, Beverly B: circa 1933
Close, Jennie A. B: circa 1904
Close, Julia J. B: circa 1902
Close, Leo P. B: circa 1906
Close, Nina L. B: 1899
Close, Ovid Edward B: 1908, D: 1989
Clune, Margaret D: 1906
Cole, Emma B: circa 1877
Cole, Emma A. B: 1867, D: 1945
Cole, Mary B: 1818, D: 1888
Cole, Mary B: circa 1879
Collier, Jochim B: circa 1755
Comstock, Rachel
Cone, Amelia B: circa 1823, D: 1886
Cone, Julia E. B: circa 1846, D: 1910
Conkey, Minerva L. B: 1815, D: 1892
Conover, Gertrude S.
Cook, Emmeline B: 1840
Cook, Joseph B: 1828, D: 1885
Cook, Sally B: 1810, D: 1851
Cook, William J. B: circa 1864
Coon, Samuel B: circa 1780
Copeland, Laura A. B: 1880
Copeland, Lewis Livingstons B: 1880
Copeland, Ralph B. B: 1879
Copeland, Richard Watson B: 1848
Copeland, Ross Watson B: 1879
Couch, Margaret B: circa 1832
Coughtry, Frank W. D: 1972
Cowles, Chester B: circa 1843
Coykendall, Emma Jane B: 1847, D: 1935
Cozzens, Carrie B: 1871
Crampton, Catherine Ann
Crandall, Dennis B: circa 1842
Crandall, Ruth Phelps B: 1808, D: 1838
Crane, Dewitt Clinton D: 1904
Cranston, Andrew B B: 1853, D: 1923
Cranston, Charles Henry B: 1868, D: after 1925
Cranston, Glennie M. B: 1876, D: after 1925
Cranston, Henry B: 1879, D: after 1925
Cranston, John Samuel B: 1865, D: after 1925
Cranston, Lewis S. B: 1872, D: 1918
Cranston, Melissa B: circa 1873
Crapo, Corrine B: circa 1934
Crapo, Jeanette B: circa 1931
Crapo, Warren A. B: circa 1928
Cronkhite, Mary Ann B: circa 1816
Cross, Robert Chester B: 1879, D: 1962
Crudup, George B: 1859
Cudworth, Lettia B: circa 1844
Cumber, James E. B: circa 1859
Cumber, Nelson B: circa 1817, D: 1900
Cutler, Rachel B: 1813, D: 1885
Dailey, Jennie E. B: circa 1847
Dakin, Lydia B: 1794, D: 1839
Dane, Arthur B: 1889, D: 1956
Dane, Austin B: 1899, D: 1924
Dane, Beulah B: 1886, D: 1930
Dane, Clara B: 1919, D: 1919
Dane, Earl B: 1890, D: 1951
Dane, Edith B: 1882
Dane, Ethel B: 1892
Dane, Isaac G. B: 1853, D: 1925
Dane, Ivring B: 1884, D: 1918
Dane, Lawrence A. B: 1933, D: 2003
Dane, Russa B: 1895
Darrow, Etta D. B: circa 1850
Dart, Easter B: 1826, D: 1904
Davis, Evaline A. B: circa 1845, D: 1926
Davis, H.W. B: circa 1814
Davis, Jane B: circa 1840
Davis, Louisa B: 1779, D: 1874
Davis, Mary Polly B: 1785, D: 1854
Davis, Sarah Caroline B: 1865, D: 1945
Dawley, Lucy Melissa B: 1821, D: 1906
Day, Annie B: circa 1868
Day, Cyrus Lawrence B: 1900, D: 1968
Day, Ella L. B: circa 1867
Day, Florence B: circa 1864
Day, Henry B: 1832, D: 1902
Day, Mortimer B: circa 1874
Day, William Scofield B: circa 1864
De Fraine, Marion F. B: 1908
De Wandalaer, Cornelia B: circa 1752
Dean, David L. B: circa 1922
Dean, Dorothy S. B: circa 1918
Dean, Louis B. B: circa 1917
Dean, Lyall Jr. B: circa 1920
Decker, Frances Elizabeth B: 1866, D: 1937
Decker, Isaac B: 1799, D: 1873
Degling, Albert Shepard B: circa 1927
Degling, Donald Ewald B: circa 1929
Denton, Haines B: circa 1803
Denton, Marshall B: circa 1832
Denton, Winston B: circa 1834
Dentuff, Ida J. B: 1868
Desmond, William
DeVares, David A. B: circa 1845
DeWitt, Julia M. B: 1828, D: 1901
Deyo, Sarah B: 1796, D: 1879
Deyoe, Jessie
Dibble, (?) D: before 1930
Dimmock, Orton B: circa 1856
Dimmock, Willard B: circa 1879
Dimon, Jonathan B: 1804, D: 1893
Dingman, Minerva B: 1842
Ditmas, John B: circa 1827
Dixon, Marta B: circa 1847
Doane, Clarinda
Dockstader, Cath B: circa 1842
Dockstader, Charles L. B: 1849
Dockstader, David A. B: circa 1845
Dockstader, Kneeland B: circa 1847
Dockstader, Leon D. B: circa 1848
Dockstader, Mary B: circa 1841
Dodge, (?)
Dodge, Irene
Dodge, Lucy D: before 1866
Dole, Addie B: circa 1864
Dolittle, Ansel B: 1820, D: 1892
Donatelli, Humbert L. B: 1890
Donatelli, Louis G. B: circa 1901
Donatelli, Ruth B: 1894
Donatelli, Shirley Jean B: circa 1924
Donatelli, Victor R. B: 1896, D: 1970
Doney, Caroline A. B: 1811, D: 1872
Doney, Theodore B: circa 1784
Doohge, Laurena M. B: circa 1907
Doran, Ann Eliza B: circa 1827, D: after 1890
Dorfer, Anna B: 1890
Dorfer, Clara Josephine B: 1877
Dorfer, George B: 1844
Dorfer, George Jr. B: 1888
Dorfer, Joseph B: 1878
Dorfer, Maude B: 1893
Dorfer, Rose B: 1882
Doty, Isaac B: 1804, D: 1874
Downing, Mary B: 1816, D: 1896
Draper, Calimina B: 1867, D: 1929
Drummond, Alexander M. B: circa 1841
Drummond, Alexander M. B: 1873
Drummond, Calvin Morris B: 1822, D: 1904
Duane, Frances Eliza B: 1864
Duane, Harriet Elizabeth B: 1871
Duane, Robert G. B: circa 1834
Duane, William Henry Shepard B: 1862
Dube, William B: circa 1906
Dubee, Maud A. B: circa 1913
Dubois, Catharine
Duchene, Arthur B: circa 1919
Duchene, William Arthur B: circa 1938
Dumand, John Y.
Dumond, Anthony B: 1736, D: 1794
(?), Ada
(?), Adda B: circa 1855
(?), Adelia B: circa 1826
(?), Alice B: 1851
(?), Alice B: circa 1910
(?), Alma R. B: circa 1849
(?), Almira E. B: 1839
(?), Amanda B: 1865
(?), Amy B: circa 1821, D: after 1904
(?), Angeline B: 1817, D: 1842
(?), Ann B: circa 1812
(?), Ann C. B: circa 1821
(?), Ann Eliza B: circa 1835
(?), Anna B: circa 1821
(?), Anna B: circa 1822
(?), Anna B: 1861, D: before 1910
(?), Anna C. B: 1903, D: 1999
(?), Anna E. B: 1824
(?), Annie B: circa 1849
(?), Anntonete B: circa 1812
(?), Anzolita B: circa 1819
(?), Arabella B: 1844
(?), Augusta B: circa 1838
(?), B.J. B: 1855
(?), Bessie M. B: 1877
(?), Betsy B: circa 1829, D: 1888
(?), Caroline B. B: circa 1828
(?), Caroline D. B: circa 1821, D: after 1870
(?), Caroline E. B: 1805
(?), Catharine B: circa 1824
(?), Catharine B: circa 1826
(?), Catharine B: circa 1841
(?), Caty B: 1863
(?), Celia B: circa 1839
(?), Chansee B: circa 1824
(?), Clara
(?), Clara J. B: circa 1887
(?), Clarissa B: circa 1828
(?), Clarissa B: circa 1834
(?), Clarissa B: circa 1834
(?), Cordelia B: circa 1828
(?), Cornelia B. B: circa 1822
(?), Deborah B: circa 1822
(?), Eleanor B: circa 1795
(?), Elisabett B: circa 1827
(?), Eliza B: 1860
(?), Eliza Ann B: 1855, D: 1886
(?), Elizabeth B: circa 1828
(?), Elizabeth B: circa 1830
(?), Elizabeth A. B: circa 1829
(?), Elizabeth C. B: 1878
(?), Elizabeth S. B: circa 1824, D: before 1898
(?), Ella B: circa 1858
(?), Ellen B: 1830
(?), Ellen E. B: circa 1830
(?), Emaline R. B: circa 1837
(?), Emily B: circa 1841
(?), Emma B: circa 1832
(?), Esther B: circa 1846
(?), Esther B: circa 1905
(?), Flora B. B: circa 1852
(?), Frances B: circa 1842
(?), Frances D. B: 1838
(?), Frances G. B: circa 1858, D: before 1900
(?), Francis B: circa 1848
(?), Francis B: 1854
(?), Frederick W. B: circa 1864
(?), Geneva B: circa 1900
(?), Georgia M. B: 1878, D: 1942
(?), Gertrude A. B: circa 1849
(?), Hannah B: circa 1860
(?), Harriet B: circa 1790
(?), Harriet B: circa 1809
(?), Hattie M. B: 1872
(?), Helen B: 1844
(?), Helen B: circa 1852
(?), Jane B: circa 1813
(?), Jane B: circa 1833
(?), Jane B: circa 1850
(?), Jane H. B: 1806, D: before 1880
(?), Jeanette B: circa 1907
(?), Jennie B: circa 1848
(?), Jennie B: 1882
(?), Jessie B: 1853
(?), Johanna B: circa 1834
(?), Joseph B: circa 1875
(?), Julia B: circa 1831
(?), Julia A. B: circa 1839
(?), Julia Ann B: 1825
(?), Julia E. B: circa 1854
(?), Julia F. B: circa 1830
(?), Juliet C. B: 1841, D: 1900
(?), Kate B: circa 1863
(?), L.L. B: circa 1835
(?), L.L. B: circa 1835
(?), Laurel L. B: circa 1887
(?), Lena B: circa 1897
(?), Liddy B: circa 1848
(?), Lillian
(?), Lillian B. B: 1865
(?), Lillian L. B: circa 1852
(?), Lillian W. B: circa 1894
(?), Loricy B: circa 1817
(?), Louisa B: circa 1817
(?), Louise K. B: circa 1870
(?), Lucy B: circa 1827
(?), Lucy B: circa 1840
(?), Lucy B: circa 1847
(?), Lydia B: circa 1836
(?), Lydia B: circa 1844
(?), Mabel B: 1879
(?), Malinda A. B: circa 1827
(?), Marcia B: circa 1809
(?), Marcia Ann B: circa 1833
(?), Margaret B: circa 1836
(?), Margaret B: circa 1844
(?), Margaret L. B: circa 1823
(?), Margarett B: 1835
(?), Margret B: circa 1830
(?), Maria B: circa 1842
(?), Marietta B: circa 1839
(?), Martha B: circa 1846
(?), Martha J. B: circa 1858
(?), Mary B: circa 1828
(?), Mary B: circa 1841
(?), Mary B: circa 1846
(?), Mary B: circa 1848
(?), Mary B: circa 1903
(?), Mary B: circa 1914
(?), Mary A. B: circa 1810
(?), Mary A. B: circa 1814
(?), Mary A. B: 1837
(?), Mary A. B: circa 1844
(?), Mary A. B: 1861
(?), Mary Ann B: circa 1837
(?), Mary C. B: circa 1863
(?), Mary F. B: circa 1828
(?), Mary G. B: circa 1860
(?), Mary Jane B: 1842
(?), Myrtle M. B: 1865
(?), Myrtle M. B: 1875, D: 1939
(?), Nancy B: 1791, D: 1872
(?), Naomi B: circa 1853
(?), Nellie L. B: 1877
(?), Olive B: circa 1836
(?), Pauline B: circa 1848
(?), Polly B: circa 1802
(?), Ruth B: circa 1830
(?), Ruth B: circa 1906
(?), Sarah B: circa 1768
(?), Sarah B: circa 1825
(?), Sarah B: circa 1828
(?), Sarah B: circa 1845
(?), Sarah B: circa 1888
(?), Sarah A. B: circa 1829
(?), Sarah J. B: 1839
(?), Sarah J. B: 1848
(?), Selina B: 1829, D: 1882
(?), Senith B: circa 1823
(?), Sophia B: circa 1815
(?), Sophia B: circa 1825
(?), Susan B: circa 1816
(?), Susan B: circa 1820
(?), Susannah B: circa 1795
(?), Susie
(?), Sylvia N. B: 1836, D: 1868
(?), Uphy B: circa 1825
(?), Zelda B: circa 1919
Abbott, Chauncey H. B: circa 1813
Abrams, (?)
Abrams, George
Acer, Dorothy A. B: 1806, D: 1852
Acker, Mary B: circa 1853
Adams, Augustus B: circa 1842
Adams, Clara D. B: 1904, D: 1973
Adams, Gertrude Marie B: 1869
Adams, Helen B: 1879
Adams, James B: 1801, D: 1885
Adams, Jesse B: 1831
Adams, John B: circa 1933
Adams, John H. B: 1880
Adams, Joseph B: 1886
Adams, Laural L. B: circa 1872
Adams, Mary B: circa 1876
Adams, Minnie B: 1884
Adams, Muriel B: 1898
Adams, Norman B: circa 1877
Adams, Peter B: 1851
Adams, Willard H. B: 1900, D: 1978
Adkins, Byron C. B: 1867, D: 1926
Adkins, John B: 1840
Akins, Clarence B: circa 1909
Aldrich, Bernard Dennis B: 1871, D: 1952
Aldrich, Carrie L. B: 1866, D: 1949
Aldrich, Clara B. B: 1894, D: 1977
Aldrich, Cleveland B: 1885, D: after 1910
Aldrich, Daniel A. B: 1918
Aldrich, Daniel Thomas B: 1854, D: 1924
Aldrich, Dennis B: 1807, D: 1885
Aldrich, Edgar G. B: 1841, D: 1927
Aldrich, Edward B: 1908, D: 1910
Aldrich, Edward H. B: 1875, D: 1951
Aldrich, Floyd Dennis B: 1858, D: 1928
Aldrich, Frances Adelia B: 1910, D: 1910
Aldrich, Frank V. B: 1873, D: 1929
Aldrich, George B: 1881, D: 1962
Aldrich, Herbert C. B: 1850, D: 1918
Aldrich, Irvin Earl B: 1889, D: 1969
Aldrich, Jennie P. B: 1882, D: 1952
Aldrich, Laura Belle B: 1879, D: 1956
Aldrich, Leon E. B: 1920, D: 2010
Aldrich, Lewis G. B: 1860, D: 1937
Aldrich, Nina B: circa 1922
Aldrich, Ralph Daniel B: 1886, D: 1943
Aldrich, Ray Hoag B: 1882, D: 1944
Aldrich, Roy Charles Jr. B: 1915, D: 1984
Aldrich, Ruby Eleanor B: 1924, D: 2009
Aldrich, Simon Bolivar B: 1837, D: 1904
Aldrich, Virginia C. B: 1926, D: 2010
Aleshire, Reuben D. B: circa 1870
Alexander, Margaret B: 1825, D: 1909
Alhauser, Frances L. B: 1853, D: 1916
Allen, Electa B: 1794, D: 1839
Allen, Herbert McLellan B: 1865
Aller, Zachariah B: circa 1815, D: 1863
Allis, Fanny B: 1791, D: 1882
Althouse, Elizabeth
Althouse, Margarette B: 1812, D: 1888
Andrews, Charles B: circa 1838
Andrews, G.W. B: circa 1845
Andrews, Jesse L. B: circa 1870
Andrews, Louis E. B: circa 1874
Annas, Arthur Alanson B: 1899, D: 1994
Annas, Earl B: circa 1912
Annas, Esther I. B: circa 1905
Annas, Helen F. B: 1898
Annas, Isabelle B: circa 1909
Annas, Oakley J. B: 1868, D: 1949
Annas, Stewart E. B: circa 1902
Arnold, Ada A. B: 1866, D: 1917
Arnold, Andrew J. B: circa 1832
Arnold, Cassie B: circa 1864
Arnold, Nettie B: circa 1868
Ashley, Chauncy B: circa 1857, D: 1932
Atkins, Anna Elizabeth B: 1871
Avery, Experience
Babcock, Alice Viola B: 1854, D: 1893
Backus, Jennie E. B: circa 1862, D: 1896
Backus, Myron F. B: 1868
Backus, Stephen C. B: 1828, D: 1906
Bagley, Alvin B: circa 1802
Baker, (?) D: before 1930
Baker, Carrie A. B: circa 1857
Baker, John O. B: 1828, D: before 1880
Baker, Natalie B: 1817, D: 1870
Baldwin, Charles A. B: 1824
Baldwin, Louisa B: 1827, D: 1872
Ballou, Addie B: circa 1864
Ballou, Burton B: circa 1872
Ballou, Charles B: circa 1867, D: 1941
Ballou, Effie C. B: circa 1870
Ballou, Hulda B: circa 1872
Baney, John C. B: 1828, D: 1914
Barber, Martha A. B: 1839, D: 1919
Barker, Charles Frank B: circa 1876
Barker, Edwin C. B: circa 1909
Barnard, Charles T. B: circa 1825
Barnett, Sarah B: 1788, D: 1876
Barrett, Charlotte E. B: 1852, D: 1920
Bartholomay, Barbara A. B: 1884, D: 1953
Bartholome, Frank B: circa 1852
Bartholomew, Adeline Melissa B: circa 1829
Bartlett, Ellen T. B: 1850, D: 1919
Barton, Eban
Baruch, Jessie B: 1886, D: 1966
Baxter, Fanny B: circa 1869
Baxter, Flora B: circa 1878
Baxter, Florence B: circa 1877
Baxter, Franklin B: circa 1867
Baxter, Jeursham B: circa 1871
Baxter, Levi B: circa 1873
Beardsley, Florence B: 1914, D: 1991
Beardsley, William B: circa 1790
Beebe, Nelson B: 1831, D: 1921
Beebe, Philo B: 1798, D: 1869
Bender, Maria B: 1776, D: 1860
Benedict, Elizabeth B: 1806
Bennett, Cassie E. B: 1856
Bennett, Martha B: circa 1835
Bennett, Rebecca B: circa 1814, D: circa 1848
Bennett, Roxy B: circa 1799
Bentley, Albert B: circa 1828
Bentley, Caleb B: circa 1804
Bentley, Eliza B: circa 1844
Bentley, Gilbert B: 1833, D: 1911
Bentley, Hiram B: circa 1837
Bentley, John E. B: 1921, D: 1986
Bentley, Laura B: circa 1830
Bentley, Merton Letchworth B: 1880, D: 1966
Bentley, Myrtle B: circa 1925
Bentley, Valerie I. B: 1914, D: 1985
Bentley, William B: 1927, D: 1994
Berdrow, Lewis Alexander B: 1863, D: 1891
Berwanger, Lena B: 1889, D: 1918
Bigelow, Anna Therese B: 1854, D: 1925
Bigelow, Charles Emerson B: 1851, D: 1939
Bigelow, Edwin Wilder B: 1861, D: 1932
Bigelow, Emerson B: 1896, D: 1966
Bigelow, John Emerson B: circa 1926
Bingham, Washington B: circa 1835
Bliss, Elizabeth B: circa 1829
Blood, Adelaide Jane B: 1855
Blood, Emily Dette B: circa 1847
Blood, Harriet C. B: circa 1849
Blood, Orin T. B: circa 1845
Blossom, Ezra L. B: 1783, D: 1824
Bodie, Elsie B: 1903, D: 1996
Bond, Elizabeth B: 1794, D: 1883
Borst, Andrew B: 1806
Borst, Hiram Mullen B: circa 1834
Borst, Mary B: 1803
Borst, Mary B: 1837
Botfield, Richard B: circa 1784, D: circa 1857
Bowman, George B: circa 1808
Boyd, Grace Cora B: 1860, D: 1956
Boynton, Fred B: circa 1859
Bradley, Almon E. B: 1832
Bradt, Cornelia B: 1696
Bradt, Hanna B: 1692
Brainard, Josephine Denison
Branch, Maud Olive B: 1885, D: 1980
Braugham, Margaret B: 1814, D: 1897
Brayton, Sophia B: circa 1848
Brazee, Willis B: 1861
Briggs, Cora B: circa 1860
Briggs, Cordelia B: 1823
Briggs, Gary B: circa 1858
Briggs, George B: circa 1862
Briggs, George Corwin B: 1826, D: 1915
Briggs, Walter B: circa 1815, D: 1882
Brigham, George Allen B: 1828, D: 1886
Britton, Eva A. B: circa 1857
Broadwell, William H. B: circa 1834
Brock, Sally B: circa 1810
Brockway, Lura B: 1803, D: 1888
Brockway, Timothy B: 1805, D: 1879
Brooks, (?) D: before 1930
Brooks, Adelia Ann D: 1906
Brown, Belinda
Brown, Ina
Brown, Mary B: 1815, D: 1901
Brown, Robert B: circa 1828
Browning, Charles A. B: circa 1836
Browning, Ella N. B: circa 1850
Bryant, Emma B: 1867, D: 1944
Bryant, Lillian B: circa 1888, D: 1974
Bryant, Martin Van Buren B: 1837, D: 1909
Buck, Calphurnia B: 1831, D: 1881
Buck, George Washington B: 1833, D: 1876
Buck, Jeremiah Jr. B: 1799, D: 1894
Buckley, Ellen
Buggee, Katherine B: 1854, D: 1930
Bull, Ida Jane B: 1856, D: 1924
Bull, Julia Ann B: circa 1836
Bull, Peter B: circa 1816, D: 1865
Bullock, Charles W. B: circa 1880, D: 1958
Burkett, Florence B: circa 1877
Burkett, Francis B: circa 1877
Burkett, James B: circa 1849
Burkett, Mabel B: circa 1874
Burns, Daniel B: circa 1837
Burrows, Eliza B: 1797
Burt, Andalusia B: circa 1839
Burt, Celestia Eveline B: circa 1855
Burtis, Richard C. B: 1824, D: 1901
Butler, Elizabeth C. B: 1890
Butler, Laura Jane B: 1815, D: 1889
Cabrey, Cornelia P.
Caldwell, Jane B: 1843, D: 1926
Calhoun, Charles B: circa 1840
Callan, Curtis Gove B: 1917, D: 2005
Callan, Lester Laurence Jr. B: 1919, D: 1987
Callan, Margaret B: circa 1913, D: 2011
Camp, George Rufus Low B: 1843, D: 1844
Camp, Nathan Henry B: 1841, D: 1903
Campbell, Clarence William B: 1913, D: 1993
Canfield, Emeline B: 1865, D: 1897
Canfield, Silas B. B: 1821, D: 1897
Cantrell, Marie B: 1903, D: 1988
Carey, Emeline B: circa 1812, D: 1832
Carmen, George E.
Caroselle, James F. B: circa 1892
Carr, Essie V. B: 1878, D: 1912
Carr, Thomas B: circa 1832
Caul, Pamela
Chadwick, Horace
Chaffee, Arthur B: circa 1853
Chaffee, Fred B: 1866, D: after 1896
Chaffee, Johnathan B: 1838, D: 1883
Chapin, Leta E. B: 1881
Chapman, Charles Shepard B: 1879
Chase, Henry C. B: circa 1842
Chessley, Maritie
Child, John B: circa 1841
Child, Lewis B: circa 1869
Chrisman, Aletha B. B: circa 1909
Chrisman, Harold R. B: 1911
Chrisman, Leola Mae B: 1894, D: 1967
Chubb, Alice D. B: 1843, D: 1908
Chubb, Bernie Milo B: 1864
Chubb, Betha B: circa 1874
Chubb, Edgar Clarence B: 1860, D: 1952
Chubb, Edward B: circa 1831
Chubb, Frink B: 1804, D: 1878
Chubb, Frink B: 1838, D: 1899
Chubb, George A. B: 1846, D: after 1931
Chubb, Glada B: 1870
Chubb, Hattie B: circa 1872
Chubb, Joel B: 1806, D: after 1880
Chubb, John B: 1850, D: 1916
Chubb, John B: 1854
Chubb, John B: circa 1870
Chubb, Joseph Edson B: 1855, D: 1872
Chubb, Margaret A. B: before 1836, D: 1916
Chubb, Nellie B: 1857
Church, Sophronia B: 1829, D: 1907
Clapp, Dwella Martin B: 1800, D: 1886
Clark, (?)
Clark, Alvin S. B: circa 1869
Clark, Bertha Honor Grace B: circa 1878
Clark, Charles Milton B: 1867, D: 1962
Clark, Fred G. D: 1931
Clark, Harriet E. B: 1868, D: 1896
Clark, James B: circa 1824
Clark, James M. B: circa 1806
Clark, James W. B: circa 1862
Clark, John H. B: circa 1856
Clark, Leland Dewitt B: 1860, D: 1931
Clark, Mary A. B: circa 1866
Clemens, Kathleen M. B: 1872, D: 1945
Cleveland, Asa
Cleveland, Sarah B: between 1832 and 1833
Close, Beverly B: circa 1933
Close, Jennie A. B: circa 1904
Close, Julia J. B: circa 1902
Close, Leo P. B: circa 1906
Close, Nina L. B: 1899
Close, Ovid Edward B: 1908, D: 1989
Clune, Margaret D: 1906
Cole, Emma B: circa 1877
Cole, Emma A. B: 1867, D: 1945
Cole, Mary B: 1818, D: 1888
Cole, Mary B: circa 1879
Collier, Jochim B: circa 1755
Comstock, Rachel
Cone, Amelia B: circa 1823, D: 1886
Cone, Julia E. B: circa 1846, D: 1910
Conkey, Minerva L. B: 1815, D: 1892
Conover, Gertrude S.
Cook, Emmeline B: 1840
Cook, Joseph B: 1828, D: 1885
Cook, Sally B: 1810, D: 1851
Cook, William J. B: circa 1864
Coon, Samuel B: circa 1780
Copeland, Laura A. B: 1880
Copeland, Lewis Livingstons B: 1880
Copeland, Ralph B. B: 1879
Copeland, Richard Watson B: 1848
Copeland, Ross Watson B: 1879
Couch, Margaret B: circa 1832
Coughtry, Frank W. D: 1972
Cowles, Chester B: circa 1843
Coykendall, Emma Jane B: 1847, D: 1935
Cozzens, Carrie B: 1871
Crampton, Catherine Ann
Crandall, Dennis B: circa 1842
Crandall, Ruth Phelps B: 1808, D: 1838
Crane, Dewitt Clinton D: 1904
Cranston, Andrew B B: 1853, D: 1923
Cranston, Charles Henry B: 1868, D: after 1925
Cranston, Glennie M. B: 1876, D: after 1925
Cranston, Henry B: 1879, D: after 1925
Cranston, John Samuel B: 1865, D: after 1925
Cranston, Lewis S. B: 1872, D: 1918
Cranston, Melissa B: circa 1873
Crapo, Corrine B: circa 1934
Crapo, Jeanette B: circa 1931
Crapo, Warren A. B: circa 1928
Cronkhite, Mary Ann B: circa 1816
Cross, Robert Chester B: 1879, D: 1962
Crudup, George B: 1859
Cudworth, Lettia B: circa 1844
Cumber, James E. B: circa 1859
Cumber, Nelson B: circa 1817, D: 1900
Cutler, Rachel B: 1813, D: 1885
Dailey, Jennie E. B: circa 1847
Dakin, Lydia B: 1794, D: 1839
Dane, Arthur B: 1889, D: 1956
Dane, Austin B: 1899, D: 1924
Dane, Beulah B: 1886, D: 1930
Dane, Clara B: 1919, D: 1919
Dane, Earl B: 1890, D: 1951
Dane, Edith B: 1882
Dane, Ethel B: 1892
Dane, Isaac G. B: 1853, D: 1925
Dane, Ivring B: 1884, D: 1918
Dane, Lawrence A. B: 1933, D: 2003
Dane, Russa B: 1895
Darrow, Etta D. B: circa 1850
Dart, Easter B: 1826, D: 1904
Davis, Evaline A. B: circa 1845, D: 1926
Davis, H.W. B: circa 1814
Davis, Jane B: circa 1840
Davis, Louisa B: 1779, D: 1874
Davis, Mary Polly B: 1785, D: 1854
Davis, Sarah Caroline B: 1865, D: 1945
Dawley, Lucy Melissa B: 1821, D: 1906
Day, Annie B: circa 1868
Day, Cyrus Lawrence B: 1900, D: 1968
Day, Ella L. B: circa 1867
Day, Florence B: circa 1864
Day, Henry B: 1832, D: 1902
Day, Mortimer B: circa 1874
Day, William Scofield B: circa 1864
De Fraine, Marion F. B: 1908
De Wandalaer, Cornelia B: circa 1752
Dean, David L. B: circa 1922
Dean, Dorothy S. B: circa 1918
Dean, Louis B. B: circa 1917
Dean, Lyall Jr. B: circa 1920
Decker, Frances Elizabeth B: 1866, D: 1937
Decker, Isaac B: 1799, D: 1873
Degling, Albert Shepard B: circa 1927
Degling, Donald Ewald B: circa 1929
Denton, Haines B: circa 1803
Denton, Marshall B: circa 1832
Denton, Winston B: circa 1834
Dentuff, Ida J. B: 1868
Desmond, William
DeVares, David A. B: circa 1845
DeWitt, Julia M. B: 1828, D: 1901
Deyo, Sarah B: 1796, D: 1879
Deyoe, Jessie
Dibble, (?) D: before 1930
Dimmock, Orton B: circa 1856
Dimmock, Willard B: circa 1879
Dimon, Jonathan B: 1804, D: 1893
Dingman, Minerva B: 1842
Ditmas, John B: circa 1827
Dixon, Marta B: circa 1847
Doane, Clarinda
Dockstader, Cath B: circa 1842
Dockstader, Charles L. B: 1849
Dockstader, David A. B: circa 1845
Dockstader, Kneeland B: circa 1847
Dockstader, Leon D. B: circa 1848
Dockstader, Mary B: circa 1841
Dodge, (?)
Dodge, Irene
Dodge, Lucy D: before 1866
Dole, Addie B: circa 1864
Dolittle, Ansel B: 1820, D: 1892
Donatelli, Humbert L. B: 1890
Donatelli, Louis G. B: circa 1901
Donatelli, Ruth B: 1894
Donatelli, Shirley Jean B: circa 1924
Donatelli, Victor R. B: 1896, D: 1970
Doney, Caroline A. B: 1811, D: 1872
Doney, Theodore B: circa 1784
Doohge, Laurena M. B: circa 1907
Doran, Ann Eliza B: circa 1827, D: after 1890
Dorfer, Anna B: 1890
Dorfer, Clara Josephine B: 1877
Dorfer, George B: 1844
Dorfer, George Jr. B: 1888
Dorfer, Joseph B: 1878
Dorfer, Maude B: 1893
Dorfer, Rose B: 1882
Doty, Isaac B: 1804, D: 1874
Downing, Mary B: 1816, D: 1896
Draper, Calimina B: 1867, D: 1929
Drummond, Alexander M. B: circa 1841
Drummond, Alexander M. B: 1873
Drummond, Calvin Morris B: 1822, D: 1904
Duane, Frances Eliza B: 1864
Duane, Harriet Elizabeth B: 1871
Duane, Robert G. B: circa 1834
Duane, William Henry Shepard B: 1862
Dube, William B: circa 1906
Dubee, Maud A. B: circa 1913
Dubois, Catharine
Duchene, Arthur B: circa 1919
Duchene, William Arthur B: circa 1938
Dumand, John Y.
Dumond, Anthony B: 1736, D: 1794