Kentucky (cont.)
Lawrence, Ada B: circa 1866
Lawrence, Jay B: circa 1867
Lee, Eli B: circa 1864
Lee, Wirt Vaden B: 1856, D: 1927
Lemaster, Alonzo B: circa 1892
Lemaster, Alvis B: circa 1910
Lemaster, Benjamin B: 1897
Lemaster, Bruce B: circa 1911
Lemaster, Catherine B: circa 1879
Lemaster, Edgel B: 1911, D: 1994
Lemaster, Elzira B: 1890
Lemaster, Emily B: 1895
Lemaster, James L. B: 1900
Lemaster, James Rufus B: circa 1876
Lemaster, Jeff B: 1905, D: 1986
Lemaster, John B. B: circa 1890
Lemaster, John James B: 1884
Lemaster, Joseph B: 1874
Lemaster, Margaret B: 1856
Lemaster, Mary B: circa 1874
Lemaster, Mirty B: circa 1894
Lemaster, Ora B: circa 1899
Lemaster, Ora B: circa 1908
Lemaster, Perlina B: circa 1884
Lemaster, Perry B: 1861
Lemaster, Rouie B: 1909, D: 2000
Lemaster, Ruby Lee B: 1935, D: 2015
Lemaster, William B: circa 1883
Lemons, Sarah D. B: circa 1842, D: 1860
Letton, Louella B: 1857, D: 1920
Lewis, Edmond B: 1820, D: 1885
Lewis, James Morten B: 1854, D: 1928
Lewis, Lucretia Sophia B: 1824, D: 1900
Lewis, Mary Maude B: 1900, D: 1991
Lewis, Menifee B: 1839, D: 1912
Lewis, Opal B: circa 1908
Lewis, Saluda Ann B: 1821
Lewis, Sarah A. B: 1850, D: 1919
Lewis, Thompson B: 1830, D: after 1900
Lewis, William B: 1863, D: 1932
Link, Elizabeth B: circa 1865, D: 1940
Link, Lucinda M. B: 1840, D: 1914
Long, Catharine Susan B: 1866
Lowe, James M. B: 1820
Lowery, Elizabeth Zany B: 1822, D: 1912
Loyall, Herman B: 1919
Lucas, (?) D: before 1880
Lucas, George Washington B: 1824, D: 1922
Lyman, Elizabeth S. B: 1837
Lyon, Elizabeth B: 1879, D: 1974
Lyons, Mary M. B: 1866
Madden, Henry B: circa 1872
Magill, Mary A. B: circa 1823
Manary, George Washington B: 1850
Mark, Sarah B: 1799, D: 1888
Martin, Jemima Bethania B: circa 1815, D: after 1870
Martin, John E. B: 1764, D: 1872
Mathews, Mary Elizabeth B: circa 1850, D: 1905
Matthews, Tunstal Quarles B: circa 1807
Mattingly, Margaret Aileen B: 1895, D: 1972
Maupin, Maria B: 1784, D: 1807
May, Fannie B: 1904, D: 1981
May, Frances B: circa 1832, D: 1913
May, Kate B: circa 1877
May, Nancy J. B: circa 1870
May, Polly E. B: circa 1872
McCamment, Thomas
McCarty, Dawnia B: circa 1897
McCarty, Gracie B: circa 1889
McCarty, James H. B: 1861, D: 1919
McCarty, Mattie B: circa 1894
McClain, George Washington B: 1838
McCollam, Rachel B: 1781, D: 1849
McColpin, M.A. B: circa 1837
McColpin, M.A. B: circa 1837
McCormick, James Paul B: 1826, D: 1896
McCornack, Armilda B: 1839, D: 1909
McCutcheon, Taylor
McDaniel, Andrew B: 1871, D: 1926
McDowell, Arnold B: circa 1901
McDowell, Elizabeth B: circa 1904
McDowell, Jesse B: circa 1902
McDowell, Matthew Lafayette B: circa 1875
McDowell, Maxie B: circa 1905
McGregor, James W. B: 1918, D: 1971
McGregor, Mary F. B: circa 1916
McGregor, Thomas E. B: 1935, D: 1997
McGregor, Willie B: circa 1886, D: before 1940
McGuire, Ann B: circa 1867
McGuire, Catherine B: circa 1870
McGuire, Isac B: circa 1828
McGuire, John B: circa 1858
McKenzie, Amanda B: 1875, D: 1960
McKenzie, Cary Aline B: circa 1931
McKenzie, Dolpha B: 1915, D: 1971
McKenzie, Harry B. B: 1898, D: 1991
McKenzie, Henry B: 1867, D: 1923
McKenzie, Hollie B: 1892, D: 1977
McKenzie, James Alvin B: circa 1928
McKenzie, Jim David B: circa 1866
McKenzie, Laura Bell B: circa 1926
McKenzie, Malta B: 1897
McKenzie, Opal Maxine B: circa 1933
McKenzie, Robert B: circa 1918
McKenzie, Sarah Angela B: 1882
McKenzie, Tolbert Jr. B: circa 1919, D: 1974
McKenzie, Virgie B: 1885, D: 1974
McKenzie, Willie Beldon B: 1907, D: 2003
Meade, Barnes B: 1879
Meade, Claton B: circa 1871
Meade, Daniel Boone B: 1924, D: 1980
Meade, Eddie Clay B: circa 1920
Meade, John Clinton B: 1911, D: 1984
Meade, Lakeere B: circa 1876
Meade, Linnie B: circa 1906
Meade, Lowla B. B: circa 1915
Meade, Lurie B: circa 1909
Meade, Mary Ellen B: circa 1916
Meade, Mattie H. B: circa 1910
Meade, Rhodes B: circa 1842
Meade, Rhodes B: circa 1891
Meade, Ruie B: circa 1911
Meade, Thomas B: circa 1903
Meek, Stella B: circa 1933
Meeker, Elvira B: circa 1822, D: 1864
Mercer, Joseph Marion B: 1850, D: 1855
Mercer, Mary B: 1855
Merkel, Charles Benjamin B: 1851
Milby, Benjamin A. B: circa 1879
Milby, Elam B: circa 1842
Milby, Martha S. B: circa 1875
Milby, Mary R. B: circa 1867
Milby, Nathan T. B: circa 1871
Milby, Peter D. B: circa 1870
Milby, Sarah A. B: circa 1879
Milby, Thomas F. B: circa 1873
Milby, Ulissus Grant B: circa 1877
Miles, Hiram B: 1805, D: 1863
Miller, Adrianne B: 1900, D: 1984
Miller, Lina B. B: 1937, D: 2018
Miracle, Nancy Elizabeth B: 1865
Mitchell, Nancy B: 1810
Mitts, Adam Newton B: 1851
Mitts, Adie B: circa 1863
Mitts, Albert B: circa 1869
Mitts, Alfred B: circa 1871
Mitts, Alonzo B: circa 1867
Mitts, Charles B: circa 1875
Mitts, Docie B: circa 1870
Mitts, Edgar B: circa 1878
Mitts, Emmett B: circa 1875
Mitts, Ephram B: circa 1870
Mitts, Grant B: circa 1876
Mitts, James B: 1819, D: 1885
Mitts, Jesse B: 1869
Mitts, Jessie B: circa 1876
Mitts, John B: 1805, D: 1894
Mitts, John B: circa 1868
Mitts, Katie B: circa 1871
Mitts, Leonard B: 1825
Mitts, Leonard B: 1839
Mitts, Malissa B: circa 1871
Mitts, Minnie B: 1874
Mitts, Oliver B: 1879
Mitts, Samuel B: circa 1873
Mitts, Sarah Anne B: 1812
Mitts, Susan B: circa 1878
Mitts, William B: circa 1872
Mitts, Wilson B: circa 1872
Montgomery, William B: circa 1821
Moore, Lodicea
Moore, Mary Ann B: circa 1843
Moore, Sara Elizabeth B: circa 1804
Morgan, Delmer B: circa 1928, D: 2005
Morgan, Dolpha B: circa 1923
Morgan, Kenneth B: circa 1934
Morgan, Malcom B: 1930
Morgan, Oscar B: 1895, D: 1970
Morgan, William H. B: circa 1826
Morris, (?)
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, James W. B: circa 1867
Morris, Malissa J. B: circa 1871
Morris, Martha A. B: circa 1858
Morris, Mary M. B: circa 1862
Morris, Phoebe I. B: circa 1860
Mouser, Henry B: circa 1815
Moxley, Elizabeth B: 1851
Mullens, Ardela B: circa 1866
Mullens, John B: circa 1864
Mullens, Lewis B: circa 1870
Mullins, Esther J. B: circa 1841
Mullins, Henry J. B: 1830, D: 1921
Mullins, Lewis G. B: circa 1852
Mullins, Louisa B: circa 1842
Mullins, Lucinda B: circa 1844
Mullins, Lucinda B: circa 1844
Mullins, Mary B: 1838, D: 1872
Muncy, Lucinda B: 1857, D: 1937
Murray, Alfred B: circa 1853
Murray, Charles H. B: circa 1879
Murray, Isabel B: circa 1876
Murray, Walter T. B: circa 1877
Nance, Sarah A. B: 1830, D: 1905
Napier, Ella Mae B: 1896, D: 1959
Neal, Susan B: 1877, D: 1958
Neal, William B: 1818
Neale, Thomas
Neat, Rudolph L. B: circa 1849
Neat, Rutheriford B. B: circa 1876
Neat, Wonie B. B: 1879
Neighbors, (?)
Neighbors, Mattie H. B: circa 1856
Neighbors, Ovtivaia E. B: circa 1847
Neil, Jeorge C. B: circa 1814
Nevil, Rebecca B: 1836, D: 1915
Newton, John
Newton, Lucy E. B: 1817, D: 1901
Nichols, Eliza J. B: 1830, D: 1923
Nichols, Luzarna
Nickles, Sarah Margaret Ann B: 1882, D: 1964
Norris, Alvin David B: circa 1839
Norton, (?) B: between 1835 and 1840
Norton, David Pryor B: 1847, D: 1915
Norton, Elisa A. B: 1848
Norton, George P. B: 1842
Norton, James B: 1798, D: 1887
Norton, James K. B: 1839
Norton, John H. B: 1837
Norton, Mary E. B: 1843
Norton, Sarah A. B: 1845
Ogden, Amanda Irene B: 1850, D: 1916
Osborn, Hannah
Osborne, Jane B: circa 1790
Ousley, Marjorie B: 1915, D: 1992
Owen, A.C. B: circa 1850
Owen, A.C. B: circa 1850
Owens, Dora B: circa 1902
Parsley, John H. B: circa 1809, D: before 1880
Patterson, Jane
Payne, Jilson B: circa 1832, D: 1899
Payton, Lawrence B: 1901, D: 1901
Payton, Pauline B: 1905, D: 1985
Payton, Porter Maupin
Payton, Samuel G. B: 1889, D: 1965
Pendleton, John
Pendleton, Sarah Louise B: 1859
Penick, Rebecca Jane B: circa 1835
Pennington, Amanda B: 1864, D: 1948
Pennington, Dovie Jane B: 1898
Pennington, Frances B: 1881
Pennington, Franklin B: circa 1878
Pennington, George B: circa 1852
Pennington, Hiram B: circa 1872
Pennington, John Curtis B: 1856
Pennington, Leander B: circa 1876
Pennington, Louise B: 1897
Pennington, Lourena B: 1879
Pennington, Maranda B: 1893
Pennington, Martha B: 1886
Pennington, Mary B: circa 1878
Pennington, Phoebe A. B: 1890
Pennington, Powell W. B: 1891
Pennington, Ressa A. B: 1884
Pennington, Sarah B: circa 1874
Pennington, Sarah B: 1889
Pennington, Thomas L. B: 1896
Pennington, William R. B: 1869
Perkins, Melissa Atwood B: circa 1860
Perry, Dorothy B: 1888
Perry, Grant B: circa 1873
Perry, Jesse F. B: circa 1875
Perry, John B: circa 1870
Perry, Martha B: circa 1869
Perry, Mary B: circa 1877
Perry, William S. B: 1882, D: 1943
Perry, Willis G. B: circa 1879
Pettit, Mary Ann B: 1835, D: after 1880
Pettit, Thomas Wayne Jr. B: 1937, D: 1952
Phillips, John B: circa 1833
Pitchford, Cyrus
Pitchford, Malinda Jane B: 1850, D: 1885
Pitchford, Rebecca Ann
Poor, Elmira B: circa 1872
Poor, Lillie M. B: circa 1875
Poor, Lucy A. B: circa 1870
Poor, Margaret C. B: circa 1858
Poor, Milton J. B: circa 1836
Poore, Mary Emma B: 1868, D: 1930
Porter, Marion C. B: 1869
Powell, Florence Lee B: 1880
Powell, Joseph B: 1791
Powers, General J. B: circa 1865
Preston, Francis Milton B: 1830, D: 1905
Price, Arthur L. B: 1846, D: 1873
Price, William H. Jr. B: 1871, D: 1924
Prichard, Sallie B: 1889, D: 1965
Prichard, Willia B: 1893, D: 1964
Quinn, Mary Elizabeth B: 1859, D: 1936
Quisenberry, J.B. B: circa 1836, D: before 1910
Quisenberry, J.B. B: circa 1836, D: before 1910
Rafferty, Sarah M. B: circa 1836, D: before 1885
Randall, Marshall S. B: 1813, D: 1883
Ratcliff, Cynthia Ratchel B: circa 1845
Rawlings, Melinda
Ray, Sara B: 1816, D: 1844
Reed, Almurty B: circa 1879
Reed, Asa Tucker B: 1880, D: 1961
Reed, E.C. B: circa 1831
Reed, E.C. B: circa 1831
Reed, John W. B: circa 1856
Reed, Sam B: 1921, D: 2002
Reynolds, Emma C. B: circa 1873
Reynolds, James W. B: circa 1869
Reynolds, John G. B: circa 1863
Reynolds, Malisa E. B: circa 1871
Reynolds, Mary B. B: circa 1864
Reynolds, Robert C. B: circa 1860
Reynolds, William Edwin B: circa 1828
Richardson, Abednego B: circa 1780
Rigsby, Rhoda B: 1836
Risen, Adeline B: 1834, D: 1903
Risen, George W. B: 1862
Risen, John Hensley B: circa 1838
Risen, Luiza F. B: circa 1871
Risen, Nancy E. B: circa 1866
Risner, Rebecca B: 1846, D: 1922
Roberts, Catherine
Roberts, Mary B: 1824, D: 1890
Roberts, Shelby Ishmael B: 1907, D: 1978
Robinson, William
Rose, Lida Houston B: 1878, D: 1969
Rose, Margarette Alice B: 1846, D: 1926
Rowland, Creville B: circa 1926
Rowland, Mary Catherine B: circa 1875
Rowland, May B: circa 1919
Rowland, Ola B: circa 1917
Rowland, Willidene B: circa 1930
Ruark, Martha B: 1851, D: 1913
Ruckman, William B: 1820, D: before 1880
Ruddell, Sarah B: 1798, D: 1885
Rust, Thomas Benton B: 1844, D: 1913
Salyer, Buell Hasten B: 1932, D: 1995
Salyer, Cathaline B: circa 1939
Salyer, Emma B: circa 1889
Salyer, George B: circa 1883
Salyer, James B. B: circa 1863
Salyer, Lodenna B: circa 1860, D: 1944
Salyer, Ludema B: circa 1860
Salyer, Nancy E. B: circa 1862
Samples, Charley B: 1853, D: 1896
Sanders, Artemisa B: circa 1831
Sargent, Kate B: 1885, D: 1928
Sargent, Taulbee B: 1922, D: 2012
Saunders, Mollie B: 1873, D: 1956
Schneider, Jon B: 1936
Scott, (?) D: before 1880
Scott, Alexander I. B: circa 1853
Scott, Arch W. B: circa 1879
Scott, Asa David B: circa 1851
Scott, Charles C. D: 1854
Scott, Edward D: before 1880
Scott, Ermine Ann B: 1871, D: 1917
Scott, George B. B: circa 1864
Scott, James Lewis B: circa 1847
Scott, Lizzie B: circa 1875
Scott, Luther T. B: circa 1876
Scott, Maranda Jane B: circa 1805
Scott, Mary L. B: circa 1874
Scott, Neal T. B: circa 1870
Scott, Thomas J. B: 1879
Scott, William Barnett B: circa 1850
Sergent, Ellsworth B: circa 1873
Sergent, Frank H. B: 1863, D: 1943
Sergent, John B: circa 1861
Sergent, William B: circa 1870
Shepard, Annavi B: circa 1864
Shepard, Cora A. B: circa 1879
Shepard, Earl A. B: circa 1871
Shepard, Grace A. B: circa 1868
Shepard, Lucy J. B: circa 1865
Shepard, Nellie A. B: circa 1876
Shinkle, James Polk B: 1846, D: 1922
Shinkle, Joanna B: circa 1869
Shinkle, Melissa B. B: circa 1872
Short, James T. B: circa 1820
Short, Mary M. B: circa 1866, D: 1893
Short, Wiliam W. B: circa 1869
Shull, James M. B: 1822
Simon, Simeon B: circa 1808
Simons, Rachel B: circa 1815, D: 1888
Skaggs, Green P. B: 1888
Skaggs, John A. B: 1896
Skaggs, John Charles Breckenridge B: 1858
Skaggs, Juanita B: 1920, D: 1999
Skaggs, Levisa B: 1894, D: 1969
Skaggs, Martha B. B: 1884
Skaggs, Mary F. B: 1887
Skaggs, Sarah B: circa 1863
Skaggs, Vessie B: 1891, D: 1972
Skaggs, Willie B: 1899
Slavens, Duke B: circa 1841, D: 1920
Slavens, Duke T. B: circa 1875
Slavens, Edward T. B: circa 1873
Slavens, John B: circa 1870
Slavens, Laura B: circa 1865
Slavens, Mary B: circa 1868
Sloas, Elizabeth B: 1884, D: 1965
Sloas, Noah B: 1852, D: 1880
Smith, Alice B: 1899, D: 1980
Smith, Angeline B: 1879
Smith, Armilda B: 1893
Smith, Armstrong B: 1879
Smith, Catherine C. B: 1857, D: 1927
Smith, Charles B: circa 1878
Smith, Clinton B: 1893
Smith, Covington B: circa 1839, D: 1911
Smith, Durall B: 1867
Smith, Elijah B: 1874
Smith, Elisha Ned B: 1837
Smith, Elizabeth B: circa 1845
Smith, Emily C. B: 1852, D: 1914
Smith, Ernest B: 1890, D: 1978
Smith, Everet B: 1882
Smith, Frederic B: circa 1832
Smith, George B: circa 1866
Smith, George W. B: 1814
Smith, Harmon B: circa 1868
Smith, Harvey
Smith, Henry B: circa 1855, D: after 1900
Smith, Hiram B: circa 1827, D: after 1880
Smith, Hiram William B: 1844
Smith, Ida W. B: 1885, D: 1967
Smith, Isaac B: 1863, D: 1893
Smith, James Haden B: 1865, D: 1944
Smith, Jasper B: 1874
Smith, John M. B: circa 1834, D: 1911
Smith, Johnie B: 1933, D: 1936
Smith, Lewis B: 1823, D: 1909
Smith, Liddie B: circa 1871
Smith, Lucinda S. B: 1876
Smith, Marion B: circa 1866
Smith, Mary B: circa 1870
Smith, Mary J. B: 1872
Smith, Nancy Caroline B: 1857, D: 1939
Smith, Omer B: 1903, D: 1981
Smith, Omer Jr. B: circa 1928
Smith, Powell B: circa 1893
Smith, Robert W. B: 1886, D: 1951
Smith, Rufus M. B: 1856, D: 1915
Smith, Sallie B: 1889, D: 1981
Smith, Sarah B: 1880
Smith, Susan B: circa 1876
Smith, Tabitha B: 1849
Smith, Theresa B: 1869
Smith, Thomas B: circa 1849
Smith, W.J. B: circa 1861
Smith, Winston Vermont B: 1886, D: 1977
Snyder, Elizabeth B: 1815, D: circa 1899
Spradlin, Lucy B: circa 1903
Stafford, Julia B: 1818, D: before 1870
Stapleton, Ashland B: 1884, D: 1978
Stapleton, Beulah M. B: 1897, D: 1915
Stapleton, Cassidy B: 1893
Stapleton, Charley B: circa 1902, D: 1975
Stapleton, Glenda E. B: circa 1910
Stapleton, Hager B: 1888, D: 1973
Stapleton, Hazel B: circa 1906
Stapleton, Homer B: circa 1916
Stapleton, Jay B: circa 1913
Stapleton, Lucy B: circa 1908
Stapleton, Manasseh B: 1882, D: 1947
Stapleton, Manerva B: 1885
Stapleton, Missie B: 1891, D: 1989
Stapleton, Okal B: circa 1918
Stapleton, Sonny Conley B: 1905, D: 1984
Stapleton, Theodore F. B: 1895, D: 1968
Stearman, Eliza R. B: circa 1862
Stearman, John T. B: circa 1860
Stearman, Joseph W. B: circa 1864
Stearman, Marcus D. B: circa 1869
Stearman, Mary D. B: circa 1855
Stearman, Nancy J. B: circa 1856
Stearman, Richard H. B: circa 1866
Stearman, Sarah E. B: circa 1858
Stephenson, William Benjamin B: 1878, D: 1962
Stevens, Charles B: 1877, D: 1950
Stevens, James Edward B: 1862, D: 1919
Stewart, Mitchel
Stinnett, Number B: 1860, D: 1898
Stone, Caroline D. B: circa 1843
Stuart, Elizabeth A. B: circa 1825, D: circa 1850
Tackett, Naoma B: 1878, D: 1965
Tackett, Elizabeth B: 1875
Tackett, J. Milt B: circa 1858
Tackett, Naoma B: 1878, D: 1965
Tanner, Elizabeth Christian B: 1823, D: 1908
Terry, Robert Northrup B: 1814, D: 1888
Thomas, Doris B: 1932, D: before 1967
Thomas, Fred Visscher B: 1885
Thomas, James Crislendon B: 1828, D: 1893
Thomas, John W. B: 1850
Thomas, Wilson D. B: circa 1932
Thompson, Alice May B: 1857, D: 1918
Thompson, Mary B: 1800
Thompson, Stephen W.
Thorne, Audree Etta B: 1911, D: 1965
Trimble, Alba B: circa 1909
Trimble, Beulah Borden B: circa 1923
Trimble, Elizabeth Sue B: 1843, D: 1901
Trimble, Grant F. B: circa 1897
Trimble, Harry B: circa 1925
Trimble, James A. B: circa 1920
Trimble, John B: 1914, D: 1991
Trimble, Malta M. B: 1906, D: 1994
Trumbo, Andrew B: 1743, D: 1827
Trusty, Minnie B: 1885, D: 1953
Tufts, John B: circa 1812, D: 1870
Turner, Miriam
Turner, Poly
Turner, Starling S. Jr. B: circa 1815
Underwood, Mary Jane B: 1849, D: 1941
Vance, John Edgar B: 1867, D: 1942
Vanzant, Ellimina B: circa 1822
Vaughan, Sarah B: 1814, D: 1870
Vaughn, Elizabeth B: circa 1785
Velius, Nancy B: circa 1862
Venters, Annie B. B: circa 1874
Venters, Columbus B: circa 1879
Vice, Margaret B: 1847
Waggoner, Abraham B: 1794, D: 1854
Waggoner, James
Walker, Bernice B: 1886
Walker, Elizabeth B: 1868, D: 1906
Walker, Fannie B: 1872, D: 1873
Walker, Henry F. B: 1863, D: 1900
Walker, Henry Finley B: 1815, D: 1897
Walker, James Graham B: 1842, D: 1919
Walker, Martha Elizabeth B: circa 1858
Walker, Martha Jane B: 1861, D: 1936
Walker, Mary Ella B: 1857, D: 1940
Walker, Robert Walburn B: 1875, D: 1964
Walker, Vane Walter B: 1874, D: 1944
Wallin, Ella B: 1891, D: 1973
Warren, Albert D. B: 1854
Warren, Benjamin Franklin B: 1853, D: 1916
Warren, Elsie S. B: 1888, D: 1960
Warren, Fanny B: circa 1878
Warren, John L. B: 1855, D: 1934
Warren, John W. B: 1901, D: 1988
Warren, Joseph R. B: 1864, D: 1916
Warren, Luetta B: circa 1876
Warren, Nancy S. B: 1867
Warren, Ralph Gordon B: 1916, D: 1984
Warren, Richard Jackson B: 1876, D: 1957
Warren, William F. B: 1860
Warren, William Frederick B: 1822, D: 1906
Watts, Eramus
Webb, Jeannetta B: 1858, D: 1892
Webb, Perry Green B: 1839, D: 1862
Webber, Rachel B: circa 1780
West, Alponus B: circa 1836
Wheeler, Alfred B: circa 1827, D: before 1900
Whitley, James McNoah B: 1874, D: 1961
Whitlow, Neumon Ellis B: 1869, D: 1951
Wilkinson, John Marion B: circa 1795
Williams, Arthur T. B: 1879, D: 1914
Williams, Catherine B: 1854
Williams, Dixie B: circa 1908, D: 1972
Williams, Lily C. B: circa 1872
Williams, Marion B: 1815
Williams, Mildred Louise B: 1931, D: 2007
Wills, Asbury B: 1851, D: 1892
Wills, Lettie B: 1877
Wilson, Martin Alkire B: 1901, D: 1971
Wilson, Mary P. B: circa 1835, D: 1880
Wilson, Sarah Ellen B: circa 1819, D: 1882
Winn, Elizabeth Ann B: circa 1818
Woodard, William S. B: circa 1847
Woods, Dottie B: 1943, D: 2010
Woolf, James E.
Woolf, Nancy B: 1875
Wright, Elizabeth Dieademia B: 1846, D: 1924
Wright, Leander B: 1883, D: 1923
Wright, Margaret Jane B: 1869
Wright, Syndusky B: circa 1887
Yasle, Catherine Phebe B: circa 1770, D: after 1823
Yoakum, Elizabeth
York, Green Berry B: 1819
Young, Chuck B: circa 1917, D: 1988
Lawrence, Jay B: circa 1867
Lee, Eli B: circa 1864
Lee, Wirt Vaden B: 1856, D: 1927
Lemaster, Alonzo B: circa 1892
Lemaster, Alvis B: circa 1910
Lemaster, Benjamin B: 1897
Lemaster, Bruce B: circa 1911
Lemaster, Catherine B: circa 1879
Lemaster, Edgel B: 1911, D: 1994
Lemaster, Elzira B: 1890
Lemaster, Emily B: 1895
Lemaster, James L. B: 1900
Lemaster, James Rufus B: circa 1876
Lemaster, Jeff B: 1905, D: 1986
Lemaster, John B. B: circa 1890
Lemaster, John James B: 1884
Lemaster, Joseph B: 1874
Lemaster, Margaret B: 1856
Lemaster, Mary B: circa 1874
Lemaster, Mirty B: circa 1894
Lemaster, Ora B: circa 1899
Lemaster, Ora B: circa 1908
Lemaster, Perlina B: circa 1884
Lemaster, Perry B: 1861
Lemaster, Rouie B: 1909, D: 2000
Lemaster, Ruby Lee B: 1935, D: 2015
Lemaster, William B: circa 1883
Lemons, Sarah D. B: circa 1842, D: 1860
Letton, Louella B: 1857, D: 1920
Lewis, Edmond B: 1820, D: 1885
Lewis, James Morten B: 1854, D: 1928
Lewis, Lucretia Sophia B: 1824, D: 1900
Lewis, Mary Maude B: 1900, D: 1991
Lewis, Menifee B: 1839, D: 1912
Lewis, Opal B: circa 1908
Lewis, Saluda Ann B: 1821
Lewis, Sarah A. B: 1850, D: 1919
Lewis, Thompson B: 1830, D: after 1900
Lewis, William B: 1863, D: 1932
Link, Elizabeth B: circa 1865, D: 1940
Link, Lucinda M. B: 1840, D: 1914
Long, Catharine Susan B: 1866
Lowe, James M. B: 1820
Lowery, Elizabeth Zany B: 1822, D: 1912
Loyall, Herman B: 1919
Lucas, (?) D: before 1880
Lucas, George Washington B: 1824, D: 1922
Lyman, Elizabeth S. B: 1837
Lyon, Elizabeth B: 1879, D: 1974
Lyons, Mary M. B: 1866
Madden, Henry B: circa 1872
Magill, Mary A. B: circa 1823
Manary, George Washington B: 1850
Mark, Sarah B: 1799, D: 1888
Martin, Jemima Bethania B: circa 1815, D: after 1870
Martin, John E. B: 1764, D: 1872
Mathews, Mary Elizabeth B: circa 1850, D: 1905
Matthews, Tunstal Quarles B: circa 1807
Mattingly, Margaret Aileen B: 1895, D: 1972
Maupin, Maria B: 1784, D: 1807
May, Fannie B: 1904, D: 1981
May, Frances B: circa 1832, D: 1913
May, Kate B: circa 1877
May, Nancy J. B: circa 1870
May, Polly E. B: circa 1872
McCamment, Thomas
McCarty, Dawnia B: circa 1897
McCarty, Gracie B: circa 1889
McCarty, James H. B: 1861, D: 1919
McCarty, Mattie B: circa 1894
McClain, George Washington B: 1838
McCollam, Rachel B: 1781, D: 1849
McColpin, M.A. B: circa 1837
McColpin, M.A. B: circa 1837
McCormick, James Paul B: 1826, D: 1896
McCornack, Armilda B: 1839, D: 1909
McCutcheon, Taylor
McDaniel, Andrew B: 1871, D: 1926
McDowell, Arnold B: circa 1901
McDowell, Elizabeth B: circa 1904
McDowell, Jesse B: circa 1902
McDowell, Matthew Lafayette B: circa 1875
McDowell, Maxie B: circa 1905
McGregor, James W. B: 1918, D: 1971
McGregor, Mary F. B: circa 1916
McGregor, Thomas E. B: 1935, D: 1997
McGregor, Willie B: circa 1886, D: before 1940
McGuire, Ann B: circa 1867
McGuire, Catherine B: circa 1870
McGuire, Isac B: circa 1828
McGuire, John B: circa 1858
McKenzie, Amanda B: 1875, D: 1960
McKenzie, Cary Aline B: circa 1931
McKenzie, Dolpha B: 1915, D: 1971
McKenzie, Harry B. B: 1898, D: 1991
McKenzie, Henry B: 1867, D: 1923
McKenzie, Hollie B: 1892, D: 1977
McKenzie, James Alvin B: circa 1928
McKenzie, Jim David B: circa 1866
McKenzie, Laura Bell B: circa 1926
McKenzie, Malta B: 1897
McKenzie, Opal Maxine B: circa 1933
McKenzie, Robert B: circa 1918
McKenzie, Sarah Angela B: 1882
McKenzie, Tolbert Jr. B: circa 1919, D: 1974
McKenzie, Virgie B: 1885, D: 1974
McKenzie, Willie Beldon B: 1907, D: 2003
Meade, Barnes B: 1879
Meade, Claton B: circa 1871
Meade, Daniel Boone B: 1924, D: 1980
Meade, Eddie Clay B: circa 1920
Meade, John Clinton B: 1911, D: 1984
Meade, Lakeere B: circa 1876
Meade, Linnie B: circa 1906
Meade, Lowla B. B: circa 1915
Meade, Lurie B: circa 1909
Meade, Mary Ellen B: circa 1916
Meade, Mattie H. B: circa 1910
Meade, Rhodes B: circa 1842
Meade, Rhodes B: circa 1891
Meade, Ruie B: circa 1911
Meade, Thomas B: circa 1903
Meek, Stella B: circa 1933
Meeker, Elvira B: circa 1822, D: 1864
Mercer, Joseph Marion B: 1850, D: 1855
Mercer, Mary B: 1855
Merkel, Charles Benjamin B: 1851
Milby, Benjamin A. B: circa 1879
Milby, Elam B: circa 1842
Milby, Martha S. B: circa 1875
Milby, Mary R. B: circa 1867
Milby, Nathan T. B: circa 1871
Milby, Peter D. B: circa 1870
Milby, Sarah A. B: circa 1879
Milby, Thomas F. B: circa 1873
Milby, Ulissus Grant B: circa 1877
Miles, Hiram B: 1805, D: 1863
Miller, Adrianne B: 1900, D: 1984
Miller, Lina B. B: 1937, D: 2018
Miracle, Nancy Elizabeth B: 1865
Mitchell, Nancy B: 1810
Mitts, Adam Newton B: 1851
Mitts, Adie B: circa 1863
Mitts, Albert B: circa 1869
Mitts, Alfred B: circa 1871
Mitts, Alonzo B: circa 1867
Mitts, Charles B: circa 1875
Mitts, Docie B: circa 1870
Mitts, Edgar B: circa 1878
Mitts, Emmett B: circa 1875
Mitts, Ephram B: circa 1870
Mitts, Grant B: circa 1876
Mitts, James B: 1819, D: 1885
Mitts, Jesse B: 1869
Mitts, Jessie B: circa 1876
Mitts, John B: 1805, D: 1894
Mitts, John B: circa 1868
Mitts, Katie B: circa 1871
Mitts, Leonard B: 1825
Mitts, Leonard B: 1839
Mitts, Malissa B: circa 1871
Mitts, Minnie B: 1874
Mitts, Oliver B: 1879
Mitts, Samuel B: circa 1873
Mitts, Sarah Anne B: 1812
Mitts, Susan B: circa 1878
Mitts, William B: circa 1872
Mitts, Wilson B: circa 1872
Montgomery, William B: circa 1821
Moore, Lodicea
Moore, Mary Ann B: circa 1843
Moore, Sara Elizabeth B: circa 1804
Morgan, Delmer B: circa 1928, D: 2005
Morgan, Dolpha B: circa 1923
Morgan, Kenneth B: circa 1934
Morgan, Malcom B: 1930
Morgan, Oscar B: 1895, D: 1970
Morgan, William H. B: circa 1826
Morris, (?)
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, James W. B: circa 1867
Morris, Malissa J. B: circa 1871
Morris, Martha A. B: circa 1858
Morris, Mary M. B: circa 1862
Morris, Phoebe I. B: circa 1860
Mouser, Henry B: circa 1815
Moxley, Elizabeth B: 1851
Mullens, Ardela B: circa 1866
Mullens, John B: circa 1864
Mullens, Lewis B: circa 1870
Mullins, Esther J. B: circa 1841
Mullins, Henry J. B: 1830, D: 1921
Mullins, Lewis G. B: circa 1852
Mullins, Louisa B: circa 1842
Mullins, Lucinda B: circa 1844
Mullins, Lucinda B: circa 1844
Mullins, Mary B: 1838, D: 1872
Muncy, Lucinda B: 1857, D: 1937
Murray, Alfred B: circa 1853
Murray, Charles H. B: circa 1879
Murray, Isabel B: circa 1876
Murray, Walter T. B: circa 1877
Nance, Sarah A. B: 1830, D: 1905
Napier, Ella Mae B: 1896, D: 1959
Neal, Susan B: 1877, D: 1958
Neal, William B: 1818
Neale, Thomas
Neat, Rudolph L. B: circa 1849
Neat, Rutheriford B. B: circa 1876
Neat, Wonie B. B: 1879
Neighbors, (?)
Neighbors, Mattie H. B: circa 1856
Neighbors, Ovtivaia E. B: circa 1847
Neil, Jeorge C. B: circa 1814
Nevil, Rebecca B: 1836, D: 1915
Newton, John
Newton, Lucy E. B: 1817, D: 1901
Nichols, Eliza J. B: 1830, D: 1923
Nichols, Luzarna
Nickles, Sarah Margaret Ann B: 1882, D: 1964
Norris, Alvin David B: circa 1839
Norton, (?) B: between 1835 and 1840
Norton, David Pryor B: 1847, D: 1915
Norton, Elisa A. B: 1848
Norton, George P. B: 1842
Norton, James B: 1798, D: 1887
Norton, James K. B: 1839
Norton, John H. B: 1837
Norton, Mary E. B: 1843
Norton, Sarah A. B: 1845
Ogden, Amanda Irene B: 1850, D: 1916
Osborn, Hannah
Osborne, Jane B: circa 1790
Ousley, Marjorie B: 1915, D: 1992
Owen, A.C. B: circa 1850
Owen, A.C. B: circa 1850
Owens, Dora B: circa 1902
Parsley, John H. B: circa 1809, D: before 1880
Patterson, Jane
Payne, Jilson B: circa 1832, D: 1899
Payton, Lawrence B: 1901, D: 1901
Payton, Pauline B: 1905, D: 1985
Payton, Porter Maupin
Payton, Samuel G. B: 1889, D: 1965
Pendleton, John
Pendleton, Sarah Louise B: 1859
Penick, Rebecca Jane B: circa 1835
Pennington, Amanda B: 1864, D: 1948
Pennington, Dovie Jane B: 1898
Pennington, Frances B: 1881
Pennington, Franklin B: circa 1878
Pennington, George B: circa 1852
Pennington, Hiram B: circa 1872
Pennington, John Curtis B: 1856
Pennington, Leander B: circa 1876
Pennington, Louise B: 1897
Pennington, Lourena B: 1879
Pennington, Maranda B: 1893
Pennington, Martha B: 1886
Pennington, Mary B: circa 1878
Pennington, Phoebe A. B: 1890
Pennington, Powell W. B: 1891
Pennington, Ressa A. B: 1884
Pennington, Sarah B: circa 1874
Pennington, Sarah B: 1889
Pennington, Thomas L. B: 1896
Pennington, William R. B: 1869
Perkins, Melissa Atwood B: circa 1860
Perry, Dorothy B: 1888
Perry, Grant B: circa 1873
Perry, Jesse F. B: circa 1875
Perry, John B: circa 1870
Perry, Martha B: circa 1869
Perry, Mary B: circa 1877
Perry, William S. B: 1882, D: 1943
Perry, Willis G. B: circa 1879
Pettit, Mary Ann B: 1835, D: after 1880
Pettit, Thomas Wayne Jr. B: 1937, D: 1952
Phillips, John B: circa 1833
Pitchford, Cyrus
Pitchford, Malinda Jane B: 1850, D: 1885
Pitchford, Rebecca Ann
Poor, Elmira B: circa 1872
Poor, Lillie M. B: circa 1875
Poor, Lucy A. B: circa 1870
Poor, Margaret C. B: circa 1858
Poor, Milton J. B: circa 1836
Poore, Mary Emma B: 1868, D: 1930
Porter, Marion C. B: 1869
Powell, Florence Lee B: 1880
Powell, Joseph B: 1791
Powers, General J. B: circa 1865
Preston, Francis Milton B: 1830, D: 1905
Price, Arthur L. B: 1846, D: 1873
Price, William H. Jr. B: 1871, D: 1924
Prichard, Sallie B: 1889, D: 1965
Prichard, Willia B: 1893, D: 1964
Quinn, Mary Elizabeth B: 1859, D: 1936
Quisenberry, J.B. B: circa 1836, D: before 1910
Quisenberry, J.B. B: circa 1836, D: before 1910
Rafferty, Sarah M. B: circa 1836, D: before 1885
Randall, Marshall S. B: 1813, D: 1883
Ratcliff, Cynthia Ratchel B: circa 1845
Rawlings, Melinda
Ray, Sara B: 1816, D: 1844
Reed, Almurty B: circa 1879
Reed, Asa Tucker B: 1880, D: 1961
Reed, E.C. B: circa 1831
Reed, E.C. B: circa 1831
Reed, John W. B: circa 1856
Reed, Sam B: 1921, D: 2002
Reynolds, Emma C. B: circa 1873
Reynolds, James W. B: circa 1869
Reynolds, John G. B: circa 1863
Reynolds, Malisa E. B: circa 1871
Reynolds, Mary B. B: circa 1864
Reynolds, Robert C. B: circa 1860
Reynolds, William Edwin B: circa 1828
Richardson, Abednego B: circa 1780
Rigsby, Rhoda B: 1836
Risen, Adeline B: 1834, D: 1903
Risen, George W. B: 1862
Risen, John Hensley B: circa 1838
Risen, Luiza F. B: circa 1871
Risen, Nancy E. B: circa 1866
Risner, Rebecca B: 1846, D: 1922
Roberts, Catherine
Roberts, Mary B: 1824, D: 1890
Roberts, Shelby Ishmael B: 1907, D: 1978
Robinson, William
Rose, Lida Houston B: 1878, D: 1969
Rose, Margarette Alice B: 1846, D: 1926
Rowland, Creville B: circa 1926
Rowland, Mary Catherine B: circa 1875
Rowland, May B: circa 1919
Rowland, Ola B: circa 1917
Rowland, Willidene B: circa 1930
Ruark, Martha B: 1851, D: 1913
Ruckman, William B: 1820, D: before 1880
Ruddell, Sarah B: 1798, D: 1885
Rust, Thomas Benton B: 1844, D: 1913
Salyer, Buell Hasten B: 1932, D: 1995
Salyer, Cathaline B: circa 1939
Salyer, Emma B: circa 1889
Salyer, George B: circa 1883
Salyer, James B. B: circa 1863
Salyer, Lodenna B: circa 1860, D: 1944
Salyer, Ludema B: circa 1860
Salyer, Nancy E. B: circa 1862
Samples, Charley B: 1853, D: 1896
Sanders, Artemisa B: circa 1831
Sargent, Kate B: 1885, D: 1928
Sargent, Taulbee B: 1922, D: 2012
Saunders, Mollie B: 1873, D: 1956
Schneider, Jon B: 1936
Scott, (?) D: before 1880
Scott, Alexander I. B: circa 1853
Scott, Arch W. B: circa 1879
Scott, Asa David B: circa 1851
Scott, Charles C. D: 1854
Scott, Edward D: before 1880
Scott, Ermine Ann B: 1871, D: 1917
Scott, George B. B: circa 1864
Scott, James Lewis B: circa 1847
Scott, Lizzie B: circa 1875
Scott, Luther T. B: circa 1876
Scott, Maranda Jane B: circa 1805
Scott, Mary L. B: circa 1874
Scott, Neal T. B: circa 1870
Scott, Thomas J. B: 1879
Scott, William Barnett B: circa 1850
Sergent, Ellsworth B: circa 1873
Sergent, Frank H. B: 1863, D: 1943
Sergent, John B: circa 1861
Sergent, William B: circa 1870
Shepard, Annavi B: circa 1864
Shepard, Cora A. B: circa 1879
Shepard, Earl A. B: circa 1871
Shepard, Grace A. B: circa 1868
Shepard, Lucy J. B: circa 1865
Shepard, Nellie A. B: circa 1876
Shinkle, James Polk B: 1846, D: 1922
Shinkle, Joanna B: circa 1869
Shinkle, Melissa B. B: circa 1872
Short, James T. B: circa 1820
Short, Mary M. B: circa 1866, D: 1893
Short, Wiliam W. B: circa 1869
Shull, James M. B: 1822
Simon, Simeon B: circa 1808
Simons, Rachel B: circa 1815, D: 1888
Skaggs, Green P. B: 1888
Skaggs, John A. B: 1896
Skaggs, John Charles Breckenridge B: 1858
Skaggs, Juanita B: 1920, D: 1999
Skaggs, Levisa B: 1894, D: 1969
Skaggs, Martha B. B: 1884
Skaggs, Mary F. B: 1887
Skaggs, Sarah B: circa 1863
Skaggs, Vessie B: 1891, D: 1972
Skaggs, Willie B: 1899
Slavens, Duke B: circa 1841, D: 1920
Slavens, Duke T. B: circa 1875
Slavens, Edward T. B: circa 1873
Slavens, John B: circa 1870
Slavens, Laura B: circa 1865
Slavens, Mary B: circa 1868
Sloas, Elizabeth B: 1884, D: 1965
Sloas, Noah B: 1852, D: 1880
Smith, Alice B: 1899, D: 1980
Smith, Angeline B: 1879
Smith, Armilda B: 1893
Smith, Armstrong B: 1879
Smith, Catherine C. B: 1857, D: 1927
Smith, Charles B: circa 1878
Smith, Clinton B: 1893
Smith, Covington B: circa 1839, D: 1911
Smith, Durall B: 1867
Smith, Elijah B: 1874
Smith, Elisha Ned B: 1837
Smith, Elizabeth B: circa 1845
Smith, Emily C. B: 1852, D: 1914
Smith, Ernest B: 1890, D: 1978
Smith, Everet B: 1882
Smith, Frederic B: circa 1832
Smith, George B: circa 1866
Smith, George W. B: 1814
Smith, Harmon B: circa 1868
Smith, Harvey
Smith, Henry B: circa 1855, D: after 1900
Smith, Hiram B: circa 1827, D: after 1880
Smith, Hiram William B: 1844
Smith, Ida W. B: 1885, D: 1967
Smith, Isaac B: 1863, D: 1893
Smith, James Haden B: 1865, D: 1944
Smith, Jasper B: 1874
Smith, John M. B: circa 1834, D: 1911
Smith, Johnie B: 1933, D: 1936
Smith, Lewis B: 1823, D: 1909
Smith, Liddie B: circa 1871
Smith, Lucinda S. B: 1876
Smith, Marion B: circa 1866
Smith, Mary B: circa 1870
Smith, Mary J. B: 1872
Smith, Nancy Caroline B: 1857, D: 1939
Smith, Omer B: 1903, D: 1981
Smith, Omer Jr. B: circa 1928
Smith, Powell B: circa 1893
Smith, Robert W. B: 1886, D: 1951
Smith, Rufus M. B: 1856, D: 1915
Smith, Sallie B: 1889, D: 1981
Smith, Sarah B: 1880
Smith, Susan B: circa 1876
Smith, Tabitha B: 1849
Smith, Theresa B: 1869
Smith, Thomas B: circa 1849
Smith, W.J. B: circa 1861
Smith, Winston Vermont B: 1886, D: 1977
Snyder, Elizabeth B: 1815, D: circa 1899
Spradlin, Lucy B: circa 1903
Stafford, Julia B: 1818, D: before 1870
Stapleton, Ashland B: 1884, D: 1978
Stapleton, Beulah M. B: 1897, D: 1915
Stapleton, Cassidy B: 1893
Stapleton, Charley B: circa 1902, D: 1975
Stapleton, Glenda E. B: circa 1910
Stapleton, Hager B: 1888, D: 1973
Stapleton, Hazel B: circa 1906
Stapleton, Homer B: circa 1916
Stapleton, Jay B: circa 1913
Stapleton, Lucy B: circa 1908
Stapleton, Manasseh B: 1882, D: 1947
Stapleton, Manerva B: 1885
Stapleton, Missie B: 1891, D: 1989
Stapleton, Okal B: circa 1918
Stapleton, Sonny Conley B: 1905, D: 1984
Stapleton, Theodore F. B: 1895, D: 1968
Stearman, Eliza R. B: circa 1862
Stearman, John T. B: circa 1860
Stearman, Joseph W. B: circa 1864
Stearman, Marcus D. B: circa 1869
Stearman, Mary D. B: circa 1855
Stearman, Nancy J. B: circa 1856
Stearman, Richard H. B: circa 1866
Stearman, Sarah E. B: circa 1858
Stephenson, William Benjamin B: 1878, D: 1962
Stevens, Charles B: 1877, D: 1950
Stevens, James Edward B: 1862, D: 1919
Stewart, Mitchel
Stinnett, Number B: 1860, D: 1898
Stone, Caroline D. B: circa 1843
Stuart, Elizabeth A. B: circa 1825, D: circa 1850
Tackett, Naoma B: 1878, D: 1965
Tackett, Elizabeth B: 1875
Tackett, J. Milt B: circa 1858
Tackett, Naoma B: 1878, D: 1965
Tanner, Elizabeth Christian B: 1823, D: 1908
Terry, Robert Northrup B: 1814, D: 1888
Thomas, Doris B: 1932, D: before 1967
Thomas, Fred Visscher B: 1885
Thomas, James Crislendon B: 1828, D: 1893
Thomas, John W. B: 1850
Thomas, Wilson D. B: circa 1932
Thompson, Alice May B: 1857, D: 1918
Thompson, Mary B: 1800
Thompson, Stephen W.
Thorne, Audree Etta B: 1911, D: 1965
Trimble, Alba B: circa 1909
Trimble, Beulah Borden B: circa 1923
Trimble, Elizabeth Sue B: 1843, D: 1901
Trimble, Grant F. B: circa 1897
Trimble, Harry B: circa 1925
Trimble, James A. B: circa 1920
Trimble, John B: 1914, D: 1991
Trimble, Malta M. B: 1906, D: 1994
Trumbo, Andrew B: 1743, D: 1827
Trusty, Minnie B: 1885, D: 1953
Tufts, John B: circa 1812, D: 1870
Turner, Miriam
Turner, Poly
Turner, Starling S. Jr. B: circa 1815
Underwood, Mary Jane B: 1849, D: 1941
Vance, John Edgar B: 1867, D: 1942
Vanzant, Ellimina B: circa 1822
Vaughan, Sarah B: 1814, D: 1870
Vaughn, Elizabeth B: circa 1785
Velius, Nancy B: circa 1862
Venters, Annie B. B: circa 1874
Venters, Columbus B: circa 1879
Vice, Margaret B: 1847
Waggoner, Abraham B: 1794, D: 1854
Waggoner, James
Walker, Bernice B: 1886
Walker, Elizabeth B: 1868, D: 1906
Walker, Fannie B: 1872, D: 1873
Walker, Henry F. B: 1863, D: 1900
Walker, Henry Finley B: 1815, D: 1897
Walker, James Graham B: 1842, D: 1919
Walker, Martha Elizabeth B: circa 1858
Walker, Martha Jane B: 1861, D: 1936
Walker, Mary Ella B: 1857, D: 1940
Walker, Robert Walburn B: 1875, D: 1964
Walker, Vane Walter B: 1874, D: 1944
Wallin, Ella B: 1891, D: 1973
Warren, Albert D. B: 1854
Warren, Benjamin Franklin B: 1853, D: 1916
Warren, Elsie S. B: 1888, D: 1960
Warren, Fanny B: circa 1878
Warren, John L. B: 1855, D: 1934
Warren, John W. B: 1901, D: 1988
Warren, Joseph R. B: 1864, D: 1916
Warren, Luetta B: circa 1876
Warren, Nancy S. B: 1867
Warren, Ralph Gordon B: 1916, D: 1984
Warren, Richard Jackson B: 1876, D: 1957
Warren, William F. B: 1860
Warren, William Frederick B: 1822, D: 1906
Watts, Eramus
Webb, Jeannetta B: 1858, D: 1892
Webb, Perry Green B: 1839, D: 1862
Webber, Rachel B: circa 1780
West, Alponus B: circa 1836
Wheeler, Alfred B: circa 1827, D: before 1900
Whitley, James McNoah B: 1874, D: 1961
Whitlow, Neumon Ellis B: 1869, D: 1951
Wilkinson, John Marion B: circa 1795
Williams, Arthur T. B: 1879, D: 1914
Williams, Catherine B: 1854
Williams, Dixie B: circa 1908, D: 1972
Williams, Lily C. B: circa 1872
Williams, Marion B: 1815
Williams, Mildred Louise B: 1931, D: 2007
Wills, Asbury B: 1851, D: 1892
Wills, Lettie B: 1877
Wilson, Martin Alkire B: 1901, D: 1971
Wilson, Mary P. B: circa 1835, D: 1880
Wilson, Sarah Ellen B: circa 1819, D: 1882
Winn, Elizabeth Ann B: circa 1818
Woodard, William S. B: circa 1847
Woods, Dottie B: 1943, D: 2010
Woolf, James E.
Woolf, Nancy B: 1875
Wright, Elizabeth Dieademia B: 1846, D: 1924
Wright, Leander B: 1883, D: 1923
Wright, Margaret Jane B: 1869
Wright, Syndusky B: circa 1887
Yasle, Catherine Phebe B: circa 1770, D: after 1823
Yoakum, Elizabeth
York, Green Berry B: 1819
Young, Chuck B: circa 1917, D: 1988