Rhode Island
Newport County
Portsmouth or Tiverton
Wibore, William B: 1660, D: 1738
Society Friends
(?), Hannah
Anthony, George B: 1890, D: 1953
Kinnicut, Mary
Macomber, Elizabeth B: 1705, D: 1748
Macomber, Matthew B: 1698, D: before 1759
Mowry, Joseph
Peckham, Emma J. B: 1894, D: 1968
Potter, Nathaniel
Sherman, William
Wibore, Samuel B: 1618/19, D: circa 1679
Wibore, Samuel B: 1622, D: 1697
Wibore, William B: 1630, D: 1710
Wilbore, Benjamin B: 1670, D: 1729
Wilbore, Daniel B: 1666, D: 1741
Wilbore, Joanna B: 1668, D: 1759
Wilbore, John B: 1658, D: 1682
Wilbore, Martha B: 1664
Wilbore, Mary B: 1685, D: 1736
Wilbore, Mary B: circa 1696, D: 1720
Anthony, George B: 1890, D: 1953
Kinnicut, Mary
Macomber, Elizabeth B: 1705, D: 1748
Macomber, Matthew B: 1698, D: before 1759
Mowry, Joseph
Peckham, Emma J. B: 1894, D: 1968
Potter, Nathaniel
Sherman, William
Wibore, Samuel B: 1618/19, D: circa 1679
Wibore, Samuel B: 1622, D: 1697
Wibore, William B: 1630, D: 1710
Wilbore, Benjamin B: 1670, D: 1729
Wilbore, Daniel B: 1666, D: 1741
Wilbore, Joanna B: 1668, D: 1759
Wilbore, John B: 1658, D: 1682
Wilbore, Martha B: 1664
Wilbore, Mary B: 1685, D: 1736
Wilbore, Mary B: circa 1696, D: 1720
The Providence Journal
Pargellis, Katherine L. B: circa 1931, D: 2016
Steimer, Ann B: circa 1924
Steimer, Jane B: circa 1922, D: 1995
Wells, Harris Shipman
Wells, Herbert Comstock Jr. B: 1912, D: 1993
Steimer, Ann B: circa 1924
Steimer, Jane B: circa 1922, D: 1995
Wells, Harris Shipman
Wells, Herbert Comstock Jr. B: 1912, D: 1993
Providence County
Harrington, Benjamin B: circa 1640
Harrington, Elisha B: 1694, D: 1777
McLaughlin, Clarence Crosby B: 1888, D: 1983
Ruttenburg, Susannah B: 1706, D: circa 1742
Harrington, Elisha B: 1694, D: 1777
McLaughlin, Clarence Crosby B: 1888, D: 1983
Ruttenburg, Susannah B: 1706, D: circa 1742
(?), Laura Jane B: 1837, D: 1921
Aldrich, Elizabeth B: 1808, D: 1880
Munger, Ellen Elizabeth B: 1866, D: 1941
Scroggie, George Catto B: 1864, D: 1899
Scroggie, Margaret Ella B: 1897
Thayer, Archa B: 1806, D: 1872
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Thayer, Fanny J. B: circa 1835
Thayer, George H. B: 1858, D: 1912
Thayer, Henry R. B: 1833, D: 1862
Thayer, John Aldrich B: 1830, D: 1902
Thayer, John Everett B: 1862, D: 1941
Thayer, Ruth E. B: circa 1838
Aldrich, Elizabeth B: 1808, D: 1880
Munger, Ellen Elizabeth B: 1866, D: 1941
Scroggie, George Catto B: 1864, D: 1899
Scroggie, Margaret Ella B: 1897
Thayer, Archa B: 1806, D: 1872
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Thayer, Fanny J. B: circa 1835
Thayer, George H. B: 1858, D: 1912
Thayer, Henry R. B: 1833, D: 1862
Thayer, John Aldrich B: 1830, D: 1902
Thayer, John Everett B: 1862, D: 1941
Thayer, Ruth E. B: circa 1838
East Ave.
(?), Laura Jane B: 1837, D: 1921
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Laurel Hill Ave.
(?), Laura Jane B: 1837, D: 1921
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
W side of side street
(?), Laura Jane B: 1837, D: 1921
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Dyer, Amy B: circa 1778, D: 1843
Dyer, Edmund B: 1781, D: 1865
Dyer, Huldah B: circa 1778
Dyer, Stephen B: 1752, D: 1847
Dyer, William B: 1782, D: 1864
Mathewson, Sarah B: 1762, D: 1811
Steimer, William A. B: circa 1882
Dyer, Edmund B: 1781, D: 1865
Dyer, Huldah B: circa 1778
Dyer, Stephen B: 1752, D: 1847
Dyer, William B: 1782, D: 1864
Mathewson, Sarah B: 1762, D: 1811
Steimer, William A. B: circa 1882
1 Stratford Road
Osborne, Lillian J. B: circa 1895
Steimer, Ann B: circa 1924
Steimer, Jane B: circa 1922, D: 1995
Steimer, William A. B: circa 1882
Steimer, Ann B: circa 1924
Steimer, Jane B: circa 1922, D: 1995
Steimer, William A. B: circa 1882
East Providence
Danielson, Alice Josephine B: 1882, D: 1974
Fish, Benjamin B: 1797, D: 1882
Fish, Elijah B: 1790
Fish, Hanna B: 1788
Fish, Lydia B: 1795
Fish, Susanna B: 1793, D: 1852
Fish, Elijah B: 1790
Fish, Hanna B: 1788
Fish, Lydia B: 1795
Fish, Susanna B: 1793, D: 1852
(?), Esther B: circa 1662
Aldrich, Emir B: circa 1783, D: 1854
Harrington, Elisha B: 1694, D: 1777
Harrington, Mercy B: 1721
Harrington, William B: circa 1660, D: 1727
Mathewson, Amey B: 1749
Mathewson, Elias B: 1796, D: 1878
Mathewson, Elisha B: 1756, D: 1805
Mathewson, Hannah B: 1753, D: 1838
Mathewson, Mary B. B: 1743
Mathewson, Nero B: 1748, D: circa 1777
Mathewson, Roseanna B: 1760
Mathewson, Sarah B: 1762, D: 1811
Mathewson, Susanna B: 1742
Mathewson, Tabitha B: 1747
Mathewson, Winchester B: circa 1721, D: circa 1774
Phillips, Isaac B: 1737
Shippee, Bethia B: circa 1751, D: circa 1802
Shippee, Dorcas B: 1771, D: 1807
Shippee, Freelove B: 1775
Shippee, John B: 1773
Shippee, Joseph B: 1717, D: 1803
Shippee, Sabra B: 1778
Shippee, Thomas B: 1747, D: 1823
Shippey, Deuteronomy B: 1795, D: 1822
Shippey, Eliakim L. B: 1782, D: 1834
Shippey, Ezekiel B: 1797, D: 1878
Shippey, George W. B: 1792
Shippey, Paul B: 1787, D: 1813
Shippey, Phileman B: 1789, D: 1842
Aldrich, Emir B: circa 1783, D: 1854
Harrington, Elisha B: 1694, D: 1777
Harrington, Mercy B: 1721
Harrington, William B: circa 1660, D: 1727
Mathewson, Amey B: 1749
Mathewson, Elias B: 1796, D: 1878
Mathewson, Elisha B: 1756, D: 1805
Mathewson, Hannah B: 1753, D: 1838
Mathewson, Mary B. B: 1743
Mathewson, Nero B: 1748, D: circa 1777
Mathewson, Roseanna B: 1760
Mathewson, Sarah B: 1762, D: 1811
Mathewson, Susanna B: 1742
Mathewson, Tabitha B: 1747
Mathewson, Winchester B: circa 1721, D: circa 1774
Phillips, Isaac B: 1737
Shippee, Bethia B: circa 1751, D: circa 1802
Shippee, Dorcas B: 1771, D: 1807
Shippee, Freelove B: 1775
Shippee, John B: 1773
Shippee, Joseph B: 1717, D: 1803
Shippee, Sabra B: 1778
Shippee, Thomas B: 1747, D: 1823
Shippey, Deuteronomy B: 1795, D: 1822
Shippey, Eliakim L. B: 1782, D: 1834
Shippey, Ezekiel B: 1797, D: 1878
Shippey, George W. B: 1792
Shippey, Paul B: 1787, D: 1813
Shippey, Phileman B: 1789, D: 1842
Pascoag Cemetery
(?), Laura Jane B: 1837, D: 1921
Aldrich, Elizabeth B: 1808, D: 1880
Thayer, Archa B: 1806, D: 1872
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Thayer, George H. B: 1858, D: 1912
Thayer, Henry R. B: 1833, D: 1862
Thayer, John Aldrich B: 1830, D: 1902
Aldrich, Elizabeth B: 1808, D: 1880
Thayer, Archa B: 1806, D: 1872
Thayer, Elizabeth A. B: 1869, D: 1933
Thayer, Ella Mary B: 1864, D: 1933
Thayer, George H. B: 1858, D: 1912
Thayer, Henry R. B: 1833, D: 1862
Thayer, John Aldrich B: 1830, D: 1902
prob. Providence
Walker, Caroline Lydia B: 1880, D: 1927
(?), Mercy P. B: circa 1837
Angell, James Williams B: 1776, D: 1851
Bigelow, Katherine Boies B: 1850, D: 1937
Connelly, Inez D: 1997
Dunham, Jeremiah Perry B: 1814, D: 1897
Harrington, Benjamin B: 1618, D: 1687
Harrington, Elisha B: 1694, D: 1777
Harrington, Job B: 1683, D: 1731
Harrington, Joseph B: 1652, D: 1699
Harrington, Paul B: 1702, D: 1777
Lewis, Nehemiah B: 1708, D: 1799
Mathewson, Winchester B: circa 1721, D: circa 1774
McLaughlin, Doris Bell B: 1904, D: 1999
McLaughlin, Irma I. B: 1898, D: 1986
McLaughlin, Mildred Inez B: 1896, D: 1991
Percy, Emma B: 1859, D: 1949
Perry, Amos Rodman B: 1832, D: 1889
Perry, Clark B: circa 1863
Perry, Jennie B: circa 1868
Perry, Lizzie B: circa 1861
Perry, Rosa B: circa 1872
Phillips, Isaac B: 1737
Ruttenburg, John B: 1673
Scranton, Margaret B: 1643, D: 1718
Shippee, Joseph B: 1717, D: 1803
Shippee, Mary B: 1669, D: 1723
Shippee, Thomas B: 1600, D: 1683
Tift, John B: 1744, D: 1825
Van Valkenburg, Gail Lucille B: 1944, D: 1975
Walker, Edward Field B: 1846, D: 1916
Walker, Edward Field III B: 1913, D: 1921
Walker, Edward Field Jr. B: 1883, D: 1972
Walker, Nancy Elizabeth B: 1925, D: 1988
Walker, Robert Megget Steel B: 1922, D: 1945
Weeden, Martha Elizabeth B: 1687, D: 1719
Wells, Herbert Comstock B: 1880, D: 1964
Wells, Herbert Comstock Jr. B: 1912, D: 1993
Angell, James Williams B: 1776, D: 1851
Bigelow, Katherine Boies B: 1850, D: 1937
Connelly, Inez D: 1997
Dunham, Jeremiah Perry B: 1814, D: 1897
Harrington, Benjamin B: 1618, D: 1687
Harrington, Elisha B: 1694, D: 1777
Harrington, Job B: 1683, D: 1731
Harrington, Joseph B: 1652, D: 1699
Harrington, Paul B: 1702, D: 1777
Lewis, Nehemiah B: 1708, D: 1799
Mathewson, Winchester B: circa 1721, D: circa 1774
McLaughlin, Doris Bell B: 1904, D: 1999
McLaughlin, Irma I. B: 1898, D: 1986
McLaughlin, Mildred Inez B: 1896, D: 1991
Percy, Emma B: 1859, D: 1949
Perry, Amos Rodman B: 1832, D: 1889
Perry, Clark B: circa 1863
Perry, Jennie B: circa 1868
Perry, Lizzie B: circa 1861
Perry, Rosa B: circa 1872
Phillips, Isaac B: 1737
Ruttenburg, John B: 1673
Scranton, Margaret B: 1643, D: 1718
Shippee, Joseph B: 1717, D: 1803
Shippee, Mary B: 1669, D: 1723
Shippee, Thomas B: 1600, D: 1683
Tift, John B: 1744, D: 1825
Van Valkenburg, Gail Lucille B: 1944, D: 1975
Walker, Edward Field B: 1846, D: 1916
Walker, Edward Field III B: 1913, D: 1921
Walker, Edward Field Jr. B: 1883, D: 1972
Walker, Nancy Elizabeth B: 1925, D: 1988
Walker, Robert Megget Steel B: 1922, D: 1945
Weeden, Martha Elizabeth B: 1687, D: 1719
Wells, Herbert Comstock B: 1880, D: 1964
Wells, Herbert Comstock Jr. B: 1912, D: 1993
306 Benefit Street
Bigelow, Katherine Boies B: 1850, D: 1937
Walker, Clarence Read B: 1870, D: 1880
Walker, Edward Field B: 1846, D: 1916
Walker, Clarence Read B: 1870, D: 1880
Walker, Edward Field B: 1846, D: 1916
Rhode Island Hospital
Steimer, Jane B: circa 1922, D: 1995
Swan Point Cemetery
Thayer, John Everett B: 1862, D: 1941
Aldrich, Emir B: circa 1783, D: 1854
Cady, Sylvanus B: 1777
Heredeen, Bethiah B: 1717, D: 1789
Mathewson, Constant B: 1758, D: 1777
Mathewson, Elisha B: 1775
Mathewson, Mary B. B: 1743
Mathewson, Silvanus B: 1751
Mathewson, Winchester B: circa 1721, D: circa 1774
Mathewson, Winchester B: 1777, D: 1863
Rogers, John B: 1711, D: 1774
Shippee, Bethia B: circa 1751, D: circa 1802
Shippee, Dorcas B: 1771, D: 1807
Shippee, Joseph B: 1717, D: 1803
Shippee, Sabra B: 1778
Tefft, Lovina B: 1763, D: 1841
Tift, John B: 1744, D: 1825
Cady, Sylvanus B: 1777
Heredeen, Bethiah B: 1717, D: 1789
Mathewson, Constant B: 1758, D: 1777
Mathewson, Elisha B: 1775
Mathewson, Mary B. B: 1743
Mathewson, Silvanus B: 1751
Mathewson, Winchester B: circa 1721, D: circa 1774
Mathewson, Winchester B: 1777, D: 1863
Rogers, John B: 1711, D: 1774
Shippee, Bethia B: circa 1751, D: circa 1802
Shippee, Dorcas B: 1771, D: 1807
Shippee, Joseph B: 1717, D: 1803
Shippee, Sabra B: 1778
Tefft, Lovina B: 1763, D: 1841
Tift, John B: 1744, D: 1825
Washington County
Irish, Albert Weston B: 1865, D: 1866
Irish, Alice Walton B: 1865, D: 1866
Irish, Edward A. B: 1856, D: 1857
Irish, Wilfred Avery B: 1860, D: 1861
Irish, Alice Walton B: 1865, D: 1866
Irish, Edward A. B: 1856, D: 1857
Irish, Wilfred Avery B: 1860, D: 1861
(?), Marcy B: circa 1811
Barber, Mary B: 1743, D: 1785
Bentley, Benjamin B: 1682, D: 1744
Bentley, Robert B: 1685, D: 1778
Bentley, Thomas B: 1685, D: 1778
Deake, Elizabeth B: 1715
Harrington, Job B: 1701, D: 1777
Harrington, Lydia B: 1724, D: 1807
Hazard, Martha B: 1668, D: 1753
Kenyon, Patience B: 1763, D: 1811
Lewis, James B: 1664, D: 1745
Northup, Lydia A. B: circa 1832
Northup, Richard R. B: circa 1811
Russell, Ruth Ann B: 1750, D: 1825
Tripp, Catherine B: 1747, D: 1830
Wightman, John B: 1674, D: 1750
Wilcox, Abraham B: 1703, D: 1803
Wilcox, Abraham B: 1746
Wilcox, Alice B: 1755, D: 1828
Wilcox, Ebenezer B: 1752
Wilcox, Hannah B: 1760, D: 1832
Wilcox, Isaac B: 1750, D: 1801
Wilcox, Jacob B: 1757, D: 1832
Wilcox, Job B: 1743, D: 1808
Wilcox, John B: 1741, D: 1785
Wilcox, Lydia B: 1764, D: 1854
Wilcox, Robert B: 1750, D: 1830
Wilcox, Thomas B: 1664, D: 1728
Wilcox, Whitman B: 1766, D: 1856
Barber, Mary B: 1743, D: 1785
Bentley, Benjamin B: 1682, D: 1744
Bentley, Robert B: 1685, D: 1778
Bentley, Thomas B: 1685, D: 1778
Deake, Elizabeth B: 1715
Harrington, Job B: 1701, D: 1777
Harrington, Lydia B: 1724, D: 1807
Hazard, Martha B: 1668, D: 1753
Kenyon, Patience B: 1763, D: 1811
Lewis, James B: 1664, D: 1745
Northup, Lydia A. B: circa 1832
Northup, Richard R. B: circa 1811
Russell, Ruth Ann B: 1750, D: 1825
Tripp, Catherine B: 1747, D: 1830
Wightman, John B: 1674, D: 1750
Wilcox, Abraham B: 1703, D: 1803
Wilcox, Abraham B: 1746
Wilcox, Alice B: 1755, D: 1828
Wilcox, Ebenezer B: 1752
Wilcox, Hannah B: 1760, D: 1832
Wilcox, Isaac B: 1750, D: 1801
Wilcox, Jacob B: 1757, D: 1832
Wilcox, Job B: 1743, D: 1808
Wilcox, John B: 1741, D: 1785
Wilcox, Lydia B: 1764, D: 1854
Wilcox, Robert B: 1750, D: 1830
Wilcox, Thomas B: 1664, D: 1728
Wilcox, Whitman B: 1766, D: 1856
(?), Lois B: 1781
Brightman, Horace B: 1820, D: 1903
Gardner, Fanny B: 1766, D: 1829
Gould, Frederick Chappell B: 1832, D: 1897
Green, Martha A. B: 1813, D: 1882
Lewis, Amos B: circa 1705, D: 1790
Lewis, Daniel B: circa 1692/93, D: 1744
Lewis, Fanny Tillinghast B: 1832
Lewis, Johnathon B: circa 1658, D: 1717
Lewis, Johnny Gardner B: 1834
Lewis, Simeon B: 1753, D: 1823
Maxson, Mary D: 1721
Prosser, Martha B: circa 1703, D: 1804
Stedman, John Babcock Jr. B: 1813, D: 1889
Weeks, Lydia Louisa B: circa 1861
Brightman, Horace B: 1820, D: 1903
Gardner, Fanny B: 1766, D: 1829
Gould, Frederick Chappell B: 1832, D: 1897
Green, Martha A. B: 1813, D: 1882
Lewis, Amos B: circa 1705, D: 1790
Lewis, Daniel B: circa 1692/93, D: 1744
Lewis, Fanny Tillinghast B: 1832
Lewis, Johnathon B: circa 1658, D: 1717
Lewis, Johnny Gardner B: 1834
Lewis, Simeon B: 1753, D: 1823
Maxson, Mary D: 1721
Prosser, Martha B: circa 1703, D: 1804
Stedman, John Babcock Jr. B: 1813, D: 1889
Weeks, Lydia Louisa B: circa 1861
Arnold, Penelope B: 1669, D: 1742
Bentley, Benjamin B: 1682, D: 1744
Bentley, James B: 1679, D: 1768
Bentley, Jane B: 1676, D: 1750
Bentley, Robert B: 1685, D: 1778
Bentley, Thomas B: 1685, D: 1778
Bentley, William B: 1640, D: 1720
Coleman, Clyde Bester B: 1882, D: 1940
Gardner, Elizabeth B: circa 1686, D: before 1736
Gardner, William
Gould, Adam B: 1712, D: 1807
Gould, Anne B: circa 1714
Gould, Dorcas B: circa 1716
Gould, John B: circa 1710
Harrington, Job B: 1701, D: 1777
Harrington, Lydia B: 1724, D: 1807
Harrington, Penelope B: circa 1710, D: 1742
Hazard, George B: circa 1662
Slocum, Samuel B: 1711
Updyke, Elizabeth B: 1644, D: 1716
Wells, Elizabeth Johnson B: 1890, D: 1982
Wells, Grace Perry B: 1879, D: 1916
Wells, Thomas P. B: 1884
Wightman, Alice B: 1702, D: 1807
Wightman, George B: 1632, D: 1722
Wightman, John B: 1674, D: 1750
Bentley, Benjamin B: 1682, D: 1744
Bentley, James B: 1679, D: 1768
Bentley, Jane B: 1676, D: 1750
Bentley, Robert B: 1685, D: 1778
Bentley, Thomas B: 1685, D: 1778
Bentley, William B: 1640, D: 1720
Coleman, Clyde Bester B: 1882, D: 1940
Gardner, Elizabeth B: circa 1686, D: before 1736
Gardner, William
Gould, Adam B: 1712, D: 1807
Gould, Anne B: circa 1714
Gould, Dorcas B: circa 1716
Gould, John B: circa 1710
Harrington, Job B: 1701, D: 1777
Harrington, Lydia B: 1724, D: 1807
Harrington, Penelope B: circa 1710, D: 1742
Hazard, George B: circa 1662
Slocum, Samuel B: 1711
Updyke, Elizabeth B: 1644, D: 1716
Wells, Elizabeth Johnson B: 1890, D: 1982
Wells, Grace Perry B: 1879, D: 1916
Wells, Thomas P. B: 1884
Wightman, Alice B: 1702, D: 1807
Wightman, George B: 1632, D: 1722
Wightman, John B: 1674, D: 1750
North Kingston
Allen, George Orrin B: circa 1841, D: 1913
Allen, Sarah R. B: circa 1846, D: 1907
Arnold, (?) B: circa 1677
Arnold, Jennie M. B: circa 1871
Aylsworth, Freelove B: 1775, D: between 1850 and 1860
Eldred, William B: circa 1690
Gould, Julia Bateman B: 1825, D: 1887
Perry, Mercy B: 1810, D: 1868
Perry, Oliver Hazard B: 1824, D: 1895
Perry, Rowland Raymond B: 1827, D: 1904
Wightman, Alice B: 1702, D: 1807
Allen, Sarah R. B: circa 1846, D: 1907
Arnold, (?) B: circa 1677
Arnold, Jennie M. B: circa 1871
Aylsworth, Freelove B: 1775, D: between 1850 and 1860
Eldred, William B: circa 1690
Gould, Julia Bateman B: 1825, D: 1887
Perry, Mercy B: 1810, D: 1868
Perry, Oliver Hazard B: 1824, D: 1895
Perry, Rowland Raymond B: 1827, D: 1904
Wightman, Alice B: 1702, D: 1807
Elm Grove Cemetery
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Peace Dale Village
Barker, Edith B: circa 1877
Northup, Forma Santhan B: 1824, D: 1905
Perry, Ella P. B: circa 1860
Perry, Eva P. B: circa 1846
Perry, Harry L. B: circa 1866
Perry, Margaret H. B: circa 1860
Perry, Oliver Hazard B: 1824, D: 1895
Perry, Rowland R. B: circa 1868
Northup, Forma Santhan B: 1824, D: 1905
Perry, Ella P. B: circa 1860
Perry, Eva P. B: circa 1846
Perry, Harry L. B: circa 1866
Perry, Margaret H. B: circa 1860
Perry, Oliver Hazard B: 1824, D: 1895
Perry, Rowland R. B: circa 1868
North Kingstown
Allen, Albert Perry B: 1838, D: 1888
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Barker, Mary B: 1698
Bentley, Caleb
Gould, Dorcas B: circa 1716
Gould, John B: 1679/80, D: after 1763
Gould, Mary B: 1731, D: 1805
Harrington, Ebenezer B: 1705, D: 1796
Harrington, Penelope B: circa 1710, D: 1742
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Barker, Mary B: 1698
Bentley, Caleb
Gould, Dorcas B: circa 1716
Gould, John B: 1679/80, D: after 1763
Gould, Mary B: 1731, D: 1805
Harrington, Ebenezer B: 1705, D: 1796
Harrington, Penelope B: circa 1710, D: 1742
Post Office: Lafayette
Allen, Albert Perry B: 1838, D: 1888
Allen, Franklin B: circa 1849
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Allen, George Orrin B: circa 1841, D: 1913
Allen, Sarah B: circa 1837
Allen, Sarah R. B: circa 1846, D: 1907
Perry, Mercy B: 1810, D: 1868
Allen, Franklin B: circa 1849
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Allen, George Orrin B: circa 1841, D: 1913
Allen, Sarah B: circa 1837
Allen, Sarah R. B: circa 1846, D: 1907
Perry, Mercy B: 1810, D: 1868
Allen, Albert Perry B: 1838, D: 1888
Bentley, William B: 1677, D: 1760
Coon, Ann Diadama B: 1823, D: 1917
Kenyon, Patience B: 1763, D: 1811
Lewis, Abigail B: 1717
Lewis, Hannah B: 1720
Lewis, Israel B: circa 1669, D: 1719
Lewis, Ruth B: 1724
Lewis, Samuel B: circa 1677, D: 1738/39
Wilbore, Benjamin B: circa 1725
Wilbore, Hannah B: circa 1723
Wilbore, John B: circa 1727
Wilbore, Peter B: circa 1721
Wilbore, Samuel B: circa 1717
Wilbore, William B: circa 1733
Bentley, William B: 1677, D: 1760
Coon, Ann Diadama B: 1823, D: 1917
Kenyon, Patience B: 1763, D: 1811
Lewis, Abigail B: 1717
Lewis, Hannah B: 1720
Lewis, Israel B: circa 1669, D: 1719
Lewis, Ruth B: 1724
Lewis, Samuel B: circa 1677, D: 1738/39
Wilbore, Benjamin B: circa 1725
Wilbore, Hannah B: circa 1723
Wilbore, John B: circa 1727
Wilbore, Peter B: circa 1721
Wilbore, Samuel B: circa 1717
Wilbore, William B: circa 1733
South Kingston
Allen, Albert Perry B: 1838, D: 1888
Allen, Franklin B: circa 1849
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Allen, George Orrin B: circa 1841, D: 1913
Allen, Sarah R. B: circa 1846, D: 1907
Arnold, Jennie M. B: circa 1871
Brownell, Mary B: 1639, D: 1739
Carpenter, Isaac Hazard B: circa 1823
Carpenter, Mary Hazard B: circa 1813, D: 1886
Carpenter, Melissa B: circa 1848
Clarke, Teresa B: 1792, D: 1862
Coe, Frank Herbert D: 1878
Dye, Phebe
Fisher, George Whitefield B: 1833, D: 1884
Fisher, Herbert Wescott B: 1873
Fisher, Irving B: 1867, D: 1947
Gardner, Elizabeth B: circa 1686, D: before 1736
Gould, Adam B: 1712, D: 1807
Gould, Elizabeth B: 1733, D: 1812
Gould, Frederick Chappell B: 1832, D: 1897
Gould, Henry P. B: circa 1866
Gould, Jerome Charles B: 1879, D: after 1956
Gould, John D: 1828
Gould, John B: 1679/80, D: after 1763
Gould, Jonathan P. B: 1800, D: 1863
Gould, Julia Bateman B: 1825, D: 1887
Gould, Mary B: 1731, D: 1805
Gould, Nicholas D: 1831
Gould, Patience G. B: circa 1794, D: 1874
Gould, Samuel Everett B: circa 1871
Gould, Sarah B: 1789, D: 1847
Gould, Susannah B: circa 1776, D: 1874
Gould, Tabitha B: 1738
Gould, Waite B: 1736, D: 1819
Gould, William B: 1707, D: before 1738
Greenman, Susan P. B: 1791, D: 1860
Hazard, Bowdoin B: 1785, D: 1873
Hazard, Harriet Theresa B: 1820, D: 1902
Holland, Anna Laura B: 1859
Holland, Elisha B: circa 1838
Johnson, Julia Esther B: 1818, D: 1895
Lewis, James B: circa 1730, D: 1801
Northup, Forma Santhan B: 1824, D: 1905
Northup, Lydia A. B: circa 1832
Northup, Richard R. B: circa 1811
Peckham, Mary B: 1803, D: 1853
Perry, Abigail B: 1813, D: 1891
Perry, Amos Rodman B: 1832, D: 1889
Perry, Belinda B: 1833, D: 1903
Perry, Clara Lewis B: circa 1852, D: 1914
Perry, Ella P. B: circa 1860
Perry, Eva P. B: circa 1846
Perry, George Thomas B: 1822
Perry, Hannah Carpenter B: circa 1852
Perry, Howard Bowdoin B: 1859, D: 1947
Perry, John Gould B: 1817, D: 1897
Perry, John Robinson B: 1784, D: 1857
Perry, John Robinson B: 1842, D: 1843
Perry, Margaret H. B: circa 1860
Perry, Mary Elizabeth B: 1836, D: 1926
Perry, Mary P. B: circa 1812
Perry, Mercy B: 1810, D: 1868
Perry, Oceana B: 1848
Perry, Oliver Hazard B: 1824, D: 1895
Perry, Phebe Ann B: 1839, D: 1845
Perry, Phebe Ann B: 1847, D: 1921
Perry, Robinson P. B: 1811, D: 1892
Perry, Rowland B: 1826, D: 1826
Perry, Rowland Raymond B: 1827, D: 1904
Perry, Sarah B: 1819, D: 1854
Perry, Sarah Emily B: 1849, D: 1923
Perry, Sarah Gould B: circa 1855
Perry, Wanton B: 1842, D: 1843
Perry, William Wanton B: 1829, D: 1886
Phillips, Sarah E.
Rodman, Edward B: 1845, D: 1905
Rodman, Samuel B: 1800, D: 1882
Rodman, William W. B: 1872
Scranton, Hannah B: 1747, D: 1839
Shipman, Ethel B.
Southwick, Daniel Remington B: 1828, D: 1908
Southwick, Daniel Remington Jr. B: 1856
Steadman, Parthenia Bethany Gracey B: circa 1752
Stedman, William B: 1741, D: 1815
Underwood, Ella B: 1859
Weeks, Lydia Louisa B: circa 1861
Wells, Elizabeth Johnson B: 1890, D: 1982
Wells, Grace Perry B: 1879, D: 1916
Wells, Herbert Comstock B: 1880, D: 1964
Wells, Herbert Johnson B: 1850, D: 1933
Wells, Thomas Potter B: 1809, D: 1884
Wescott, Ella B: 1846, D: 1929
Allen, Franklin B: circa 1849
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Allen, George Orrin B: circa 1841, D: 1913
Allen, Sarah R. B: circa 1846, D: 1907
Arnold, Jennie M. B: circa 1871
Brownell, Mary B: 1639, D: 1739
Carpenter, Isaac Hazard B: circa 1823
Carpenter, Mary Hazard B: circa 1813, D: 1886
Carpenter, Melissa B: circa 1848
Clarke, Teresa B: 1792, D: 1862
Coe, Frank Herbert D: 1878
Dye, Phebe
Fisher, George Whitefield B: 1833, D: 1884
Fisher, Herbert Wescott B: 1873
Fisher, Irving B: 1867, D: 1947
Gardner, Elizabeth B: circa 1686, D: before 1736
Gould, Adam B: 1712, D: 1807
Gould, Elizabeth B: 1733, D: 1812
Gould, Frederick Chappell B: 1832, D: 1897
Gould, Henry P. B: circa 1866
Gould, Jerome Charles B: 1879, D: after 1956
Gould, John D: 1828
Gould, John B: 1679/80, D: after 1763
Gould, Jonathan P. B: 1800, D: 1863
Gould, Julia Bateman B: 1825, D: 1887
Gould, Mary B: 1731, D: 1805
Gould, Nicholas D: 1831
Gould, Patience G. B: circa 1794, D: 1874
Gould, Samuel Everett B: circa 1871
Gould, Sarah B: 1789, D: 1847
Gould, Susannah B: circa 1776, D: 1874
Gould, Tabitha B: 1738
Gould, Waite B: 1736, D: 1819
Gould, William B: 1707, D: before 1738
Greenman, Susan P. B: 1791, D: 1860
Hazard, Bowdoin B: 1785, D: 1873
Hazard, Harriet Theresa B: 1820, D: 1902
Holland, Anna Laura B: 1859
Holland, Elisha B: circa 1838
Johnson, Julia Esther B: 1818, D: 1895
Lewis, James B: circa 1730, D: 1801
Northup, Forma Santhan B: 1824, D: 1905
Northup, Lydia A. B: circa 1832
Northup, Richard R. B: circa 1811
Peckham, Mary B: 1803, D: 1853
Perry, Abigail B: 1813, D: 1891
Perry, Amos Rodman B: 1832, D: 1889
Perry, Belinda B: 1833, D: 1903
Perry, Clara Lewis B: circa 1852, D: 1914
Perry, Ella P. B: circa 1860
Perry, Eva P. B: circa 1846
Perry, George Thomas B: 1822
Perry, Hannah Carpenter B: circa 1852
Perry, Howard Bowdoin B: 1859, D: 1947
Perry, John Gould B: 1817, D: 1897
Perry, John Robinson B: 1784, D: 1857
Perry, John Robinson B: 1842, D: 1843
Perry, Margaret H. B: circa 1860
Perry, Mary Elizabeth B: 1836, D: 1926
Perry, Mary P. B: circa 1812
Perry, Mercy B: 1810, D: 1868
Perry, Oceana B: 1848
Perry, Oliver Hazard B: 1824, D: 1895
Perry, Phebe Ann B: 1839, D: 1845
Perry, Phebe Ann B: 1847, D: 1921
Perry, Robinson P. B: 1811, D: 1892
Perry, Rowland B: 1826, D: 1826
Perry, Rowland Raymond B: 1827, D: 1904
Perry, Sarah B: 1819, D: 1854
Perry, Sarah Emily B: 1849, D: 1923
Perry, Sarah Gould B: circa 1855
Perry, Wanton B: 1842, D: 1843
Perry, William Wanton B: 1829, D: 1886
Phillips, Sarah E.
Rodman, Edward B: 1845, D: 1905
Rodman, Samuel B: 1800, D: 1882
Rodman, William W. B: 1872
Scranton, Hannah B: 1747, D: 1839
Shipman, Ethel B.
Southwick, Daniel Remington B: 1828, D: 1908
Southwick, Daniel Remington Jr. B: 1856
Steadman, Parthenia Bethany Gracey B: circa 1752
Stedman, William B: 1741, D: 1815
Underwood, Ella B: 1859
Weeks, Lydia Louisa B: circa 1861
Wells, Elizabeth Johnson B: 1890, D: 1982
Wells, Grace Perry B: 1879, D: 1916
Wells, Herbert Comstock B: 1880, D: 1964
Wells, Herbert Johnson B: 1850, D: 1933
Wells, Thomas Potter B: 1809, D: 1884
Wescott, Ella B: 1846, D: 1929
Old Fernwood Cemetery
Perry, Sarah Emily B: 1849, D: 1923
Wells, Herbert Johnson B: 1850, D: 1933
Wells, Thomas Potter B: 1809, D: 1884
Wells, Herbert Johnson B: 1850, D: 1933
Wells, Thomas Potter B: 1809, D: 1884
Post Office: Usquepaugh
Post Office: Wakefield
Allen, Albert Perry B: 1838, D: 1888
Allen, Annie B: circa 1862
Allen, Elnora L. B: circa 1861
Allen, Eva B: circa 1865
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Allen, Sarah B: circa 1837
Allen, Annie B: circa 1862
Allen, Elnora L. B: circa 1861
Allen, Eva B: circa 1865
Allen, George B: 1811, D: 1886
Allen, Sarah B: circa 1837
Riverside Cemetery
Clarke, Teresa B: 1792, D: 1862
Hazard, Bowdoin B: 1785, D: 1873
Hazard, Harriet Theresa B: 1820, D: 1902
Perry, Howard Bowdoin B: 1859, D: 1947
Perry, John Gould B: 1817, D: 1897
Hazard, Bowdoin B: 1785, D: 1873
Hazard, Harriet Theresa B: 1820, D: 1902
Perry, Howard Bowdoin B: 1859, D: 1947
Perry, John Gould B: 1817, D: 1897
Village of Peace Dale
Carpenter, Isaac Hazard B: circa 1823
Carpenter, Melissa B: circa 1848
Holland, Elisha B: circa 1838
Holland, Elisha B: circa 1877
Holland, Isaac C. B: circa 1867
Holland, Theodore B: circa 1872
Perry, Abigail B: 1813, D: 1891
Carpenter, Melissa B: circa 1848
Holland, Elisha B: circa 1838
Holland, Elisha B: circa 1877
Holland, Isaac C. B: circa 1867
Holland, Theodore B: circa 1872
Perry, Abigail B: 1813, D: 1891
Village of Wakefield
Perry, Belinda B: 1833, D: 1903
Southwick, Daniel Remington B: 1828, D: 1908
Southwick, Daniel Remington Jr. B: 1856
Southwick, John Merton B: 1860, D: 1945
Southwick, Mary E. B: 1863
Underwood, Ella B: 1859
Whitford, Celinda B: circa 1806, D: circa 1894
Southwick, Daniel Remington B: 1828, D: 1908
Southwick, Daniel Remington Jr. B: 1856
Southwick, John Merton B: 1860, D: 1945
Southwick, Mary E. B: 1863
Underwood, Ella B: 1859
Whitford, Celinda B: circa 1806, D: circa 1894
Armstrong, Charles C. B: circa 1862
Armstrong, Charles H. B: circa 1838
Armstrong, John R. B: circa 1860
Armstrong, Susan M. B: circa 1867
Perry, Mary Elizabeth B: 1836, D: 1926
Armstrong, Charles H. B: circa 1838
Armstrong, John R. B: circa 1860
Armstrong, Susan M. B: circa 1867
Perry, Mary Elizabeth B: 1836, D: 1926
Gould, Frederick Chappell B: 1832, D: 1897
Wakefield Baptist Church Cemetery
Perry, Sarah B: 1819, D: 1854
(?), Lois B: 1781
(?), Mary B: 1653, D: 1725
Babcock, James B: 1641, D: 1698
Babcock, Jane
Babcock, Sarah B: circa 1666
Boyce, Frank James B: 1714, D: circa 1796
Brightman, Abby J. B: circa 1845, D: 1933
Brightman, Horace B: 1820, D: 1903
Brightman, Sarah Tucker B: circa 1858, D: 1946
Brown, Jane Jean B: circa 1645, D: 1719
Buck, (?) B: circa 1755
Buck, Josephine B: 1716, D: 1806
Burdick, Deborah Hubbard B: 1659/60, D: 1692
Burdick, Robert
Button ?, Mary ? D: 1705
Chesebrough, Rebecca B: 1726
Clarke, Ella Baird B: 1880, D: 1967
Crandall, Joanna
Crandall, Joseph B: 1661, D: 1737
Crandall, Tacy
Cross, Anna B: 1763, D: 1802
Deake, Grace B: 1713
Deake, Richard B: 1687
Gavitt, Mary
George, (?) B: circa 1755
Green, Martha A. B: 1813, D: 1882
Greenell, Daniel
Greenell, George B: 1731
Greenell, Jane B: 1736
Greenell, Susannah B: 1728, D: 1733
Greenell, Susannah B: 1733
Irish, Joseph Herman B: 1857, D: 1947
Knowles, Sarah B: 1805, D: 1854
Lanphere, Anna B: 1665?, D: 1748/49
Ledward, Clara Ellen B: circa 1878, D: 1930
Lewis, Abel B: 1730, D: 1795
Lewis, Abel B: 1799, D: 1869
Lewis, Abigail B: 1693
Lewis, Abraham B: 1724, D: before 1790
Lewis, Abraham B: 1752, D: 1838
Lewis, Amos B: circa 1705, D: 1790
Lewis, Anna B: 1691, D: 1748
Lewis, Anna B: 1768
Lewis, Anna B: 1805
Lewis, Annie B: 1735
Lewis, Bridget B: 1800, D: 1801
Lewis, Chloe B: 1787
Lewis, David B: circa 1667, D: 1718
Lewis, Densey B: 1799
Lewis, Dorcas B: 1673
Lewis, Elizabeth B: 1806
Lewis, Esther B: 1791
Lewis, Ezekiel B: 1723
Lewis, Frances B: 1788
Lewis, Hannah B: 1726, D: 1808
Lewis, Hannah B: 1737
Lewis, Hannah B: 1784
Lewis, Hezekiah B: 1789
Lewis, Ira B: 1801
Lewis, Isaiah B: 1789
Lewis, Israel B: circa 1669, D: 1719
Lewis, James B: 1664, D: 1745
Lewis, Jeptha B: 1794, D: 1849
Lewis, Jerusha B: 1707
Lewis, Jerusha B: 1707
Lewis, Joanna B: 1700
Lewis, John B: 1631, D: circa 1690
Lewis, John B: 1698, D: between 1769 and 1774
Lewis, John B: 1796
Lewis, John III B: 1698, D: 1741
Lewis, John IV B: 1719
Lewis, John Jr. B: circa 1660, D: 1735
Lewis, John W. B: 1776, D: 1843
Lewis, Johnathon B: circa 1658, D: 1717
Lewis, Joseph B: 1683, D: 1762
Lewis, Joseph B: 1709
Lewis, Lucy Ann B: 1803
Lewis, Mary B: circa 1678
Lewis, Mary B: 1689
Lewis, Mary B: 1711, D: 1797
Lewis, Mary B: 1733
Lewis, Mary B: 1796
Lewis, Maxson B: 1782
Lewis, Mercy B: 1726, D: 1768
Lewis, Nathan Wilcox B: 1809, D: 1890
Lewis, Nathaniel B: 1706
Lewis, Oliver D: 1804
Lewis, Oliver B: 1798
Lewis, Pardon B: 1796
Lewis, Phebe Ann B: circa 1813, D: 1844
Lewis, Phineas B: 1798
Lewis, Polly B: 1795
Lewis, Prentice B: 1772
Lewis, Prentice Jr. B: 1797
Lewis, Priscilla B: 1802, D: 1802
Lewis, Prudence B: 1727
Lewis, Rhody B: 1802
Lewis, Roswell B: 1792
Lewis, Ruhamah B: 1743, D: 1781
Lewis, Ruhamah B: 1794
Lewis, Ruhamah B: 1806
Lewis, Samuel B: circa 1677, D: 1738/39
Lewis, Samuel B: 1791
Lewis, Samuel Gardner B: 1789
Lewis, Sarah B: 1687
Lewis, Sarah B: 1731
Lewis, Simeon B: 1774
Lewis, Susannah B: 1805
Lewis, Thankful B: 1755, D: 1793
Lewis, Thankfull B: 1720
Lewis, William B: 1702
Lewis, William B: 1725
Lewis, William B: 1760, D: 1835
Lewis, William Jr. B: 1782, D: 1853
Meekcome, Joseph B: 1707
Moon, Abigail B: 1746
Moon, Asa B: 1738
Moon, Daniel B: 1740
Moon, Ebenezer B: 1713
Moon, Ebenezer B: 1736
Moon, Ezekiel B: 1744
Moon, Thomas B: 1742
Percy, Bessie B: 1908, D: 1992
Percy, Charlotte B: circa 1898, D: 1951
Percy, Nathan B: 1868, D: 1918
Ross, Ann B: 1726
Ross, Hannah B: 1727
Ross, Isaac B: 1722
Ross, Jemima B: 1712
Ross, Peleg B: 1733
Ross, Thomas B: 1719
Ross, William B: 1686
Ross, William Jr. B: 1715
Sheffield, Lydia
Sisson, Ann B: 1759
Sisson, Content B: 1753
Sisson, Ester B: 1757
Sisson, Jane B: 1751
Sisson, Lucy B: circa 1747
Sisson, Ruth B: 1761
Sisson, Samual B: 1747
Sisson, Sarah B: 1755
Slack, Abigail B: 1715
Slack, Anna B: 1724
Slack, Elizabeth B: 1731
Slack, Mary B: 1719
Slack, Temperance B: 1727
Slack, William B: 1717
Stedman, George Washington B: 1838, D: 1864
Stedman, George Washington Jr. B: 1857, D: 1937
Stedman, John Babcock Jr. B: 1813, D: 1889
Stedman, Sarah Jane B: 1883, D: 1961
Thompson, Hannah B: 1765, D: 1806
Vincent, Elizabeth
Wells, Lois B: 1719
Wilbore, Christopher B: 1726
Wilbore, David B: 1738
Wilbore, John B: 1732/33
Wilbore, Judith B: 1730
Wilbore, Lydia B: 1729
Wilcox, Mary B: 1688, D: 1762
Wilcox, Stephen B: 1633, D: 1690
Wilcox, Thomas B: 1664, D: 1728
(?), Mary B: 1653, D: 1725
Babcock, James B: 1641, D: 1698
Babcock, Jane
Babcock, Sarah B: circa 1666
Boyce, Frank James B: 1714, D: circa 1796
Brightman, Abby J. B: circa 1845, D: 1933
Brightman, Horace B: 1820, D: 1903
Brightman, Sarah Tucker B: circa 1858, D: 1946
Brown, Jane Jean B: circa 1645, D: 1719
Buck, (?) B: circa 1755
Buck, Josephine B: 1716, D: 1806
Burdick, Deborah Hubbard B: 1659/60, D: 1692
Burdick, Robert
Button ?, Mary ? D: 1705
Chesebrough, Rebecca B: 1726
Clarke, Ella Baird B: 1880, D: 1967
Crandall, Joanna
Crandall, Joseph B: 1661, D: 1737
Crandall, Tacy
Cross, Anna B: 1763, D: 1802
Deake, Grace B: 1713
Deake, Richard B: 1687
Gavitt, Mary
George, (?) B: circa 1755
Green, Martha A. B: 1813, D: 1882
Greenell, Daniel
Greenell, George B: 1731
Greenell, Jane B: 1736
Greenell, Susannah B: 1728, D: 1733
Greenell, Susannah B: 1733
Irish, Joseph Herman B: 1857, D: 1947
Knowles, Sarah B: 1805, D: 1854
Lanphere, Anna B: 1665?, D: 1748/49
Ledward, Clara Ellen B: circa 1878, D: 1930
Lewis, Abel B: 1730, D: 1795
Lewis, Abel B: 1799, D: 1869
Lewis, Abigail B: 1693
Lewis, Abraham B: 1724, D: before 1790
Lewis, Abraham B: 1752, D: 1838
Lewis, Amos B: circa 1705, D: 1790
Lewis, Anna B: 1691, D: 1748
Lewis, Anna B: 1768
Lewis, Anna B: 1805
Lewis, Annie B: 1735
Lewis, Bridget B: 1800, D: 1801
Lewis, Chloe B: 1787
Lewis, David B: circa 1667, D: 1718
Lewis, Densey B: 1799
Lewis, Dorcas B: 1673
Lewis, Elizabeth B: 1806
Lewis, Esther B: 1791
Lewis, Ezekiel B: 1723
Lewis, Frances B: 1788
Lewis, Hannah B: 1726, D: 1808
Lewis, Hannah B: 1737
Lewis, Hannah B: 1784
Lewis, Hezekiah B: 1789
Lewis, Ira B: 1801
Lewis, Isaiah B: 1789
Lewis, Israel B: circa 1669, D: 1719
Lewis, James B: 1664, D: 1745
Lewis, Jeptha B: 1794, D: 1849
Lewis, Jerusha B: 1707
Lewis, Jerusha B: 1707
Lewis, Joanna B: 1700
Lewis, John B: 1631, D: circa 1690
Lewis, John B: 1698, D: between 1769 and 1774
Lewis, John B: 1796
Lewis, John III B: 1698, D: 1741
Lewis, John IV B: 1719
Lewis, John Jr. B: circa 1660, D: 1735
Lewis, John W. B: 1776, D: 1843
Lewis, Johnathon B: circa 1658, D: 1717
Lewis, Joseph B: 1683, D: 1762
Lewis, Joseph B: 1709
Lewis, Lucy Ann B: 1803
Lewis, Mary B: circa 1678
Lewis, Mary B: 1689
Lewis, Mary B: 1711, D: 1797
Lewis, Mary B: 1733
Lewis, Mary B: 1796
Lewis, Maxson B: 1782
Lewis, Mercy B: 1726, D: 1768
Lewis, Nathan Wilcox B: 1809, D: 1890
Lewis, Nathaniel B: 1706
Lewis, Oliver D: 1804
Lewis, Oliver B: 1798
Lewis, Pardon B: 1796
Lewis, Phebe Ann B: circa 1813, D: 1844
Lewis, Phineas B: 1798
Lewis, Polly B: 1795
Lewis, Prentice B: 1772
Lewis, Prentice Jr. B: 1797
Lewis, Priscilla B: 1802, D: 1802
Lewis, Prudence B: 1727
Lewis, Rhody B: 1802
Lewis, Roswell B: 1792
Lewis, Ruhamah B: 1743, D: 1781
Lewis, Ruhamah B: 1794
Lewis, Ruhamah B: 1806
Lewis, Samuel B: circa 1677, D: 1738/39
Lewis, Samuel B: 1791
Lewis, Samuel Gardner B: 1789
Lewis, Sarah B: 1687
Lewis, Sarah B: 1731
Lewis, Simeon B: 1774
Lewis, Susannah B: 1805
Lewis, Thankful B: 1755, D: 1793
Lewis, Thankfull B: 1720
Lewis, William B: 1702
Lewis, William B: 1725
Lewis, William B: 1760, D: 1835
Lewis, William Jr. B: 1782, D: 1853
Meekcome, Joseph B: 1707
Moon, Abigail B: 1746
Moon, Asa B: 1738
Moon, Daniel B: 1740
Moon, Ebenezer B: 1713
Moon, Ebenezer B: 1736
Moon, Ezekiel B: 1744
Moon, Thomas B: 1742
Percy, Bessie B: 1908, D: 1992
Percy, Charlotte B: circa 1898, D: 1951
Percy, Nathan B: 1868, D: 1918
Ross, Ann B: 1726
Ross, Hannah B: 1727
Ross, Isaac B: 1722
Ross, Jemima B: 1712
Ross, Peleg B: 1733
Ross, Thomas B: 1719
Ross, William B: 1686
Ross, William Jr. B: 1715
Sheffield, Lydia
Sisson, Ann B: 1759
Sisson, Content B: 1753
Sisson, Ester B: 1757
Sisson, Jane B: 1751
Sisson, Lucy B: circa 1747
Sisson, Ruth B: 1761
Sisson, Samual B: 1747
Sisson, Sarah B: 1755
Slack, Abigail B: 1715
Slack, Anna B: 1724
Slack, Elizabeth B: 1731
Slack, Mary B: 1719
Slack, Temperance B: 1727
Slack, William B: 1717
Stedman, George Washington B: 1838, D: 1864
Stedman, George Washington Jr. B: 1857, D: 1937
Stedman, John Babcock Jr. B: 1813, D: 1889
Stedman, Sarah Jane B: 1883, D: 1961
Thompson, Hannah B: 1765, D: 1806
Vincent, Elizabeth
Wells, Lois B: 1719
Wilbore, Christopher B: 1726
Wilbore, David B: 1738
Wilbore, John B: 1732/33
Wilbore, Judith B: 1730
Wilbore, Lydia B: 1729
Wilcox, Mary B: 1688, D: 1762
Wilcox, Stephen B: 1633, D: 1690
Wilcox, Thomas B: 1664, D: 1728