Illinois (cont.)
Pummill, Gerald  B: circa 1918
Pummill, Harold  B: circa 1903
Pummill, Harry  B: 1894
Pummill, Hazel J.  B: circa 1907, D: 1928
Pummill, Helen M.  B: circa 1912
Pummill, Irene  B: circa 1901
Pummill, John Smith Jr.  B: circa 1908
Pummill, Joseph Simon  B: 1879
Pummill, June  B: circa 1925
Pummill, Leonard  B: circa 1912
Pummill, Leonard  B: circa 1933
Pummill, Marcus  B: 1876
Pummill, Myrtle  B: 1901, D: 1921
Pummill, Nellie  B: 1898
Pummill, Nora  B: 1887
Pummill, Stella  B: 1883
Pummill, Virginia  B: circa 1914
Purdue, Joseph L.  B: 1860
Purnell, Rebecca Jane  B: 1835
Quackenbush, Jeremiah D.  B: 1804, D: 1865
Quince, Minnie  B: 1872, D: 1921
Ramsey, Hattie A.  B: circa 1874
Ramsey, Mattie  B: circa 1876
Randall, Deborah  B: circa 1854
Randall, Isaac N.  B: 1859
Randall, Louis F.  B: circa 1852
Randall, Silas W.  B: 1880
Randall, William G.  B: circa 1877
Randle, Elisabeth  B: circa 1871
Randle, Ellen  B: circa 1874
Ray, Algie Reece  B: 1886, D: 1963
Ray, Iva  B: circa 1868
Ray, Myrtle  B: circa 1878
Ray, Robert  B: circa 1876
Ray, Samuel  B: circa 1870
Ray, Thomas  B: circa 1871
Ray, Thomas David  B: circa 1837
Reak, Janice  B: 1873, D: after 1953
Reding, Clara W.  B: 1878, D: 1948
Redman, Norman L.  B: 1912
Redmon, Donald  B: circa 1915
Redmon, Gerald Ward  B: 1918, D: 1918
Redmon, Marie  B: circa 1909
Redmon, Roscoe  B: circa 1911
Reed, Edward Caldwell  B: 1860
Reed, Elnora Theresa  B: 1867
Reed, Mary Elizabeth  B: 1878, D: 1937
Reeder, Andrew Jackson  B: circa 1868
Reeder, Elizabeth  B: 1860
Reeder, Homer  B: circa 1869
Reeder, Josephus  B: 1851
Reeder, Lora  B: 1879
Reeder, Loretta Jane  B: 1862
Reeder, Loula  B: circa 1879
Reeder, Margaret  B: 1856
Reeder, Norman  B: circa 1879
Reeder, Ruby Aliene  B: 1920, D: 1920
Reeder, Thomas  B: 1855
Reeder, William Henry  B: circa 1852
Reedy, Minnie  B: 1878, D: 1960
Reedy, Wayne C.  B: 1909, D: 1960
Repass, Dorothy Estelle  B: 1896, D: 1993
Rice, George A.  B: 1861
Richards, Alfred R.  B: 1870, D: between 1915 and 1920
Richardson, Clare  B: circa 1897
Richardson, Lafe  B: 1895, D: 1962
Richey, Martha A.  B: 1848, D: 1929
Ridgeway, Nancy Ann  B: 1830, D: 1915
Rigdon, Phebe Ellen  B: 1840, D: 1904
Righter, Catherine M.  B: circa 1918
Righter, Densmore  B: circa 1876
Righter, Hettie A.  B: circa 1865, D: 1877
Righter, Joseph Jackson  B: 1887, D: 1967
Righter, Lanzie Robert  B: 1884, D: 1977
Righter, Laura B.  B: circa 1867, D: 1877
Righter, Robert  B: 1886
Robb, Francis Marion  B: 1842, D: 1886
Robb, Hugh  B: circa 1847
Robb, Maude A.  B: 1867
Robertson, Jasper  B: circa 1841
Robinson, Agnes Loretta  B: 1863, D: 1920
Robinson, Emma Almeda  B: 1856
Robinson, William Cyrus  B: 1868
Robison, Gertie  B: circa 1866
Robison, Lucy  B: circa 1868
Robison, Lyle  B: 1879
Robison, Nettie  B: circa 1865
Robley, Melissa May  B: 1853
Rogers, Myrtle  B: circa 1877
Rolfe, Olive A.  B: 1841
Roll, Margaret Ann  B: 1846, D: 1917
Rolph, Franklin  B: circa 1845, D: before 1860
Rolph, Susan  B: circa 1848
Romack, Arthur M.  B: 1908, D: 1978
Romack, Judith A.  B: circa 1934
Rose, Alice  B: circa 1875
Rose, Lula Katherine  B: 1884, D: 1968
Rowdybush, Belle  B: circa 1876
Rowdybush, Harriet  B: circa 1867
Rowdybush, Howard  B: 1880
Rowdybush, James  B: circa 1869
Rowdybush, Maggie  B: circa 1878
Rowdybush, Walter  B: circa 1873
Rowland, Indianna  B: 1861, D: before 1955
Rowland, Mason Andrew  B: 1865, D: before 1955
Rowland, Reuben  B: 1838, D: 1879
Rowland, Thomas Logan  B: 1863, D: 1958
Royer, Catherine  B: circa 1932
Royer, Clara Alice  B: 1898, D: 1964
Royer, Gilbert F. Jr.  B: circa 1930
Royer, June  B: 1928
Royer, Keith  B: circa 1931
Royer, Kermet  B: circa 1932
Royer, Marvin  B: circa 1928
Royer, Merle  B: circa 1929
Royer, Sylvia  B: circa 1916
Royer, Velva D.  B: 1915, D: 1997
Rubly, Charles  B: 1867
Runkle, Floyd B.  B: 1887, D: 1970
Russell, Bert J.  B: 1876
Russell, Emma  B: circa 1869
Russell, Frank E.  B: 1880
Russell, Frederick S.  B: 1874, D: before 1930
Russell, Maggie  B: circa 1867
Russell, Ray  D: before 1920
Russell, Samuel W.  B: circa 1862
Russum, Carrie Louisa  B: 1877, D: 1959
Russum, Rosella  B: 1874, D: 1958
Russum, Sylvester A.  B: circa 1852, D: before 1880
Ruth, Maxine Iona  B: 1919, D: 2004
Rutherford, Melissie  B: circa 1842
Salisbury, Ella  B: 1886, D: 1952
Salisbury, Ella Emma  B: 1859, D: 1948
Salisbury, Emma Hale  B: 1877, D: 1961
Salisbury, Robert  B: 1860, D: 1931
Sampley, Corina June  B: 1914, D: 1961
Sampson, Carrie  B: circa 1872
Sampson, Jennie  B: circa 1879
Sampson, William Mortimer  B: 1844
Sampson, Willie  B: circa 1876
Samuel, Spencer A.  B: 1860, D: 1886
Samuels, Elwood  B: 1879
Samuels, Frank  B: circa 1866
Samuels, Harriett  B: circa 1870
Samuels, Helly  B: circa 1875
Samuels, Lara B.  B: circa 1868
Samuels, Sarah E.  B: circa 1872
Samuels, Willis  B: circa 1863
Sapp, Clarence Bradford  B: 1873, D: 1886
Sapp, Colonel Speed  B: 1875
Sargent, Ralph  B: 1922, D: 1975
Saunders, Julia E.  B: 1857, D: 1885
Sayers, Rose Ann  B: 1859, D: 1940
Sayers, Wesley  B: 1850, D: 1934
Schisler, Clair DeVere  B: 1925, D: 1967
Schlünsen, Marie K.  B: circa 1874
Schlünsen, Minnie  B: circa 1870
Schultz, Margaret H.  B: circa 1854, D: 1930
Schulz, Verna Ellen  B: 1908, D: 1984
Scott, Alice E.  B: 1853, D: 1909
Scott, Emily  B: circa 1869
Scott, Fannie  B: circa 1868
Scott, Kennedy E.  B: 1878
Scott, Warren C.  B: 1876
Scott, William  B: circa 1872
Self, Clara A.  B: circa 1880
Severns, Daisie  B: circa 1878
Severns, George Washington  B: 1847, D: 1920
Severns, LaFayette  B: circa 1870
Severns, Louisa  B: circa 1874
Severns, Pearley  B: circa 1872
Severns, Sabre  B: circa 1867
Seymour, Maxine  B: circa 1933
Sharp, Delia Vianna  B: 1855, D: 1929
Shepard, Effie  B: circa 1864
Shepard, Frank  B: circa 1872
Shepard, George W.  B: circa 1855
Shepard, Hattie  B: circa 1870
Shepard, Katie  B: circa 1868
Shepard, Mack  B: circa 1875
Sheppert, (?)
Sheppert, Louise  B: circa 1867
Sherman, David Ransom  B: 1855, D: 1943
Sherman, Effie Mabel  B: 1888, D: 1929
Sherman, Lawrence Elmer  B: 1876, D: 1948
Sherrill, Hannah Gobel  B: circa 1812, D: 1859
Shippey, Carey  B: 1892
Shippey, Nellie  B: 1890
Shippey, Thomas  B: 1819, D: 1872
Shirley, Grace  B: circa 1870
Shirley, Nellie  B: circa 1868
Shirley, Rachel  B: circa 1865
Short, Malissa  B: circa 1857
Short, Virginia B.  B: 1856
Siders, Emma  B: circa 1873
Siders, Guy Edward  B: 1888, D: 1937
Siders, Minnie  B: 1889
Siders, Ray  B: 1886
Siders, William Franklin  B: 1891, D: 1973
Sill, Clayton Herrington  B: 1868, D: before 1870
Sisson, Carl  B: circa 1912
Slaight, Della May  B: 1888, D: 1969
Slenger, Walworth Rood  B: circa 1915
Slinker, Clarra  B: circa 1866
Slinker, Levi  B: circa 1843
Slocum, Louis Lyman  B: 1877, D: 1975
Smedley, John F.  B: circa 1836, D: circa 1905
Smedley, Lilia  B: circa 1868
Smedley, Mary  B: circa 1874
Smedley, Nora  B: circa 1870
Smedley, Ruth  B: 1917, D: 1985
Smith, (?)
Smith, Albert Clarence  B: 1868, D: 1935
Smith, Andrew W.  B: circa 1847
Smith, Arthur  B: circa 1876
Smith, Arthur Lee  B: circa 1894, D: 1963
Smith, Charles  B: circa 1876
Smith, Charlie E.  B: 1859, D: 1941
Smith, Charlotte  B: circa 1876
Smith, Clarence E.  B: circa 1903
Smith, Claude  B: circa 1873
Smith, Cleates Lee  B: 1908, D: 1967
Smith, Cora L.  B: circa 1907
Smith, Edgar  B: 1869
Smith, Elsbery  B: 1858, D: 1940
Smith, Elsie  B: circa 1879
Smith, Emily  B: 1839
Smith, Esta A.  B: circa 1916
Smith, Etta  B: circa 1878
Smith, Eva A.  B: circa 1904
Smith, Floyd  B: 1893
Smith, Genevieve Mary  B: 1908, D: 2008
Smith, George A.  B: circa 1902, D: before 2003
Smith, Gertrude E.  B: circa 1854
Smith, Gladys L.  B: 1902, D: 2003
Smith, Hattie  B: 1885, D: 1914
Smith, Hetta  B: circa 1875
Smith, Isaac  B: circa 1845, D: 1922
Smith, Jennie  B: 1881, D: 1957
Smith, John F.  B: 1859, D: 1914
Smith, John Isaac  B: 1879, D: 1960
Smith, Joseph C.  B: 1834, D: 1877
Smith, Laura Jane
Smith, Layton  B: 1898
Smith, Leonard  B: circa 1875
Smith, Loris C.  B: 1906, D: 1974
Smith, Louisa Lulu  B: 1885, D: 1964
Smith, Madg  B: circa 1916
Smith, Mary A.  B: circa 1874
Smith, Mary L.  B: circa 1863
Smith, Maurice  B: 1871
Smith, Nathaniel McClelland  B: 1845, D: 1922
Smith, Renee  B: circa 1877
Smith, Richard  B: circa 1934
Smith, Robert F.  B: 1909, D: 1991
Smith, Robert G.  B: circa 1906
Smith, Samuel M.  B: circa 1881
Smith, Sherman E.  B: circa 1866
Smith, Stella  B: circa 1876
Smith, Susan  B: circa 1859
Smith, Susie T.  B: 1897, D: 1907
Smith, Talia Grant  B: 1848, D: 1924
Smith, Thomas  B: circa 1849
Smith, William E.  B: circa 1869
Smith, William Harrison  B: 1837, D: 1914
Smith, William R.  B: circa 1853
Smith, William R.  B: circa 1879
Smith, William T.  B: 1895
Smith, Woodrow  B: circa 1914
Smock, Charles Frank  B: circa 1873
Smock, Nancy  B: 1819, D: circa 1845
Smoot, Edward E.  B: 1870, D: 1919
Smoot, Mary E.  B: 1854, D: 1906
Smoot, William Coleman  B: 1852, D: 1902
Smothers, (?)
Snapp, John K.  B: circa 1859
Snapp, Marion  B: circa 1872
Snapp, Mary Ann  B: circa 1864
Snapp, Nora May  B: circa 1874
Snyder, Augusta  B: 1837
Snyder, H.F.
Solomon, Bert  B: circa 1879
Sowers, Oliver Clyde  B: 1911, D: 2003
Sparks, Charles E.  B: circa 1875
Sparks, Curtis P.  B: 1880
Sparks, I.E.  B: circa 1871
Spear, Irena  B: circa 1848
Spear, Irena  B: circa 1848
Spear, Mary J.  B: circa 1841
Spear, Mary Jane  B: circa 1841
Spencer, Cynthia Mariah  B: circa 1827
Spencer, Margaret Ellen  B: 1857, D: 1943
Sprague, Jessie B.  B: 1897, D: 1977
Sprague, Mary  B: 1899, D: 1998
Sprague, Scott  B: 1866, D: 1952
Sproat, G.W. Osger  B: circa 1863
Sprote, A. Mariah  B: circa 1861
Sprote, William  B: circa 1859
St. Clair, Brooke M.  B: 1888
St. Clair, Dortha L.  B: circa 1907
St. Clair, Emma B.  B: circa 1859
St. Clair, Ida N.  B: circa 1869, D: 1948
St. Clair, John Tillman Cantrell  B: 1890, D: 1901
St. Clair, Mary L.  B: 1892
St. Clair, Nell  B: 1878, D: 1959
St. Clair, Robert  B: circa 1865
Stambaugh, Goldie May  B: 1901, D: 1929
Stanley, Orlando James  B: 1858, D: 1921
Stanton, Annie  B: circa 1856
Stanton, Charles R.  B: 1859, D: 1930
Stanton, Douglas  B: circa 1864
Stanton, Electa J.  B: 1864
Stanton, Jennie  B: circa 1872
Stanton, Lillie M.  B: circa 1866
Stanton, Minnie  B: circa 1861
Stanton, Sarah J.  B: circa 1871
Stanton, Warren E.  B: 1869, D: 1926
Stanton, William  B: circa 1859
Stebbins, Cora Lula  B: 1856, D: 1919
Sterling, J. Frank  B: 1892
Sterling, Thena Ellen  B: 1916, D: 1955
Stimmel, Clark C.  B: circa 1882, D: 1963
Strauser, Elizabeth M.  B: circa 1890
Strauser, Eugene I.  B: circa 1897
Strauser, Frank  B: circa 1861
Strauser, Frank E.  B: circa 1896
Strauser, Jeannette L.  B: circa 1903
Strauser, Leona N.  B: circa 1888
Strauser, Lulu N.  B: circa 1892
Strauser, Ralph R.  B: circa 1900
Strawser, Garnet V.  B: circa 1906, D: 1961
Stroops, Benjamin G.  B: circa 1886, D: 1939
Stroops, Benjamin M.  B: 1845, D: 1927
Stroops, Ellen  B: circa 1874, D: 1896
Stroops, Rebecca  B: 1877
Stroops, Roxie  B: circa 1889
Strube, Henry C.  B: 1927, D: 2004
Sullivan, Martha Jane  B: 1847, D: 1938
Summers, Charles  B: 1892
Suttle, Edward  B: circa 1847
Sutton, Martha Ann  B: 1849, D: 1883
Talbot, William  B: circa 1869
Tanner, Ada  B: circa 1867
Tanner, Amanda Jane  B: 1840, D: 1897
Tanner, Charles E.  B: circa 1860
Tanner, Estelle  B: circa 1874
Tanner, George Washington  B: 1872
Tanner, Jane  B: circa 1862
Tanner, Levi  B: circa 1869
Tanner, Martha  B: circa 1856
Tanner, Nellie  B: circa 1872
Tanner, Nettie  B: circa 1875
Tanner, Sarah  B: circa 1856
Tanner, Thomas W.  B: circa 1865
Tanner, Thomas Wooten Jr.  B: 1828, D: 1906
Tate, Elizabeth Mary  B: 1850, D: 1936
Taylor, Caleb  B: 1844, D: 1927
Taylor, Della  B: circa 1876
Taylor, George  B: circa 1878
Taylor, John William  B: circa 1874
Terry, Jane  B: 1819, D: 1847
Terry, Nellie  B: 1896, D: 1981
Thomas, Mary Ann  B: 1828
Thompson, Gertrude  B: circa 1890, D: before 1920
Thompson, John  D: before 1920
Thompson, Nancy Agnes  B: 1836, D: 1903
Thompson, Ruby  B: circa 1916
Thompson, W.M.  B: 1852
Thompson, Wakeman  B: 1812, D: 1885
Thornton, Edward  B: 1842
Tillotson, Mary Ann  B: 1861
Tilson, Mary J.  B: circa 1858
Tingle, Sarah Ann
Tipsword, Ashley W.  B: 1883
Tipsword, Benton E.  B: 1889
Tipsword, George C.  B: 1887
Tipsword, Sarah Jane  B: circa 1878
Tipsword, Sedalia May  B: 1875
Tirtlott, George W.  B: 1851, D: 1910
Todd, Martha Elizabeth  B: 1846, D: 1931
Toland, Arthur  B: 1864, D: 1957
Toland, Clifford D.  B: 1923, D: 1982
Toland, Gilbert  B: 1881, D: 1953
Toland, Harry F.  B: 1925, D: 1983
Toland, Patrica A.  B: 1944, D: 1944
Topping, Charles G.  B: circa 1866
Topping, Frank A.  B: circa 1864
Topping, John W.  B: circa 1862
Topping, Sarah L.  B: circa 1868
Tracy, Estella Jane  B: circa 1874
Tracy, Mary F.  B: circa 1860
Tracy, Nellie P.  B: circa 1862
Tracy, Thomas J.  B: 1879
Tracy, Thomas W.  B: circa 1865
Trent, Annice Warner  B: circa 1835, D: 1915
Trexler, Clinton James  B: 1878, D: 1901
Trexler, Eunice  B: circa 1901
Trexler, James Elmer  B: 1910, D: 1996
Trexler, Mable N.  B: 1899, D: 1990
Trexler, Noble Dale  B: 1902, D: 1969
Trexler, Pheobe Nora  B: 1874, D: 1881
Trexler, Ruth Deborah  B: 1897, D: 1990
Trexler, Tessa Bernadine  B: 1899, D: 1994
Trexler, Vinton  B: 1876, D: 1877
Tribbett, James Earl Jr.  B: 1919, D: 2012
Tripplett, Joseph  B: 1858
Trotter, Lillie Grace  B: circa 1884, D: 1967
Turner, Chesley  B: 1821, D: 1911
Turner, Flora  B: circa 1866
Turner, Francis  B: circa 1868
Turner, Leonard  B: circa 1830
Turner, Lily M.  B: circa 1862
Turner, Lloyd  B: circa 1864
Turner, Mary  B: 1783, D: circa 1840
Turner, Mary  B: circa 1879
Turner, Missouri Jane  B: 1869, D: 1944
Turner, Oliver  B: circa 1860
Turner, Virginia  B: circa 1871
Turner, Wallace  B: 1856, D: 1927
Turvavill, Cora  B: 1877
Twiss, Eugene Oliver  B: 1880, D: 1964
Van Valkenburg, Alexander  B: 1889
Van Valkenburg, Arabella  B: circa 1849
Van Valkenburg, Caroline  B: 1850, D: 1851
Van Valkenburg, Clara  B: 1891
Van Valkenburg, Claudius Murl  B: 1877, D: 1945
Van Valkenburg, Earl C.  B: 1891
Van Valkenburg, Edwin G.  B: 1853, D: 1916
Van Valkenburg, Emma M.  B: circa 1870
Van Valkenburg, Henry  B: 1810, D: 1891
Van Valkenburg, Ida Bell  B: circa 1864
Van Valkenburg, John  B: 1849, D: 1905
Van Valkenburg, Matilda  B: 1887
Van Valkenburg, Nina  B: circa 1869
Van Valkenburg, Stephen Delbert Douglas  B: between 1908 and 1909, D: 1967
Van Valkenburg, Thomas  B: 1829
Van Valkenburg, Thomas Lambert  B: 1863
Van Valkenburg, William H.  B: 1864
Vance, Elias  B: circa 1875
Vandeventer, Sarah  B: 1832, D: 1901
VanMeter, Abram D.  B: 1879
VanMeter, Charles C.  B: circa 1855
VanMeter, Hattie Bell  B: 1876
Vasconcellos, Charles  B: 1876
Vasconcellos, Donald  B: circa 1933
Vasconcellos, Ernest  B: 1878
Vasconcellos, Hattie  B: 1879
Vasconcellos, Mary E.  B: 1885
Vasconcellos, Oscar  B: 1884, D: 1961
Vasconcellos, Robert  B: 1882
Vaughan, Sarah  B: 1814, D: 1870
Vaughn, Isophenia  B: 1845
Vaughn, Lewis  B: circa 1848
Vick, Virginia Aline  B: 1904, D: 1989
Vincent, James Wesley  B: 1884, D: 1933
Vollmer, Frances  B: 1918, D: 1989
Vories, Rosa M.  B: circa 1894
Wachtel, Louise  B: 1879
Wagner, Katherine Barbara  B: 1866
Walker, Barbara Ester  B: 1935, D: 2006
Walker, George W.E.  B: circa 1859
Walker, James Oliver  B: 1888
Walker, Lovania Lee  B: 1892, D: 1959
Walker, Robert Lee  B: 1885
Waller, Catherine  B: 1851, D: 1924
Waller, William  B: 1814
Walters, Greenbury Taylor  B: circa 1853, D: 1922
Waterbury, Dale N.  B: 1895
Waterbury, Jean  B: 1900
Waterbury, Neil  B: 1897
Watts, George  B: circa 1858
Way, Mary Tabitha  B: circa 1838, D: between 1860 and 1870
Welker, John E.  B: 1934, D: 1997
Wells, Andrew  B: 1824, D: 1890
Wells, Mary L.  B: 1889, D: 1975
West, Emma  B: 1871, D: 1954
West, Mary Caroline  B: 1841, D: 1910
Whipp, Catherine  B: 1841, D: 1905
Whipp, Effie Juliet  B: 1883, D: 1947
Whipp, Isabella  B: circa 1900
Whipp, Larmon Robert  B: 1880, D: 1958
Whipp, Nellie Grace  B: 1881, D: 1962
Whipp, Starling David  B: 1848, D: 1923
Whipp, Virginia M.  B: 1912, D: 1997
Whipp, William Wesley  B: 1862, D: 1863
White, Frank Everett  B: 1887
White, Jacob H.
White, Linda A.  B: circa 1883
White, William H.  B: 1885
Whitehurst, Mary Frances  B: 1848, D: 1924
Whiteman, Ducela  B: circa 1866
Whiteman, G. Melvile  B: circa 1869
Whiteman, Hellen A.  B: circa 1873
Whiteman, Lena L.  B: circa 1868
Whitesides, Hester Ann  B: circa 1824
Whitney, Charles F.  B: circa 1857
Whitney, John C.  B: circa 1860
Whittemore, Melvina J.  B: 1830, D: 1906
Widener, James E.  B: 1846
Widener, Mary O.  B: circa 1867
Widener, Sarah J.  B: circa 1870
Wiggins, Carrie  B: circa 1857
Wiggins, Charles  B: circa 1865
Wiggins, Clarence W.  B: circa 1871
Wiggins, George N.  B: circa 1867
Wiggins, Pheba Augusta  B: circa 1854
Wiggins, Sarah Jane  B: 1861, D: 1888
Wiggins, W.H.  B: circa 1859
Wilcox, Alice  B: 1864
Wilcox, Charles Edward  B: 1873, D: 1892
Wilcox, Charles M.  B: circa 1864
Wilcox, Clara D.  B: circa 1860
Wilcox, Ellen  B: 1867
Wilcox, George Benjamin  B: circa 1860, D: 1924
Wilcox, Laura Z.  B: 1872
Wilcox, Mary  B: circa 1834
Wilcox, Nancy  B: 1869
Wilcox, Odelia  B: 1876
Wilfong, Almanda Elmira  B: 1893, D: 1947
Wilkinson, Anna L.  B: circa 1860
Wilkinson, Clara  B: circa 1863
Wilkinson, Geoarge W.  B: 1835, D: 1887
Willard, Ellsworth  B: circa 1866
Williams, Flora  B: circa 1852
Wilson, Jenny  B: circa 1926
Wilson, Ruth  B: circa 1918
Wilson, Wilbur C.  B: 1888, D: 1977
Wimberly, Harry  B: 1889, D: 1969
Wind, Amanda  B: circa 1854
Winter, Henria Ann  B: 1842, D: 1918
Winters, Maria  B: circa 1870
Wise, Mollie  B: circa 1879
Woelfersheim, Lillian L.  B: 1918, D: 1968
Wood, Emily  B: circa 1833
Woodruff, Sarah  B: 1781, D: 1859
Woods, (?)
Woods, Jacob S.  B: circa 1865
Woolard, Claudia Blanch  B: 1895, D: 1933
Wooldriege, Evlyn  B: circa 1915
Wooldriege, Lara  B: circa 1912
Wooldriege, Louis  B: circa 1924
Wooldriege, Louis Harvey  B: 1879, D: 1939
Wooldriege, Mary T.  B: circa 1926
Wooldriege, Myers  B: circa 1910
Wooldriege, Ruth  B: circa 1921
Wooley, Ella  B: 1854, D: 1872
Wooley, James Nelson  B: 1845, D: 1932
Woolridge, Burland William  B: 1917, D: 2003
Workman, Bonnie B.  B: 1896
Workman, Carie A.  B: circa 1874
Workman, Cora  B: circa 1868
Workman, Jesse  B: circa 1870
Workman, John  B: circa 1868
Workman, John  B: circa 1875
Workman, John  B: 1890
Workman, Rose  B: circa 1872
Workman, Rose  B: 1893, D: 1988
Workman, Thomas Dewey  B: 1898
Workman, Thomas Jr.  B: circa 1875
Workman, Willard  B: circa 1877
Workman, William  B: circa 1871
Wyckoff, Andrey  B: circa 1860
Wyckoff, J.J.  B: circa 1867
Wyckoff, J.J.  B: circa 1867
Wyckoff, Jennie  B: circa 1869
Yates, Delpia  B: circa 1873
Yates, James  B: circa 1869
Yates, Leslie  B: circa 1868
Young, Edward F.  B: 1871
Young, Frances Ann  B: 1860
Young, George W.  D: 1846
Young, William H.  B: 1866, D: 1940
Zenor, G.W.  D: before 1925