My progenitors, the oldest known links to my direct family. Clicking on a name will take you to their page. Use your web browser back key to return to this page.
- Adelmann
- Albert
- Alexander
- Alkire
- Allen
- Allestree
- Allyn
- Anstye
- Ashby
- Axtell
- Aylesbury
- Bagley
- Baldwin
- Barentsdr
Giese B: circa 1591, D: before 1667
- Barker
- Barriman
- Barrow
- Barstow
- Barton
- Baskerville
- Bayley
- Belgrave
- Bell
- Bellinger
- Bennett
- Bent
- Bentley
- Bert
- Berwald
- Betts
- Beyer
- Biddle
- Blackwell
- Blanchard
Pierre Jean B: 1566, D: 1619
- Blower
- Bountayne
- Bourne
- Bowers
- Bowling
- Brackett
- Bradley
- Bradt
Arent B: circa 1549
- Brehmin
- Brereton
- Briggs
- Brigham
- Brinton
- Browne
- Brownell
- Bruchhausen
- Bryan
- Bulkeley
- Bullock
- Burdick
- Burton
- Button ?
Mary ? D: 1705
- Cadman
- Cantrel
- Cantrell
- Casier
Philippe B: circa 1614, D: after 1662/63
- Cathorpe
- Charlton
- Chubbe
- Clapp ?
- Clayton
- Claywell
- Coillis
- Colder
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cornelius
- Cornell
- Crackbone
- Craymore
- Crosby
- Culpepper
- Curtis
- Damen
- Daubeny
- De Bunbury
- De Dacre
- De Domville
- De Holand
- De Lucy
- De Molyneux
- De Morville
- de Mowbray
- De Multon
- De Vernon
- Deckman
- DeMarkfield
- Dewes
- Dewey
Thomas D: 1648
- Dormer
- Duengersleber
- Duerr
- Duncombe
- Ecker
- Eldredge
- Ellis
- Emerson
- Engel
- Espenscheid
- Evans
- Fenstermacher
Johann Franz Philip B: 1717, D: 1790
- Field
- Fischer
- Fisher
- Fiske
- Fitch
- Fitzalan
- Fones
- Frantz
- French
- Frey
- Frisbie
- Frisby
- Frost
- Fuchs
- Gardner
- Garter
- Gayner
- Gifford
- Gledhill
- Goodwin
- Gosling
- Gould
- Graham
- Grazebrook
- Greenaway
- Gregson
- Griffith
- Groff
- Grosvenor
- Guthrie
- Gyles
- Hallett
- Harrington
- Harrison
- Hart
- Hatch
- Hatton
- Hawes
- Hayes
- Hazard
- Heanor
- Henberry
- Hendrickse
- Henry
- Hertel
- Hetrich
- Heuser
- Hewes
- Hill
- Hilliard
- Hines
- Hobart
- Howard
- Hubbard
- Hulse
- Hunt
- Ibrook
- Inkersall
- Irby
- Jacobs
- James
- Jeckels
- Jenkyn
- Jentilman
- Jessup
- Johannis
- Johnson
- Jone
- Jones
- Jung
- Kelch
- Kerrich
- Kiltz
- Kinge
- Klingenschmidt
- Knidenacher
- Knisley
Anthony B: 1695, D: circa 1788
- Koberger
- Kuhn
- La Zouche
- Lambert
- Lampe
- Landford
- Langley
- Lanphere
- Launcelyn
- Leder
- Lehrin
- Lewell
- Lewis
- Lippincott
- Lord
- Lotz
- Ludewigs
- Lynn
- Lynne
- Mach
- Macomber
William B: 1610, D: 1670
- Mainwaring
- Manning
- Markham
- Marriott
- Marston
- Martense
- Martin
- Mason
- Massey
- Matriach
- Maverick
- Mawde
- Mellows
- Mercer
- Meredith
- Merrick
- Merry
- Miller
- Millington
- Minster
- Mirot
- Mitts
- Modburlegh
- Mookers
- Moor
- Moore
- Moss
- Moulton
- Musprat
- Mycheldever
- Mynne
- Newton
- Noble
- Nye
- Overton
- Partridge
- Patten
- Pearce
- Pennelle
- Pettit
- Phelps
- Phippen
- Plum
- Plumb
- Pooke
- Post
- Potter
- Pulter
- Purcas
- Putman
- Pyle
- Randall
- Rauch
- Redysdale
- Rhodes
- Rhys
- Rice
- Richardson
- Robinson
- Rogers
Sarah D: before 1754
- Rottman
Barent B: circa 1590, D: circa 1660
- Russell
- Ruttenburg
- Ryckman
- Sanghurst
- Scant
- Scranton
- Selby
- Sharpe
- Shaw
- Shepard
- Shephard
- Shippee
- Skipwith
- Slyny
- Smith
- Smyth
- Smythe
- Sotheron
- Spears
- St. John
- Stambach
Maria Barbara B: 1721, D: 1800
- Staverton
- Stevenson
- Stovey
- Stroh
- Stuber
- Synam
- Taine
Marie B: circa 1616, D: after 1667
- Taylor
- Thompson
- Tillinghast
- Tilney
- Timbley
- Truelinson
Gillian D: after 1586
- Updyke
- Usillé
Pierre B: circa 1610
- Van Slicht
- Van Valkenburg
- Vrooman
- Wachtel
- Wagner
- Warde
- Warriner
- Watson
- Weden
- Weeden
- Weeks
- Welles
- Werner
- Whitcher
Elizabeth (Anne) D: circa 1694
- White
- Whitfield
- Whithers
- Wightman
- Wilcox
- Wilkinson
- Wilson
- Winthrop
- Womack
- Wood
- Woodruff
- Young