Iowa (cont.)
Rhodes, Walter B: 1869
Rhodes, William W. B: circa 1865
Rich, Georgia B: circa 1931
Richardson, Ralph B. B: 1883
Richmond, Leonard B: circa 1870
Rigdon, George Harvey B: 1848, D: 1910
Righter, Herald K. B: 1884
Ristine, Francis J. B: circa 1866
Ristine, Hiram M. B: circa 1876
Ristine, Orpha B: circa 1872
Roberts, Charlotte Elizabeth B: circa 1918
Robinson, Charles H. B: circa 1877
Robinson, George W. B: 1848
Robinson, Helen J. B: 1906
Robinson, Nora B: circa 1880
Robinson, Saddie B: circa 1867
Rogers, Margaret Jane B: 1853, D: 1902
Roser, Anna B: circa 1863
Ross, James W. B: circa 1879
Ross, Samantha E. B: circa 1869
Roush, Wortha B: 1888, D: 1965
Rowe, Georgianna Alma B: 1867, D: between 1938 and 1939
Royer, Isaac B: circa 1876
Royer, William B: circa 1878
Rush, Angela B: 1965, D: 2004
Russell, Oscar B: circa 1878
Schlünsen, Anna B: circa 1879
Schlünsen, Frederic B: circa 1876
Schlünsen, George B: 1874
Schlünsen, Marie K. B: circa 1874
Schlünsen, Rollo B: 1899
Scott, Ada C. B: 1886
Scott, Ada Lucinda B: 1860
Scott, Albert A. B: 1888
Scott, David A. B: 1893
Scott, Elisha Challen B: 1861
Scott, Emma J. B: 1888
Scott, Etta M. B: 1883
Scott, Fancie G. B: circa 1879
Scott, Ida L. B: 1891
Scott, Ida Louise B: circa 1858
Scott, Inez H. B: 1889
Scott, Lois J. B: 1892
Scott, Norman B. B: 1894
Scott, Ona B. B: 1885
Secrest, Jacob B: 1870, D: 1937
Shell, Margaret B: 1850, D: 1922
Shelley, Catherine B: circa 1845
Sheridan, Dora B: 1869
Sheridan, Earl K. B: 1872, D: 1932
Sheridan, Ethel B: 1880, D: 1912
Sheridan, Lyman B. B: 1874, D: 1916
Sheridan, Mary Frances B: 1867, D: 1928
Sheridan, Maud B: circa 1879, D: 1907
Sheridan, Melissa B: 1844, D: 1871
Sheridan, Roscoe B: 1876, D: 1910
Shippey, William B: 1866, D: 1900
Simon, Laura Jane B: 1867, D: 1949
Sisson, Benjamin H. B: circa 1859
Sisson, Ellsworth B: circa 1862
Sisson, Elsie S. B: circa 1862
Sisson, James W. B: circa 1864
Sisson, Jennettie C. B: circa 1865
Sisson, Leander Walter B: 1863, D: 1944
Sisson, Margaret Ellen B: circa 1868
Slinker, Curtis B: circa 1870
Slinker, Eustace B: circa 1872
Slinker, Nettie B: circa 1878
Small, Robert L. B: circa 1908
Smith, Andrew B: circa 1876
Smith, Celia B: circa 1879
Smith, Charlotte B: circa 1876
Smith, Fredericka B: circa 1878
Smith, Garry B: circa 1872
Smith, John J. B: circa 1845
Smith, Mahala B: circa 1859
Smith, Maitable E. B: circa 1874
Smith, Maria B: 1882
Smith, Marion H. B: circa 1867
Smith, Mary B: circa 1862
Smith, Mina B: circa 1871
Smith, Minas E. B: circa 1876
Smith, Molly L. B: 1876
Smith, Rachel B: 1825
Smith, Ronald Gibson B: 1902, D: 1988
Smith, Rosa B: 1880
Smith, Sarah Jane B: 1855, D: 1922
Smith, Thomas B: circa 1876
Smith, Willard B: 1885
Smith, William B: circa 1874
Smith, William B: 1880
Snelson, William C. B: 1830, D: 1853
Snodgrass, Frank M. B: circa 1864
Snyder, Charles W. B: circa 1901
Snyder, Emry B: circa 1895
Snyder, Freda M. B: circa 1905
Snyder, Helen G. B: 1914
South, Eulalie B: 1872, D: 1950
South, Joseph B: 1871, D: 1928
South, Martha Ellen B: 1868, D: 1952
South, Mary Jane B: 1867, D: 1908
Stannard, Lydia Phoebe B: 1864, D: 1931
Stanton, Alice N. B: 1889, D: 1916
Stanton, Ester B: 1887
Stanton, Francis L. B: 1830, D: 1924
Stanton, Maud E. B: 1883
Stanton, Melvin T. B: 1897, D: 1968
Stanton, Seldon E. B: 1894, D: 1986
Stearns, Ammita B: circa 1862
Steruer, Charley B: circa 1865
Steruer, James B: circa 1870
Stillman, Jay
Stillwell, Edwin Elsworth B: circa 1875, D: 1885
Stonehocker, Lillie Faye B: 1889, D: 1968
Stuber, Eva B: 1837, D: 1901
Sturgeon, Minnie B: 1869
Sullivan, Eva Mary B: 1887, D: 1963
Swift, Dean B: 1862
Symons, Aaron B: 1836, D: 1900
Teal, Jennie B: circa 1863
Terpenning, Clarissa Jane B: 1862, D: 1945
Terpenning, Cora E. B: 1872
Thomas, Charles T. B: circa 1906
Timmons, Elizabeth Maude B: 1870, D: 1968
Trescott, Florance B: 1858
Trescott, Royal Pier B: 1867
Trim, Frances B: 1873, D: 1937
Tufts, Lilian B: circa 1874
Tuttle, Ethzeldia Ann B: 1869, D: 1922
Tuttle, Ira A. B: 1872
Tuttle, William Thompson B: 1847, D: 1924
Underwood, (?)
Underwood, Joseph B: circa 1868
Van Valkenburg, Alvin Bagley B: 1845
Van Valkenburg, Bartholomew Jacob B: 1833, D: 1893
Van Valkenburg, Beulah Maude B: 1887, D: 1889
Van Valkenburg, Fred G. B: 1871
Van Valkenburg, Harman Beardsley B: 1837
Van Valkenburg, Joseph B: 1799, D: before 1870
Van Valkenburg, Kittie B: circa 1878
Van Valkenburg, Laurence Ray B: 1872, D: 1898
Van Valkenburg, Loyal B: circa 1805
Van Valkenburg, Maurice John B: 1877, D: 1945
Van Valkenburg, Menzo W. B: 1844, D: 1926
Van Valkenburg, Sadie May B: 1884, D: 1971
Van Valkenburg, Sarah B: circa 1842
Vernon, James B: circa 1869, D: 1922
Wagner, Climenia Eugenia B: 1869, D: 1941
Wagner, Edward Earl B: 1894, D: 1967
Wagner, Elizabeth B: 1858, D: 1933
Wagner, Ernest Howard B: 1908, D: 1994
Wagner, Flora Wilmetta B: 1876
Wagner, George Peter B: 1864, D: 1920
Wagner, Harry Ralph B: 1885, D: 1932
Wagner, Henry Allen B: 1860, D: 1909
Wagner, Jacob B: 1862
Wagner, John Phillip B: 1856, D: 1922
Wagner, Katherine Barbara B: 1866
Wagner, Philip George B: 1832, D: 1910
Walker, Daisey J. B: circa 1878
Walker, Erminnie M. B: circa 1866
Walker, Mary I. B: circa 1870
Walters, Greenbury Taylor B: circa 1853, D: 1922
Walters, Lina Bell B: circa 1876
Walton, George O. B: 1867
Walton, William S. B: 1868
Wax, Earl F. B: 1898
Wax, Isaac J. B: 1873, D: 1962
West, John Henry B: 1858, D: before 1940
Wheeler, Alfred B: circa 1827, D: before 1900
White, Burton B: circa 1885
Whited, Bertha B: circa 1878
Whited, Blanche Victoria B: 1893
Whited, Ennis A. B: 1863, D: 1923
Whited, Fanny B: after 1859
Whited, Luther B: circa 1859
Whited, Malinda W. B: circa 1852, D: after 1880
Whited, Mariah B: circa 1870
Whited, Mary Ann B: circa 1863, D: 1945
Whited, Mary L. B: circa 1875
Whited, Norman B: 1853, D: 1900
Whited, Sidney B: circa 1873
Whited, Simon B: 1867
Whited, Tama B: circa 1858
Whited, Wright B: circa 1856
Widener, Henry W. B: circa 1873
Widener, Viola B: circa 1875
Wilcox, Catherine L. B: circa 1855
Wiley, Alberta A. B: circa 1918
Wiley, George L. B: circa 1915
Wilkinson, Isaac P. B: circa 1853
Williams, Frank B: circa 1862
Wilson, Calvin W. B: circa 1929
Wilson, Emma M. B: 1857, D: 1923
Wilson, Everett Clyde B: 1892, D: 1970
Wilson, Everett J. B: 1923, D: 1973
Wilson, George M. B: 1874
Wilson, Guy Kit T. B: 1918, D: 1970
Wilson, Jane B: circa 1866
Wilson, Josiah Clarence B: 1926, D: 1952
Wilson, Lee A. B: circa 1905
Wilson, Madge M. B: circa 1899
Wilson, Mary Abigale B: 1876, D: 1916
Wilson, May L. B: circa 1865, D: 1957
Wilson, Olive Payne B: 1867, D: 1961
Wilson, Ray F. B: circa 1934
Wilson, Sarah Ellen B: circa 1872
Wink, Archie A. B: circa 1877
Wink, Charles W. B: circa 1905
Wink, Ernest L. B: circa 1909
Wink, Eugen A. B: circa 1916
Wink, Lillian B: circa 1912
Wolfe, Bessie Viva B: 1896, D: 1963
Wonderly, Gwendolyn B: circa 1916
Wonderly, James W. B: circa 1881
Wonderly, Nancy Ann B: 1934
Wood, Berton Roy B: 1880
Wood, Clara A. B: circa 1874
Wood, Lesta Teressa B: 1912
Wood, Oliver F. B: circa 1871
Woods, James I. Jr. B: circa 1870
Wright, Albert B: 1877
Wright, Elizabeth B: circa 1858
Wright, Eva B: 1879
Wurtzel, (?)
Young, Bertha Jeanetta B: circa 1883
Young, Esther Eleanor B: 1896, D: 1986
Young, Evelyn Pearl B: 1912, D: 1978
Young, Robert B: 1928
Young, William Jason B: 1846, D: 1919
Zenor, Clay B: circa 1908
Zenor, Ida Nelle B: circa 1904
Rhodes, William W. B: circa 1865
Rich, Georgia B: circa 1931
Richardson, Ralph B. B: 1883
Richmond, Leonard B: circa 1870
Rigdon, George Harvey B: 1848, D: 1910
Righter, Herald K. B: 1884
Ristine, Francis J. B: circa 1866
Ristine, Hiram M. B: circa 1876
Ristine, Orpha B: circa 1872
Roberts, Charlotte Elizabeth B: circa 1918
Robinson, Charles H. B: circa 1877
Robinson, George W. B: 1848
Robinson, Helen J. B: 1906
Robinson, Nora B: circa 1880
Robinson, Saddie B: circa 1867
Rogers, Margaret Jane B: 1853, D: 1902
Roser, Anna B: circa 1863
Ross, James W. B: circa 1879
Ross, Samantha E. B: circa 1869
Roush, Wortha B: 1888, D: 1965
Rowe, Georgianna Alma B: 1867, D: between 1938 and 1939
Royer, Isaac B: circa 1876
Royer, William B: circa 1878
Rush, Angela B: 1965, D: 2004
Russell, Oscar B: circa 1878
Schlünsen, Anna B: circa 1879
Schlünsen, Frederic B: circa 1876
Schlünsen, George B: 1874
Schlünsen, Marie K. B: circa 1874
Schlünsen, Rollo B: 1899
Scott, Ada C. B: 1886
Scott, Ada Lucinda B: 1860
Scott, Albert A. B: 1888
Scott, David A. B: 1893
Scott, Elisha Challen B: 1861
Scott, Emma J. B: 1888
Scott, Etta M. B: 1883
Scott, Fancie G. B: circa 1879
Scott, Ida L. B: 1891
Scott, Ida Louise B: circa 1858
Scott, Inez H. B: 1889
Scott, Lois J. B: 1892
Scott, Norman B. B: 1894
Scott, Ona B. B: 1885
Secrest, Jacob B: 1870, D: 1937
Shell, Margaret B: 1850, D: 1922
Shelley, Catherine B: circa 1845
Sheridan, Dora B: 1869
Sheridan, Earl K. B: 1872, D: 1932
Sheridan, Ethel B: 1880, D: 1912
Sheridan, Lyman B. B: 1874, D: 1916
Sheridan, Mary Frances B: 1867, D: 1928
Sheridan, Maud B: circa 1879, D: 1907
Sheridan, Melissa B: 1844, D: 1871
Sheridan, Roscoe B: 1876, D: 1910
Shippey, William B: 1866, D: 1900
Simon, Laura Jane B: 1867, D: 1949
Sisson, Benjamin H. B: circa 1859
Sisson, Ellsworth B: circa 1862
Sisson, Elsie S. B: circa 1862
Sisson, James W. B: circa 1864
Sisson, Jennettie C. B: circa 1865
Sisson, Leander Walter B: 1863, D: 1944
Sisson, Margaret Ellen B: circa 1868
Slinker, Curtis B: circa 1870
Slinker, Eustace B: circa 1872
Slinker, Nettie B: circa 1878
Small, Robert L. B: circa 1908
Smith, Andrew B: circa 1876
Smith, Celia B: circa 1879
Smith, Charlotte B: circa 1876
Smith, Fredericka B: circa 1878
Smith, Garry B: circa 1872
Smith, John J. B: circa 1845
Smith, Mahala B: circa 1859
Smith, Maitable E. B: circa 1874
Smith, Maria B: 1882
Smith, Marion H. B: circa 1867
Smith, Mary B: circa 1862
Smith, Mina B: circa 1871
Smith, Minas E. B: circa 1876
Smith, Molly L. B: 1876
Smith, Rachel B: 1825
Smith, Ronald Gibson B: 1902, D: 1988
Smith, Rosa B: 1880
Smith, Sarah Jane B: 1855, D: 1922
Smith, Thomas B: circa 1876
Smith, Willard B: 1885
Smith, William B: circa 1874
Smith, William B: 1880
Snelson, William C. B: 1830, D: 1853
Snodgrass, Frank M. B: circa 1864
Snyder, Charles W. B: circa 1901
Snyder, Emry B: circa 1895
Snyder, Freda M. B: circa 1905
Snyder, Helen G. B: 1914
South, Eulalie B: 1872, D: 1950
South, Joseph B: 1871, D: 1928
South, Martha Ellen B: 1868, D: 1952
South, Mary Jane B: 1867, D: 1908
Stannard, Lydia Phoebe B: 1864, D: 1931
Stanton, Alice N. B: 1889, D: 1916
Stanton, Ester B: 1887
Stanton, Francis L. B: 1830, D: 1924
Stanton, Maud E. B: 1883
Stanton, Melvin T. B: 1897, D: 1968
Stanton, Seldon E. B: 1894, D: 1986
Stearns, Ammita B: circa 1862
Steruer, Charley B: circa 1865
Steruer, James B: circa 1870
Stillman, Jay
Stillwell, Edwin Elsworth B: circa 1875, D: 1885
Stonehocker, Lillie Faye B: 1889, D: 1968
Stuber, Eva B: 1837, D: 1901
Sturgeon, Minnie B: 1869
Sullivan, Eva Mary B: 1887, D: 1963
Swift, Dean B: 1862
Symons, Aaron B: 1836, D: 1900
Teal, Jennie B: circa 1863
Terpenning, Clarissa Jane B: 1862, D: 1945
Terpenning, Cora E. B: 1872
Thomas, Charles T. B: circa 1906
Timmons, Elizabeth Maude B: 1870, D: 1968
Trescott, Florance B: 1858
Trescott, Royal Pier B: 1867
Trim, Frances B: 1873, D: 1937
Tufts, Lilian B: circa 1874
Tuttle, Ethzeldia Ann B: 1869, D: 1922
Tuttle, Ira A. B: 1872
Tuttle, William Thompson B: 1847, D: 1924
Underwood, (?)
Underwood, Joseph B: circa 1868
Van Valkenburg, Alvin Bagley B: 1845
Van Valkenburg, Bartholomew Jacob B: 1833, D: 1893
Van Valkenburg, Beulah Maude B: 1887, D: 1889
Van Valkenburg, Fred G. B: 1871
Van Valkenburg, Harman Beardsley B: 1837
Van Valkenburg, Joseph B: 1799, D: before 1870
Van Valkenburg, Kittie B: circa 1878
Van Valkenburg, Laurence Ray B: 1872, D: 1898
Van Valkenburg, Loyal B: circa 1805
Van Valkenburg, Maurice John B: 1877, D: 1945
Van Valkenburg, Menzo W. B: 1844, D: 1926
Van Valkenburg, Sadie May B: 1884, D: 1971
Van Valkenburg, Sarah B: circa 1842
Vernon, James B: circa 1869, D: 1922
Wagner, Climenia Eugenia B: 1869, D: 1941
Wagner, Edward Earl B: 1894, D: 1967
Wagner, Elizabeth B: 1858, D: 1933
Wagner, Ernest Howard B: 1908, D: 1994
Wagner, Flora Wilmetta B: 1876
Wagner, George Peter B: 1864, D: 1920
Wagner, Harry Ralph B: 1885, D: 1932
Wagner, Henry Allen B: 1860, D: 1909
Wagner, Jacob B: 1862
Wagner, John Phillip B: 1856, D: 1922
Wagner, Katherine Barbara B: 1866
Wagner, Philip George B: 1832, D: 1910
Walker, Daisey J. B: circa 1878
Walker, Erminnie M. B: circa 1866
Walker, Mary I. B: circa 1870
Walters, Greenbury Taylor B: circa 1853, D: 1922
Walters, Lina Bell B: circa 1876
Walton, George O. B: 1867
Walton, William S. B: 1868
Wax, Earl F. B: 1898
Wax, Isaac J. B: 1873, D: 1962
West, John Henry B: 1858, D: before 1940
Wheeler, Alfred B: circa 1827, D: before 1900
White, Burton B: circa 1885
Whited, Bertha B: circa 1878
Whited, Blanche Victoria B: 1893
Whited, Ennis A. B: 1863, D: 1923
Whited, Fanny B: after 1859
Whited, Luther B: circa 1859
Whited, Malinda W. B: circa 1852, D: after 1880
Whited, Mariah B: circa 1870
Whited, Mary Ann B: circa 1863, D: 1945
Whited, Mary L. B: circa 1875
Whited, Norman B: 1853, D: 1900
Whited, Sidney B: circa 1873
Whited, Simon B: 1867
Whited, Tama B: circa 1858
Whited, Wright B: circa 1856
Widener, Henry W. B: circa 1873
Widener, Viola B: circa 1875
Wilcox, Catherine L. B: circa 1855
Wiley, Alberta A. B: circa 1918
Wiley, George L. B: circa 1915
Wilkinson, Isaac P. B: circa 1853
Williams, Frank B: circa 1862
Wilson, Calvin W. B: circa 1929
Wilson, Emma M. B: 1857, D: 1923
Wilson, Everett Clyde B: 1892, D: 1970
Wilson, Everett J. B: 1923, D: 1973
Wilson, George M. B: 1874
Wilson, Guy Kit T. B: 1918, D: 1970
Wilson, Jane B: circa 1866
Wilson, Josiah Clarence B: 1926, D: 1952
Wilson, Lee A. B: circa 1905
Wilson, Madge M. B: circa 1899
Wilson, Mary Abigale B: 1876, D: 1916
Wilson, May L. B: circa 1865, D: 1957
Wilson, Olive Payne B: 1867, D: 1961
Wilson, Ray F. B: circa 1934
Wilson, Sarah Ellen B: circa 1872
Wink, Archie A. B: circa 1877
Wink, Charles W. B: circa 1905
Wink, Ernest L. B: circa 1909
Wink, Eugen A. B: circa 1916
Wink, Lillian B: circa 1912
Wolfe, Bessie Viva B: 1896, D: 1963
Wonderly, Gwendolyn B: circa 1916
Wonderly, James W. B: circa 1881
Wonderly, Nancy Ann B: 1934
Wood, Berton Roy B: 1880
Wood, Clara A. B: circa 1874
Wood, Lesta Teressa B: 1912
Wood, Oliver F. B: circa 1871
Woods, James I. Jr. B: circa 1870
Wright, Albert B: 1877
Wright, Elizabeth B: circa 1858
Wright, Eva B: 1879
Wurtzel, (?)
Young, Bertha Jeanetta B: circa 1883
Young, Esther Eleanor B: 1896, D: 1986
Young, Evelyn Pearl B: 1912, D: 1978
Young, Robert B: 1928
Young, William Jason B: 1846, D: 1919
Zenor, Clay B: circa 1908
Zenor, Ida Nelle B: circa 1904
Adair County
Grove Twp.
Knutson, Jacobina N. B: 1872, D: 1899
Provin, Fanny Anne B: 1898, D: 1954
Provin, Sybil Mae B: 1895, D: 1957
Provin, Fanny Anne B: 1898, D: 1954
Provin, Sybil Mae B: 1895, D: 1957
Lincoln Twp.
Hawthorne, (?) B: 1889, D: 1900
Adams County
Lincoln Center
Tuttle, Ira A. B: 1872
Allamakee County
Van Valkenburg, Eva B: circa 1857
Van Valkenburg, Lewis D. B: circa 1856
Van Valkenburg, Rosanna B: circa 1855
Van Valkenburg, Lewis D. B: circa 1856
Van Valkenburg, Rosanna B: circa 1855
Franklin Twp.
Appanoose County
Spitler, Anna B: 1795, D: before 1880
Yapp, Sarah Alice B: 1868, D: 1946
Leavell, Amanda B: circa 1851
Leavell, Oliver B: circa 1866
Spitler, Anna B: 1795, D: before 1880
Whistler, Susannah B: 1821, D: 1903
Leavell, Oliver B: circa 1866
Spitler, Anna B: 1795, D: before 1880
Whistler, Susannah B: 1821, D: 1903
Udell Twp.
Leavell, Benjamin Wood B: 1814, D: 1867
Audobon County
Andrews, David B: 1873
Clement, Flora M. B: 1858, D: 1951
Delong, Etta Birdella B: 1880
Delong, Stephen Floyd B: 1882
Delong, William Wylie B: 1857
Clement, Flora M. B: 1858, D: 1951
Delong, Etta Birdella B: 1880
Delong, Stephen Floyd B: 1882
Delong, William Wylie B: 1857
Audubon County
Herrick, Alvin B: circa 1869
Herrick, Curtis Deforest B: 1876, D: 1959
Herrick, Judson Deforest B: 1844, D: 1919
Herrick, Lenora B: circa 1872
Roser, Anna B: circa 1863
Roser, Louisa B: circa 1848
Herrick, Curtis Deforest B: 1876, D: 1959
Herrick, Judson Deforest B: 1844, D: 1919
Herrick, Lenora B: circa 1872
Roser, Anna B: circa 1863
Roser, Louisa B: circa 1848
Benton County
Terpenning, Annie C. B: 1875
Belle Plaine
Boody, Dorothy Mae B: 1911, D: 2000
Quigley, Cynthia Ann B: 1846, D: 1917
Walton, George Douglas B: 1846, D: 1917
Walton, Samuel J. B: 1844, D: 1926
Quigley, Cynthia Ann B: 1846, D: 1917
Walton, George Douglas B: 1846, D: 1917
Walton, Samuel J. B: 1844, D: 1926
1640 13th Street
Oak Hill Cemetery
Stillwell, Edwin Elsworth B: circa 1875, D: 1885
Stillwell, Ida Jane B: 1867, D: 1918
Stillwell, Russell Hiram B: 1874, D: 1948
Stillwell, Viola Catherine B: 1871, D: 1872
Stillwell, William Cornelius B: 1869
Stillwell, Ida Jane B: 1867, D: 1918
Stillwell, Russell Hiram B: 1874, D: 1948
Stillwell, Viola Catherine B: 1871, D: 1872
Stillwell, William Cornelius B: 1869
Homer Twp.
Terpenning, Emma L. B: 1859, D: 1882
Terpenning, Marvin Elmer B: 1860, D: 1936
Turpenning, Franklin Billington B: 1835, D: 1931
Terpenning, Marvin Elmer B: 1860, D: 1936
Turpenning, Franklin Billington B: 1835, D: 1931
Post Office: Redden
Slotte, Polly B: 1787, D: 1860
Terpenning, Emma L. B: 1859, D: 1882
Turpenning, Franklin Billington B: 1835, D: 1931
Walton, Lovina B: 1840, D: 1920
Terpenning, Emma L. B: 1859, D: 1882
Turpenning, Franklin Billington B: 1835, D: 1931
Walton, Lovina B: 1840, D: 1920
Iowa Twp.
Smith, Andrew W. B: circa 1847
Smith, Charlotte B: circa 1876
Smith, Fredericka B: circa 1878
Smith, Garry B: circa 1872
Smith, Rosa B: 1880
Smith, Thomas B: circa 1849
Smith, William B: circa 1874
Walton, Sarah Ann B: 1851, D: 1915
Smith, Charlotte B: circa 1876
Smith, Fredericka B: circa 1878
Smith, Garry B: circa 1872
Smith, Rosa B: 1880
Smith, Thomas B: circa 1849
Smith, William B: circa 1874
Walton, Sarah Ann B: 1851, D: 1915
(?), Harriet B: circa 1849
Klingelhofer, Emma B: circa 1873
Klingelhofer, Henry B: circa 1838
Klingelhofer, John B: circa 1858
Klingelhofer, John L B: 1871
Klingelhofer, Rose B: circa 1868
Klingelhofer, Emma B: circa 1873
Klingelhofer, Henry B: circa 1838
Klingelhofer, John B: circa 1858
Klingelhofer, John L B: 1871
Klingelhofer, Rose B: circa 1868
Evergreen Cemetery
Big Prairie
Van Valkenburg, Lester L. B: 1875
Black Hawk County
Dodson, Lola M. B: 1917, D: 1981
Cedar Falls
Cedar Heights
Bartlett, Arthur E. B: 1872, D: 1931
748 Rainbow Drive
East Waterloo City
Bartlett, Arthur E. B: 1872, D: 1931
502 Albany Street
Bartlett, Arthur E. B: 1872, D: 1931
Bartlett, Elias S. B: 1845, D: 1934
Bartlett, Florence B: circa 1906
Bartlett, Harold B: circa 1904
Bartlett, Kenneth B: circa 1908
Bartlett, Leslie E. B: 1897, D: 1975
Bartlett, Mary B: circa 1900
Crandall, Sybill May B: 1878
Bartlett, Elias S. B: 1845, D: 1934
Bartlett, Florence B: circa 1906
Bartlett, Harold B: circa 1904
Bartlett, Kenneth B: circa 1908
Bartlett, Leslie E. B: 1897, D: 1975
Bartlett, Mary B: circa 1900
Crandall, Sybill May B: 1878
510 East 4th Street
Bartlett, Arthur E. B: 1872, D: 1931
Bartlett, Leslie E. B: 1897, D: 1975
Crandall, Sybill May B: 1878
Bartlett, Leslie E. B: 1897, D: 1975
Crandall, Sybill May B: 1878
La Porte City
Van Valkenburg, Irene B: 1890, D: 1960
Gillson, Blanche Jane B: 1901, D: 1994
McKeel, Sarah Susan B: 1865, D: 1953
O'Conner, James Michael B: 1929
Short, Wendell L. B: 1896, D: 1971
Van Valkenburg, Earl Lamont B: 1879, D: circa 1969
McKeel, Sarah Susan B: 1865, D: 1953
O'Conner, James Michael B: 1929
Short, Wendell L. B: 1896, D: 1971
Van Valkenburg, Earl Lamont B: 1879, D: circa 1969
Waterloo City
(?), Mary J. B: circa 1857
Bartlett, Arthur E. B: 1872, D: 1931
Bartlett, Harold B: circa 1904
Bartlett, Leslie E. B: 1897, D: 1975
Bartlett, Owen W. B: circa 1913
Crandall, Sybill May B: 1878
Heer, Earl O. B: circa 1901
Heer, Evelyn B: circa 1920
Page, Caroline Lang B: 1855, D: 1940
Bartlett, Arthur E. B: 1872, D: 1931
Bartlett, Harold B: circa 1904
Bartlett, Leslie E. B: 1897, D: 1975
Bartlett, Owen W. B: circa 1913
Crandall, Sybill May B: 1878
Heer, Earl O. B: circa 1901
Heer, Evelyn B: circa 1920
Page, Caroline Lang B: 1855, D: 1940
133 Falls Avenue
(?), Bessie E. B: circa 1901
Heer, Charlotte B: circa 1924
Heer, Earl O. B: circa 1901
Heer, Evelyn B: circa 1920
Heer, James B: circa 1926
Heer, Robert Burton B: 1921
Heer, Charlotte B: circa 1924
Heer, Earl O. B: circa 1901
Heer, Evelyn B: circa 1920
Heer, James B: circa 1926
Heer, Robert Burton B: 1921
301 Whittier Avenue
515 Dane Street
(?), Mary J. B: circa 1857
Bartlett, Florence B: circa 1906
Bartlett, Harold B: circa 1904
Bartlett, Kenneth B: circa 1908
Bartlett, Lela B. B: circa 1911
Bartlett, Owen W. B: circa 1913
Crandall, Sybill May B: 1878
Bartlett, Florence B: circa 1906
Bartlett, Harold B: circa 1904
Bartlett, Kenneth B: circa 1908
Bartlett, Lela B. B: circa 1911
Bartlett, Owen W. B: circa 1913
Crandall, Sybill May B: 1878
909 Fairview Avenue
(?), Dorothy B: circa 1907
Bartlett, Gerald B: circa 1928
Bartlett, Harold B: circa 1904
Bartlett, William B: circa 1930
Bartlett, Gerald B: circa 1928
Bartlett, Harold B: circa 1904
Bartlett, William B: circa 1930
91 Commercial Street
Leavitt Street
Synodical Presbyterian Hospital
Bartlett, Arthur E. B: 1872, D: 1931
Blackhawk County
Cantrell, Mary Jeannette B: 1887, D: 1970
Boone County
Holcomb, Blanche
Lewis, Eva Zoe B: 1884, D: 1917
McCracken, Martha J. B: 1845
Peoples, Henrietta B: circa 1842, D: before 1900
Rhodes, Daniel J. B: circa 1871
Rhodes, Enos B: 1837, D: before 1910
Rhodes, John E. B: circa 1875
Rhodes, Lewis B: circa 1842
Smith, Effie M.
Wilson, Timothy B: 1806, D: 1887
Lewis, Eva Zoe B: 1884, D: 1917
McCracken, Martha J. B: 1845
Peoples, Henrietta B: circa 1842, D: before 1900
Rhodes, Daniel J. B: circa 1871
Rhodes, Enos B: 1837, D: before 1910
Rhodes, John E. B: circa 1875
Rhodes, Lewis B: circa 1842
Smith, Effie M.
Wilson, Timothy B: 1806, D: 1887
Knisley, Richard B: 1829, D: 1906
Eastern Star Masonic Home
Carlson, Wendell Westrum B: 1914, D: 2014
Hearthstone Memory Care Unit of the Eastern Star Masonic Home
Williams, Ruth Elaine B: 1916, D: 2012
Mall, Mary Elizabeth Riener B: 1892, D: 1968
Brennan, James Charles B: 1867, D: 1922
(?), Alice J. B: 1852
(?), Dora L. B: 1878
Peoples, Henrietta B: circa 1842, D: before 1900
Rhoads, Ambert L. B: 1867
Rhoads, Clifford L. B: circa 1901
Rhodes, Cairy J. B: circa 1872
Rhodes, Daisy B: 1878
Rhodes, Edith G. B: circa 1873
Rhodes, Enos B: 1837, D: before 1910
Rhodes, George W. B: circa 1873
Rhodes, Gilbert O. B: circa 1879
Rhodes, Huetta B: 1865
Rhodes, Hugh B: 1844, D: before 1930
Rhodes, Ida M. B: circa 1877
Rhodes, John B: circa 1840
Rhodes, John E. B: circa 1875
Rhodes, Levina S. B: circa 1875
Rhodes, Lucy L. B: circa 1869
Rhodes, May B: circa 1863
Rhodes, Walter B: 1869
Torbett, Mary B: 1850
(?), Dora L. B: 1878
Peoples, Henrietta B: circa 1842, D: before 1900
Rhoads, Ambert L. B: 1867
Rhoads, Clifford L. B: circa 1901
Rhodes, Cairy J. B: circa 1872
Rhodes, Daisy B: 1878
Rhodes, Edith G. B: circa 1873
Rhodes, Enos B: 1837, D: before 1910
Rhodes, George W. B: circa 1873
Rhodes, Gilbert O. B: circa 1879
Rhodes, Huetta B: 1865
Rhodes, Hugh B: 1844, D: before 1930
Rhodes, Ida M. B: circa 1877
Rhodes, John B: circa 1840
Rhodes, John E. B: circa 1875
Rhodes, Levina S. B: circa 1875
Rhodes, Lucy L. B: circa 1869
Rhodes, May B: circa 1863
Rhodes, Walter B: 1869
Torbett, Mary B: 1850
Bremer County
Bartlett, Zenas Zelotus B: 1818, D: 1893
Suiter, Mina Maud B: 1884, D: 1970
Lafayette Twp.
Bartlett, Edwin B: 1893, D: 1978
Bartlett, Ellen D. B: circa 1908
Bartlett, Franklin R. B: 1858, D: 1933
Bartlett, Nettie B: 1891
Bartlett, Thelma G.L. B: circa 1903
Bartlett, Thelma G.L. B: circa 1903
Cole, Emma A. B: 1867, D: 1945
Bartlett, Ellen D. B: circa 1908
Bartlett, Franklin R. B: 1858, D: 1933
Bartlett, Nettie B: 1891
Bartlett, Thelma G.L. B: circa 1903
Bartlett, Thelma G.L. B: circa 1903
Cole, Emma A. B: 1867, D: 1945
Polk Twp.
Bartlett, Edwin B: 1893, D: 1978
Bartlett, Elmer C. B: 1887
Bartlett, Franklin R. B: 1858, D: 1933
Bartlett, Irene B: 1891
Bartlett, Leola B: 1886
Bartlett, Milton Ward B: 1897, D: 1903
Bartlett, Milton Zenas B: 1860, D: 1948
Bartlett, Nettie B: 1891
Bartlett, Ola Belle B: 1895
Bartlett, Phoebe Cynthia B: 1886, D: 1958
Bartlett, Roy B: 1889, D: before 1910
Cole, Emma A. B: 1867, D: 1945
Stannard, Lydia Phoebe B: 1864, D: 1931
Bartlett, Elmer C. B: 1887
Bartlett, Franklin R. B: 1858, D: 1933
Bartlett, Irene B: 1891
Bartlett, Leola B: 1886
Bartlett, Milton Ward B: 1897, D: 1903
Bartlett, Milton Zenas B: 1860, D: 1948
Bartlett, Nettie B: 1891
Bartlett, Ola Belle B: 1895
Bartlett, Phoebe Cynthia B: 1886, D: 1958
Bartlett, Roy B: 1889, D: before 1910
Cole, Emma A. B: 1867, D: 1945
Stannard, Lydia Phoebe B: 1864, D: 1931
3369 120th Street
Wilson Grove Cemetery
Cantrell, Ephraim M. B: 1890, D: 1960
(?), Ruby E. B: circa 1899
Bartlett, Edwin B: 1893, D: 1978
Bartlett, Meryl B: circa 1927
Bartlett, Mildred B: circa 1925
Bartlett, Ruth B: circa 1929
Clifton, Francis Marion B: 1866, D: 1934
Bartlett, Edwin B: 1893, D: 1978
Bartlett, Meryl B: circa 1927
Bartlett, Mildred B: circa 1925
Bartlett, Ruth B: circa 1929
Clifton, Francis Marion B: 1866, D: 1934
Buchanan County
Baldwin, Newton B: 1835, D: 1901
Blunt, Floyd Harrison B: 1891, D: 1970
Bromley, Olevia B: 1835
Neale, Paul Calmese B: 1891, D: 1975
Blunt, Floyd Harrison B: 1891, D: 1970
Bromley, Olevia B: 1835
Neale, Paul Calmese B: 1891, D: 1975
Short, Wendell L. B: 1896, D: 1971
Fontana Cemetery
McCright, Raymond Burton B: 1918, D: 1980
Mechler, Emma B: 1861, D: 1949
Phelps, Opal Mae B: 1913, D: 1989
Turner, Margery Ellen B: 1923, D: 2008
Mechler, Emma B: 1861, D: 1949
Phelps, Opal Mae B: 1913, D: 1989
Turner, Margery Ellen B: 1923, D: 2008
Mount Hope Cemetery
Phelps, Opal Mae B: 1913, D: 1989
People's Memorial Hospital
Wilson Cemetery
Clinton, Homer William B: 1906, D: 1976
Price, Buddy Lester B: 1923, D: 1991
Price, Genevieve Louise B: 1921, D: 1955
Price, Hazel P. B: circa 1928
Price, Lillian Sarah B: 1915, D: 2015
Price, Milton Johnson B: 1882, D: 1947
Price, Orville M. B: 1913, D: 1995
Price, Robert Dean B: 1926, D: 2002
Price, Wilfred T. B: 1918, D: 1978
Sullivan, Eva Mary B: 1887, D: 1963
Price, Genevieve Louise B: 1921, D: 1955
Price, Hazel P. B: circa 1928
Price, Lillian Sarah B: 1915, D: 2015
Price, Milton Johnson B: 1882, D: 1947
Price, Orville M. B: 1913, D: 1995
Price, Robert Dean B: 1926, D: 2002
Price, Wilfred T. B: 1918, D: 1978
Sullivan, Eva Mary B: 1887, D: 1963
Quasqueton Cemetery
Clinton, Gerald E. B: 1933, D: 1986
Lange, Helga Amanda B: 1917, D: 1982
Wheatley, Benjamin Walter B: 1915, D: 2010
Lange, Helga Amanda B: 1917, D: 1982
Wheatley, Benjamin Walter B: 1915, D: 2010
Rowley Cemetery
Rowley Presbyterian Church
Price, Buddy Lester B: 1923, D: 1991
Buchannon County
Reid, Rosa May B: 1869, D: 1944
Buena Vista County
DeGriselles, Philip B: 1879, D: 1965
Albert City
Johnson, Helen Jenora B: 1921, D: 2013
Talcott, Florence Gail Scott B: 1893, D: 1978
Christensen, Mervin Nelson B: 1915, D: 1996
Cross, Dorothy Edith B: 1917, D: 2011
Ekstam, Esther Louvis Mathilda B: 1885, D: 1983
Freeman, Alida Cordelia B: 1879, D: 1935
Grieve, Janet Elizabeth B: 1887, D: 1942
Hitchcock, Cyrus Jesse B: 1886, D: 1947
Hitchcock, Dureth Helen Augusta B: 1919
Hitchcock, Frances Vivian B: 1914, D: 1917
Hitchcock, Henry Vernon B: 1888, D: 1965
Hitchcock, John Algernon B: 1882, D: 1967
Hitchcock, Scott Vernon B: 1915, D: 1982
McCain, Isabelle Henry B: 1856, D: 1942
Mileham, James Herchell B: 1917, D: 1984
Scott, Lois Lucia B: 1887, D: 1949
Ekstam, Esther Louvis Mathilda B: 1885, D: 1983
Freeman, Alida Cordelia B: 1879, D: 1935
Grieve, Janet Elizabeth B: 1887, D: 1942
Hitchcock, Cyrus Jesse B: 1886, D: 1947
Hitchcock, Dureth Helen Augusta B: 1919
Hitchcock, Frances Vivian B: 1914, D: 1917
Hitchcock, Henry Vernon B: 1888, D: 1965
Hitchcock, John Algernon B: 1882, D: 1967
Hitchcock, Scott Vernon B: 1915, D: 1982
McCain, Isabelle Henry B: 1856, D: 1942
Mileham, James Herchell B: 1917, D: 1984
Scott, Lois Lucia B: 1887, D: 1949
Storm Lake
Cowles, Rosa B: 1877, D: 1961
Dewell, Dennis Duane B: 1941, D: 1967
Johnson, Helen Jenora B: 1921, D: 2013
Mileham, Walter Lyle B: 1919, D: 2006
Mileham, Walter Lyle Jr. B: 1952, D: 2003
North, Jesse G. B: 1867, D: 1954
Rubel, Louis Herman B: 1900, D: 1968
Wilson, May Lucille B: 1909, D: 1995
Dewell, Dennis Duane B: 1941, D: 1967
Johnson, Helen Jenora B: 1921, D: 2013
Mileham, Walter Lyle B: 1919, D: 2006
Mileham, Walter Lyle Jr. B: 1952, D: 2003
North, Jesse G. B: 1867, D: 1954
Rubel, Louis Herman B: 1900, D: 1968
Wilson, May Lucille B: 1909, D: 1995
1525 West 5th Street
Buena Vista County Hospital
Hitchcock, Iva May B: 1879, D: 1964
Storm Lake Cemetery
Johnson, Helen Jenora B: 1921, D: 2013
Mileham, Walter Lyle B: 1919, D: 2006
Mileham, Walter Lyle Jr. B: 1952, D: 2003
Mileham, Walter Lyle B: 1919, D: 2006
Mileham, Walter Lyle Jr. B: 1952, D: 2003
Butler County
Fremont Twp.
(?), Betsy B: circa 1830
Anderson, Annie B: circa 1863
Anderson, Augusta B: 1859
Bartlett, Elias S. B: 1845, D: 1934
Bartlett, Francis C. B: 1858, D: 1927
Bartlett, Franklin R. B: 1858, D: 1933
Bartlett, John I. B: 1853
Bartlett, Le Roy B: 1878
Bartlett, Leonard B: 1866, D: 1953
Bartlett, Milton Zenas B: 1860, D: 1948
Bartlett, Reuben Walter B: 1869, D: 1961
Bartlett, Zenas Zelotus B: 1818, D: 1893
Lewis, Phoebe E. B: 1823, D: 1902
Lewis, Samuel M. B: 1826, D: 1895
Stannard, Lydia Phoebe B: 1864, D: 1931
Anderson, Annie B: circa 1863
Anderson, Augusta B: 1859
Bartlett, Elias S. B: 1845, D: 1934
Bartlett, Francis C. B: 1858, D: 1927
Bartlett, Franklin R. B: 1858, D: 1933
Bartlett, John I. B: 1853
Bartlett, Le Roy B: 1878
Bartlett, Leonard B: 1866, D: 1953
Bartlett, Milton Zenas B: 1860, D: 1948
Bartlett, Reuben Walter B: 1869, D: 1961
Bartlett, Zenas Zelotus B: 1818, D: 1893
Lewis, Phoebe E. B: 1823, D: 1902
Lewis, Samuel M. B: 1826, D: 1895
Stannard, Lydia Phoebe B: 1864, D: 1931
Shell Rock
Calhoun County
Jackson Twp.
Dawley, Lucy Melissa B: 1821, D: 1906
McDaniel, Calista Elizabeth B: 1854, D: 1943
McDaniel, Edward Everett B: 1862, D: 1936
McDaniel, Moses E. B: 1822, D: 1881
McDaniel, Calista Elizabeth B: 1854, D: 1943
McDaniel, Edward Everett B: 1862, D: 1936
McDaniel, Moses E. B: 1822, D: 1881
Lake City
East, Cecile Garnet B: 1894, D: 1983
East, James Templeton B: 1863, D: 1929
McDaniel, Moses E. B: 1822, D: 1881
East, James Templeton B: 1863, D: 1929
McDaniel, Moses E. B: 1822, D: 1881
Lake City Cemetery
McDaniel, Moses E. B: 1822, D: 1881
Van Valkenburg, Edith H. B: 1886, D: 1957
Rockwell City
Martens, Patricia Ann B: 1929
Carroll County
Williams, Dorothy Marie B: 1924, D: 1994
Lewis, Nelson J. B: 1847, D: 1863
Glidden Twp.
Dakota Street
Butler, Laura Jane B: 1815, D: 1889
Union Twp.
Walton, Mariah Jane B: 1857, D: after 1917
Wright, Albert B: 1877
Wright, Eva B: 1879
Wright, Thomas Jefferson B: 1854
Wright, Albert B: 1877
Wright, Eva B: 1879
Wright, Thomas Jefferson B: 1854
Cass County
Lane, Lucy Elvira B: 1882, D: 1942
Lane, Stella Viola B: 1879, D: 1954
Sewell, Gladys N. B: 1905, D: 1973
Surber, Ruth Maria B: circa 1830, D: 1870
Whited, Lazarus B: 1818, D: 1889
Lane, Stella Viola B: 1879, D: 1954
Sewell, Gladys N. B: 1905, D: 1973
Surber, Ruth Maria B: circa 1830, D: 1870
Whited, Lazarus B: 1818, D: 1889
Birge, Marie May B: 1924, D: 1978
Clark, Ichabod B: 1786, D: 1847
Engle, John Frederick B: 1864, D: 1941
Hefler, Nancy Adelaide B: 1874, D: 1950
McQuade, Isabella B: 1792, D: 1868
Robison, Mary B: 1835, D: 1897
Smith, Sarah Jane B: 1855, D: 1922
Clark, Ichabod B: 1786, D: 1847
Engle, John Frederick B: 1864, D: 1941
Hefler, Nancy Adelaide B: 1874, D: 1950
McQuade, Isabella B: 1792, D: 1868
Robison, Mary B: 1835, D: 1897
Smith, Sarah Jane B: 1855, D: 1922